Newest Vital Sign And Realm Literature Review

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Berger, J. (2000). Corporate Health Plan Strategies and Health Literacy. National Health Communications Conference. Washington, DC: ACP Fouindation.

Chew, L., Bradley, K., and Boyko, E.. (2004). Brief Questions to Identify Patients with Inadequate Health Literacy. Family Medicine, 36(8), 588-94.

Chew, L., Griffin, J., Partin, M., et al. (2008). Validation of Screening Questions for Limited Health Literacy. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(5), 561-6.

Davis, T. And Wolf, M.. (2004). Health Literacy Implications for Family Medicine. Family Medicine, 36(8), 595-8.

Davis, T., Long, S., and Jackson, R. (1993). Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine. Family Medicine, 25(1), 391-95.

Dowse, R., Lecoko, L. And Ehlers, M. (2005). Applicability of the REALM Health Literacy Test. Pharmacy World, 32(4), 464-71.

Ibrahim, S., Reid, F., Shaw, A., et al. (2008). Validation of a Health Literacy Screening Tool (REALM). Journal of Public Health, 30(4), 449-55.

Johnson, K. And Weiss, B. (2008). How Long Does it Take to Assess Literacy Skills in Clinical Practice? Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 21(3), 211-4.

Mpofu, E. And Oakland, T. (2010). Rehabilitation and Primary Care Patient Dissatisfaction. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 19(1), 45-9.

VanGeest, J., Welct, V., and Weine, S. (2010). Patients' Perceptions of Screen For Health Literacy. Journal of Health communication, 15(4), 402-12.

Volandes, A.,…

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Works Cited

Health Litarcy: Report of the Council on Scientific Affairs. (1999). Journal of the American Medical Association, 28(1), 552-7.0

Arozulla, Y., Benett, S., Soltysilk, T., et al. (2007). Development and Validation of a Short-Form, Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine. Medical Care, 5(11), 1026-33.

Bass, P., Wilso, J. And Griffith, C. (2003). A Shortened Instrument for Literacy Screening. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 8(12), 1036-8.

Berger, J. (2000). Corporate Health Plan Strategies and Health Literacy. National Health Communications Conference. Washington, DC: ACP Fouindation.

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