Care Provider Essays (Examples)

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Care provider
Ms. X was a pre-diabetic woman with a young teenage daughter. I was asked to treat Ms. X to help her stabilize her blood sugar to reduce the likelihood that she would be dependent upon insulin in the near future. Given Ms. X's unstable lifestyle, I was concerned about her ability to manage an insulin injection schedule. Also, non-drug intervention is always favored as an initial treatment for type II diabetes.

Health promoter

When working with Ms. X, I stressed the positive aspects of improving her health. I pointed out how weight loss would lessen the burden on her joints and make life easier. I also stressed how small steps in eating more healthfully and taking moderate exercise would improve her health incrementally.


Weight loss and lifestyle changes are difficult, so it is essential to understand the patient's lifestyle rather than merely give a generic prescription to move more and eat….

Quality of Work Life for Health Care Providers
The commitment of health professionals, nurses included, has been found to be profoundly influenced by their Quality of Work Life. Yet, there is limited information on QWL and intention of the turnover of primary health care nurses. This study aims at establishing the relationship between QWL and the turn over intention of the primary health care providers (nurses, physicians, etc.) in iyadh.

There will be a survey that cuts across the spectrum of nursing practice. Brooks' survey 'Quality of Nursing Work Life' will be used to collect data, establish the expected scale of their turnover and use data questions based on demographics. The sample that took part in the study was identified with the application of purposive quota approach. The participants selected will be requested to attend take part in interviews, following the survey activity. The primary health care providers in three of iyadh's….

EMS and Paramedics Carry Guns on the Job
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are a form of emergency service, whose main objective is to provide acute medical care, transportation to healthcare organizations, including special medical transport to patients of attacks due to act of terror and others of the same kind. In addition, the emergency medical services are also locally referred to as paramedic service. Other countries across the globe refer them as first aid squad, emergency squad, rescue squad, or ambulance squad. Their services mainly include the transportation of patients to other definitive points of care for them to receive urgent care. They also engage in a timely removal of patients who require the urgent medical intervention to other points of care. The job description of these personnel comes with substantial risks.

This is because the personnel put their lives at risk more than the common citizens (Grady and Revkin). Notably, there….

Morality of Assisted Suicide
Assisted suicide for terminally ill patients may be one of the most morally complex issues facing today's society, with a particular impact on modern healthcare workers. Modern medicine has progressed to a point where, in many instances, life can be prolonged for significant periods of time, well beyond when people would have died of terminal diseases in prior times. However, there have not been similar advances on the other side of the issue; death remains a relatively unchartered part of the healthcare spectrum, and there have not been significant advances in helping patients who no longer wish to extend their lives, but hasten the end of their lives and end their suffering. The choices remain limited for healthcare workers, who, in providing any type of euthanasia are seen as assisting suicide. This is a deeply morally complex issue. The taboo against the taking of human life,….

Care Providers and Insurance

The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is sure to change the way EMS operate in the coming years. Accountable Care Organizations (ACO), for instance, are now responsible for overseeing how reimbursements are paid out to those agencies that provide health care -- and at the same time they are responsible for gauging whether or not quality care is delivered by providers (Koury et al., 2014). This is a tall order for a new functioning body and the ACOs tasked with these orders will have an indirect impact on how EMS operates. To see how that impact will be effected, an examination of the ACOs and hospitals interact requires examination -- because it is that interaction that will inevitably alter the way in which the EMS goes about their business. This paper will examine the relationship between the ACA, ACOs, hospitals and EMS and show how an….

Kenyan Healthcare Assessment
Across the globe, manmade and natural calamities are on the rise, occurring almost every single day and having destructive effects on individual people, households and entire communities. People's lifestyles and quality of life are undermined by both minor and major catastrophes. The African continent has long struggled with internal conflicts that have had destructive impacts, threatening its inhabitants' survival. Extensive casualties have resulted from these occurrences. It is an undisputed fact that war and conflict interferes with communities' social, religious, economic and educational dimensions. This section attempts to understand disaster-related emergency preparedness and healthcare scenario in the epublic of Kenya.

Just like a majority of other African nations, Kenya has encountered manmade and natural catastrophes that have led to huge losses of life. One good example would be the 2007-08 post-election clashes. The nation witnessed largely politically-initiated inter-community fights that had immense, large-scale consequences. Hence, its healthcare department….

Healthcare Administration -- New York State Care Act
The New York State Care (Caregiver Advise, ecord and Enable) Act was implemented into law in April this year. The development and enactment of this law is geared toward having a positive effect on caregivers who assist patients and family members recover in the aftermath of hospital admission. The legislation ensures patients in healthcare facilities can assign a family caregiver and the facility provides the designated caregiver instruction and illustrations of medical tasks they are likely to offer their loved ones at home. However, the implementation of this initiative across hospitals such as Winthrop Hospital has been characterized by several challenges that could hinder its effectiveness if not addressed.

New York State Care Act and its Importance/Benefit

There are approximately 2.8 million New Yorkers who offer unpaid care to their loved ones at any given time as well as nearly 1.6 million adult New Yorkers….

The results of this analysis highlight the need for hospitals to fine-tune their discharge process to reduce readmissions, and support the expenditure of additional resources for this purpose as a cost-effective intervention; as an example, author cites a hospital in Iowa that implemented a rigorous post-discharge planning process for patients with heart failure and 30-day readmission rates were reduced by 3-9% during the 3-month period following implementation.

The research showed that many elderly patients who suffer from congestive heart failure also suffer from a wide range of comorbid conditions, including diabetes and hypertension. These patients can be reasonably expected to require periodic or even frequent treatment in emergency departments and/or hospitalizations for these conditions, making the need for effective and seamless post-discharge planning especially important. In this regard, the research also showed that there are some valuable evidence-based practice guidelines available, though, that can help clinicians better coordinate post-discharge care,….

Issler is a patient who recently moved with his daughter-in-law who is no longer married to his son. As part of her interest in helping to take care of Mr. Issler, she noticed that he was pale and diaphoretic after a two and a half hour flight. The daughter-in-law took him to an emergency room where he was attended to by a cardiologist and set a follow-up check up for an echo cardiogram next week. Mr. Issler has complained of congestive heart failure and a history of deep vein thrombosis. The cardiologist recommended that he seeks out a primary care provider and check up of his thyroid. As the primary care provider, the patient has also expressed his uncertainties on whether he has hyper of hypo thyroidism though he has been under thyroid medication for several years. In addition to being very pale, he has a large bag of….

Care in U S Hospitals --

Prior to the HQA initiative, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as well as the Joint Commission both collected data on these quality of care indicators; however, in the past, these reports were submitted in different forms making across-the-board comparisons difficult or impossible. As a result of the HQA initiative, though, it is possible to compare these quality of care indicators at the national level.

Using quality of care indicators for acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and pneumonia, these researchers assessed the quality of care being provided by 4,203 hospitals that submit data to the HQA database and determined quality of care exists along a broad continuum that ranges from superior care in these areas to some that are deficient, with acute myocardial infarction being rated among most disparate in the quality of care provided. Although generally rated as high on these metrics, the study found that the quality….

Care of Cancer:
In the past few years, cancer has developed to become one of the major leading causes of deaths across the globe. The disease can be described as the uncontrolled growth or development of abnormal cells in the body even as cancerous cells are also known as malignant cells. Since cells are the building blocks of humans and other living things, cancer develops out of the normal cells within the body. Generally, the normal cells multiply when needed by the body and die when the body does not need them. When the growth of the cells in the body is out of control and cells divide too quickly, cancer appears to occur. Nonetheless, cancer also appears to happen when cells in the body forget how to die.

Causes of Cancer:

There are various kinds of cancer because the disease can develop in nearly every tissue or organ like skin, bones,….

Evolution of Health Care Information Systems Physician's Office Operation
Filling in the hole of health care information technology will endorse safe, capable, patient-centered, and patient care that is fruitful in a timely way. In this essay, the theme is to look into two modern health

care organizations and then compare and contrast many characteristics that will involve the kind of evidence systems are using at the moment, investigate the transmission of information 20 years ago and how the substitute of data today. Furthermore, this essay will cover two major events and technology developments that have inclined present Health Care Informational Services practices.

Compare and Contrast Doctor's Workplace Operation

These day's doctor's office operation is familiarizing to the health care reform that was sanctioned in 2010 by the Obama organization. During sometime in October of 2013, the exchanges in health insurance was available on the market for customers on order to buy health insurance placed….

Furthermore, one of the pillars of collaborative care that will need to be firmly established is the fostering of clear dialogue and a means for strong communication within the care management planning. For instance, there needs to be a clear decision and communication of all tests ordered and when the test results will be available. One of the most important aspects of this collaborative care will be the nursing interventions which can have significant impact on the patient's health and stabilization (Allen, 2010). In fact, strategic nursing care can even minimize readmission rates of Margaret and other patients with comparable conditions (Chen et al., 2012).

Prioritize the Nursing Care Needs of Margaret

The prioritization of nursing interventions is essential, and the way in which a nurse determines this priority is going to be something unique and distinct. "Trials reviewed demonstrated a beneficial impact of nursing interventions for secondary prevention in patients with….

Preliminary Care Coordination PlanAfrican Americans have long been underserved by the mental health care system in the United States. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for improved care coordination for this population, with a focus on addressing psychosocial needs. One model of care coordination that has shown promise is the wraparound model. This model takes a holistic approach to care, focusing on the individuals strengths and needs. It also emphasizes the importance of family and community support in the recovery process. The wraparound model has been successfully used with other populations and there is reason to believe it could be equally effective with African Americans. With its focus on strengths-based care and community support, the wraparound model has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of African Americans living with mental illness (Winters & Metz, 2009). Improving access to mental health….

Improving Provider-Patient Communication Among LEP Patients Abstract
Elderly Hispanic patients experience numerous challenges when seeking for healthcare services since they are only eloquent in their native language and are classified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) patients. Language barriers contribute to poor provider-patient communication and necessitate the integration of third parties in the care delivery process. This paper whether the use of professional interpreters improves patient-provider communication and results in better health outcomes. Through a study that was carried out a sample of 40 elderly Hispanic diabetic patients at a Wellness Center in Los Angeles, using a professional interpreter improves provider-patient communication. The use of professional interpreters and language concordance is associated with improved provider-patient interactions, enhanced interpersonal care, and better medication adherence within three months.
Keywords: elderly Hispanics, patients, medication adherence, bilingual interpreters, treatment, patient-provider communication, healthcare providers.
Provider-patient communication is an important factor in enhancing patient outcomes in the modern healthcare environment. Elderly….

In Zambia, there a number of different ways to access healthcare.  However, we are struggling to answer what the five health care providers are in the country.  There are more than five main hospitals or clinics in Zambia that provide healthcare, only two healthcare ministries, and various types of health workers including doctors, nurses, midwives, clinical officers, technicians, medical teaching staff, medical consulates, and medical licentiates.  If we had to choose the five types of healthcare providers in Zambia, we would probably break them down into those five broad categories: health technicians, nurses, midwives, doctors, and clinical....

Electronic medical records, which refer to medical records that are not only stored in electronic systems (which includes almost all medical records in the modern world, with the exception of some medical records maintained in non-industrialized nations), but that are accessible to multiple healthcare providers across different platforms.  The question is whether these records are able to improve quality of care by allowing healthcare providers to get a full picture of a patient’s medical history, as well as any presenting concerns or issues, as soon as the patient presents for medical treatment.  It would seem like the....

Health informatics, also known as healthcare informatics or biomedical informatics, refers to a discipline that is a hybrid of science and engineering and involves the application of informatics fields to medicine.  There are number of different topics that fall under the healthcare informatics umbrella, though the creation of electronic health records for patients is probably the most widely used application.   

Essay Titles and Essay topics for Health Informatics

Tallying the Tests: How Monitoring COVID-19 Test Results Has Helped Track the Pandemic in the U.S. and Abroad

Vaccine Records and Privacy Concerns: How Do State....

Counseling people who have AIDS or are at high risk for acquiring HIV can present several ethical issues for healthcare providers.  While client care must remain the priority in any counseling relationship, it is important to acknowledge that a client who has AIDS, is HIV+, or is at high risk of acquiring HIV may present a health risk to their current or future sexual partners.  In addition, other high-risk behaviors, such as needle-sharing, present a community risk. 

The first step in writing an essay on this topic is recognizing the various ethical issues....

2 Pages


Care Provider Ms X Was a Pre-Diabetic

Words: 666
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Care provider Ms. X was a pre-diabetic woman with a young teenage daughter. I was asked to treat Ms. X to help her stabilize her blood sugar to reduce…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Health - Nursing

Quality of Work Life for Heath Care Providers

Words: 2368
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Quality of Work Life for Health Care Providers The commitment of health professionals, nurses included, has been found to be profoundly influenced by their Quality of Work Life. Yet, there…

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12 Pages

Criminal Justice

Addressing the Security of Pre-Hospital Care Providers

Words: 3498
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

EMS and Paramedics Carry Guns on the Job Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are a form of emergency service, whose main objective is to provide acute medical care, transportation to healthcare…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Healthcare Provider Assisting a Terminal Ill Patient With an Assisted Suicide

Words: 1008
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Morality of Assisted Suicide Assisted suicide for terminally ill patients may be one of the most morally complex issues facing today's society, with a particular impact on modern healthcare…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Medical  (general)

Care Providers and Insurance

Words: 3180
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ACA and EMS The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is sure to change the way EMS operate in the coming years. Accountable Care Organizations (ACO), for instance, are…

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2 Pages


Healthcare Providers and Nurse

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Kenyan Healthcare Assessment Across the globe, manmade and natural calamities are on the rise, occurring almost every single day and having destructive effects on individual people, households and entire…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Healthcare Provider and Hospital

Words: 1332
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healthcare Administration -- New York State Care Act The New York State Care (Caregiver Advise, ecord and Enable) Act was implemented into law in April this year. The development and…

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5 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Care Coordination Relating to Elderly

Words: 1709
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

The results of this analysis highlight the need for hospitals to fine-tune their discharge process to reduce readmissions, and support the expenditure of additional resources for this purpose…

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4 Pages

Health - Nursing

Care Issler Is a Patient Who Recently

Words: 1314
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Care: Issler is a patient who recently moved with his daughter-in-law who is no longer married to his son. As part of her interest in helping to take care…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Care in U S Hospitals --

Words: 455
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Prior to the HQA initiative, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as well as the Joint Commission both collected data on these quality of care indicators; however, in…

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6 Pages


Care of Cancer In the Past Few

Words: 1961
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Care of Cancer: In the past few years, cancer has developed to become one of the major leading causes of deaths across the globe. The disease can be described…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Care Information Systems and Medical Records

Words: 1454
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Evolution of Health Care Information Systems Physician's Office Operation Filling in the hole of health care information technology will endorse safe, capable, patient-centered, and patient care that is fruitful in…

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12 Pages
Case Study

Health - Nursing

Care Needs Concerns and Treatment

Words: 4512
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Case Study

Furthermore, one of the pillars of collaborative care that will need to be firmly established is the fostering of clear dialogue and a means for strong communication within the…

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3 Pages


Care Plan for Mental Heath Patients

Words: 927
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Preliminary Care Coordination PlanAfrican Americans have long been underserved by the mental health care system in the United States. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Provider Patient Communication Through Professional Interpreters

Words: 2400
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Improving Provider-Patient Communication Among LEP Patients Abstract Elderly Hispanic patients experience numerous challenges when seeking for healthcare services since they are only eloquent in their native language and are classified as…

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