Character Essays (Examples)

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Character Development -- the Yugoslavian Bodybuilder Prologue
Pages: 4 Words: 1269

Character Development -- the Yugoslavian Bodybuilder

Kristoff Savi-ic is a first-generation Yugoslavian-American (of Serbian descent) whose parents immigrated with their three children to the United States in the 1990, having narrowly escaped the Balkan Wars that ensued immediately afterwards in the early 1990s. At 29, he is the youngest of three much older brothers and he bore the brunt of considerably intense and somewhat cruel teasing on their part as a child and as a teenager. His brothers were both jealous and resentful of the comparatively easy life that Kristoff enjoyed growing up in the U.S., both of them having experienced much more difficult childhoods in Yugoslavia and without any of the comforts and opportunities that were always available to Kristoff, who moved to the U.S. when he was 7. Partly because of his love of American junk food as a child, Kristoff became somewhat overweight as a child and his…...

Character War Has Remained an Important Phenomenon
Pages: 3 Words: 1271

Character War
War has remained an important phenomenon used by the states to achieve their goals when the diplomacy failed. Previously, many philosophers has worked over war and defined it as a phenomenon that has a specific unpredictable nature. Similarly, they also provided us with certain principles, which are more often valid for most of the wars that have taken place so far. This paper discusses the campaign where the U.S. military ignored certain principles, misjudged the character of it and faced losses in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Analysis on Character and Principles of War

War has remained a consistent phenomenon throughout human history. It has been subject to evolution but the nature of war has always remained the same in one way or another. As compared to the development of technology or trade, literature or political reforms, the real history of a nation has been shaped by the wars it…...



Dennison, Clayton. " Operation Iraqi Freedom: What Went Wrong? A Clausewtzian Analysis." Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 9.3 (2007): 1-30. Centre for Military and Strategic Studies. Web. 15 Jan 2013.

Dunlap, Charles J., Jr. "Neo-Strategicon: Modernized Principles of War for the 21st Century." Military Review (2006): 71-79. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Web. 16 Jan 2013.

Hooker, R, D., Jr. "Beyond Vom Kriege: The Character and Conduct of Modern War." Parameters (2005): 4-17. Web .16 Jan 2013.

Echevarria II, Antulio J. "Principles of War or Principles of Battle?" Rethinking the Principles of War (2005): 1-14. U.S. Naval Institute Press. Web. 16 Jan 2013.

Character Sketch Elena Is 16
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Elena's parents find it shocking, but they don't comment too much, although once Elena heard the two of them in their bedroom talking about Jessica being a bad influence on her. Elena wishes her parents would give her more credit than that. She doesn't even have a boyfriend. Nor does she want one. She's a virgin and she plans to stay that way.
Elena's dream is to dance on the show So Ya Think You Can Dance and then be noticed by one of the judges -- like Adam Shankman or 'Lil C. The people on that show look so happy and they get to dance to the best music and everybody respects them. When the cameras close in on the parents of these kid dancers, they look so proud. She would like her parents to look at her and be that proud. She wants to make them proud more…...

Character Relationship the Relationship Between
Pages: 5 Words: 1438

The subordination still exists on the outside and this is shown more and more through Amir's despotic behavior towards Hassan. The subordination has moved beyond its tacit acceptance phase and into a clearly recognizable perspective.
It is, however, completely irrational and comes, in fact, from Amir's own shame and being a coward and not doing anything to save Hassan. His incapacity develops on more than one levels and it is interesting to see once again how one of the characters is, in fact, pictured with regards to the relationship with the other character. On one hand, he is genuinely afraid of what could happen to him. On the other, more hidden level, he also wants the kite and is willing to trade anything for it, because the kite, as shown previously, will give him the stature he needs in society and, especially, in front of his father.

The fact that he…...

Character Sketch for Finny in
Pages: 2 Words: 785

Finny succeeded to draw a circle of truth around himself that made him credible and put him above any intention of punishment whatsoever. His unique behavior and his style brought a breath of fresh air into the old school especially because "the Devon Faculty had never before experienced a student who combined a calm ignorance of the rules with a winning urge to be good, who seemed to love the school truly and deeply, and never more than when he was braking the regulation, model boy who was the most comfortable in the truant's corner" (idem). For all that, Finny unconsciously paved the way to perdition for his friend, Gene. He uncovered the feeling of envy in his best buddy that further led to suspicion and ended in indirect murder. As a result, Gene made Finny fall from the tree while exercising their dangerous jumps into the river, leading to…...


Works Cited

Knowles, John. A Separate Peace. Simon and Schuster, 2003

Character Autobiography on Gwyn From
Pages: 2 Words: 838

The loud clang however received no answer and the land continued to be unnaturally still, only shaken by the great storm. There was nothing I could do against the waves on my own, so I had to descend into the village and call the people myself. As I ran through the streets, I met no one on my way and found only a few dogs barking and howling because of the danger they sensed in the storm. The wind was now so strong that it threw things in my way, making it even harder for me to walk. I could see the big door of the hall wide open and when I finally got there I found all the people sound asleep on the floor. I first saw the prince and approached him fast. I shook him and tried to awaken him, but he seemed immersed in a deadly…...

Character Reference on Behalf of
Pages: 3 Words: 888

The allegations against Mr. Parker are false, and furthermore, defy any sense of logic with respect to the history of the man in question. To suggest that he might have determined to yield all which he had worked for with no scintilla of ethical divergence by a single and senseless act such as that for which he is accused.
With his well-earned career and excellent reputation now at stake with this judgment, I implore a reconsideration of Mr. Parker's record and the nature of the case against him. First and foremost, I believe that the legal ramifications of this case must afford Mr. Parker an advantage in consideration, primarily based on the lack of concrete evidence against him. I will spare you the details of this shortage of concrete evidence, which will most assuredly be made clearer with any further hearings or proceedings against Mr. Parker.

I simply ask you to…...

Character Profile Jazmin Biltmore the
Pages: 3 Words: 969

Some of society might indeed see her as too fat, which could lead to a mishandling of human services. Alternatively, others could dismiss her weight worries as inconsequential, and therefore never get to the lack of self-confidence at the root of her concerns. There is much confusion and mis-identification regarding weight; according to a recent study of women, while only "55% were overweight, though two-thirds said they thought they were overweight" (Kaiser, 2007). Jazmin is, in fact, somewhat overweight, but not to the extremity that she thinks she is, and not enough to cause her immediate or permanent medical damage. Her misperceptions about herself, however, as well as society's misperceptions about weight in general, can cause for a misdirection of human services.
If I were to encounter Jazmin Biltmore in real life in a professional capacity, I would recommend that she seek help from a licensed counselor and a nutritionist.…...



Edlin, G. & Golanty, E. (2007). Health and Wellness. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.

Kaiser. (2001). "Study examines weight misperceptions by race, gender." Kaiser Network, 10 may 2007. Retrieved 6 February 2009.

(2002). "How misperceptions can create havoc in the workplace." Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, 28 August 2002. Retrieved 6 February 2009.

Morin, R. (2001). "Misperceptions cloud whites' view of blacks." Washington Post, 11 July. Retrieved from the center for individual rights 6 February 2009.

Character Sketch of Joe Provenzano
Pages: 2 Words: 639

Oh, we just came back from a shoot-out. I participate in the Single Action Shooting Society where I go by the name Tex Fiddler," Joe said.

How in the world did you come up with Tex Fiddler?," I asked unable to repress my curiosity.

Well, I am from Texas and I love to play the fiddle. It is one of my hobbies," he said.

After this awkward introduction, we invited Joe and his wife to join us for the late meal we were having. Joe seemed very at ease in everything he was doing and saying. He and my husband talked about work, horses, guns and philosophy at the same time. Joe had an opinion on every subject and he always shared it. His infatuation with old western customs was obviously just one of his many different pastimes. Joe Provenzano was definitely a philosopher and Tex Fiddler, the character he invented, was one…...

Character Description Donna Is One
Pages: 2 Words: 598

This attitude is wonderful to be around because Donna is so happy all the time. Regardless of what is going on, she is always up. We could be told that we have to work overtime, and Donna will simply say that it is more money. She will crack jokes about the boss, roll her eyes, and make funny faces right behind the boss's back just to try to make us laugh in a meeting. Her eyes might be small, but she can bug them out in a way while she is making a weird face that is so funny. She also loves to do things with her hands when we are in a serious meeting. She manages to next to or almost behind the boss so she can performs these antics and get away with them. She says she is not worried about being fired because she is an administrative…...

Character in Cinema
Pages: 50 Words: 17376

He simply cannot escape these expectations. So, when Robert DeNiro takes on a comedic role, such as the role of the potential father-in-law in Meet the Parents, the moment he comes on the screen, the audience is aware that he is Robert DeNiro, in addition to the character that is being portrayed. Therefore, his character can do things that other characters could not. ho but Robert DeNiro could portray a father who would give an actual lie detector test to his daughter's suitor (Roach)? Another actor who has made a career of playing essentially different versions of the same basic role is Hugh Grant. In each of his films, Grant plays a bit of a romantic doofus, who is handsome, and because he is handsome, has some success with women, but is essentially clueless about women. This is a characterization that he brings to each of his roles. Therefore,…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Brad. The Machinist. Filmax Group, 2004.

Demme, Jonathan. The Silence of the Lambs. MGM Studios, 1991.

Eastwood, Clint. Gran Torino. Warner Brothers, 2008.

Eastwood, Clint. Unforgiven. Warner Brothers, 1992.

Character Development in Toni Morrison's
Pages: 3 Words: 1042

The moment when Sula accidentally kills Chicken Little plays an important role in her relationship with Nel. hile both girls are inclined to feel guilt as a result of their involvement in the child's death, Sula believes that her action was caused by her destructive nature and that it is perfectly natural for her to put across immoral behavior. In contrast, Nel gradually detaches herself from the event and comes to believe that she had nothing to do with Chicken Little's death. Her upbringing influenced her in believing that she could not possibly make a mistake as long as she acts in accordance with her mother's instructions.
The relationship between Sula and Nel is very different from the one between two typical children, as they feel that they are connected as a result of their similar goals. Even with the fact that they have different personalities they feel that they…...


Works cited:

Dubey, Madhu, "Black women novelists and the nationalist aesthetic," (Indiana University Press, 1994)

Mitchell, Angelyn, "Within the circle: an anthology of African-American literary criticism from the Harlem Renaissance to the present," (Duke University Press, 1994)

Morrison, Toni, "Sula," (Vintage International, 2004).

Character Education and Segregation Practices
Pages: 3 Words: 1265

Character Edu
Case Reflection #1

First come up with three qualities that constitute being a "Good Citizen." Your group members must agree on three qualities.



Civic Virtue

What are the three qualities? What factors did you consider in order to agree on these qualities? How difficult was it to agree on three qualities?

When considering which three qualities constitute being a "good citizen," we considered all of the six pillars of character, and the Boggs success skills. While we believed that all of these qualities are important, we determined collectively that trustworthiness, respect, and civic virtue were the most important to being a "good citizen." It was relatively easy to agree on the importance of these three qualities, although we had a good debate over which qualities to pick.

Do you consider yourself a "Good Citizen?" Why?

If I measure myself against the three qualities that our group has selected, then I would consider myself a good…...

Character Identification The Graduate 1967 Plastics Although
Pages: 2 Words: 673

Character identification: The Graduate (1967)
"Plastics." Although The Graduate was made in 1967, it is difficult not to identify with the protagonist Benjamin Braddock. Benjamin is a recent college graduate, adrift in the world and uncertain of his life's purpose. Benjamin finds himself constantly pressured by the adults in his life to select a stable career path and to settle down. Benjamin is disturbed by the emptiness and misery of the adults around him, but he is not sure about how to find a new way to live. He wants to please his parents but he does not want to become like his parents.

First and foremost, I identify with Benjamin because we are at similar life stages. e are no longer young adolescents who feel confident that our parents know what to do, yet we are uncertain of our own values. e seek objective, wise counsel from an outside authority, but…...


Works Cited

The Graduate. Starring Dustin Hoffman. 1967.

Character Book Let Great World Spin Ciaran al
Pages: 7 Words: 2369

character book "Let Great orld Spin" Ciaran,"Al
Round and Round: Closing the Gaps in Let the Great orld Spin

Ciaran's narrative in book one of Let The Great orld Spin, "All Respects to Heaven, I like it Here," contains vital information for the understanding of the events that take place within the novel, and for the significance of those events to its principle protagonist, Corrigan. It is highly important that this particular narration comes before those of the other characters (except for that of Philippe Petit) because of the structure of the novel which essentially contains 11 separate narrators all united by the Petit's skywalk between the pair of towers of the world trade center -- and their interactions and reverberating actions with Corrigan. To many of the other narrator's of Let the Great orld Spin, Corrigan's behavior is inexplicable. He chooses to attempt to restore the worldly souls of prostitutes…...


Works Cited

Adams, Tim. "Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann." The Guardian. 2009. Web. 

Mahler, Jonathan. "The Soul of a City." The New York Times. 2009. Web. 

McCann, Colum. Let the Great World Spin. New York: Random House. 2009. Print.

Peed, Mike. "Book Review: Colum McCann's 'Let the Great World Spin'." The Washington Post. 2009. Web.

Does divorce cause juvenile delinquency?
Words: 157

According to some authors, divorce is a problem when it comes to delinquency. Others do not see a strong correlation. For example, "The variables that predict male delinquency were found to be different from those that predict female delinquency. Characteristics of the parents' marriage play an important role for boys, while misbehavior of girls is more strongly predicted by variables measuring parent-child interaction and parental control." comes from and appears to say that only boys are affected by factors in their parents' marriage when it comes to delinquency. However, this article: states that divorce is a cause of....

The social, political, cultural notions of war in the book "All Quiet on the Western Front"?
Words: 137

Remarque challenges the social, cultural, and political notions of war in the way the main characters react to their plight. It is assumed that a nation will rally around its troops, and that the troops themselves will see war as having a great level of value. Since the main characters do not see war that way, they feel cut off from the social and cultural aspects of "going to war." They also don't understand the political ramifications, or why any country would want to invade another. It doesn't make sense to them. Remarque indicates that this may be much more....

a streetcar named desire scence 3 analysis?
Words: 128

You can find great information on Scene 3 of A Streetcar Named Desire here: The use of language varies a lot between Stanley (very coarse) and Blanche (full of lyric and emotion when she speaks about her husband). Symbolism is particularly important, because Tennessee Williams was very focused on more than just what was said by the characters. He wanted the people who read his work to experience more than just the words of the people in the story. It's also possible to find the scene on YouTube so you can watch it and understand more about the motifs and....

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