Caring Essays (Examples)

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Specific Leadership Objectives

Specific leadership objectives of the project include (1) development of a government-wide proposal for bereavement procedures and benefits for federal employees and their families, to be submitted to OPM (spell this out) for approval, and (2) development of a proposed implementation manual. The bereavement procedures and benefits proposal and proposed implementation manual shall aim to foster greater caring, by leaders of federal government branches and other federal agencies, about the welfare of those they lead and their families, during times of loss and bereavement in particular.

Procedures and Methods

Procedures and methods to be used for this project will include (1) the reviewing of the history and content of military and federal government bereavement legislation; (2) the collection of anecdotal evidence of positive or less positive effects, on federal government employees and other employees, of bereavement policies and procedures within their workplaces, or the lack thereof, and (3) based on….

Caring and Nursing
Nurse patient relationship caring relationship Boundaries maintenance relationship Nursing practice standards esearch paper, primary source House Arrest Ellen Meeropol (2011) Need a good introduction a good conclusion Do a reference page text citation a refer illustrative House arrest. ID

The nurse-patient relationship as caring, professional relationship

One of the primary reasons that nurses embark upon the profession of nursing is their desire to give care to others. However, caring in the sense of 'nursing' is different than the type of caring that a person gives to a friend. Nursing is a specific discipline that dispenses a specific kind of care. There must be preservation of professional barriers when dispensing that care. Yet although a nurse is not a friend, a nurse must also be a good listener and dispense care that shows sensitivity to the individual patient's needs.

Trust is at the heart of showing caring in nursing. "The concept of….

Caring for Populations - Assessment and Diagnosis
Caring for Populations: Assessment and Diagnosis

The aging population in America is no secret. The baby boomers are reaching retirement age and people are living longer, which means there is a growing number of individuals over the age of 65 who are going to need care in the future. While there are some communities that have more elderly individuals than other communities, this is still an overarching problem that is affecting the entire United States. The 2010 census indicated that the over-65 population in the United States was 40,267,984 (Census Brief, 2010). That was up from the 2000 census number of 34,991,753 (Census Brief, 2010). It is not difficult to see where the trend is heading, and also not difficult to imagine how that will impact the need for skilled workers who can care for the aging population and its rapid expansion.


For purposes of this….

Caring for the Elderly
"Caring for elderly patients with dementia: nursing interventions"

The paper is centered around identifying the challenges that people living with dementia face and how these can be handled in order to make their lives easier that it is currently. The paper therefore looks at the supportive strategies that should be employed in dealing with this group of patients. These strategies include the correct assessment process, correct problem identification and ultimately a nursing intervention that is geared towards providing quality life for the patient with full cognizance of the status of the cognitive ability of the patient. This concern expressed by the paper is founded on the fact that most of the time the mental and behavioral challenges faced by this group are often ignored, coupled with the difficulty in identifying such conditions and the patients are totally vulnerable. It is imperative therefore that the nurses detect dementia through….

Caring for the Population: Assessment and Diagnosis
Caring for Population

With the introduction of machines and new technology in our lives we as Americans, have become very lazy and heavily dependent on the software driven machines which in turn has reduced the total amount of physical activity undertaken throughout the day. The concept of earning more and more money while we totally avoid giving time to ourselves through exercises, gyms, aerobics and yoga has in turn, made us into the fattest nation of the world. And due to obesity and tension our pancreases stop working and condition arises that is known as diabetes. Obesity can create many problems on an individual level and on a community level. Obesity hinders the functional level of organism and can cause loss in terms of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) or GNP (Gross National Product). It is obvious that a slow and unproductive organism wouldn't perform well….

caring for elderly patients with dementia article & Carehome staff can detect the difference between delirium, dementia and depression
Caring for elderly patients with dementia

Dementia, delirium, and depression: The three Ds

Caring for elderly patients is a growing problem for nurses, and given the aging of the population the need for geriatric nursing is likely to increase. Nurses must be mindful of the three 'Ds' that can affect patients -- dementia, delirium, and depression. Dementia is the irreversible, slow cognitive decline due to Alzheimer's or other age-related complaints. Delirium is a temporary state of cognitive disassociation which occurs as a result of medications or other biological factors such as a lack of sleep. Depression is a mood disorder that can affect persons of all ages; however, the elderly are often particularly prone to depression due to life circumstances and the biological changes that occur as result of the aging process.

Slide 2: Caring….

Caring for a Child having a Mental Health Problem
Children with mental health problem or children with mental health challenge are the children with learning disability. A mentally retarded child has neurodevelopmental disorders, impaired adaptive and impaired intellectual functioning. A mentally retarded child can develop a lifelong impaired mental development. This paper provides the summary of the interview that I have with a mental health therapist that focus on the method to care for a child having a mental health challenge. The summary of the interview with a healthcare professional is presented in the next section.

Summary of the Interview

I am a professional mental health therapist, and find the work very challenging because of the load of work involved. Assisting children with mental health problem requires a professional specializing in children mental health, who can provide more health care support and understanding for children. The challenging thing about the work is that….

There are numerous reasons for which obesity exists, as some people are obese from their early years while others become obese because of their living standards. Obesity is a severe disease and it is in most occasions easier to prevent the malady than it is to treat it.
Natural life history

Obesity is typically caused by the eating of high-fat aliments and influences inflammation in peripheral tissues. Similarly, the hypothalamus is believed to influence weight increase by impeding the signaling associated with leptin and insulin. The disease can apparently be fought through anti-inflammatory therapies. (Thaler & Schwartz)


Social change is one of the main factors influencing obesity, as people can be prevented from living as they did before because of the various elements coming into their culture and presenting them with new opportunities, each more confusing than the other and more difficult to interpret. Even though upper classes are less probable to….

There must be special training programs for doctors and nurses to be able to help support psychiatric services on the initial temporary basis. This can work on empowering physicians and nurses to be able to diagnose and therefore recommend treatment for psychiatric conditions... This is essentially extending their roles within the care community, but it is needed in order to best serve the community within the short run. These programs need to focus on working primarily with restoring individuals quality of life before the earthquake disrupted so many people in Japan in 2011 by getting people to their normal functioning levels so they can continue to pick up the pieces of the disaster and move on, without the looming taboo of being stigmatized for life. Moreover, it will be important to provide support to those who most need it. This would include extending special services to those vulnerable populations….

Caring Health

Initially, I was attracted to the idea of working as a sales vendor for healthcare. I liked the idea of having a variety of clients, as well as the facets of travel and meeting different people that are involved with this kind of work. I also was intrigued by the role that sales vendors play in the delivery of health care -- they help health care providers maintain a steady supply of products and equipment that the latter utilizes in their daily operations. Still, after researching a couple of different sources about this position, I actually do not think I am interested. The constant selling point that is the proverbial bottom line of this position interferes with, I believe, the role this position plays in health care delivery.

I found an authentication policy template from the American Health Information Management Association, AHIMA. This document provides basic information about a health care….

The results of this analysis highlight the need for hospitals to fine-tune their discharge process to reduce readmissions, and support the expenditure of additional resources for this purpose as a cost-effective intervention; as an example, author cites a hospital in Iowa that implemented a rigorous post-discharge planning process for patients with heart failure and 30-day readmission rates were reduced by 3-9% during the 3-month period following implementation.

The research showed that many elderly patients who suffer from congestive heart failure also suffer from a wide range of comorbid conditions, including diabetes and hypertension. These patients can be reasonably expected to require periodic or even frequent treatment in emergency departments and/or hospitalizations for these conditions, making the need for effective and seamless post-discharge planning especially important. In this regard, the research also showed that there are some valuable evidence-based practice guidelines available, though, that can help clinicians better coordinate post-discharge care,….

Care Bill Law's Impact on

In addition the effect of bill has changed the documentation awarded through the state as of a certificate toward a license and authorizes a doctor to pass on duties to a PA with the purpose of managing physician's scope of performance however Another effect of bill has enabled Indiana's doctor assistants to widen their area of the health care services and also provided an innovative average of patient care (Stephanie, Matlock (27 April, 2007). Health care bills gives right to patient to know what health care should be known by the plan as well as several limits on care, kinds of health care be not enclosed, any treatment diagram required to endorse in advance. Yearly planning about on disburse to physician and health providers, file a complaint regarding any, disagreement between patient and the plan, and also procedure to make complaint, allowance to access emergency room twenty four hours….

Care work or social work akin with any other human endeavor has a host of different perspectives that are used either in unison or in combination to direct it.
Its dominant perspectives are the following:

ystem theory

This is the view that all systems interact and that when, for instance, one works with a patient one needs to involve the family and community too and take all of the patient "s life into consideration for each impacts the other. The whole works as a holistic whole and, for instance, the child's school can effect the child as much as the child can the teacher and so forth. ystems have interrelated parts, and tend towards equilibrium.

Care workers use this system in a practical way by forging networks between the different ecosystems (for instance between child's school, community, and family) and by drawing ecomaps and genograms for understanding the dynamics of a patient's life. The….

This view drastically alters the understanding of the situation of the Ugandan abductees, as represented in the documentary Invisible Children. While there are definitely issues of justice at work in the scenario, there is also a fundamental failure within the communities to protect their children from the rebels, and a failure in the relationship with these rebels to help everyone work towards each other's mutual benefice. Though the rebel army is ostensibly attempting to overthrow the Ugandan government, it appears as though many if not most of the rebels' acts of violence are directed towards the poor and underdeveloped populations form which the rebels themselves came, many of them as abducted children themselves -- the majority of them still children, in fact, as few of them live into adulthood and new kidnapped conscripts regularly replenish the troops. An understanding of the true ills at work in the society that produce….

Care Case Study
Slide 1 Footnotes

There have been enormous changes due to introduction of various cultural elements in the continuum of care. Before, when people were admitted to assisted living facilities or hospital settings, there were very little cultural elements outside of the majority culture which had sponsored the facility. For example, if a facility was associated with some sort of church or temple, there were elements of that religion present, but there was little alternatives for members of other cultures or religions.

Yet, today, there are now a much wider array of cultural elements available in assisted living homes and hospital facilities. Assisted living programs are regulated on the level of the state.

As such, different states have different types of programs and policies that impact the degree to which cultural characteristics are included or excluded within various assisted living facilities. Some programs encourage cultural elements of patients to be brought….

Gandhi's life can be considered a success, not just because of all the peace he brought to others, but because of the peace he had within himself. His ethical and political views were grounded firmly in the spiritual views he held, as evidenced by the calm demeanor he always possessed. He had wise words for nearly every leader in politics about how they should treat others, and he spoke great truth about the world and society even though it was often ignored. The world did not change him when he saw that most people did not subscribe to his calm....

First, we want to reassure you that being confused about nursing worldviews puts you in some good company.  Many nurse practitioners find that the approach that place worldviews at the beginning of nursing inquiry may actually be hampering the development of nursing scholarship and keeping the profession from evolving as quickly and as efficiently as it should.  In addition, the material can become very confusing because different authors use the words paradigm and worldview interchangeably, though they distinguish them from metaparadigms. 

Broadly stated, an individual’s worldview consists of the beliefs and assumptions that the person uses to interpret....

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the characters of Jerry and Armand in the short story "President Cleveland, Where Are You?"
B. Provide a brief summary of the story and its theme

II. Jerry
A. Description of Jerry's character traits
1. Kind-hearted and caring towards his brother
2. Resourceful and clever in finding solutions to their problems
3. Determined to reunite with their father

III. Armand
A. Description of Armand's character traits
1. Self-centered and rebellious
2. Impulsive and quick-tempered
3. Not as focused on reuniting with their father as Jerry

IV. Comparison between Jerry and Armand
A. Their approaches to finding President Cleveland

1. The role of a substance abuse nurse in promoting and providing support for individuals struggling with addiction
2. The impact of substance abuse on mental health and the role of nurses in managing co-occurring disorders
3. The importance of culturally competent care in substance abuse nursing
4. The challenges and rewards of working with individuals with substance use disorders in a nursing setting
5. The ethical considerations of caring for patients with substance abuse issues
6. The role of education and prevention in addressing substance abuse from a nursing perspective
7. The impact of substance abuse on families and the role of nurses in supporting....

6 Pages
Term Paper


Caring Federal Leaders Diss Proposal

Words: 1726
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Specific Leadership Objectives Specific leadership objectives of the project include (1) development of a government-wide proposal for bereavement procedures and benefits for federal employees and their families, to be submitted…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Caring and Nursing Nurse Patient Relationship Caring

Words: 819
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Caring and Nursing Nurse patient relationship caring relationship Boundaries maintenance relationship Nursing practice standards esearch paper, primary source House Arrest Ellen Meeropol (2011) Need a good introduction a good conclusion…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Caring for Populations Assessment and Diagnosis

Words: 1341
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Caring for Populations - Assessment and Diagnosis Caring for Populations: Assessment and Diagnosis The aging population in America is no secret. The baby boomers are reaching retirement age and people are…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Caring for Elderly Patients With Dementia Nursing Interventions

Words: 464
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Caring for the Elderly "Caring for elderly patients with dementia: nursing interventions" The paper is centered around identifying the challenges that people living with dementia face and how these can be…

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4 Pages

Health - Public Health Issues

Caring for Population Assessment and Diagnosis

Words: 1426
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Caring for the Population: Assessment and Diagnosis Caring for Population With the introduction of machines and new technology in our lives we as Americans, have become very lazy and heavily dependent…

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2 Pages
Article Review

Death and Dying  (general)

Caring for Elderly Patients With Dementia Article

Words: 585
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

caring for elderly patients with dementia article & Carehome staff can detect the difference between delirium, dementia and depression Caring for elderly patients with dementia Dementia, delirium, and depression: The three…

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4 Pages


Caring for a Child With a Mental Health Challenge

Words: 1279
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Interview

Caring for a Child having a Mental Health Problem Children with mental health problem or children with mental health challenge are the children with learning disability. A mentally retarded child…

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5 Pages

Health - Nursing

Caring for Population Demographic and

Words: 1665
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

There are numerous reasons for which obesity exists, as some people are obese from their early years while others become obese because of their living standards. Obesity is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Caring for Mental Health After

Words: 736
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There must be special training programs for doctors and nurses to be able to help support psychiatric services on the initial temporary basis. This can work on empowering…

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2 Pages


Caring Health

Words: 642
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Initially, I was attracted to the idea of working as a sales vendor for healthcare. I liked the idea of having a variety of clients, as well as the…

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5 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Care Coordination Relating to Elderly

Words: 1709
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

The results of this analysis highlight the need for hospitals to fine-tune their discharge process to reduce readmissions, and support the expenditure of additional resources for this purpose…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Care Bill Law's Impact on

Words: 1415
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition the effect of bill has changed the documentation awarded through the state as of a certificate toward a license and authorizes a doctor to pass on…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Care Work or Social Work Akin With

Words: 615
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Care work or social work akin with any other human endeavor has a host of different perspectives that are used either in unison or in combination to direct it. Its…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Care Ethic and the Invisible

Words: 554
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This view drastically alters the understanding of the situation of the Ugandan abductees, as represented in the documentary Invisible Children. While there are definitely issues of justice at work…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Care Case Study Slide 1 Footnotes There

Words: 1301
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Care Case Study Slide 1 Footnotes There have been enormous changes due to introduction of various cultural elements in the continuum of care. Before, when people were admitted to assisted…

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