Coal Mining Essays (Examples)

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In 2006, production workers, earned $21.40 an hour in oil and gas extraction, $22.08 an hour in coal mining, $22.39 an hour in metal ore mining, and $18.74 an hour in nonmetallic minerals mining, compared to the private industry average of $16.76 an hour
Figure 1 and Figure 2 below show the 'Average Earnings of Non-Supervisory Workers in 2006 and Median Hourly Mining of the Largest Occupations in Mining, May 2006, respectively.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor (2007)

The U.S. Department of Labor report states that earnings are higher for the average of all industries. However, the report also states: "Working conditions in mines, quarries, and well sites can be unusual and sometimes dangerous." (2007) Moreover the U.S. Department of Labor report states: "Underground mines are damp and dark, and some can be very hot and noisy. At times, several inches of water may cover tunnel floors. Although underground mines have electric….

There is also a lack of healthcare facilities capable of doing the screenings in many small, rural Kentucky communities, which is another barrier for many miners.
Health professionals need to become more involved in information and screening information. They need to stress the importance of early screening and regular screening, and they need to create educational resources for the miners, so they can take steps to avoid black lung. Health care professionals who deal with patients suffering from black lung could also become more involved with creating legislation that would regulate the coal mines more effectively. Currently, there are ways to prevent black lung, but the coal mining industry has resisted attempts to alter or create stricter regulations, and so far the state and federal governments have not really attempted to push the issue. Health care professionals could help push the issue by sharing their own experience treating patients with….

Coal Mining in the United

President Truman did not deal with the UMWA because he had a love for labor, either. He feared that a prolonged strike would hurt a nation recovering from World War II, and so, he signed the fund into action with the union president.

The UMWA was crucial in settling the strike and getting benefits for the miners and at the heart of the organization was its president, John L. Lewis. Lewis had been the head of the organization for decades, and it was a powerful union. Another writer notes, "During the early 1920s, the United Mine Workers of America was by far the largest and most powerful union in the United States."

Lewis has been called an autocratic and despotic leader, who clashed with industry activists and his own staff, but had a fierce loyalty to the miners. Lewis worked in the mines when he was a teenager, so he understood the….

Coal Mining in the United

In other words, the finances of a deficit country were constrained because they did not have enough gold to go around, while a country with a surplus did not face those issues. In addition, usually the weight of modification falls on these weaker countries, which is another flaw in the gold standard. Because the weaker countries could not react quickly enough to economic problems, they had less capital to invest internally and abroad. Another author notes, "In principle, the free flow of capital across borders makes funds available more cheaply to poor countries and, by lifting investment, boosts GDP and raises living standards" (Author not available). Under the gold standard, capital did not flow freely across boarders of many of these weaker countries.
This flaw creates a "deflationary bias" according to another economist. DeLong writes, "Hence a deflationary bias which makes it likely that a gold standard regime will see….

Coal Mining in the United

Another historian notes, "Economically, baby boomers experienced unprecedented national affluence throughout their childhood. During the 1950s and 1960s, the U.S. economy expanded greatly, raising the living standards of most American families" (Clydesdale 606). eligion played less of a role in society by the 1990s, as church attendance and membership began to decline in the 60s. Historian Clydesdale continues, "When the cultural challenges of the 1960's disestablished this religious ethos, participation rates overall declined, and religious identifications shifted" (Clydesdale 607). Much of society became more liberal and open to new ideas and change, and societal values shifted. For example, abortion was legalized in 1973, which never would have been thought of in 1941.
Politically, the country changed, as well. In a conservative country, epublicans led for a large part of this time, but change, in the form of young, dynamic leaders like John F. Kennedy entered the political arena. In addition,….

Technologies which allow the integration of power stations underground and as such reduce the damaging effects of surface coal mining (Allied Publishers)

Technologies which reduce the environmental damage associated with coal burning such as fluidized bed combustor or coal gasification (National Energy Education Development Program)

Efforts in the creation of additional sources of renewable energy, such as hydro energy, wind energy or solar energy

On the downside, it has to be noted that the development of technology could not have been possible without the existence of coal. In other words, the simple advent of technology has generated higher levels of coal consumption and has accelerated the process of coal consumption and environmental instability (Laskowski, 2001).

Today, the needs and limitations of energy generation with coal burning have yet to be fully addressed and resolved. This specifically means that the bilateral relationship between technology and coal would continue to unfold -- the needs of coal….

Mining on the Denniston Plateau
Towards the northwestern side of South Island of New Zealand is situated a small settlement that is known by the name of Denniston. The area formed by this settlement is the West Coast region of the country. This small town is situated on the small Mount ochfort Plateau in the mountain ranges of Papahaua, which measure around 600 meters above sea level, meanwhile the distance from Westport is 18 kilometers towards northeast.

At the start of the 20th century, the population of this small settlement was recorded to be about 2000, because of the huge coal mine that is situated quite close to where the people had settled. Speaking of now, the area has become more of a ghost town and hardly 50 people live here. It will not be wrong to say that the fate, location and history of Denniston are not very different from another….

However, the use of these resources also has disadvantages including increase in unemployment because of more job losses and inability to match the impact of coal throughout the region.
educing Coal Combustion Waste:

The reduction of coal combustion waste and enhancement of the efficiency of coal-fired power plants involves the use of various advanced coal combustion technologies. To reduce this waste in Philadelphia, the most efficient method is the use of Fluidised Bed Combustion, which is a very flexible means of producing electricity. This project would also be effective since its systems enhance the impact of coal-based electricity on the environment while reducing the emission of Sulphur Oxide and Nitric Oxide by approximately 90% ("Improving Efficiencies," n.d.).

The implementation of the process involves burning coal in a reactor consisting of a bed with which the gas is fed to ensure that the fuel remains in a turbulent state. Through this, Fluidised Bed….

oal War
Reading Between the Historical Lines

Perhaps the most important thing that a reader can learn from reading Scott Martelle's recounting of a bloody conflict between coal miners and coal mine owners (and the groups that they represented both directly and indirectly) is that history is as much about what is left out as it is about what is included. While this may be rather obvious in terms of large-scale wars, it is far less so for minor historical events, although Martelle demonstrates that what constitutes a "minor" as opposed to a more important historical event can itself be a part of the erasure that occurs in history when the victors get to write the authoritative accounts. One of the spoils that go to the victors is the chance to paint the other side as evil as possible and themselves as white as driven snow. By telling the stories as fairly….

However, the lack of internal communication, particularly as to underground communication, is a leading cause of the Sago Mining crisis.
y lack of underground communication, it is meant both a lack of direct communication between the rescue teams and the trapped miners and a lack of scientific communication as to the actual conditions of the underground mines and the ability of the rescue teams to go into the mines for the rescue. If there would have been updated technologies implemented into the mines prior to the explosion, the disaster could have been avoided. Underground communication capabilities would have made it possible for the rescue teams to communicate with the trapped miners, allowing for a more efficient finding of their location and the ability to guide them to a safe area of the mine. Underground communication between the mine's condition and the rescue teams would have allowed for the rescue process….

There are no other material costs related to the Offer is expected.
15. Who is the investigating accountant for this prospectus and what is their role?

Tiaro Coal Limited's investigating accountant is DO Kandalls Corporate Finance (NSE) Pty Ltd. The purpose of the investigating accountant's appointment is to report on the concerns raised in Australian Securities Investment Commission's (ASIC) application in relation to the Offer. The report must comply with the Australian Auditing Standard (AUS) 804 or at least, the reasonableness of the report can be appropriately verified (Cockburn: 2002: 1).

16. What are the risk factors associated with this prospectus and briefly describe each?

Investing in Tiaro Coal Limited involve embracing the susceptibility to uncertainties and risks. According to Section 10 of the Prospectus, Tiaro Coal's business activities are subject to both business risks and general risks. In relation to the nature of the business, there is the associated specific risk on….

Bethseda Mining The details of the project are as follows:
1. The company has a four year contract encompassing 500,000 tons of coal every year at $82 for every ton
2. The production level in the four respective years include: 620,000 tons, 680,000 tons, 730,000 tons and 590,0000 tons
3. Fixed costs amounts to $4.1 million each year
4. The variable costs amount to $31 for every ton
5. Net working capital is 5 percent of the sales. This will be built up in the year before the sales
6. Spot sales of excess coal are $77 for every ton
7. Land: Purchase cost is $4 million. The land is held for ten years, after/tax sale currently $6.5 million
8. $2.7 million is necessitated for reclamation at year 5
9. Donation of land for $6 million deduction
10. Equipment cost of $95 million, 7 year MACRS depreciation
11. Equipment sale is at 60% of purchase price after completion of contract
12. Tax rate….

Instances of violation found after examining the complaints, it will issue a determination letter ordering the employer to pay outstanding wages, reinstate and reimburse the employee for attorneys and expert witness fees and initiate other steps to provide necessary relief. Complaints lacking merit will be dismissed.
The eal Face:

Although MSHA is intended to function as a watchdog body to keep vigil on the implementation of the federal Mine Safety and Health Act, 1977, through prohibiting companies from dismissing and harassing poor miners who deny working in unsafe working conditions or report safety conditions, it has been widely reported in the sections of the press that MSH is juggling with the statistics of miners death. It has devised its own day of reporting or otherwise about the number of the death of miners while on duty. By applying its discretion, MSHA took into account death of three coal miners and left….

Black Mesa Mine the Black

Lands are reclaimed to a condition that typically is 20 times more productive for grazing than native range. These results, which are nationally recognized, are important to local American Indian families who make their livelihood raising cattle, sheep and goats (Peabody Western Coal Company 2007:1).
Of course, the company is ignoring the damage to the water supply when it makes these claims and does not account for this damage against the benefits. The intent of the company is clear in a settlement proposal it made to keep Black Mesa in operation while giving the federal government control over the aquifer and dismissing all claims against Peabody for injury to the groundwater (Helms 2007:1).

A call to action by a group called Honor the Earth makes the implicatiosn for the sacred land clear:

If the plan to allow Peabody to restart its Black Mesa Mine goes ahead, the cultural implications will be dramatic.….

consultancy firm expertise international business challenges issues. You present analysis a business report. Your report focus identification discursive analysis main issues include conclusions recommendations.
isk analysis: Australia vs. Colombia and the Democratic epublic of Congo

New taxes are always worrisome, and the Australian government's recent decision to pass a 30% tax on profits from iron ore and coal have left many investors scurrying in search of other investment opportunities in alternate countries with lower tax rates and labor costs (Scott 2011). However, simply looking at a balance sheet to determine average tax rates and wages is only a small component of deciding whether a country is a worthwhile investment. With this caveat in mind, it must be cautioned that the proposed decision to shift resources to investing in the coal mining sector in Colombia and the iron ore sector in the Democratic epublic of Congo is neither viable nor cheaper in….

I. Introduction
A. Define fossil fuels and discuss their geological origins
B. State the thesis statement: The impacts of fossil fuel consumption on environmental and societal well-being are multifaceted and profound.

II. Environmental Impacts of Fossil Fuel Consumption
A. Air pollution:
1. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and global warming
2. Particulate matter and respiratory problems
3. Acid rain and ecosystem damage
B. Water pollution:
1. Oil spills and marine ecosystems
2. Coal mining and water contamination
3. Fracking and groundwater depletion
C. Land degradation:
1. Deforestation for fuel extraction
2. Mining scars and habitat loss
3. Agricultural impacts of climate change

III. Societal Impacts of Fossil Fuel Consumption
A. Energy security:
1. Dependence on foreign imports
2. Geopolitical conflicts....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Coal Mining Industry Report the

Words: 1477
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In 2006, production workers, earned $21.40 an hour in oil and gas extraction, $22.08 an hour in coal mining, $22.39 an hour in metal ore mining, and $18.74…

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2 Pages


Coal Mining Black Lung Disease

Words: 700
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

There is also a lack of healthcare facilities capable of doing the screenings in many small, rural Kentucky communities, which is another barrier for many miners. Health professionals need…

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4 Pages


Coal Mining in the United

Words: 1389
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

" President Truman did not deal with the UMWA because he had a love for labor, either. He feared that a prolonged strike would hurt a nation recovering from World…

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4 Pages


Coal Mining in the United

Words: 1378
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

In other words, the finances of a deficit country were constrained because they did not have enough gold to go around, while a country with a surplus did…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Family and Marriage

Coal Mining in the United

Words: 643
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Another historian notes, "Economically, baby boomers experienced unprecedented national affluence throughout their childhood. During the 1950s and 1960s, the U.S. economy expanded greatly, raising the living standards of…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Coal Impact People and Technology

Words: 2354
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Technologies which allow the integration of power stations underground and as such reduce the damaging effects of surface coal mining (Allied Publishers) Technologies which reduce the environmental damage associated with…

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8 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Generating Power With Coal Gangue

Words: 2487
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Mining on the Denniston Plateau Towards the northwestern side of South Island of New Zealand is situated a small settlement that is known by the name of Denniston. The area…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Coal Production in Philadelphia Similar

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

However, the use of these resources also has disadvantages including increase in unemployment because of more job losses and inability to match the impact of coal throughout the…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Scott Martelles Blood Passion

Words: 1545
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

oal War Reading Between the Historical Lines Perhaps the most important thing that a reader can learn from reading Scott Martelle's recounting of a bloody conflict between coal miners and coal…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Sago Mining Crisis Began With

Words: 2122
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, the lack of internal communication, particularly as to underground communication, is a leading cause of the Sago Mining crisis. y lack of underground communication, it is meant both…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Tiaro Coal Limited Prospectus --

Words: 2171
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There are no other material costs related to the Offer is expected. 15. Who is the investigating accountant for this prospectus and what is their role? Tiaro Coal Limited's investigating…

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2 Pages


Bethseda Mining Case Study

Words: 405
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Bethseda Mining The details of the project are as follows: 1. The company has a four year contract encompassing 500,000 tons of coal every year at $82 for every ton 2. The…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Unlawful Discrimination of Coal Miners

Words: 2502
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Instances of violation found after examining the complaints, it will issue a determination letter ordering the employer to pay outstanding wages, reinstate and reimburse the employee for attorneys…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Black Mesa Mine the Black

Words: 2067
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Lands are reclaimed to a condition that typically is 20 times more productive for grazing than native range. These results, which are nationally recognized, are important to local…

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4 Pages


Consultancy Firm Expertise International Business Challenges Issues

Words: 1250
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

consultancy firm expertise international business challenges issues. You present analysis a business report. Your report focus identification discursive analysis main issues include conclusions recommendations. isk analysis: Australia vs. Colombia…

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