Careers Essays (Examples)

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Careers in Psychology
Following a Path:

A Career in Psychology

A career in psychology is not only exciting, but also rewarding. Yet many feel that the options with regards to finding a career in this field are limited. However, when one looks upon the various characteristics of a psychological career, one can certainly find something that strikes the interest and that is a feasible position to pursue. Contrary to popular belief, thus, there are many career paths out there, in the field, in addition to clinical psychology careers or research-based postions. Indeed, an individual can choose from 16 clusters, according to the CE website. hese cluster are:

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Architecture & Construction

Arts, Audio/Video echnology & Communications

Business Management & Administration

Education & raining


Government & Public Administration

Health Science

Hospitality & ourism

Human Services

11. Information echnology

12. Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security

13. Manufacturing

14. Marketing

15. Science, echnology, Engineering & Mathematics

16. ransportation, Distribution & Logistics

From the simple bulk of writing….

Career Strategy
Based on the assessments I have taken, and in the information offered by Moeller (2012), achieving a higher education is the most important key to securing a good career in the future. All but two of the jobs listed in the U.S. News and World eport require higher education and special skills training. Computer-based careers have the highest growth potential, which is unsurprising. I fully intend to take this information to heart, and to apply myself more diligently at school so that I can land a lucrative career in a field that interests me.

The approach toward a career will be based partly on my personal financial interests and goals, as well as a knowledge of my personality and character traits. I have a natural leadership ability and am an extraverted person. Therefore, I will do well in any corporate setting requiring me to work with others on a team….

Thank you for expressing interest in my career. This is the first time someone has asked me about what I do, and how I got to this position in the first place. I am flattered that you have enough interest and am more than happy to share my story with you. As you know, I am the head chef at a local restaurant. You want to know about the obstacles I had to overcome to achieve this position, and whether or not I have advice to give you if you want to pursue a career in the culinary world.

I believe that culinary arts are, as the title suggests, an artistic endeavor. Like music, dance, writing, and other creative pursuits, the culinary arts requires passion and a sense of purpose. People enter this profession because they are passionate about food, cooking, or the restaurant industry in some way. This is not….

Thus, the job market for video production is large and varied, especially when it is compared to the market of just a few years ago. hile finding a job will most likely be relatively easy, new video producers may have to work as a freelancer for some time, along with working at another job, in order to make ends meet. hen on cultivates a reputation, however, the second job can be dropped.
here the Jobs Are Geographically

hile one might expect video production jobs to center mainly around the Hollywood area, they are, in fact, everywhere. One might have more luck finding video production jobs in areas where it is warm and more outdoor weddings, sports games, and beach trips can attract attention, but companies need video producers to capture their product on film all over the country. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, most video producers work in clean….

Careers in Psychology

Mental Health Counselor
Professional History with Integration of Class Activities

The ability to inspire trust, respect, and self-confidence, along with a powerful desire to help others are key characteristics of mental health counselors. For someone to be a certified counselor, typically, a Masters Degree is required, but requirements differ from state to state. The job perspective for mental health counselors is positive as more opportunities are available than certified graduates.

The mental health philosophy focuses on holistic health, or balanced life as a primary construct. However, the present mental health design and the tenure in universities are driven by systems that emphasize the importance of promotion, accolades and identification as a procedure by which an expert is analyzed as successful. By sticking to this procedure, I could be overly considered as having a powerful identity in the profession. With the current system, male experts may remain at higher levels of top management roles….

Careers in Biology
Training in biology provides biology majors with a wide variety of potential career options. The choice of potential careers is wide, even within a specific area of biology. Further, biologists often fulfill a large number of roles even within one career track. The choice of potential employers is wide, and includes federal and government agencies, as well as agriculture and pharmaceuticals, and other private and public industries. In addition, the amount of education required depends largely upon a specific career choice. Choosing a career in biology is about matching a wide number of factors, including personal ethics, salary, and personal interests.

ithin biology itself, there is a wide diversity of potential careers that exists even within fields that are seemingly small. inter and Belikoff note, "The classification of biologists as botanists, zoologists, or microbiologists gives little hint of the wide variety of biological disciplines that exist. For example, a….

Career Research
Occupation 1: Journalist

Information Citation: Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities. (2014). 5123

Journalists. Retrieved April 8, 2014 from website:

Work Environment: Varies.

Typical Work Tasks: Research, investigate, and report news and public affairs and publish via newspapers, television, radio, and other media.

Degree of Independence: Varies. Some journalists are freelance and have total independence.

Physical Demands: Varies. On-scene reporters may face some physical challenges, others may be sedentary.

Typical Workplaces: Radio and television network stations, newspapers, magazines, and websites.

Salary Range: Average at $59,576, lower than average occupational wage

Possibility for Advancement/Movement: Editorial or production

Employment Outlook: Better for journalists than others employed in art/culture and are overall average

Occupation 2: Software Engineer

Information Citation: Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities. (2014). 2173

Software engineers and designers. Retrieved April 8, 2014 from website:

Work Environment: Varies. Can be employed as consults, with firms, or as independent consultants. Can work in private and public sectors.

Typical Work Tasks: Research, design,….

Developing Careers

Career Ambitions
Flooding, global warming, terrorism, and hurricanes are some of the disasters and emergencies which can be managed effectively. In some cases they can even be mitigated if there is proper planning and response. I have always had the passion of helping people who find themselves in a difficult situation and they have no way of getting themselves out of that. It has always be my hearts desire to be helpful to my community especially in the event a natural or manmade disaster occurs. I find a lot of joy in offering my assistance to people especially those who have no way of getting out of such situations. This is the reason why I chose to pursue a degree in disaster and emergency management. I would like to expertly assist communities become stronger and resilient when it comes to man-made and natural disasters through my degree course in emergency and….

The position requires knowledge of business management, finance, and accounting. Interestingly the educational backgrounds of individuals in this field vary considerably, reflecting the diversity of duties and levels of responsibility. Certification and previous experience are assets for most specialties, and are essential for more advanced positions, including managers, arbitrators, and mediators. The human resources field is changing rapidly with increasing use of technology, training, and outsourcing. The trend today is for human recourse managers to have a bachelor's or even a master's degree.
Individual qualities necessary for success in this field include integrity, confidentiality, and excellent skills in interpersonal interactions. This occupation attracts people who are sensitive, extroverted, big picture and team-oriented. Because human resources jobs exist to support more visible functions in the company, they are not for people with huge egos and a strong need to be center stage (Heathfield, NDI).

I believe I have the necessary traits to….

Patrick Combs
Major in Success: Make College Easier, Fire Up Your Dreams, And Get A Great Job by Patrick Combs seems to cover every aspect of college, career and life in very readable terms. His frank approach inspires and is also far more enjoyable and comprehensive than some other authors who write about career success. Combs' approach is both strong and weak but the inspirational nature of the book, plus the suggested resources, make the book very useful.

Major in Success: Make College Easier, Fire Up Your Dreams, And Get A Great Job by Patrick Combs is a pointed guide about success in college and employment. Combs stresses that success requires extraordinary determination and drive (Combs 3), with a passion as powerful as a forest fire (Combs 10). That passionate determination does not necessarily mean the highest GPA in a particular major; rather, prospective employers will want to know if a….

individual high-quality restaurant career seekers face difficulty finding high-quality opportunities for investigating employment. The available web resources often do not meet the needs of a serious applicant, either by not providing enough information about the available jobs and their company or by being glutted with very brief and voluminous opportunities, which might or might not be a match for the applicant. Conversely restaurant owners and managers face seeking employees through these same web offerings with no real guarantee that the applications they receive will meet the needs of the organization. The restaurant industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the country and as such more and more people, who once thought of a restaurant career as a temporary opportunity, possibly to assist them in education or other career goals are now choosing the restaurant industry as a viable career end. Due to its exponential growth over the….

Job Hunting in the Job Market

Job Hunting Techniques

In the past, I have used a combination of job hunting techniques. Job hunting and success in job hunting comes very much down to persistence. Job hunting is not an instantaneous or static process; one must apply persistence as part of the technique in job hunting. There was one point where I would hunt for jobs on a daily basis, even a few times a day, which did not often prove effective. Although some times, as an after thought, or in a moment of spare time, I might job hunt more than once a week, but I learned over time that it also worthwhile to not job hunt so often, especially online. To my job hunting technique I added some patience in letting online jobs accrue. It does not hurt to give job hunting some time, perhaps job hunting online, particularly, once a….

Steps were also taken to organize a stock market in Lahore (Burki, 1999, pp.127-128).
Also organized during this period were the Pakistan Industrial and Credit Investment Corporation (PICIC) and the Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDBP), both of which were important to industrial development, obtaining "large amounts of capital from the World Bank, the former for investment in large industries, the latter in relatively smaller enterprises" (Burki, 1999, p. 128).

This may account for the relatively better developed structure of Pakistan's economy compared to those of other poor nations. Although services in Pakistan accounted for 50% of the economy in 1995, the service sector had changed in 50 years because of Khan's attempts to modernize it. In most less developed nations, the service sector provides employment for those with no skills who would otherwise not have a job at all. In more developed countries, service industry jobs tend to require a….

However, the specific training and education requirements depend very much on a company's specific needs. Previous computer experience is also of vital importance, as is a diversity of related skills. Employers are currently requiring a larger base of diverse skills around the focus of technical expertise. Elements such as interpersonal skills and creativity may be combined with the technical requirements of the job, for example (rock, Pers. Comm.).
The greatest concentration of workers are in the systems design and related industry. Internet service providers, web search portals, as well as data processing and related service firms are the main industries requiring the services of computer professionals. The government, computer manufacturers, financial institutions and universities also employ computer specialists, and the list is growing. As the 21st century advances it is likely that an increasing amount of firms will become computerized and thus need computer services either on a contract or….

Family, Careers and Marriages: Reaction to Articles
The topics of family, careers and marriage are ones that all individuals of all walks of life deal with on a somewhat daily basis. Through these three articles, scholars provide an interesting information into specific areas within this broader topic of family, careers and marriage.

Foremost, Korenman and Neumark's paper entitled "Does Marriage Really Make Men More Productive?" provides interesting insight on how marriage correlated with an increased salary among white males. Korenman and Neumark explore how the married workers tended "receive higher performance ratings than single men; as a result, they were likely to be promoted" (Korenman, and Neumark).Using human capital wage equations, the scholars explored data that led them to believe that married men had higher salaries. One of the more interesting conclusions that Korenman and Neumark make is in regards to never married men- that there is "faster wage growth for married….

If you want to find out more information about education management and administration, the best way to do so may be to talk to an educational administrator.  While they are similar to managers and administrators in other fields, there are unique skills needed in an education environment.  Therefore, it should come as no surprise that almost everyone in this field begins as an educator.

Education management and administration deals with handling how the school runs.  Scheduling, determining what classes a school should offer, determining hiring needs, and handling the teachers are all parts of school administration.  One of....

There are many reasons why it is important for school counselors to focus on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in elementary school.  Doing so gives children the best chance of success academically and socially, as children with ADHD can have a very difficult time working within the rigid structure of the average school day.  Children who are not diagnosed with ADHD, but who experience it, are often treated like they are “bad” kids, which not only causes them to fall behind academically, but can also stigmatize them with their peers.  With appropriate interventions, which....

I. Introduction

Begin with a brief overview of Jane Austen's life and importance as a literary figure.
Highlight the main themes and issues that you plan to discuss in the essay.

II. Jane Austen's Early Life and Influences

Discuss Austen's upbringing in Steventon, Hampshire, and the influence of her family and social circle on her writing.
Explore the impact of her education and reading habits on her literary development.
Analyze the influence of her brothers' careers in the navy and clergy on her understanding of social class and gender roles.

III. Austen's Literary Career

Discuss the publication of Austen's early novels, including....

4 Pages


Careers in Psychology Following a Path A

Words: 1127
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Careers in Psychology Following a Path: A Career in Psychology A career in psychology is not only exciting, but also rewarding. Yet many feel that the options with regards to finding a…

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1 Pages
Case Study


Career Strategy Based on the Assessments I

Words: 331
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Case Study

Career Strategy Based on the assessments I have taken, and in the information offered by Moeller (2012), achieving a higher education is the most important key to securing a good…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Careers Thank You for Expressing Interest in

Words: 750
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Careers Thank you for expressing interest in my career. This is the first time someone has asked me about what I do, and how I got to this position in…

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3 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Careers in Video Production From

Words: 965
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Thus, the job market for video production is large and varied, especially when it is compared to the market of just a few years ago. hile finding a…

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3 Pages


Careers in Psychology

Words: 1083
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Mental Health Counselor Professional History with Integration of Class Activities The ability to inspire trust, respect, and self-confidence, along with a powerful desire to help others are key characteristics of mental…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Different Careers in Biology

Words: 885
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Careers in Biology Training in biology provides biology majors with a wide variety of potential career options. The choice of potential careers is wide, even within a specific area of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Planning an Education-Based on Career Selection

Words: 976
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Career Research Occupation 1: Journalist Information Citation: Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities. (2014). 5123 Journalists. Retrieved April 8, 2014 from website: Work Environment: Varies. Typical Work Tasks: Research, investigate, and report…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Developing Careers

Words: 597
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Career Ambitions Flooding, global warming, terrorism, and hurricanes are some of the disasters and emergencies which can be managed effectively. In some cases they can even be mitigated if there…

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2 Pages


Human Resource Management Careers in

Words: 613
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

The position requires knowledge of business management, finance, and accounting. Interestingly the educational backgrounds of individuals in this field vary considerably, reflecting the diversity of duties and levels…

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3 Pages
Book Review


Plain-Speaking Book About Career Success

Words: 1137
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Review

Patrick Combs Major in Success: Make College Easier, Fire Up Your Dreams, And Get A Great Job by Patrick Combs seems to cover every aspect of college, career and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Individual High-Quality Restaurant Career Seekers Face Difficulty

Words: 588
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

individual high-quality restaurant career seekers face difficulty finding high-quality opportunities for investigating employment. The available web resources often do not meet the needs of a serious applicant, either…

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2 Pages


Job Hunting in the Job Market Careers

Words: 717
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Job Hunting in the Job Market Careers Job Hunting Techniques In the past, I have used a combination of job hunting techniques. Job hunting and success in job hunting comes very much…

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75 Pages
Term Paper


Benchmark Regarding Bank Manager Careers

Words: 21790
Length: 75 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Steps were also taken to organize a stock market in Lahore (Burki, 1999, pp.127-128). Also organized during this period were the Pakistan Industrial and Credit Investment Corporation (PICIC) and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Computer Careers Nature and Background

Words: 1300
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, the specific training and education requirements depend very much on a company's specific needs. Previous computer experience is also of vital importance, as is a diversity of…

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4 Pages
Reaction Paper

Sports - Women

Family Marriage and Careers

Words: 1200
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Family, Careers and Marriages: Reaction to Articles The topics of family, careers and marriage are ones that all individuals of all walks of life deal with on a somewhat daily…

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