Classification Essays (Examples)

1000+ documents containing “classification”.

If you have been assigned a classification essay, you probably think that it is one of the most boring academic assignments possible.  After all, how can you make an essay that basically describes categories interesting for you as a writer or...

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Classification in Prison

Classification in Prison
Classification Systems

Classification systems aid in the minimization of the upheaval of prison violence, institutional delinquency, and break out situations. During the past several years, professionals in prisons and those that are employed in correctional systems have worked unremittingly in order for them to improvise their recent approaches in the classification of offenders i.e. In accordance with work, supervision, and programming needs. The process of classification takes place in order to assure the safety of the prisoners and to ensure over classification, there are set criteria's which are followed for this process. There are systematic assessments conducted to make certain the validity of the classifications. It has been ever since the year of 1980's that the objective prison classification systems have been widely implemented in countries such as the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and Europe. Early classification systems were largely based on clinical assessments. These classifications formed….

The word 'Classification' comes from the word class and it refers to the division of living and non-living things on the predefined criterion. These criteria could be a shared quality such as all animals, plants, human, bacteria; germs etc. are classified as living things because they can be differentiated form a chair, a pen and a phone on the basis of the quality that they breathe. The classification can be on the difference in color, as in blacks and whites, difference in texture like smooth and rough materials, on the basis of sounds, weight (heavy machinery), nature like conductors and insulators etc. Classification is done after a distinguishing feature is picked and then according to that materials are put into groups or classes.

This term is especially important in the study of Science and then in Biology. However, we can use and do use classification in our day-to-day home chores, at….

Classification is an important and useful technique that is commonly used throughout the world. It allows large groups of concepts to be broken down into smaller, more manageable groups on the basis of specific and defining characteristics. The concept of classification is relatively simple, despite its utility. Merriam-ebster's Collegiate Dictionary defines classification as the "systematic arrangement in groups or categories according to established criteria; specifically: TAXONOMY b: CLASS, CATEGORY."
The technique of classification can easily be used to break down the social structure of contemporary American society. Modern American society is a truly diverse culture that can be classified into a number of subcategories. However, the complexity of American society can also make it difficult to determine a specific principle for classification. Specifically, American society consists of individuals with a wide mixture of religions, races, nationalities, political opinions, sexual orientations, ages, occupations, incomes, geographical locations, and pastimes.

This specific classification scheme will….

Classification of Drug Users
Drug usage, often identified synonymously with drug dependence, is an individual's utilization of drugs (oftentimes in excess amounts) that provides him/her an experience of psychological and/or physical gratification. Individual who subsist to drug dependence or usage are called drug users, and every drug user is identified and classified into various types. Types of drug users, as discussed in this paper, are mainly determined through frequency of drug dependence or usage.

Ideally, drug users may be identified based on their frequent use -- that is, a drug user may be a first timer, a regular user, or a 'drug addict,' although these classifications may be too simplistic and vague. Andy Mooneyhan, in his discussion of drug and drug dependence, classified drug users into three, namely: experimenters, compulsive, and floaters/chippers drug users. These classifications identify drug users not only on the frequency of their drug usage, but also takes into….

Classification: Drama
Drama in simple words can be defined as role-playing. For a more comprehensive definition, we turn to experts. Courtney (1980) defines Drama as, "the human process whereby imaginative thought becomes action, drama is based on internal empathy and identification, and leads to external impersonation (both overt and covert). It is this act of impersonation that creates meaning through interaction with the external world, specially other people. In education such spontaneous dramatic action takes the form of children's play, improvisation and role-play." (Courtney, 1980 p. vii)

Drama and theatre have been an important part of literature and entertainment. The plays can range from one to ten acts but the main elements will always be the same, depending on the classification. A play can either be a tragedy or comedy. These are two broad classifications of drama and while they differ in the techniques they use, the fact remains that drama is….

Classification of Professors
The educational system that is being followed in the United States, allows students to grade their teachers. Before marking the grades, students are advised to grade their teachers according to the teacher's efficiency and their commitment to the students. Most students however, grade their teachers according to their affability and not strictly according to their demonstrated abilities as a teacher. For example, it has been observed that in many schools and colleges, teachers who are strict, uncompromising and stern, but nevertheless good in their lecture delivery and class taking strategies are often branded as bad teachers while Professors who are affable, lenient and not very strict are considered as easy or good professors. Of course those that come in between the hard and the easy type are graded as the middle type professor.


The temperament of the professor must be known in advance to help the students to deal….

Classification or division of a whole entity into numerous specific groups has long been embraced as a method in which focused attention can be applied to the different areas, with the end result being the smoother function of the entity in general. Dividing organizations, government, studies, written works, and species of plants and animals into specific categories allows for more complete or focused attention to be applied to specifically functioning members within the given macrocosm. The same principle of division and classification can be applied to the human body and its various, specific, functions within a medical setting. It is perhaps the understanding of classification of the human functions that has brought about the concept of classification to be applied to the world around us.
hether focus is upon a government structure, a company, a military structure or upon the individual human body, specific compartmental functions can be singled out and….

(Wolsey, 2006) p.472
The work of Savelsbergh (1992) entitled: "The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows: Minimizing Route Duration" reports the investigation of the implementation of "edge-exchange improvement methods for the vehicle routing problem with time windows with maximization of route duration as the objective." During the past decade, researchers investigating vehicle routing and scheduling have highlighted use of algorithms for problems in real-life however, the problems have increased in size and constraints of practicality are no longer brushed aside in consideration of the research in this area of study.

Stated as one such constraint is "the specification of time window at customers, i.e., time intervals during which they must be served. These lead to mixed routing and scheduling problems." (Savelsbergh, 1992) p.146 the introduction of time windows at customers is stated to allow "the specification of more realistic objective functions, compared to minimizing distance, such as minimizing waiting time, minimizing….

During 1879, Morgan visited the pueblos, simultaneously directing the attention of the Bureau of Ethnology in 1879 to the pueblos. The plain historical relationship between the prehistoric Puebloan ruins and the living Pueblos captivated the interest of both Powell and Morgan.
For several years, Powell steadily collected material relating to Pueblos and ruins in the southwestern portion of the United States. During the summer of 1879, Powell sent out an expedition for the third time to the southwestern section of the U.S.; adding to parties at Zuni and other parts of the country. He also personally visited the Pueblos; noting it to be an interesting country.

Powell collected a massive amount of material that he estimated would develop into at least two quarto volumes with an atlas. "To give you some idea of what has already been done," Powell wrote Morgan, "let me state that I have over 6000 articles of….

Classification of Federal Agencies:
The Administrative Procedure Act is regarded as one of the most significant legislations because it focuses on establishing rules and regulations with which federal regulatory agencies enforce major legislative acts. The act governs the functioning of various federal agencies either directly or indirectly resulting in a huge impact on the lives of millions of people who are influenced by the agencies every day. This legislation has four basic purposes including enhancing public participation in the informal process of making rules and requiring agencies to update the public on their organization, policies, and protocols. The other functions of the law are to reaffirm the judicial review policy and to develop standardized principles for the conduct of formal rulemaking and adjudicative happenings (Nylander, 2006).

As an important piece of legislation, the Administrative Procedure Act ensures that federal regulatory agencies do not become indiscriminant in their processes of rule-making. This….

classification system (codes, colors, categories, etc.) of themes or patterns based upon what appears to be most illuminative. What themes or patterns emerged from your notes? What are your main interpretations of the patterns of interaction that you have observed and identified? Develop a synopsis of your interpretations, and any organizing principles of interaction that you observed. Identify your reactions while analyzing the data.
Characters grandmother. Mother, grandfather. Father . Husband. This is family.




Heroes. Inspirational people. People who endured hardships. People who educated themselves. People who make the world a better place whether these people are or are not famous. Resilient individuals. Selfless individuals. People who give to others and are respected, not for their intellectual qualities or gifts as much as for their character traits and perseverance in overcoming difficulty. People who make a difference in life.


The qualities are the following: responsible, resilience, humble, hardworking, persistent and strong. Warmhearted,….

Classification of Gangs

The classification of gangs is helpful from a sociological and criminological standpoint. However, sociologists must be careful not to carelessly classify groups of individuals as gangs, given that the majority of what are known as street gangs are not as highly organized as the media has presented them to be (Weisel, n.d.). Some law enforcement officers have identified axes of classification based on age of membership, and their orientation toward socializing and partying on the one hand, versus pure delinquency on the other (Weisel, n.d.). Moreover, law enforcement acknowledges that most gangs are loosely knit rather than being hierarchical organizations. There are regional-based classification systems as well as classification systems that take into account the structure and function of the gangs. The urban gangs do tend to be more highly structured and better organized than gangs that are not based on specific urban jurisdictions (Weisel, n.d.). Focused on criminal behavior….

classification of an industry into a particular economic market system is really necessary to understand it clearly. Without it we can not analyze the market the way it should be done. This paper discusses about the market, its types as well as it discusses about its impacts on the decision of a company involved in the market in achieving its goals. After that there is a discussion about UK super market industry and it has been analyzed that the oligopoly nature of UK super market industry is why not under the investigation of the commission of competition act and antitrust laws.
The economic market system is normally defined as a system that is self adjustable and works on its own. It needs no controlling body for current operations. Because of ongoing human activities and changing needs the economic system itself adjusts the supply according to demand and production according to….

Classification of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Syndromes
Osteogenesis Imperfecta is a daunting condition which has a number of very difficult symptoms to deal with, which can even result in death. Congenital bone condition, where the individual suffers from brittle bones that are much more likely to break or fracture compared to normal bone tissue. It is "commonly known as brittle bone disease" (9). It can range in symptom type and severity dramatically. Some cases show very slight symptoms, while others can prove fatal. The most obvious and common symptoms relate to bone strength being compromised. In fact, "the hallmark feature of OI is fragile bones that fracture easily" (9). As such, bones become brittle and weak, being able to break and fracture much easier than typical bone tissue. However, the condition does not stop at affecting only bone tissue. It can impact other bodily systems as well. For example, "in some people, height,….

Inmate Classification in Iowa
Iowa Inmate Classification

The classification system used for prison inmates is primarily designed to stratify prison populations by their tendency to commit violent acts, either in public or in the prison system (reviewed by Gaes and Camp, 2009). This approach is believed to increase the efficiency of a correctional system by housing nonviolent offenders in less costly facilities and to minimize the negative influence of the worst offenders on the relatively well-behaved, non-violent offenders. The Iowa Department of Corrections recently reviewed its inmate classification system and made significant changes. This essay will examine the classification system in use within the Iowa correctional system and how it affects the inmate distribution.

Iowa Inmate Classification System

Classification of inmates in U.S. prisons can be divided into external and internal (Austin and Hardyman, 2004). External classification determines the custody classification and facility assignment. In Iowa, prisoners are primarily classified as having a minimum,….

An endangered species is a species that is on the brink of extinction.  Species can be endangered in two ways.  First, its habitat could be threatened in a way that makes extinction likely if no change is taken.  Second, the species could have experienced a significant decline in population that is likely to lead to extinction. In the United States, determination of whether a species is endangered is made by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service, but designations vary from country-to-country.  Internationally, the International Union for Conservation of Nature makes....

Accounting Theory: A Reflective Essay


Accounting theory serves as the foundation for the principles and practices that guide financial reporting. It aims to establish a common framework for understanding and interpreting accounting information. As a student of accounting, I have delved into various accounting theories, each offering unique insights and perspectives. This reflective essay explores my reflections on accounting theory, its significance, and its implications for the accounting profession.

The Role of Accounting Theory

Accounting theory provides a conceptual framework that underpins accounting practices. It establishes the principles and standards that govern the recording, classification, and reporting of financial information. By providing a....

I. Introduction
A. Definition and brief explanation of female genital mutilation (FGM)
B. Purpose of the essay

II. Understanding Female Genital Mutilation
A. Historical background and cultural significance of FGM
B. Classification of different types of FGM
C. Prevalence of FGM across the world

III. Impact of Female Genital Mutilation
A. Physical consequences of FGM
1. Immediate health risks
2. Long-term health complications
B. Psychological and emotional effects on women and girls
1. Psychological trauma
2. Impact on sexual and reproductive health

IV. Factors Contributing to the Continuation of FGM
A. Deep-rooted cultural beliefs and norms
B. Social pressures and community expectations

I. Introduction
- Briefly introduce the topic of drugs
- State your thesis statement on the impact and consequences of drugs

II. Definition and classification of drugs
- Provide a clear definition of drugs and the different types available
- Classify drugs into legal and illegal categories

III. The purposes and effects of drugs
- Discuss the various purposes people have for using drugs, such as medicinal, recreational, or self-medication
- Explore the effects drugs can have on individuals, both positive and negative

IV. Short-term and long-term consequences
- Discuss the immediate or short-term consequences of drug use, such as altered mental state, impaired judgment, and potential accidents or injuries

6 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Classification in Prison

Words: 1896
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Classification in Prison Classification Systems Classification systems aid in the minimization of the upheaval of prison violence, institutional delinquency, and break out situations. During the past several years, professionals in prisons…

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3 Pages


Classification the Word 'Classification' Comes From the

Words: 1040
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Classification The word 'Classification' comes from the word class and it refers to the division of living and non-living things on the predefined criterion. These criteria could be a shared…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Classification Is an Important and Useful Technique

Words: 334
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Classification is an important and useful technique that is commonly used throughout the world. It allows large groups of concepts to be broken down into smaller, more manageable groups…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Classifications of Drug Users

Words: 636
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Classification of Drug Users Drug usage, often identified synonymously with drug dependence, is an individual's utilization of drugs (oftentimes in excess amounts) that provides him/her an experience of psychological and/or…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Classification Drama in Simple Words Can Be

Words: 1152
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Classification: Drama Drama in simple words can be defined as role-playing. For a more comprehensive definition, we turn to experts. Courtney (1980) defines Drama as, "the human process whereby imaginative…

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2 Pages


Classification of Professors the Educational System That

Words: 543
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Classification of Professors The educational system that is being followed in the United States, allows students to grade their teachers. Before marking the grades, students are advised to grade their…

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3 Pages


Classification or Division of a Whole Entity

Words: 1002
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Classification or division of a whole entity into numerous specific groups has long been embraced as a method in which focused attention can be applied to the different areas,…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Classification of Time Windows in

Words: 1304
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

(Wolsey, 2006) p.472 The work of Savelsbergh (1992) entitled: "The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows: Minimizing Route Duration" reports the investigation of the implementation of "edge-exchange improvement methods…

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17 Pages

Native Americans

Classification of Native American Tribes

Words: 4661
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Thesis

During 1879, Morgan visited the pueblos, simultaneously directing the attention of the Bureau of Ethnology in 1879 to the pueblos. The plain historical relationship between the prehistoric Puebloan…

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4 Pages

Business - Law

Classification of Federal Agencies The Administrative Procedure

Words: 1256
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Classification of Federal Agencies: The Administrative Procedure Act is regarded as one of the most significant legislations because it focuses on establishing rules and regulations with which federal regulatory…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Classification System Codes Colors Categories Etc of

Words: 583
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

classification system (codes, colors, categories, etc.) of themes or patterns based upon what appears to be most illuminative. What themes or patterns emerged from your notes? What are…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Classification of Gangs

Words: 915
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Gangs The classification of gangs is helpful from a sociological and criminological standpoint. However, sociologists must be careful not to carelessly classify groups of individuals as gangs, given that the…

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11 Pages


Classification of an Industry Into a Particular

Words: 2940
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

classification of an industry into a particular economic market system is really necessary to understand it clearly. Without it we can not analyze the market the way it…

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2 Pages


Daniella Diagnosed Ontogenesis Imperfecta Describe Silence Classification Ontogenesis Imperfecta Syndromes

Words: 594
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Classification of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Syndromes Osteogenesis Imperfecta is a daunting condition which has a number of very difficult symptoms to deal with, which can even result in death. Congenital bone…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Inmate Classification in Iowa Inmate Classification the

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Inmate Classification in Iowa Iowa Inmate Classification The classification system used for prison inmates is primarily designed to stratify prison populations by their tendency to commit violent acts, either in public…

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