Quality Childcare The Quality Of Term Paper


Parents' well being should be whole in order to give wholly to their children. When parents encounter marital problems for example, they tend to project frustrations and failures to their children. Adjustments in the parents' side are also felt by their children. A journal on Marital Adjustment, Marital Discord Over Childrearing, and Child Behavior Problems: Moderating Effects of Child Age by Mahoney, et. al., studied whether marital discord over childrearing contributes to child behavior problems after taking into account general marital adjustment, and if child age moderates associations between child behavior problems and either general marital adjustment or marital discord over childrearing. The journal points to a low-to-moderate association which exists between general marital adjustment and child behavior problems. but, further studies as to specific assessment of marital functioning are needed. When a mother is not healthy physically or mentally, her child rearing practices are also affected. Problems within herself can be reflected on how she handles her child. You can only give as much as you have. Meaning, if you are not whole by yourself it is hard to help your child become whole. You can only teach what you know. Meaning, a caregiver's mental health and emotional well-being is what is made as a teaching example to the children.

Lastly, other outside factors also affect how a parent raises her children. On a journal entitled "Cicle of Caring" by Gerlach, it was found out that within the category of family there were subcategories identified, namely, the extensive support network, intergenerational learning and doing, and influence of the residential school system. And also, within the category of raising a child there were also identified subcategories such as health and spirituality, causation beliefs, and a sense of knowing. All of these contribute on child rearing. Aside from the parents' belief system, external...


Like the kind of environment the family lives in, the closeness of the children to their extended family, the teachings at school and all other factors. This makes child rearing a holistic approach.
Remember that your child interacts with other children, are expose to the outside world and are also bombarded by different information from the society that surrounds them. What parents teach at home may not be the same with how their playmates children are taught, how their teachers treat them at school, etc. As earlier mentioned, different cultures and societies have their own distinctive beliefs. And your child is not exclusively interacting with people of the same beliefs as yours. Therefore, parents should take into consideration how they explain to their children what they see outside their home.

Therefore, child rearing thus affect the well-being of young children. Children are formed upon different factors that surround them, and a big factor is how they are brought up by their caregivers. It is essential for parents or parent-substitute to understand the child's uniqueness, recognize what approach is appropriate for him/her, check on his/her own personal well being, and realize that the child lives in a diverse world full of different culture, character and teachings.

A www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=Search&Term="Gerlach a"%5BAuthor%5D&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus" Gerlach a. "Circle of caring": a First Nations worldview of child rearing. Can J. Occup Ther. 2008 Feb;75(1):18-25

Annette Mahoney, Ernest N. Jouriles, Joel Scavone. Marital Adjustment, Marital Discord over Childrearing, and Child Behavior Problems: Moderating Effects of Child Age. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, Vol. 26, 1997 www.vision.org/visionmedia/article.aspx?id=3724 www.websters-online-dictionary.org

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Therefore, child rearing thus affect the well-being of young children. Children are formed upon different factors that surround them, and a big factor is how they are brought up by their caregivers. It is essential for parents or parent-substitute to understand the child's uniqueness, recognize what approach is appropriate for him/her, check on his/her own personal well being, and realize that the child lives in a diverse world full of different culture, character and teachings.

A www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=Search&Term="Gerlach a"%5BAuthor%5D&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus" Gerlach a. "Circle of caring": a First Nations worldview of child rearing. Can J. Occup Ther. 2008 Feb;75(1):18-25

Annette Mahoney, Ernest N. Jouriles, Joel Scavone. Marital Adjustment, Marital Discord over Childrearing, and Child Behavior Problems: Moderating Effects of Child Age. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, Vol. 26, 1997 www.vision.org/visionmedia/article.aspx?id=3724 www.websters-online-dictionary.org

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