Chinese Culture Essays (Examples)

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Chinese Culture - Westerners Doing
Pages: 7 Words: 2676

Confucianism is not followed in strength. The modern context of this ancient philosophy was enquired into first by Max Weber. The conclusion was to include it into one of the world's major religions and it is "least conducive to capitalist development. East Asians, for their part, began to condemn this venerable tradition as they deepened their knowledge of contemporary things" (Bell; Chaibong, 2003, p. 361) in a nut shell, the dialect of Confucius actually defined as the e "Confucius the Man" is an inseparable part of the theory of Chinese philosophy and is a part of their culture which is relevant to any modern interaction. (Bell; Chaibong, 2003, p. 361)
According to the theories of this school of philosophy, the worlds are sustained by the three ultimate, the sanji or elements called the universe, heaven, and earth. Heaven and earth form the basis of human actions and i-ching or the…...



Bell, Daniel a; Chaibong, Hahm. 2003.Confucianism for the Modern World. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, England.

Bjerke, Bjorn; Elgar, Edward. 1999. Business Leadership and Culture: National Management Styles in the Global Economy. Cheltenham, England.

Christopher, Earley, P. 1997. Face, Harmony, and Social Structure: An Analysis of Organizational Behavior across Cultures. Oxford University Press. New York.

Dodson, William R. Whither the Groupie? Part 3 of a weekly series entitled, the Bamboo Ceiling: Managing Chinese Employees beyond Stereotype. [Online]. Available at   April 2008] [accessed3

Change of Old Chinese Culture
Pages: 2 Words: 535

Old Chinese Culture
Amy Tan's story, "The Bonesetter's Daughter" is a poignant tale about three generations of daughters. Although Tan writes of females from a female perspective, this novel is more about more than mother-daughter relationships, it is about human relationships. hen the past is hidden, it ripples through a family and the next generation like a stone in a stream, and guilt begins to haunts like a ghost.

Tan's novel is about three generations of Chinese women, Precious Auntie, LuLing, and Ruth, all of whom, although related, led very different lives. Ruth is the daughter of LuLing, who came to the United States when her first husband was killed in the war. After Ruth's birth, her second husband was also killed in an accident, all of which caused LuLing to feel cursed, which in turn led to depression that exposed Ruth to a series of suicide attempts and years of…...


Work Cited

Tan, Amy. The Bonesetter's Daughter. Putnam Adult. 2001.

The Role of Confucianism in Chinese Culture
Pages: 2 Words: 742

ole of Confucianism in Chinese Culture
The Five Great elationships

Confucius identified five key relationships required for the smooth functioning of society and government. The first relationship identified must exist between ruler and subject characterized by benevolence and loyalty. In essence, the ruler must be generous and kind to his subjects who return the 'favor' with loyalty. The second ideal relation is that of the father and son characterized by and loving and reverence. Ideally, the father was expected to teach the sons kindness and sons were taught to be dutiful and obedient to their fathers. The relationship between husbands and wives in the third category would require good/listening. From a marriage perspective, the husband was expected to be good to his wife who would reciprocate with obedience. The relationship between the elder brother and younger brother would require gentleness and respect. Elders would be expected to be considerate towards their…...



Legge, J. (2010). The Analects of Confucius. Portland, OR: The Floating Press.

McLeod, A. (2014). Understanding Asian Philosophy: Ethics in the Analects, Zhuangzi, Dhammapada and the Bhagavad Gita. A&C Black.

Schuman, M. (2015). Confucius and the World He Created. New York, NY: Basic Books

Chinese Women History and Chinese Culture Revolution
Pages: 5 Words: 1362

Spider Eaters
ae Yang's Outlook on the Chinese evolution

Living under a Communist ruler is not a lifestyle that many in the western world are accustomed. Life is much different from the freedoms many in the western world are used to living with. Imagine a friend or family member accustomed to in a life of oppression. In the 1960s Americans were living in a prosperous time. That time period is when many families bought homes and started having families, which is often called the time of the "Baby Boomers." During the 1960s in China, things were remarkably different; China had become a Communist (Socialist) country under the Maoist revolution and later became a close ally of the Soviet Union.

The Peoples epublic of China underwent dramatic changes in 1966 that lasted until 1976. Historically the period is referred to as The Great Proletarian Cultural evolution. Mao Zedong (Mao) was the chairmen of the…...



Yang, R. (1997). Spider eaters. Berkley and Los Angeles, CA: The Regents of the University of California.

Chinese Film the Evolution of the Chinese
Pages: 7 Words: 1828

Chinese Film
The Evolution of the Chinese Film Industry

Contemporary Chinese Film Poster (Chinese Films)

For literally thousands of years, the Culture of China has inspired people and been a source of awe and excitement for people all over the world. The Chinese culture is rather unique and elegant with elements that are not commonly found in other cultures. Part of the cultures attraction is undoubtedly because it is one of the oldest cultures in the world and had has thousands and thousands of years to evolve into what it is today. It has drawn so much interest that it is integrating with other cultures. Although much of the ancient traditions have been somewhat overcome by various estern influences and modernization, traces of various aspects of the previous cultures still manage to stand the test of time and can still be seen today.

Many changes have occurred in the Chinese Culture over the last…...


Works Cited

Chinese Films. "Chinese Films Meet Difficulties to Advance in Global Arena." 1 March 2012. Chinese Films. Web. 5 June 2012.

Cultural China. "Classic Movie and Stars." N.d. Cultural China. Web. 6 May 2012.

Kushner, B. "Is that really funny? -- humor and identity in Japan and China." 17 April 2009. Japan Society. Web. 5 June 2012.

Moses, L. "Chinese Embassy host film festival." N.d. Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China. Web. 6 June 2012.

Chinese and Canadian Negotiation Styles When Dealing
Pages: 11 Words: 3001

Chinese and Canadian Negotiation Styles
When dealing with businessmen globally, it's critical to be aware of the cultural beliefs and values that shape their negotiation style and business behavior. This is imperative for successful and positive business relationship because not all cultural foster similar beliefs and hence there can vast differences in negotiation styles. These differences become more pronounced as we move from west to east because while most western countries may have few things similar in terms of culture and education, the same is not true for eastern countries. In this paper we shall compare the negotiation style of Chinese and Canadians. This will help us understand what a business person from the west need to know about the Chinese business communication style in order to be successful in their relationship with them.

Negotiation refers to the process where two or more parties communicate with each other in order to reach…...



Graham J. And Lam, M. 2006 The Chinese Negotiation. Harvard Business Review.

Silverman, J. (1997). Doing business internationally. New Jersey: Princeton Training


James, D. (2003) Communication guide lines for doing business in Asia

Chinese Village Democracy the Organic
Pages: 20 Words: 5941

This rationale may prove correct to some degree, but only in those areas where the villagers have no means of communication between villages and thus no way of exchanging opinions and finding out about irregularities and breaking of the law. Kolhammer is pointing out that the declared official role of the organic law of Village Committees is only going to be put in practice after the villagers will be aware of the right they have according to it and act accordingly.
There is no possibility that one can draw the conclusion that peasants in most villages in China are not aware of their rights in terms of electing their village leader and Village Committee. The degree of knowledge in this sense may vary, but a country that has experienced huge economic changes after the death of Mao could not have remained immobile to significant social and political changes. The political…...


Works Cited

Ding, Yijiang. Chinese Democracy after Tiananmen. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. Questia. 18 Aug. 2008  

Chinese Pilgrims in India the
Pages: 2 Words: 651

ecause of rhetoric that was rampant through the region, the result was "a skewed perception among some Chinese intellectuals that Indian must have been a race of violent and uncouth barbarians" (Mather, 1992). The once positive relationship between the two regions was tarnished, as evident by the "Discourse on Triple Destruction" which illuminates the barbarian traits that the Indian people have (Mather, 1992). This laid, along with the foundational elements Scripture of Lao-tzu Converting the arbarians, for a negative perception of India and allowed for huddism to flourish on Chinese terms.
uddhism in China was taught as "radical dualism," with teachings that focused on sudden enlightenment on salvation through grace rather than through ascetic practices" making it more appealing to a larger population of Chinese (Whyte, 2008). The Consul General of China asserts that "in Northeast Asia and some Southeast Asian countries, the historical influence of Chinese culture could be…...



Mather, Richard B. (1992). Chinese and indian perceptions of each other between the first and seventh centuries . Journal of the American Oriental Society, 112(1), 1-8.

Siwei, Mao. (2011, June 19). China and india: related yet different civilizations. Retrieved from 

Whyte, Bob. (2008). Religion in china. Retrieved from

Culture in This Briefing New Employee Human
Pages: 8 Words: 2541

In this briefing new employee human resources, we will be considering cultural management issues in the tourist industry and how they impact upon our business. Our company, Beach Bum Ltd. is a travel consultancy Agency which was recently hired to provide a critical analysis on whether or not sustainable tours can attract American ecological tourists to travel to countries such as Tanzania and Namibia. We are a culturally eclectic group of advisors specialising in all aspects of tourism. Cultural sensitivity is not only our watchword, but our bottomline. Please do not feel overwhelmed by all of this information. Some of you may feel as though you are back in college. est assured, the difference between profit and bankruptcy in our business is the ability to sell in that person's culture. People like to feel important and an acknowledgement of their importance is not just being nice. It is also good…...


Reference: Managing an International Workforce . San Francisco: Pfeiffer. p65-67.

Hofstede, G, and Hofstede, GJ (2004). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. 2nd ed. New York: New York. P16-17. (2011). Intercultural Training and the Expatriate Assignment. Available:   Last accessed 24 Nov 2011. .

Thomas, D (2003). Readings and cases in international management: a cross-cultural perspective . Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. p17-18.

Wang, X and Wall, G. (2002). Cultural Tourism: an Assessment of Marketing Strategies in Dalian, Nanjing and Hainan, China. Available: Last accessed 24 Nov 2011.

Chinese Opera Kung Fu and
Pages: 4 Words: 1258

That is, the notion of rivalry and envy is not inherently connected to rational ideas about good and evil. These ethical value judgments are quite secondary to the matter of human conflict and its role in the affairs of both love and power. As Giovetti (2012) points out, "Feng Yi Ting (running until June 7 and stopping in New York at the Lincoln Center Festival, also under Redden's directorship, in July) is characterised by an emotional neutrality that leaves the audiences to decide for themselves how they feel." (Giovetti, p. 1)
In many ways, this is a distinctly eastern way of approaching conflict, providing its details as a history rather than an allegory. And once again, as with the kung fu movies that made so great an impression on me as a child, the play would using certain visual strategies to supplement these themes. They demonstrate the same spare simplicity…...


Works Cited:

Giovetti, O. (2012). Spoleto Festival continues to provoke with Glass and Guo Wenjing. Gramophone.

Johnson, a. (2012). Atom Egoyan talks about directing Spoleto Festival's 'Feng Yi Ting'. Post and Courier.

Moore, R. (2012). Feng Yi Ting Spoleto After Party. Charleston

Poole, O. (2012). Spoleto Review: Feng Yi Ting Chinese Opera. Art Mag.

Chinese' Food and the Model Minority Study
Pages: 8 Words: 3511

Chinese' Food and the Model Minority study in ethnic cuisine and culture, marginalization and commercialization, and the paradox of exoticism.
The anthropological theme studied for this work was that of the ethnic compromises and paradoxes inherent in creating a "Chinese" restaurant in America, for Americans. In every English speaking country from England to Canada, Chinese food is a huge business. For many immigrants it is one of the only businesses ready and willing to take them in. Most Chinese restaurants strive to present themselves as cultural representations where the American connoisseur can have a legitimate cross-cultural experience. The more I researched the actual traditions of Chinese and Asian cuisine and the way in which Western prejudices and expectations shape the presentation of this experience, the more it became apparent that --like so many other cultural phenomena-- the cultural relevance of the Chinese-food experience is far from untainted. Repeated immersion at several…...



About, Inc. "Eating Patterns: You call this Progress?" What You Need To Know About.

2003. Accessed at

Hung-Youn, Cho. "Traditional Way of Life in East Asia." Korea Focus Vol.9 No.1. 2000.

Acessed at

Chinese Wives the Treatment of
Pages: 20 Words: 5636

In addition, the ceremony also contained firecrackers which were symbolic of purification and joy. The food that was served at a marriage ceremony was also symbolic. For example, fruit and longevity noodles were symbolic of harmony, happiness, and prosperity.
Indeed the marriage arrangement was detailed and extravagant (for the wealthy) during the Qing dynasty. Now that we understand the marital arrangement let us focus on the role of the ideal wife during Qing's Dynasty.

The role of the ideal wife (Qing Dynasty)

Once the transfer was complete, the wife was totally immersed in pleasing her husband and his family. All kinship ties to the wife's family were broken and when she visited her family, she was considered a guest not a relative. Smith (1994) asserts that this was a cause of distress for many new wives because they were usually amongst strangers and the mother in law had a great deal of…...



Atwill, D.G. (2003). Code, Custom, and Legal Practice in China: The Qing and the Republic Compared. China Review International, 10(2), 411+.  

Chinese Calligraphy or Chinese Weddings
Pages: 3 Words: 783

Chinese eddings
Ancient Chinese weddings began with elaborate preparation, including the proposal and acceptance. However, the wedding itself was rather simple, and generally comprised of the bride and groom paying homage to Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors and the Kitchen God, Tsao-Chun, at the family altar, after which they drank tea offered by the groom's parents, and then bowed to each other (Chinese pp). This completed the marriage ceremony. Although the marriage ceremony itself was simply, there were numerous customs that were required both before and after, many of which are still observed today.

Today, many Chinese-Americans choose to combine their traditional culture with modern estern traditions. Traditionally, the color red is the symbol of happiness and joy, and is used throughout Chinese celebrations, including weddings (Traditions pp). The wedding invitations and reception menus are a deep red with black or gold calligraphy, and the guest book is always made of…...


Work Cited

Chinese Wedding Traditions. Chinese Historical and Cultural Project.

Traditions and Wedding Customs: Chinese Weddings. Japanese Wedding

Chinese Poetry
Pages: 2 Words: 633

Chinese Poetry - critical analysis of Wuchi Liu's Lord of the River Hsiang & in the Wilds there is a Dead Doe
Women Subjugation & Nature as Refuge

Analyses of the poems Lord of the River Hsiang and In the Wilds there is a Dead Doe by Wuchi Liu showed two emergent themes reflecting Chinese culture: the society's norm and regard towards their treatment of women and the use of nature to personify beauty and solace that women it (nature). The following discussion and analyses centers on a comparison of the two poems, centering on the similarities and differences that Liu utilized in using these emergent themes: that is, that of women subjugation and nature as refuge for women.

Evidently manifested in Liu's poems is the presence of women characters as subjects of each poem. Each illustrates the woman character as delicate, beautiful, and "fair," qualities that serve as stereotypes to illustrate Chinese…...

Chinese Language and Identity
Pages: 10 Words: 2586

Chinese as the native language and culture to research. Include such information as the need to communicate, social organisation (tribes, cities, etc.) contacts with other cultures, development of a written language, nonverbal aspects of language (such as inflection and body language), changes over the centuries, etc.
Chinese culture and language

Chinese cultural values play an important role in shaping the community's social norms, with the majority of individuals in China being inclined to take on attitudes that are in accordance with their traditions. Chinese language needs to be understood as being much more than a dialect, as it has a strong socio-cultural effect on its speakers and as it affects individuals in a cognitive-linguistic way. The impact of such ideas on concepts such as people, families, and communities can be observed by addressing the way that they function with the language as a central model facilitating better connections between bodies.

This essay…...


Works cited:

Gu, S. (2011). "A Cultural History of the Chinese Language." McFarland.

He, A.W. & Xiao, Y.(2008). "Chinese as a Heritage Language: Fostering Rooted World Citizenry." Natl Foreign Lg Resource Ctr.

Postiglione, G.A. (1999). "China's National Minority Education: Culture, Schooling, and Development." Psychology Press.

Wang, Y. (2013). "Language, Culture, and Identity Among Minority Students in China: The Case of the Hui." Routledge.

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