Childcare Essays (Examples)

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Community Child Care Services Have Come a
Pages: 8 Words: 2067

Community child care services for children with disabilities

Community child care services have experienced much progress during recent years, as studies and an increasing amount of efforts have worked together in providing disabled children with a series of privileges. Several acts implemented during the last few decades have made it possible for children with disabilities to be accepted into the social order without being discriminated on account of their particularities. Every child is unique and it is extremely important to help children with disabilities become an active part of society. Providing disabled children with care has become a primary agenda in many developed…...

Impact and Cost of Child Care on Single Parents
Pages: 9 Words: 2371

Child Care on Single Parents
Over the past several years, more single parents with children, mostly women, have joined the workforce (Ford, 1995). As a result, childcare has become an extremely important social policy issue. Many single parents, particularly those with low incomes, find it difficult to finance the cost of decent childcare.

In addition, poor quality of childcare has become an increasingly significant problem in the United States. Low wages for childcare workers result in high turnover and inexperienced childcare providers.

As more and more single parents have moved, by necessity or choice, from the home into the workforce, the need for affordable, quality childcare has become a crucial social issue. However, this need often goes unmet. As a result, there is an enormous impact and cost placed on single parents.

Recent research reveals that 71% of parents reprimanded for child neglect did not have enough money to pay a babysitter (CEED,…...



Women's Stake in Improving the Availability, Affordability, and Quality of Child Care and Early Education," National Women's Law Center (1999).

Center for Early Education and Development (CEED). (1992). University of Minnesota. Retrieved on Internet at .

Children's Defense Fund, The State of America's Children: Yearbook 2001 (2001).

Coalition on Human Needs (CHN). (2003). CHN Issue Brief on Child Care. Retrieved on Internet at .

Infant Child Care and Attachment There Is
Pages: 11 Words: 3006

Infant Child Care and Attachment
There is much concern about how infant child care will affect a child's emotional attachment to his parents and shape his future behavioral profile. Concerns around the effects of infant child care on the nature of a child's attachment to its parents and on the child's future behavioral profile bear particular relevance at a time when the traditional family unit has evolved to include the likelihood of two working parents. Increasing numbers of infants are enrolled into some form of daycare at earlier and earlier stages in their lives, prompting renewed examination of the possible impact on both the child's parental attachment and his future socialization. ecent debate has focused on the possibility that children enrolled in out-of-home child care as infants are at risk for later social and emotional development (Belsky, 1988; Clarke-Stewart, 1988).

In assessing the role of infant child care on attachment and on…...



Ahnert, Liesolette & Lamb, Michael E. (2003)

Shared Care: Establishing a Balance Between Home and Child Care Settings."

Child Development 74 (4), 1044-1049

Valley Interfaith Child Care Center
Pages: 4 Words: 1136

The newsletter talks about upcoming events, as well as other relevant center news, and gives parenting tips. As discussed earlier, parental involvement in the form of volunteerism, as well as community involvement, is strongly encouraged. There are no child assessments performed, however.
The Center and Quality Child Care:

There are many ways the center provides quality child care. Their health policies are quite strict and each child's health is assessed when they are dropped off. The environment is designed specifically to facilitate learning. The activities are often child initiated and hands on, taking advantage of the benefits of High Scope research. Guidance is encouraging, with teachers and assistants there to support physically and emotionally the needs of the children, without hindering their natural creativity and learning experience. Discipline was appropriate, using encouragement and positive reinforcement when children behaved properly.

The Caregivers and Quality Child Care:

Each of the caregivers truly seemed to enjoy…...



Parent handbook. (2008). Retrieved May 5, 2009, from .

Tuition rates. (June 2008). Retrieved May 5, 2009, from .

Valley Interfaith Child Care Center. (No date). Retrieved May 5, 2009, from .

What to Look for in Child Care
Pages: 2 Words: 920

Day Care Services
hen both parents need to work to support the family, but the family has a child and there is no family member available to provide care for that child, the only option for those parents is to locate a child care facility and trust that the care will be of good quality. This paper reviews the process that parents will go through in determining which facility to use, and then what they should know before selecting a high-quality child care facility.

The city is Fresno and the state is California.

There are minimum standards for child care in California, including that they must be licensed by the state. One child care center can include infants, toddlers, preschool or school-aged children, but separate licenses are required for each category. It is more common to have a child care center specialize in just one age group, but as mentioned, with the proper…...


Works Cited

California Department of Education. (2014). Child Care Centers. Retrieved May 28, 2014,

from .

California State Requirements. (2013). Worker Qualifications. Retrieved May 28, 2014, from .

Children's Services Network. (2012). Finding Child Care. Retrieved May 28, 2014, from .

Quality Childcare the Quality of
Pages: 4 Words: 1267

Parents' well being should be whole in order to give wholly to their children. When parents encounter marital problems for example, they tend to project frustrations and failures to their children. Adjustments in the parents' side are also felt by their children. A journal on Marital Adjustment, Marital Discord Over Childrearing, and Child Behavior Problems: Moderating Effects of Child Age by Mahoney, et. al., studied whether marital discord over childrearing contributes to child behavior problems after taking into account general marital adjustment, and if child age moderates associations between child behavior problems and either general marital adjustment or marital discord over childrearing. he journal points to a low-to-moderate association which exists between general marital adjustment and child behavior problems. but, further studies as to specific assessment of marital functioning are needed.
When a mother is not healthy physically or mentally, her child rearing practices are also affected. Problems within herself…...


Therefore, child rearing thus affect the well-being of young children. Children are formed upon different factors that surround them, and a big factor is how they are brought up by their caregivers. It is essential for parents or parent-substitute to understand the child's uniqueness, recognize what approach is appropriate for him/her, check on his/her own personal well being, and realize that the child lives in a diverse world full of different culture, character and teachings.

A"Gerlach a"%5BAuthor%5D&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus" Gerlach a. "Circle of caring": a First Nations worldview of child rearing. Can J. Occup Ther. 2008 Feb;75(1):18-25

Annette Mahoney, Ernest N. Jouriles, Joel Scavone. Marital Adjustment, Marital Discord over Childrearing, and Child Behavior Problems: Moderating Effects of Child Age. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, Vol. 26, 1997

Routines for Home-Based Childcare Early Childhood Educators
Pages: 2 Words: 577

Routines for Home-Based Childcare:
Early childhood educators usually assume a significant role in ensuring that children they care for are offered an environment and atmosphere that permits each of them to grow and flourish in an appropriate way for every individual. As the major responsibility of caregivers, good quality in childcare basically promotes and enhances the development of the child. In attempts to promote the development of a child, the core of every early education and childcare initiative is based on the consideration of the needs and interests of children as well as their parents and families.

The process of promoting and enhancing child development incorporates partnership with parents in every aspect of childcare services, development of routines, and valuing every child in the home-based childcare setting. Partnership with parents or their involvement can be described as active participation by parents in planned, constant, and meaningful ways in all programs and…...

Providing an Employer Sponsored Childcare Facility
Pages: 5 Words: 1617

Workplace Child Care
The world of business and economy has changed significantly over the last century. It was unusual for both partners in a marriage to work outside of the home just 50 years ago. In 2011, however, almost half (47.5%) of all the families in the United States had two working parents (Finn, 2013). This figure is likely to rise with every passing year. There are at least two main factors that contribute to this: The increased ability of women to enter the workplace on the same level as men in terms of profession choice and salarly, and on the other hand, the increasing difficulty of families to make ends meet on a single salary, which does not increase to match inflation rates. Hence, while women have become empowered to expand themselves not only domestically, but also economically, this empowerment has, in the case of many families, become a necessity.…...



BASF (2013). Work-Life-Balance. Retrieved from: 

Casey, J. And Dobbs, J. (2007). Employer-Supported Child Care. Effective Workplace Series, 8. Retrieved from: 

Finn, L. (2013). Benefits of a Day Care in the Workplace. Global Post. Retrieved from: 

Hahn, C. (2013). Day Care: An Office Affair. Retrieved from:

Free Universal Child-Care Services in
Pages: 2 Words: 728

Thirdly, despite the fact that propositions have been made to ensure a minimum support for the cases mentioned above, there is no legal framework for discriminatory action. More precisely, it is rather difficult to decide that one child needs financial support and assistance, while another may not need help. Therefore, the applicability of the child care plan should be universal and free because the equality among all citizens must be maintained.

During the economic slowdown of the last years, it is rather difficult to ensure an equal and satisfying child care system. Indeed, state resources cannot afford to provide the same amount of interest and financial assistance. However, in terms of policy planning, the child care system must be based on the principles of equality. In this sense, the state must ensure equal treatment to all families as children are equal in their rights. Even so, during transitory times such as…...



Almanac of Policy Issues. Child care. 2010. Retrieved from

Edie, David. Toward a new child care policy. The Urban Institute. 2006. Available at 

Motherhood - Extent and Effects of Maternal Employment. Available at Motherhood - Extent and Effects of Maternal Employment - Single Parent, Gender, Family, Development, Mothers, Children, Women, Countries, Child, and Childcare

Socialization and Child Care Child
Pages: 2 Words: 633

Whoever runs the day care center might also not understand how to work with disabled children or children whose first language is not English. Parents might want to monitor their child's progress at the child care center before committing to a long program of care.
HIV: Causes and Solutions

Discussion 1

There is no one cause for the AIDS crisis. However, a lack of proper medical funding in regions with populations hit most severely by the disease is a major cause of the proliferation of AIDS. The large for-profit pharmaceutical corporations funnel far more money into marketing than into research and development, making the search for a cure or a vaccine thwarted by the quest for financial gain.

Discussion 2

The primary cause for the AIDS crisis is the stigma that still surrounds the disease until this day. When AIDS was first spreading during the 1980s, the sexually transmitted virus was most commonly affecting…...

Turn of the Screw Child Care
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Turn of the Screw / Child Care
A Turn to Screw the Young

An Argument for the Freudian Analysis of Innocence, Sexuality, and Abuse of Children in the Classic by Henry James

Henry James has been celebrated for his realism, and his writing can provide a unique glimpse into the nature of humans within our society. The world portrayed within James' work is removed from the harsh, garish world of the reader's life, yet the characters remain intact and complete within their own reality. This technique is part of what makes James' work so captivating and revealing. The social issues which are touched on throughout his body of work are as relevant today as they were in his time, for the created reality of his characters is timeless. The Turn of the Screw is considered to be one of Henry James' most celebrated stories, the supernatural atmosphere drawing readers in, and the social,…...

Family Development Child Care Advice
Pages: 8 Words: 3295

2007). Further, if child care hours increased between three and 54 months (4 1/2) years, their vocabulary scores are lowered by the time they reach 5th grade (Belsky et al., 2007). This suggests that long-term child care use has important implications not only on children's socio-emotional functioning but on academic achievement as well.
Knowing this, it becomes more evident that parents cannot overlook the importance of choosing high quality child care if only to moderate the effects of long-term child care use.

Earlier, it was mentioned that high-quality child care is a predictor of positive pre-academic skills. Follow-up studies on the same children show that this is a potentially enduring effect; all other factors being equal, their vocabulary scores were consistently higher through the 5th and 6th grades than children who did not attend child care (Belsky et al., 2007). This again shows that children's early experience is critical to their…...



Belsky, J. 2007. "Are there long-term effects of early child care?" Child Development, Vol. 78, No. 2.

Harrison, L. 2002. "Maternal employment and infant-mother attachment security at 12 months postpartum." Development Psychology, Vol. 38, No. 5.

Jaffari-Bimmel, N. 2006. "Social development from infancy to adolescence: Longitudinal and concurrent factors in an adoption sample." Development Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 6.

Johnson, S. 2007. "Evidence for infants' internal working models of attachment." Psychological Science, Vol. 18, No. 6.

Learning Organizations and Child Care Learning Organizations
Pages: 2 Words: 586

Learning Organizations and Child Care
Learning organizations are generally viewed as being businesses or enterprises that facilitate learning throughout all of their operational processes and systems. They seek to encourage growth, innovation and collaboration among the key staff and consumers through this learning, and then to use that experience to strengthen the entire organization. A key difference is that the organization is a critical element of the learning that takes place.

There seem to be many components, but three characteristics are most common about learning organizations. The first is there has to be a supportive overall learning environment. Even in a traditional business environment, participants need to be encouraged to learn and need to be allowed to be responsive to the learning that occurs. The second is that what is learned needs to be able to be put into practice. What is learned has to be used to help advance the overall…...



Austin, M.S. And Harkins, D.A., Assessing change: can organizational learning work for schools? Suffolk University, Boston, MA. (n.d.) Retrieved from .

Infed. Organizational Learning. (2001). Retrieved October 10, 2011 from .

Case Study on Implementing Company Sponsored Childcare
Pages: 19 Words: 5099

President, Harper Supply Company
The possibility of providing child care assistance to employees

Since we last spoke I have been conducting extensive research into the matter of providing some form of child care assistance to the employees of Harper Industries. Needless to say, I have read much, studied much, and learned much. The final form of this reading, studying, and learning is attached to this memorandum.

As you know, we had a very positive reaction from the employees concerning the possibility of offering some assistance to them in the very expensive area of child care. Before beginning this study I was unaware of the monetary expense involved in having one child taken care of by an honest, kind individual. Since completing the writing of this report I am much more tolerant and much more knowledgeable about the matter of the difficulties of obtaining reasonably priced, reliable child care. In my research I found…...



Bloomfield, J. (1998). Establishing work-site child care centers: basic steps and considerations, Compensation and Benefits Management.

Carlson, A. (1998). The Trojan horse of child care, Executive speeches.

Durham-Vicks, L. (2000). Emergency child care; an important benefit, Washington

Business Journal. 19(21), 65.

Budgeting for Quality Childcare
Pages: 2 Words: 929

Middlehurst House Case
Bill Compton

Proposed Middlehurst House Budget Adjustments

Our catchment area continues to show high interest in the childcare services that Middlehurst House offers. We consistently have a waiting list of children and receive enthusiastic inquiries from parents each month. Casual discussions with realtors in our area and exploration of the county's residential property values database indicate that the surrounding neighborhoods are experiencing more gentrification. Indeed, there are indications -- including our parent satisfaction survey results -- that our client families would support higher tuition. I have provided some information below that I believe we should consider as we move into the new fiscal year.

Opportunities to Increase Quality of Care

Although our class sizes are well within the state and city regulations, and compare favorably with recommendations from the National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC), for early childhood education and daycare programs ("NAEYC," 2012). Still, I believe we have the…...

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of expact dads in korea?
Words: 480

Outline for an Essay on Expat Dads in Korea

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a compelling anecdote or statistic highlighting the unique experiences of expat dads in Korea.
B. Thesis statement: Briefly state the central argument or claim of the essay, such as "Expat dads in Korea face distinct challenges and rewards that shape their experiences as fathers and cultural outsiders."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Challenges of Being an Expat Dad
A. Lack of social support: Discuss the isolation and disconnect that expat dads may feel due to being far from their extended family and support systems.
B. Cultural differences: Explore....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Explain community-based services which are subject to UK registration and inspection?
Words: 283

Essay Outline: Explain Community-Based Services Subject to UK Registration and Inspection

I. Introduction
- Hook: Define community-based services and their significance in the UK.
- Thesis statement: Community-based services subject to UK registration and inspection provide essential support to vulnerable populations.

II. Regulated Community-Based Services

- Health and Social Care
- Care homes
- Nursing homes
- Home care services
- Education and Childcare
- Nurseries
- Daycare centers
- Childminders

III. Registration and Inspection Process

- Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Role and responsibilities
- Registration requirements
- Inspection Framework
- Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs)
- Inspection ratings

IV. Importance of Registration and Inspection

- Quality Assurance
- Ensures....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on Should men get more paternity leave?
Words: 433

I. Introduction
A. Background information on paternity leave
B. Thesis statement: Men should receive more paternity leave for several reasons.

II. Benefits of paternity leave for men
A. Bonding with the child
B. Sharing childcare responsibilities with the mother
C. Preventing caregiver burnout for the mother

III. Benefits of paternity leave for family
A. Strengthening family relationships
B. Providing a sense of security for the child
C. Encouraging gender equality in parenting roles

IV. Benefits of paternity leave for society
A. Promoting work-life balance
B. Improving child development outcomes
C. Reducing gender disparities in the workplace

V. Arguments against extending paternity leave for men

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on Should men get more paternity leave?
Words: 370

Outline for an Essay on Should Men Get More Paternity Leave?

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic or anecdote that highlights the importance of paternity leave.
Thesis statement: State the main argument that men should be entitled to more paternity leave.

II. Section 1: Importance of Paternity Leave for Fathers

Discuss the benefits of paternity leave for fathers:
Improved bonding with the newborn
Reduced stress and anxiety
Increased involvement in childcare
Provide evidence from research and studies to support these claims.

III. Section 2: Benefits of Paternity Leave for Families

Highlight the positive impact paternity leave has on families:
Enhanced child....

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