Caucasian Essays (Examples)

779+ documents containing “caucasian”.

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White People Are Called Caucasian
Caucasus is a word from Greek kaukasos (Mt.Caucasus) which gives the region its name, therefore Caucasus refers to the mountains of East Europe and the people that are native to this region, it is one of the main ethnic divisions of the human race so called white or European race. Mountains cross the region running all through East and West. The Northern Caucasian range forms the natural border with ussian while southern, forms the natural border of Turkey and Iran. The five Caucasian ethnic groups are categorized into three namely; Caucasian, Indo-European, and Altaic (Malik & Kenan, 2006).

The Kalmuck who are part of Altaic people are considered to be ugly while Circassia and Georgian who are Caucasian category of people are widely known for their beauty.

eligion is one of the aspects that guide us to know why white people are called "Caucasian" for instance Georgians….

DOB: 12/25/1992

GENDE: Female

ace: Caucasian

ELIGION: Catholic


OCCUPATION: College Student

CHIEF COMPLAINT: "I am scared. I feel like I can't catch my breath and my chest hurts."

Differential Diagnosis: There are a number of differential diagnoses for these presenting symptoms. The major ones will be explored here.

Possible Diagnosis

Myocardial infarction (MI), angina, acute coronary syndrome

Prodromal symptoms include fatigue, chest discomfort, or malaise in the days before the MI. A typical STEMI may occur without warning. Onset is not directly associated with severe exertion but concomitant with exertion. Other symptoms include: anxiety, light-headedness with or without syncope, nausea or indigestion, cough, diaphoresis, and/or wheezing.

Physical Exam: Physical symptoms can be variable. The typical chest pain of an acute MI is intense and continuous for 30-60 minutes, retrosternal, and may radiate up to the neck, shoulder, and jaw and down to the ulnar aspect of the left arm and may be described as burning, squeezing, aching, or….

client is a four-year-old, Caucasian female, currently in kindergarten. She is living with her father, and great-grandfather, and next door to her father's parents. The client is currently living with her father and great-grandfather due to her parents separating/divorcing. Client was asked by the father to receive counseling due to parent's separation/divorce.
In an article I read by Bryner, he wrote about a study done by Wallerstein and Blakeslee, whom did a longitudinal study for 10 years, they followed for those 10 years a total of 116 children who had come from a divorced home. What they found was that divorce was not something isolated but yet just one step of a series of family transitions that affect the family and the child. Those series of events range from life in the family before a divorce, life in a sudden single-parent household, and possible future marital changes (Bryner, 2001).

During our….

Bill must weigh the costs and benefits of different career paths, both within the field of therapy and outside of it. As he has no dependants, going back to school might be one option. Or, he might wish to enter private practice. Working at a lower level and hoping to move up a career ladder at a new facility, is still a possible option, despite Bill's former reservations. The therapist must try to interpret if Bill's initial despair about finding similar work was due to a hidden dislike of the job, or fear of seeking out a new career.
For example, a Stage I dialogue might go as follows:

Bill: I feel so old. I'm a failure, washed up.

Therapist: When didn't you feel too old to be a therapist?

Bill: I guess when I was just starting out.

Therapist: What has changed since then?

Bill: I don't know. This rejection.

Therapist: Do you miss your….

Jackie Smith is an 82-year-old right-handed Caucasian woman. She has been diagnosed with dementia and her eldest son has petitioned the court for guardianship in the past. At that time Mrs. Smith's eldest son and his family were living with her. A psychiatrist following her case at the request of her son diagnosed Mrs. Smith with dementia based on interviews with her eldest son, his wife, and an interview with the patient's 16-year-old granddaughter who suggested that the patient was forgetful to the point of being a danger to herself. his led the physician to conclude the patient suffers from a progressive dementia and that the patient needed assistance in her self-care. He also recommended that the patient not drive and informed the Secretary of State regarding his findings. However, the patient's primary care physician asked for a second opinion as Mrs. Smith's son and family had approached him previously….

Heroin Impact on Caucasian Family?
A large number of Caucasian families are plagued with the issue of heroin use, mostly consumed via injections. This is a major public health issue. Viral hepatitis, HIV and other dangers associated with heroin dependence, as well as social harm resulting from accompanying poverty and crime, exceed those of almost all other drugs used. A majority of Caucasian households are indirectly as well as directly impacted by the aforementioned diseases.

Increased pureness and decreased drug costs are potential factors contributing to the trend of decreased age of first-time consumption and increased initiation into habitual consumption in the Caucasian population. As heroin dependence can be successfully cured, primary care providers need to check their patients for this problem.

This paper serves two purposes. Firstly, it attempts to study substance abuse's socio-economic effects on Caucasian people. Secondly, depending on this analysis, it attempts to provide recommendations on how drug dependence….

The effect will also trickle into the political arena: the more minorities and women are visibly in positions of power in companies and organizations, the more women and minorities will be elected as public officials and perhaps, some day, to the highest office in America, the Presidency.
Third, the changing workforce in America could herald deep cultural changes throughout the nation. Values that were founded on European Christian civilization might be replaced by values shared by different cultures from around the world: Asian, African, and Middle Eastern. Public policies could therefore change to reflect social values different from those that have been in existence over the past several hundred years. The creative arts and the media would also change as a result of these changes to cultural expression….

Community esponse to ace and Criminal Justice
Community esponse

The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), in Decatur, GA was chosen for this assignment. The department is responsible for serving the state's youth offenders up until the age of twenty-one. The organization's mission as stated on their web page is: "Our Mission is to protect and serve the citizens of Georgia by holding young offenders accountable for their actions through the delivery of services and sanctions in appropriate settings and by supporting youth in their communities to become productive and law-abiding citizens" ( Cathy Dravis, the Juvenile Program Manager was interviewed. Below is a summary.

When asked how they view the issue of the disproportionate amount of African-American males arrested for drug distribution vs. Caucasian and Hispanic males, the response was that the person's environment that they grew up in plays a large role in shaping their adult lives. Many African-American males grow….

Sheriff Jim Jones has a propensity to denigrate minorities. He has a team of investigating officers that all belong to the Caucasian race. It implies that Sheriff Jones has recruited his team on a racial basis rather than on professional grounds. The impact of Sheriff Jones leadership is negative, and he was a highly relationship-oriented leader. Cooperation with the FBI team regarding the recent murder has also jeopardized due to Sheriff's non-cooperation with members of the FBI team. Community relations, the objectives of investigation, and the departmental reputation are put at stake due to the immoral behavior of Sheriff Jones.
What effect would this have on his leadership role with his officers? Explain.

The dominant perspective in the contemporary world is that team diversity is an appropriate team management approach to avoid discrimination. This also leads to add variety and organizational effectiveness (Thomas and Ely, 1996) to the company. Diversity is….

Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) is a 21-item clinician administered and scored scale that is designed to measure a person's mood and symptoms related to depression. The BDI-II was designed to conform to the DSM-IV depression diagnostic criteria and represents a substantial improvement over its predecessor, the original Beck Depression Inventory. The BDI-II has been used both as a research measure (its primary intended use) and to assist with the clinical diagnosis of depression. The BDI-II has been subject to numerous empirical studies designed to measure its internal consistency, convergent and discriminant validity, criterion validity, and construct validity and the test demonstrates acceptable psychometric qualities, but there have been some concerns with its use. This paper reviews the development of the BDI-II, its psychometric properties, uses, strengths, and weaknesses. Advantages and disadvantages of using the BDI-II and recommendations for future research regarding its use are also discussed.
Title of paper

The psychiatric….

Nursing & omen's Roles Pre-and-Post Civil ar
The student focusing on 19th century history in the United States in most cases studies the Civil ar and the causes that led to the war. But there are a number of very important aspects to 19th century American history that relate to women's roles, including nursing and volunteering to help the war wounded and others in need of care. This paper delves into the role nurses played in the Civil ar (both Caucasian and Black nurses), the way in which the Civil ar changed the woman's work roles, the role women (both Black and Caucasian) played before, during, and after the war, and the terrible injustices thrust on women of color in a number of instances throughout the 19th century.

The oman's role in America prior to the Civil ar

"A woman's work is never done," is an old maxim but it has never become….

Groups Within My Workplace
In the Human esources Department of Barney College, there are eleven employees. It would seem that these people can be grouped in a number of ways. The most obvious groupings: nine women and two men so one possible source of conflict could be along gender lines; three African-Americans and eight Caucasians and this reference group could pose problems along racial lines. Depending on the ethnicity of the Caucasian workers, there is a possibility of conflict there. There is the reference group based on position and level of authority. The possibility of conflict here goes in more than one direction because the conflict could be racially or gender-based. Age is another possible consideration which could be multi-stranded along race and gender lines mixed with the age consideration. Another reference group would be support staff in possible conflict with the various managers. It is also possible that the….

Ethnicity in Stafford, Virginia
Living in the commonwealth of Virginia in the year 2012 is a mostly enjoyable existence for myself and the fellow members of my community. Stafford, Virginia is a relatively small place. e have about 100,000 people living here. This is a community steeped in heritage. One of the landmarks of our community is the boyhood farm of First President of the United States, George ashington. Ferry Farm is the central tourist attraction in Stafford and many of our local events center around our Founding Father. During the Civil ar, President Abraham Lincoln visited Chatham, a private home in the region. The land was used as a station for the Union army during that war. America's history is part of our daily lives. This is evidenced by the fact that the phrase "here history meets the promise of tomorrow" is emblazoned on the town's website (Stafford 2012).

I am….

Bass, P., ilso, J. And Griffith, C. (2003). A Shortened Instrument for Literacy Screening. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 8(12), 1036-8.

Berger, J. (2000). Corporate Health Plan Strategies and Health Literacy. National Health Communications Conference. ashington, DC: ACP Fouindation.

Chew, L., Bradley, K., and Boyko, E.. (2004). Brief Questions to Identify Patients with Inadequate Health Literacy. Family Medicine, 36(8), 588-94.

Chew, L., Griffin, J., Partin, M., et al. (2008). Validation of Screening Questions for Limited Health Literacy. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(5), 561-6.

Davis, T. And olf, M.. (2004). Health Literacy Implications for Family Medicine. Family Medicine, 36(8), 595-8.

Davis, T., Long, S., and Jackson, R. (1993). Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine. Family Medicine, 25(1), 391-95.

Dowse, R., Lecoko, L. And Ehlers, M. (2005). Applicability of the REALM Health Literacy Test. Pharmacy orld, 32(4), 464-71.

Ibrahim, S., Reid, F., Shaw, A., et al. (2008). Validation of a Health Literacy Screening Tool (REALM). Journal of….

Mummies of Urumchi

Mummies of Urumchi by Elizabeth Wayland arber. Specifically, it will contain a book report on the book, including the author's thesis, evidence she uses to prove her thesis, and how convincing a case she makes. Did ancient civilizations of Asia and Europe expand from common places of origin? Where did these Caucasians come from? Elizabeth Wayland arber, an archaeologist at Occidental College, asks herself those questions and begins a fascinating journey along the silk-road into prehistoric time. Is there strong circumstantial evidence to prove there was expansion from common places of origin for these mummies? arber was well prepared to piece together all of the diverse and overwhelming textiles, linguistic, and anatomical clues that makes up this amazing case.
The Mummies of Urumchi

arber's book chronicles the mummies found in and around the Urumchi area of Eurasia. The mummies are quite interesting for several reasons, including the vivid and beautiful clothing….

2 Pages


Why Are White People Called Caucasian

Words: 716
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

White People Are Called Caucasian Caucasus is a word from Greek kaukasos (Mt.Caucasus) which gives the region its name, therefore Caucasus refers to the mountains of East Europe and…

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11 Pages
Case Study


19-Year-Old Caucasian Female With Panic Attack

Words: 3055
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Case Study

B.S. DOB: 12/25/1992 GENDE: Female ace: Caucasian ELIGION: Catholic MAITAL STATUS: Single OCCUPATION: College Student CHIEF COMPLAINT: "I am scared. I feel like I can't catch my breath and my chest hurts." Differential Diagnosis: There are a…

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7 Pages
Case Study


Client Is a Four-Year-Old Caucasian Female Currently

Words: 2636
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

client is a four-year-old, Caucasian female, currently in kindergarten. She is living with her father, and great-grandfather, and next door to her father's parents. The client is currently…

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2 Pages
A2 Coursework


Bill Is a 42-Year-Old Caucasian

Words: 963
Length: 2 Pages
Type: A2 Coursework

Bill must weigh the costs and benefits of different career paths, both within the field of therapy and outside of it. As he has no dependants, going back…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Jackie Smith Is an 82-Year-Old Right-Handed Caucasian

Words: 1224
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Jackie Smith is an 82-year-old right-handed Caucasian woman. She has been diagnosed with dementia and her eldest son has petitioned the court for guardianship in the past. At that…

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9 Pages

Drugs and Alcohol

How Does Heroin Impact a Caucasian Family

Words: 3326
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Heroin Impact on Caucasian Family? A large number of Caucasian families are plagued with the issue of heroin use, mostly consumed via injections. This is a major public health issue.…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

American History the Caucasian Male

Words: 302
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The effect will also trickle into the political arena: the more minorities and women are visibly in positions of power in companies and organizations, the more women and…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Community Response to Race and Criminal Justice

Words: 1265
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Community esponse to ace and Criminal Justice Community esponse The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), in Decatur, GA was chosen for this assignment. The department is responsible for serving the…

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5 Pages


Sheriff Jim Jones Has a Propensity to

Words: 1625
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Sheriff Jim Jones has a propensity to denigrate minorities. He has a team of investigating officers that all belong to the Caucasian race. It implies that Sheriff Jones…

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10 Pages


Beck Depression Inventory-Ii Bdi-Ii Is a 21-Item

Words: 4152
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) is a 21-item clinician administered and scored scale that is designed to measure a person's mood and symptoms related to depression. The BDI-II was…

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22 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete

Sports - Women

How Did Nursing Change Social Roles of Northern Women During the Civil War

Words: 7299
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Nursing & omen's Roles Pre-and-Post Civil ar The student focusing on 19th century history in the United States in most cases studies the Civil ar and the causes that led…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Groups Within My Workplace in the Human

Words: 329
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Groups Within My Workplace In the Human esources Department of Barney College, there are eleven employees. It would seem that these people can be grouped in a number of…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Ethnicity in Stafford Virginia Living in the

Words: 2098
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Ethnicity in Stafford, Virginia Living in the commonwealth of Virginia in the year 2012 is a mostly enjoyable existence for myself and the fellow members of my community. Stafford, Virginia…

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6 Pages
Literature Review


Newest Vital Sign and Realm

Words: 1845
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Bass, P., ilso, J. And Griffith, C. (2003). A Shortened Instrument for Literacy Screening. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 8(12), 1036-8. Berger, J. (2000). Corporate Health Plan Strategies and Health…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Mummies of Urumchi

Words: 1696
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mummies of Urumchi by Elizabeth Wayland arber. Specifically, it will contain a book report on the book, including the author's thesis, evidence she uses to prove her thesis,…

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