Commentary Essays (Examples)

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2010 Commentary on the 2008 CDC HIV / AIDS Surveillance Report illustrates a central resource for addressing the HIV / AIDS epidemic in America. At first blush, the Commentary appears to accurately summarize and provide access to uniformly collected, examined and reported data from all 50 States and many cities within them. However, more careful review of these supposedly linked sources shows that there is a great deal of room for improvement in achieving uniform collection and treatment of data.
The 2010 Commentary on the 2008 CDC HIV / AIDS Surveillance Report (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010) explains the data sources, methods of collection, review & organization of collected data and uses of data, along with changes in the periodic Surveillance Report issued by the Centers for Disease Control. The Centers for Disease Control act as the primary official source, not only for periodic raw data, but also….

Hitchcock's Psycho
Social Commentary in Hitchcock's Psycho

Alfred Hitchcock is one of the most recognizable and famous film and television directors and producers of the twentieth century. His unique approach to film and television helped to define and establish the parameters of the thriller genre while simultaneously developing techniques that have become trademarks of his films. One of Hitchcock's most famous thrillers is his 1960 film Psycho. Psycho is based on an eponymous novel by Robert Bloch that was published in 1959 (Ager). The novel is intended to be a fictionalized account of Ed Gein's life and crimes (Bell & Bardsley). Like Gein, Norman is shown to be obsessed with his mother and involved in the disappearances of various women. Since the publication of the novel and the release of Hitchcock's film, the Bates Motel has become synonymous with a house of horrors with Norman Bates, the motel's proprietor, assuming the role….

Social Commentary

Medea vs. Jesus: Social Commentaries in Dramatic Fiction and in Gospel Narratives
Both Euripides' ancient Greek tragedy "Medea" and the chronicled gospel "Sermon on the Mount of Jesus" in "The Gospel According to St. Matthew" give the perspectives of outsiders critiquing the morals of their respective societies. Medea is a strange, witch of a woman, brought from a strange and alien land to marry Jason. Her alienation for Euripides becomes proof that people should not mingle with one another, across different city-states in Greece. Thus, although the play is sympathetic to Medea's plight to some degree, ultimately it acts as a validation of common Greek social values. In contrast, Jesus' social commentary instead validates the words of the speaker, rather than critiques them. The play is written from a sympathetic chronicler of Jesus' social mission and validates Jesus' words and Jesus' critique of common societal wisdom on the subjects of suffering,….

Economic Commentaries or Economic eports
Business Cycle

The position of economics has changed remarkably over the last 40 years and one can see that many theories that were applicable earlier are not applicable today. Business cycle was one of the fundamental concepts of macroeconomics which deals with the economics of nations, but is redundant today as the differences between countries have practically disappeared. The situation of the world had been bi-polar earlier -- England and France, West and Germany, United States and Soviet Union. There is only one leader of the world today, United States. The economics of the world runs as per the command of the country, and old laws are not valid any more.

Thesis Statement:

Science is not a matter of observation and then saying that "this is how it happens"; as science also tries to find out the reasons for the happenings.


One of the first concepts given by macroeconomics….

Yellow all-Paper: A Commentary on the Social Conditions Facing omen in the 19th Century
The Yellow all-Paper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a story that is often considered to be one of the most influential pieces of literature of the 19th century. This influence is based on its ability to communicate issues that went against the conventions of the society of the time. These issues were related to the place of women and the treatment of women, especially in regards to women suffering from depression. Via the story, Gilman offers an insight into the social conditions for women, showing how women are repressed in society, how women are treated for depression, and the consequences of this. Essentially, Gilman presented and questioned the social conditions facing women in the 19th century. A consideration of the story and its effects will allow these social conditions to be understood. This will begin with….

Free Will Commentary: Soft Determinism and Hard Determinism and the Application of Morality
Free Will & Hard Determinism

Free will is a concept that holds that all individuals are free to make their own choices about their lives including their own health care, career pursuit, religious and moral choices. Within the realm of the discussion on free will is a concept known as hard determinism, which holds that if an action is required then it cannot be derived of free will and as well, holds the view that for any action there are causes that drive that action. Hard determinism holds that these drivers for action are inextricably linked to laws that are not personal and that are in the nature of mechanics. Free will from this view is such that does not actually exist since it would mean that causal laws play no part in determining the actions of the individual.….

Yet as Goldman notes, Nora "worships her husband, believes in him implicitly, and is sure that if ever her safety should be menaced, Torvald, her idol, her god, would perform the miracle" that would set her free. It turned out that Mrs. Linde would set in motion the miracle that would set Nora free. A woman was required to help another woman escape the dolls' house, an incredible affirmation of women's need to take control not only of their own lives but of the future lives of all women. As Goldman puts it, "Down deep in the consciousness of Nora there evidently slumbers personality and character, which could come into full bloom only through a great miracle -- not the kind Nora hopes for, but a miracle just the same."
The miracle is self-awareness, which can generate transformations in women's ability to life independently of patriarchy. "e have been married….

Social Commentary in "The Metamorphosis"
"The Metamorphosis" is a social commentary about mankind more than a story about anything else. Through Gregor and his transformation, Kafka addresses many issues that make the story timeless. Kafka uses the theme of appearances to make a point about the basic nature of man. His family's reaction to his altered state is one of shock but it is telling when it comes to human behavior. The resulting alienation Gregor feels is also significant to the development of the story because even in our extremely connected world, alienation is a problem. These issues force us to look at the human condition and reconsider what is important, even though we think we already know what that is. Kafka knew the days at work might be long but life is short.

Kafka emphasizes the theme of alienation with the story. Gregor's transformation immediately sets him apart and forces him….

" Ellison's "Battle Royal" would not have taken place in New York City or any other cosmopolitan place. A small town element is necessary to convey the idea that small towns breed small mindedness. Similarly, Jackson, Mississippi is an apt setting for Faulker to describe the townspeople's impressions of Emily.
Characterization is similar among these four stories. A sense of loneliness and isolation pervades "The Lottery," as well as "A Rose for Emily," "Young Goodman Brown," and "Battle Royal." In each of these stories, the protagonist seems up against a mob mentality, and has to decide whether to submit to that mentality or challenge it. All of the characters find it difficult to express and assert themselves. Of all these characters, Young Goodman Brown and the narrator of Battle Royal are the ones who can best assert themselves. Tessie Hutchinson in "The Lottery" fails to do so and she dies. Just….

My subsequent 5-point prompt (see previous question) is designed to direct the student's attention to the necessary improvements, as explained. In retrospect, I could have anticipated the need to explain that details (and "showing the reader") meant details related to the main theme rather than details just for their own sake. Likewise, I could have anticipated the need to explain the purpose of dialogue within the story and the importance of making sure that dialogue sounds natural and that the student should use dialogue to develop the story.

I have always believed that one of the most important skills taught at this level is the ability to write clearly and to learn how to organize essays through the use of outlines first. I should have stressed the importance of using the introduction to set up a transition into the main theme and to tie details and dialogue to its gradual development….

Either way the reality is that the two works demonstrate that ultimately motherhood is work and doing it effectively while concurrently chasing career goals and challenges is even more work. Though this issue is played down to some extent as the mother (while her daughter is in her body) is allowed to ignore and remake some of the obligations of her frantic career and social world, the works are congruent in that the conflict for working mothers is an essential one, often creating lighthearted conflicts and genre-based statements about the stress that the conflict can create in a women's life. In other words, having it all takes a significant toll on self, and each mother is depicted as seeking resolution that is found then through the reintroduction of childlike needs and freedoms, that help her realize what is really important and what needs to be paid attention to, i.e. family.….

And ock 'n' oll. Quite distant from the sounds of Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, and other groups that are firmly a part of the ock 'n' oll from the era, there is nonetheless a certain rhythm and feel to this song that makes it a peripheral form of ock 'n' oll, and of the more popular songs of the style and the era (Eder 2011). It is also somewhat unusual in its message, not simply because it reflects on a rather laid back and relaxed position rather than a specific event, emotion, interest, etc. -- other songs have accomplished this feat as well -- but because of the particular angle from which this position is presented.
The idea of just kicking back and relaxing has been the subject of many different songs, and at first listen The Drifters' hit doesn't seem to be much different. In "Up on the oof,"….

Vermont Photos
Vermont's rich cultural and environmental history is captured visually in black and white still photography. Each of these images offers a distinct glimpse or glance at Vermont life. Some images portray non-human subjects ranging from animals to landscapes to architecture. Several are macro, or close up, shots of Vermont's minutia. None of the images are portraits, which is significant because it allows the viewer to perceive Vermont without the added lens or filter of social life.

An image of a Pullman Car appears in green and fills the frame. The composition suggests movement, as the horizontal lines of the rail car and the tracks beneath it all move in the same directions. The original Pullman Palace cars were decorated ornately on the inside. Yet the viewer is invited to look inside at the big green Pullman Sunbeam, which rolled into Manchester in Spring of 2012 from South Carolina. The moving….

Reading Commentary

American Studies - Anthology
American Studies -- Anthology: Freedom vs. Tyranny

America's history includes a number of competing forces. One of the chief struggles has been the clash between Freedom and Tyranny. As Why Freedom Matters shows, our national consciousness is dominated with the idea that our forefathers risked everything so that all people in America can have freedom. However, Public Speaking shows that the dominant or "luckiest" group in America consists of white, gentile, straight males, who form a very powerful and wealthy special interest group. An example of the favoritism enjoyed by a powerful, wealthy special interest group is the Texan oilman group mentioned in Dominion from Sea to Sea. The favorable treatment given to powerful, wealthy special interests groups results in oppression of "others" such as farmers who fought for America's freedom but seemed to trade the tyranny of Great Britain for the tyranny of the wealthy, powerful interest….

John 5 1 9

John 5: 1-9
[1]"Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals. [2] Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a poll, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. [3] Here a great number of disabled people use to lie -- the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. [4] [b] [5] One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. [6] hen Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, 'Do you want to get well?'

[7] 'Sir,' the invalid replied, 'I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. hile I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me' [8] Then Jesus said to him, 'Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.'….

To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most beloved books and movies of all time, making it no surprise that it has become a popular theatre production.  There are so many issues that arise in the novel, movie, and screenplay that even seemingly insignificant things, such as Atticus allowing his children to call him by his first name, take on a significance in the story.  If you were working on a narrative criticism or essay, you would highlight that significance.  However, in outlining an act from a play, you do not....

Graffiti should be protected for several reasons:

1. Artistic expression: Graffiti is a form of art that allows individuals to express their creativity and communicate messages visually. It provides a platform for artists to showcase their talent and perspective.

2. Cultural significance: Graffiti often reflects the cultural identity and vibrant spirit of a community or neighborhood. It can convey unique stories, experiences, and beliefs of a particular group of people, preserving their history and heritage.

3. Social commentary: Graffiti serves as a powerful tool for social commentary, enabling artists to raise awareness about various issues such as social injustice, environmental concerns, or political....

I. Introduction

Begin with a brief overview of Jane Austen's life and importance as a literary figure.
Highlight the main themes and issues that you plan to discuss in the essay.

II. Jane Austen's Early Life and Influences

Discuss Austen's upbringing in Steventon, Hampshire, and the influence of her family and social circle on her writing.
Explore the impact of her education and reading habits on her literary development.
Analyze the influence of her brothers' careers in the navy and clergy on her understanding of social class and gender roles.

III. Austen's Literary Career

Discuss the publication of Austen's early novels, including....

3 Pages


2010 Commentary on the 2008 CDC HIV

Words: 1021
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

2010 Commentary on the 2008 CDC HIV / AIDS Surveillance Report illustrates a central resource for addressing the HIV / AIDS epidemic in America. At first blush, the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Hitchcock's Psycho Social Commentary in Hitchcock's Psycho

Words: 2126
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hitchcock's Psycho Social Commentary in Hitchcock's Psycho Alfred Hitchcock is one of the most recognizable and famous film and television directors and producers of the twentieth century. His unique approach to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Social Commentary

Words: 1359
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Medea vs. Jesus: Social Commentaries in Dramatic Fiction and in Gospel Narratives Both Euripides' ancient Greek tragedy "Medea" and the chronicled gospel "Sermon on the Mount of Jesus" in "The…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Short Commentary or Analysis on the Most Recent Economic Commentaries or Economic Reports

Words: 1410
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economic Commentaries or Economic eports Business Cycle The position of economics has changed remarkably over the last 40 years and one can see that many theories that were applicable earlier…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Yellow Wall-Paper A Commentary on the Social

Words: 3125
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Yellow all-Paper: A Commentary on the Social Conditions Facing omen in the 19th Century The Yellow all-Paper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a story that is often considered to…

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4 Pages

Business - Ethics

Free Will Commentary Soft Determinism and Hard

Words: 1118
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Free Will Commentary: Soft Determinism and Hard Determinism and the Application of Morality Free Will & Hard Determinism Free will is a concept that holds that all individuals are free to…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Doll's House Ibsen's Prescient Commentary

Words: 2076
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Yet as Goldman notes, Nora "worships her husband, believes in him implicitly, and is sure that if ever her safety should be menaced, Torvald, her idol, her god,…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Social Commentary in the Metamorphosis the Metamorphosis

Words: 1267
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Commentary in "The Metamorphosis" "The Metamorphosis" is a social commentary about mankind more than a story about anything else. Through Gregor and his transformation, Kafka addresses many issues that…

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2 Pages


Deft Social Commentary on American

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

" Ellison's "Battle Royal" would not have taken place in New York City or any other cosmopolitan place. A small town element is necessary to convey the idea that…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Business Ethics Writing Commentary and

Words: 1504
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

My subsequent 5-point prompt (see previous question) is designed to direct the student's attention to the necessary improvements, as explained. In retrospect, I could have anticipated the need to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Remake Freaky Friday Social Commentary

Words: 3136
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Either way the reality is that the two works demonstrate that ultimately motherhood is work and doing it effectively while concurrently chasing career goals and challenges is even more…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Roof Politics Social Commentary in

Words: 902
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

And ock 'n' oll. Quite distant from the sounds of Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, and other groups that are firmly a part of the ock 'n' oll from…

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2 Pages


Vermont Social and Natural Commentary in Black and White

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Vermont Photos Vermont's rich cultural and environmental history is captured visually in black and white still photography. Each of these images offers a distinct glimpse or glance at Vermont life.…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Reading Commentary

Words: 2542
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American Studies - Anthology American Studies -- Anthology: Freedom vs. Tyranny America's history includes a number of competing forces. One of the chief struggles has been the clash between Freedom and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

John 5 1 9

Words: 729
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

John 5: 1-9 [1]"Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals. [2] Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a poll, which…

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