Childhood Memories Essays (Examples)

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Childhood Memories the Interviewee Chosen
Pages: 3 Words: 1083

During infancy, the interviewee's cognitive abilities were stimulated by playing with her older siblings, and also by the mother, who was able to spend a lot of time with her children and did not work outside the home. Games like pat-a-cake were played, and toys were offered that had many bright colors and were enjoyable. She was also read to quite often from a very early age. According to the text, stimulating all of a baby's senses early and often is important for development. Reading to them is very good, so that's something that the interviewee's mother was definitely doing right. Another advantage that the interviewee had was the benefit of older siblings. Not only did the mother learn from mistakes that she might have made with them, but they were also around to play with the interviewee, meaning that she was benefitting from their interaction with her. Learning language…...

Childhood Memory Eating Memory My
Pages: 2 Words: 899

"Try a little," said my mother, hesitating, wondering if I would like it. It was like an explosion of flavor in my mouth. I always thought I didn't like chicken, especially with vegetables, but this was different. It hardly seemed like the same animal, no pun intended, as what I was usually served. Even more wondrous were the little pockets of fried goodness called egg rolls. These were filled with vegetables like shredded cabbage and the spices made the green things delicious, rather than a pain to eat.
We often ordered out as a family during times of great joy and great sadness -- to celebrate, or when things were too hectic for home cooking. Eating Chinese food, even when I ordered the same thing, was never boring. I adored the special equipment needed to consume it -- the chopsticks, the flavor packets of neon yellow mustard and orange sweet…...

Childhood Memory
Pages: 5 Words: 1511

Kindergarten Memoirs
The First Day

The little fat girl cried on the first day of kindergarten. And not just a little snivel, but a loud full throated 62 pound ear shattering temper tantrum that clearly bespoke the message to anyone who was listening & #8230;GET ME THE HELL OUTTA HERE!....NOW! I remember my stomach churning like the ocean off the southern tip of the African continent. I can still see her in my mind; she wore a red dress and black shoes. Her hair was as dark as her mood.

I can see us now, Miss Klafkey's class, all dressed up with nowhere to hide. There was a general sense of anxiety amongst us all, a pervasive sense of doom. I think we were all wondering the same thing; what does she know that we don't know?

It wasn't long before others were crying too, including mothers. My fellow condemned prisoners were being…...

Memory and Emotion Through Examining
Pages: 2 Words: 669

umors of the impact of repressed memory are prevalent, "yet data on cognitive functioning in people reporting repressed and recovered memories of trauma have been strikingly scarce" (McNally 2011). Part of the explanation for this lack of evidence is the high rate of failure to actually pull out repressed memories within the context of the lab. Many studies examining the issue focused on using psychologists using hypothetical scenarios "hoping that this guided-imagery technique will unblock the presumably repressed memories" (McNally 2011). ather than providing the guidance that would help the participant show repressed memories, "unfortunately, this procedure may foster false memories," therefore jeopardizing the entire study (McNally 2011). As such, evidence for repressed memories remains elusive.
As a future professor, it is important to understand how memory works within the minds of one's students. There are a number of different strategies one can use to help students remember the most…...



Kensinger, Elizabeth a. (2007). Negative emotion enhances memory accuracy. Association for Psychological Science, 16(4), 213-219.

McNally, Richard J. (2011). Recovering memories of trauma: A view from the laboratory. Psychological Science. Harvard University Department of Psychology. Web.

Memory the Im Persistence of Historical and
Pages: 2 Words: 734

The (Im) persistence of Historical and Collective Memory: The Collective Forgetting of Vichy France and the Victims of the Holocaust

The unstable nature of human memory even on a personal level has been a persistent theme since Sigmund Freud's analysis of hysterics, to the modern day queries over the 'repressed memory' syndrome of alleged victims of childhood abuse. The fear of 'forgetting' such horrific historical events as the Holocaust in Europe and the crimes of the those collaborators of Vichy France has also spawned an additional, historical query into the nature of collective, human memory and the dangers of the unwillingness of human beings to confront the past.

Cognitive psychology suggests additional challenge to the difficulty of interpreting the Holocaust and also the "Vichy Syndrome" of a lack of historical guilt, that stretch beyond the moral allegations of fear or callousness. There may be a mental process that inhibits a full moral…...


Works Cited

La Capra, Dominick, History and Memory after Auschwitz. "Chapter 1: History and Memory: In the Shadow of the Holocaust." Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998.

Rousso, Henry. The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France since 1944. "Introduction: The Neurosis." Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991. Foreword by Stanley Hoffmann.

Childhood Recollection
Pages: 2 Words: 724

Memory is one of those human traits that both connects us to and alienates us from the past. In memory, we are most aware of how much the past remains just that -- in the past. In comparison to the here and now, we are also most aware of how much has been lost to the past when we recall the things we had and the things that are no longer there. Those really early memories about London, my home, come back to me in almost every detail, even while I tend to have trouble remembering what I did and where I went yesterday or the day before. These memories, or maybe a kind of urban nostalgia, bring to my mind many traditional places in the city that are close and dear to my heart. Indeed, I feel privileged to have known these places and lived through the time of…...

Childhood Depression
Pages: 15 Words: 4442

Childhood Depression
Major depressive disorder, or MDD, may affect up to twenty percent of the adult population. The recognition of depression as a serious and common mental disorder has been vital in the identification and treatment of depression in adults. Leaps and bounds have been made in the field of depression research. The widespread recognition of the many possible causes of depression, including chemical imbalances with genetic or medical origins as well as traumatic life events, has made it possible for those suffering from depression to openly seek treatment options and discuss their depression without necessarily feeling the same overwhelming shame and isolation that were inevitable in generations past. Depression is more likely to be identified in an affected individual by family members, physicians, or others because of the public information that is available for professionals and the common people. Research is constantly revealing new treatment options, identifying causal factors, and…...


Works Cited

Fremont, W.P. (2004, April) Childhood reactions to terrorism-induced trauma: a review of the past 10 years. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. v43, i4, 381(12).

Gaughan, D.M., et al. (2004, June) Psychiatric hospitalizations among children and youths with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Pediatrics. v113, i6, 1793(1).

Gazelle, H. & Ladd, G.W. (2003, January-February) Anxious solitude and peer exclusion: a diathesis-stress model of internalizing trajectories in childhood. Child Development. v74, i1, 257(22).

Louters, L.L. (2004, September) Don't overlook childhood depression: an effective approach to childhood depression requires that you maintain a high index of suspicion and understand the disorder's full spectrum of manifestations. JAAPA - Journal of the American Academy of Physicians Assistants. v17, i9, 18(7).

Memory Lost Boys Never Forget Had Always
Pages: 3 Words: 1093

Lost Boys Never Forget" had always thought my childhood to be quite memorable. Birthday parties, family reunions, road trips, football games... It was a very active and eventful life when I was growing up, and I always seemed to have an exciting adventurous tale to tell in class the first day after summer break, or when my parents asked me how my day had been at the dinner table. I loved playing outdoors, and the nearby woods offered endless games of make-believe. However, when I was barely twelve years old, I chose to take a walk down the old, rarely used hiking trail in those woods with my friend Kenny. Down that path I would find something unlike anything I had ever seen before, and I would have such a life-changing experience that my entire twelve years of life before would seem almost like an empty slate with nothing at…...

Environment on Memory Recall Light
Pages: 8 Words: 2139

The specific categories include the following:
1) color;

2) smell;

3) texture;

4) temperature; and 5) feelings.


The following table labeled Figure 1 in this study states the responses given by participants in both groups in this study and as well provides totals and grand totals for both groups which for the purpose of this study are labeled as follows:

Group 1 - Memory Recall Group (Outside Light)

Group 2 - Memory Recall Group (Darkened or Muted Light)

Responses of Participants in Group 1 and Group 2





It is clear from the findings in this study which specifically show that Group 1 - Memory Recall Group (Outside Light) Participant responses were notably higher in their descriptive content more often describing more specific detailed in regards to their childhood memory which had been recalled than did…...



Takao, Ito, Hiroshi, Yamadera, Ritsuko, Ito, and Shunkichi, Endo (1999) Effects of Bright Light on Cognitive Disturbances in Alzheimer-type Dementia. Journal of Nippon Medical School. Vol. 66, No. 4.

Moore, R.: Visual Pathways and the Central Neural Control of Diurnal Rhythms. The Neurosciences 3rd Study Program, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, 1974.

Shealy, Norman: Effects of the Lumatron upon Neurochemicals. Lecture given for Dr. Shealy by Dr. Klinghardt at the 6th Int. Rehab. Med. ass. Congress, Madrid, Spain, 1990

Wurtman, Richard u.a.: The Medical and Biological Effects of Light. in: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 453, 1985

Accuracy of Memory Is a
Pages: 4 Words: 1295

These factors, however, can contribute to bias opinion. Legal professionals also consider occupation in relation to memory accuracy. For example, law enforcement officers tend to be better witnesses as they practice paying attention to detail, and are required to recall details on a regular basis. This overall category pertaining to the attributes of the witness have an effect on encoding and storing information, which are the first two stages of information processing. When these factors influence information processing, any information filtered to long-term memory can be significantly distorted.
The second category considered when establishing the accuracy of an eyewitness's memory is the attributes of the perpetrator. When questioning an eyewitness, legal professionals must inquire if the perpetrator was wearing a disguise, has a distinctive face, or if they were an acquaintance, friend, or family member. Each of these scenarios contributes to the accuracy of the individual's memory. The third general…...



Baddeley, A. (2004), 'The Psychology of Memory', The Handbook of Memory Disorders for Clinicians.

Kensinger, E. (2007), 'Negative emotion enhances memory accuracy behavioral and neuroimaging evidence', Current Directions in Psychological Science, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 213-218.

Malpass, R. (2005), 'Eyewitness memory and identification', The San Antonio Defender,

Available at:

Culture - Memory Freudian Perspective of Memory
Pages: 2 Words: 732

Culture - Memory
Freudian Perspective of Memory: Article eview

Freudian Perspectives of Memory: Article eview

This article review is similar to the other article review regarding the nature of memory, yet in this case, the articles to be referenced here, describe the nature of memory with regard to psychoanalysis and the interplay among reality, fantasy, and memory. Though he began writing and practicing psychoanalysis before or concurrently with the advent of the motion picture, many of Sigmund Freud's ideas as presented in the articles to be discussed draw many similarities between the nature of memory and the nature of the screen or projected image. The author's of the articles not written by Freud make arguments and assessments of his ideas in the modern age, particularly with the advent of many digital technologies and a more globalized age. The paper will elucidate the main points drawing parallels and connections among the ideas presented…...



Freud, S. (1899) Screen Memories, 303 -- 322.

Freud, S. (1925) A Note upon the "Mystic Writing-Pad." On Metapsychology: The Theory of Psychoanalysis. Penguin: Harmondsworth, 429 -- 434.

Kennedy, R. Memory and the Unconscious, 179 -- 197.

Terdiman, R. Memory in Freud. 97 -- 109.

Memory Functions Memory Is a
Pages: 8 Words: 2422

..Educational psychologists have made rather extensive investigations of semantic (declarative) and procedural memory with respect to studying and theorizing about classroom learning and teaching....very little theoretical or empirical work has been conducted in educational psychology that has examined the episodic (experiential and autobiographical) memories of teachers and learners in relation to instructional interventions and students' learning from such interventions.
Martin 1993: 169-170)

Another memory theory that has become popular and may have significant educational distinction is the concept of working memory, or rapid access memory that is finite (such as the AM of a computer and therefore cannot be stretched across to much stimulus or brain work to elicit memory of the core concepts.

esearch on test anxiety and working memory suggests that performance deficits caused by test anxiety can be explained by the extent to which individuals are able to use their working memory capacity (Darke, 1988b; Eysenck, 1985). The working memory…...



Antoine, Marie, Shannon Donald, and Carolyn C. Cox. 2003. "Are Students Throwing Away Nutrition?." Journal of Research in Childhood Education 17:230.

Arnold, Magda B. 1984. Memory and the Brain. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Chance, P.A. 1999. Learning and Behavior. New York: AIPI.

Das, J.P. 1989. "Good and Poor Readers' Word Naming Time, Memory Span, and Story Recall." Journal of Experimental Education 57:101-114.

Childhood Intimacy Problems Serve as
Pages: 25 Words: 6896

Other determining factors influencing long-term affects of abuse to a child include:
Whether the child's mother is supportive and child can confide in her.

Whether the child's experiences success at school

Whether the child has nurturing relationships with peers. (Ibid.)

Childhood intimacy problems and sexual abuse, interacting with family background, contribute the child's developing self-esteem and sense or "world" mastery being disrupted. These deficits, in turn, increase the probability of a child experiencing psychological problems later in his/her adult. These developmental deficits may lead to social and personal vulnerabilities later in life, and consequently contribute to the risk of mental health problems developing and/or increasing. (Ibid.)

Sexual Abuse "Signs"

Effects of early sexual abuse, which include childhood intimacy problems, last well into a person's adulthood and effect their relationships, family and work. Individual symptomatology tends to be reflected into the following four areas:

1. "Damaged goods: Low self-esteem, depression, self-destructiveness (suicide and self-mutilation), guilt, shame, self-blame,…...



Adams. Noah.

Profile: Sexual predators solicit children on the Internet," All Things Considered (NPR), June 19, 2001.

BETTER ANSWER to SEXUAL PREDATORS.(Editorial)(Editorial)," Seattle Post Intelligencer (Seattle, WA), June 15, 1997.

Bolen, Rebecca M.. "Child sexual abuse: prevention or promotion?," Social Work, April 1, 2003.

Memories for Most Young Children
Pages: 2 Words: 620

But I wasn't nearly excited as I had been the previous year on all counts. Toys and other gifts no longer held the same appeal to me -- already I could imagine when the books would be read, or the game already played a thousand times, and the brand new shine of each present seemed to fade with this knowledge. The wrapping papers, so many squares of petroleum-processed soon-to-be-confetti, were carefully un-taped and unfolded instead of being ripped off of each package, and though they would simply be making their way into the trash I folded each one ontop of those that had come before, forming a neat stack of flattened celebration, before I turned to examine the gift itself. There was something very bittersweet about the whole experience, and I remember savoring every moment of it.
I had always been a very serious child, or so I have been…...

Childhood Obesity
Pages: 5 Words: 1630

Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity: An epidemiological overview

Community and population

Childhood obesity is an increasingly serious problem in America and around the world. Obesity in all demographic categories in the U.S. is increasing; however the increase in the rate of obesity for young people is particularly worrisome. The longer an individual is obese over the course of his or her lifetime, the greater the social and financial costs. Obese persons experience school and workplace harassment; have difficulty fully participating in the full range of physical activities needed for health and personal well-being because of joint-related issues such as osteoarthritis; and incur higher healthcare costs as a result of a greater risk of suffering from diabetes, heart disease, and certain kinds of cancer. The longer the person is obese, the greater these risks are compounded and today's generation of obese children may never have a memory of what it is like not to suffer…...



Childhood obesity facts. (2014). CDC. Retrieved from: 

Healthier food access. (2014). Health People 2020. Retrieved from:

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on travis scott concert eyewitness account. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 531

Certainly! Here are a few lesser-known but interesting essay topics on a Travis Scott concert eyewitness account:

1. The influence of Travis Scott's stage design and production on the overall concert experience
2. The symbolism and themes present in Travis Scott's visuals and performance elements during the concert
3. The impact of Travis Scott's collaborations with other artists and how they enhance the concert atmosphere
4. The role of fan interaction and crowd behavior during a Travis Scott concert and how it contributes to the energy of the event
5. The evolution of Travis Scott's live performances over the years and how he has transformed....

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