Community College Essays (Examples)

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Community College Success Programs Social
Pages: 10 Words: 2787

(osow, 1994, p. 797)
From this review there is a clear sense that success with regard to community college students is determined by their ability to successfully complete the first term of study, as well as by their ability to receive financial aide that adequately covers costs. Additionally, offering culturally diverse social interactions through both official and unofficial means also assists the minority student in achieving success through peer relations and potentially through recognition of role models.

In an experimental group establishing a residential learning community overall success in academic performance as well as satisfaction of first year attendance was achieved by students in this group. The group set out to establish early connections in college through a collective that allowed them greater opportunity for peer and mentor access, a situation that would likely greatly benefit the Latino student, inside or outside the Hispanic college community. (Johnson & omanoff, 1999, p.…...



Baltimore, L. (1995). Collaboratives: Helping Hispanic students succeed. Thought & Action, 11, pp. 67-85.

Byrd, K.L., & Macdonald, G. (2005). Defining College Readiness from the Inside Out: First-Generation College Student Perspectives. Community College Review, 33(1), 22.

Chavez, L. (1991). Out of the Barrio: Toward a New Politics of Hispanic Assimilation. New York: Basic Books.

Dembo, M.H. (2000). Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success a Self-Management Approach. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Community College Course Teaching a Class at
Pages: 3 Words: 1046

Community College Course
Teaching a class at the community college level, particularly when there is a wide age range among adult students, presents different challenges from teaching in grades K-12. Adults approach learning differently than do children; they have varied reasons for wanting to learn and bring a range of perspectives and experiences to the classroom. Malcolm Knowles gained prominence for his attempts to develop a distinctive conceptual basis for adult learning based on andragogy (Smith, 2002). Androgogy is a self-directed approach, wherein learning is a response to real-world problems. Knowles' work represented a significant departure from the notion of "teaching people" toward "helping people learn."

There are biological differences in the range of learners for the hypothetical course that is the subject of this paper. Students who range in age from seventeen to their mid-twenties are maturing into full frontal lobe development. Their ability to see "the big picture" is not…...



Jarvis, P. (1997). From pedagogy to andragogy. Adult Learning 9(5), 23.

Knowles, M.S. (1980). My farewell addres…andragogy -- no panacea, no ideology. Training and Development Journal 34(8), 48-50.

Ross-Gordon, J. (2011). Research on adult learners: Supporting the needs of a student population that is no longer traditional. Peer Review 13(1), pp. 26-29.

Smith, M.K. (2002). Malcolm Knowles, informal adult education, self-direction and andragogy.

Community Colleges in a Perfect
Pages: 3 Words: 997

Also, many are unprepared to complete tasks unique to community college such as teaching diverse students. Those faculty members in rural areas not only have to deal with those challenges, but also sometimes have difficulty adjusting to living and working in a rural area. Among those having difficulty, workload and students' abilities were cited as common disappointments in the work; however, most community college instructors have a high level of satisfaction in their jobs, which is usually caused by simply working with students.
How Community Colleges Understand the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" discusses community colleges' focus on teaching as their primary goal, rather than research and scholarship, which is generally the main focus of universities. The American Association of Higher Education (AAHE) Carnegie Teaching Academy has suggested that community colleges focus on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Community colleges that change their focus from teaching as their primary…...



Boggs, G.R. (2004). Community colleges in a perfect storm. Change, 36(6), 6-11.

Evelyn, J. (2004). State spending on community colleges is up, but so is tuition, survey finds. Chronicle of Higher Education, 51(11), 24.

Fields, C. (2004). Troubling times for community colleges. Change, 36(6), 4-5.

Floyd, D.L. (2003). Distance learning in community colleges: leadership challenges for change and development. Community College Journal of Research & Practice, 27(4), 337-347.

Community Colleges in North Carolina
Pages: 10 Words: 3751

(North Carolina Community College, system 2004, critical success factors)
However, it must be mentioned that North Carolina is for the main part a public sector state, and it has a strong and a very well respected group of private Four-year colleges, and Community Colleges. While the four-year colleges in the state serve about 39% of all the undergraduates, the public Community Colleges serve about 43% of all students of the state. An important factor in North Carolina's Community Colleges is that the rate of tuition is very low, and at the same time, the state has been quite slow in building need-based state grant programs, because of their basic presumption that the needs of the economically backward students were being met by the Community Colleges. However, when the rats of tuition were hiked up during the 1990's, North Carolina was able to create a grant program for the students of…...



Adult and Community College Education" Retrieved at   Accessed 14 November, 2005 .

American Association of community Colleges Competencies for Community College Leaders"

Retrieved at   Accessed 14 November, 2005 .

Basic Skills." North Carolina Community College System. Retrieved at Accessed 12 November, 2005

Community Colleges Future Challenges Why
Pages: 2 Words: 607

In both historic times as well as modern day era, the higher education institutions faced several financial challenges. After the WWII, the interest in the schooling department decreased significantly and so does today. Despite initial growths, various changes in the macroenvironment have forced stakeholders to switch their attention to other fields. Another recurrent problem is that of shortages in educational staff members. The matter can be explained by the simple fact that, due to reduced financial gains in the field, professors are often willing to turn their attention to other sectors. They for instance choose to work in the private educational sector, or to renounce education for all and practice what they used to teach. This matter is directly linked to the lack of sufficient financial resources, which also generates other shortages as well.

Historically as well as modernly, educational institutions have intensified their efforts to attract more and more students.…...



Coming of Age in American Higher Education as a Troubled Giant, 1970 to 2000

Community College Students Are Now Able to
Pages: 2 Words: 739

Community college students are now able to use computer software, CD-ROMS, E-mail, and the Internet to enhance their foreign language skills. Over the past few years, it has become common for colleges and universities to update their technology to offer the best learning experience for the students and also to assist the teachers. Computers can increase productivity for school staff, helping them to organize administrative data and also to create and utilize lesson plans. Students and teachers alike are able to communicate and access information instantly, from anywhere. It is important to train language experts in the use of this technology so that the foreign language classes do not get left behind.
E-mail, a form of asynchronous communication, allows for free long-distance communication, and also the convenience of communicating outside of business hours and reading the messages at one's convenience, leading to increased communication between students and instructors. Synchronous communication,…...


Using the World Wide Web for research and guided instruction is also beneficial. Students can use computers to create multimedia presentations for their assignments. Teachers need to study the technology that is available and reasonably guide the students into using it. Teachers must also be prepared to change their teaching methods and accept the new ways of utilizing information in the classroom.

Calderon-Young is very correct in her statement that there is wonderful technology available to schools and that it should be utilized. She is also correct in her evaluation of what benefits can be reaped from using computers and technology within the learning process. It is extremely surprising to me that readers today might find this article to be new or innovative, and in fact I found it to be almost humorous and absurd how these everyday technologies were being treated like alien concepts -- it almost read like satire. By 1999 when this article was written, use of computers and the Internet in an education setting should have already been the standard. Even in the 1980's, many classrooms found it to be standard to have access to at least one computer for student use. By the 1990's, The Internet was well established and part of mainstream culture. Today, it is considered to be the norm to have access to e-mail, Instant Messenger, and the Web -- many people don't even know their own phone number because they only communicate online. It is pathetic when, to this day, teachers will tell students not to use Internet sources, even when most journals and newspapers can now be found archived online, and these sources are just as "real" as ones printed on paper. It is also ridiculous that some teachers still tell students not to turn in typed papers because they may have cheated and used spell-check. Computers, The Internet, and technology are here to stay, and they should be integrated in every way with the educational experience immediately and fully.

Personally, as an instructor, I would make full use of any technology the school fit deem to provide. I would also constantly be petitioning the school to provide more funds for technology. While administrators may be spending money on paper, pens, postage, phone bills, text books, and other vital classroom supplies, all of these can be replaced by use of technology, which will save money in the long run after the initial investment. I would hope that every student would leave my class having full knowledge of how to use The Internet, E-mail, Word Processors, and Multimedia presentation software, and that their learning experience would be greatly heightened and made more enjoyable by use of these tools. Students are more than ready for technology, and it is only fair that the teachers and administrators catch up.

Community Colleges on the School-To-Work
Pages: 4 Words: 1056

The strength of a multi-level analysis is its ability to analyze how higher levels of variables mediate the relationship between lower levels of variables. Thus, Hypothesis II is as follows: the more 'supportive' a community college is toward vocational education (along the lines described above for Hypothesis I), the smaller the race, gender, and SES gap in wages and use of training on the job."
8. Is the specific research design identified and described.

The research design is identified and discussed in great length, including identification of the independent and dependent variables. The dependent variables were wages and use of training student; and the independent variables were identified as: enrollment size, faculty (part-time/full-time), vocational emphasis, and availability of student services. The researcher used student transcripts and GPAs to construct the variables. Gender and race were not included on the list of independent variables, however these demographic factors were incorporated in data…...



Mobley, C. (2001, April) The impact of community colleges on the school-to-work transition: a multilevel analysis. Community College Review, 28, 1-30

Community College in a World
Pages: 6 Words: 1961

Although community colleges have yet to be central to the debates over strengthening elementary and secondary education, some educational leaders have seen a role for them in strengthening American secondary education." (Baker, Dudziak, and Tyler 9)

Baker et al. further report that Dale Parnell, former president of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), has advocated that community colleges work with area high schools to develop new, intensive technical education programs. These programs consist of two years of science and technology preparatory work in the high school followed by specialized technical training in the community college. In a similar vein, the American Association for Higher Education has sponsored a number of two-year and four-year college partnerships with high schools to strengthen the articulation of curricula and students between the cultures of secondary and higher education. (13)

Therefore, though society as a whole may not agree on whether or not community college is…...


Works Cited

Baker, George A., Judy Dudziak, and Peggy Tyler, eds. A Handbook on the Community College in America: Its History, Mission, and Management. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

Brint S., and J. Karabel. 1989. The diverted dream: Community colleges and the promise of educational opportunity in America, 1900- 1985. New York: Oxford University Press.

Clowes DA., and B.H. Levin. 1989. Community, junior and technical colleges -- Are they leaving higher education?. Journal of Higher Education 60: 349-55.

Cohen A.M., and F.B. Brawer. 1989. The American community college. 2d ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

History of Community Colleges in
Pages: 3 Words: 892

The legislature then established the Community College Coordinating Board, which was later abolished in favor of the State Board of Community Colleges. Florida community colleges had become an important part of the post high-school education system. The FEPFA, the Florida Educational Facilities Planners' Association, Inc., was established in the 1960s to promote relationships and exchange of ideas between the Office of Education and FEPFA. The community colleges were asked to participate and attend meetings with this group and then become members (FEPFA History, 2004), signifying the importance of the community college. The name Junior College was dropped in favor of Community College by most colleges.
Florida's community colleges have gone a step further in serving the citizens of Florida. Some of the community colleges have initiated baccalaureate degrees, particularly in education, nursing and applied science. More community colleges in the state of Florida are requesting permission to do this. Additionally,…...


Reference List

Albertson, H. (2004). Chronological History of the Florida Community College System.

Retrieved November 15, 2004, at

History. (2004). FCCDLC - Community College History. Retrieved November 15, 2004, at

History. (2004). Florida Educational Facilities Planners' Association, Inc. Retrieved November 15, 2004 from

Diversity California Community Colleges Serve an Extremely
Pages: 1 Words: 331

California Community Colleges serve an extremely diverse population; according to the report entitled "Achieving the Diversity Commitment" by the California Community College Trustees (CCCT), statistics show that there is no majority ethnic group in the state. Therefore, the CCCT is responsible for promoting and maintaining policies, pledges, and programs that will foster diversity and make California Community Colleges accessible and acceptable for all persons. As it stands now, African-Americans, Hispanics, and males in general fair poorer on academic assessments; moreover, people of color are underrepresented on the faculty and staff at California Community Colleges. Therefore, several measures are needed to address these diversity issues.

The report directly states the goals of the CCCT league, which range from employing special services and programs to ensuring that meetings, conferences, and workshops include content pertaining to improving the quality of diversity on school campuses. Additionally, public policy and research changes are required to ensure…...

Interview Questions on the Low Student Graduation Rates at Glendale Community College
Pages: 3 Words: 961

INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1Low Graduation Rates at Glendale Community College: Interview QuestionsCentral Research QuestionHow can the problem of low graduation rates among black (non-Hispanic) students at Glendale Community College be addressed?Interview Questions1. In your view, what are some of the challenges students face at Glendale Community College that could prevent them from completing their courses and graduating in time?Studies have shown that students retention in institutions of higher learning is influenced by a range of personal and institutional factors. According to Kennedy & Wilson-Jones (2019), a student is more likely to complete their course if they have access to supportive faculty and university personnel, are actively involved in students activities in campus, and if they have access to campus resources such as honors programs, disability services, and tutoring programs. The authors also found that availability of financial aid, helpful customer service, and supplemental instruction programs enhanced academic progression and retention among…...



Brooms, D. R. (2018). Exploring Black Male Initiative Programs: Potential and Possibilities for Supporting Black Male Success in College. The Journal of Negro Education, 87(1), 59-72.

Kennedy, D., & Wilson-Jones, L. (2019). Examining the Institutional Factors Promoting the Educational Attainment of African American Males Social Science Majors. Journal of Research Initiatives, 4(3), 1-23.

Kurland, R. M., & Siegel, H. (2020). Attachment and College Academic Success: A Four-Year Longitudinal Study. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 8(1), 45-55.

Low Graduation Rates at Glendale Community College
Pages: 1 Words: 435

DISCUSSION THREAD: RESEARCH SUMMARY DISCUSSION THREAD: RESEARCH SUMMARYI volunteer part-time at a non-governmental organization (NGO) that support persons with substance use addiction through treatment and societal reintegration. The organization is based in Glendale, California, and mainly serves the Hispanic populations of Glendale, La Crescenta, and Tujunga. As part of the reintegration program, the organization supports its beneficiaries to acquire technical and vocational skills of their choice. Glendale Community College is one of the institutions with whom we partner in this mission. Despite the high quality of training at Glendale, most of the students we enrol at the institution do not complete their associate degrees within the required two years.Study Title: Recommendations to Address the Problem of Low Graduation Rates among Minority Students at Glendale Community CollegeStatement of the Problem: Glendale College enrols approximately 13,000 students into its mixed-transfer, vocational and technical courses every year (Community College Review, 2022). Ethnic minorities,…...



Community College Review (2022). Glendale Community College. Author. 

Community College Review (2022b). Los Angeles College of Music. Author. 

Community College Review (2022c). Pasadena City College. Author.

Low Graduation Rates at Community College
Pages: 4 Words: 1304

Minority Students at Glendale Community CollegeLiterature ReviewOverviewThe proposed research study seeks to address the problem of low graduation rates among minority students at Glendale Community College. Annual graduation rates indicate that on average, only 32 percent of minority students complete their courses and graduate on time every year (Community College Review, 2022). The proposed study findings will go a long way towards increasing minority students retention rates and improving overall graduation rates. This Literature Review presents the related literature, Theoretical Framework, and Summary for the proposed research.Related LiteratureThis literature review seeks to understand the academic, institutional, individual, and socioeconomic factors influencing college students timely completion to help address the problem of low graduation at Glendale Community College.Academic Factors Influencing College CompletionThis section reviews the education-related factors influencing student retention in higher education. It reviews literature related to Grade-Point Average (GPA) and Academic discipline.Grade Point Average (GPA)In their Saudi-Arabia-based study, Almenaie…...



Afable, T. M., Lamberto, C. D., Nicole, T. A., Umandap, A. N., & Arcinas, M. M. (2022).

SHS students’ engagement in online synchronous collaborative learning activities: Correlations with self-efficacy, peer social support, well-being and academic performance. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 3(6), 1128-38.

Almenaie, O. (2018). Factors affecting the rate of completion of undergraduate students. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(36), 37-45.

Community College Students Are Often
Pages: 1 Words: 319

One, in particular, Edison State College, in Florida, is a two-year college that has an outstanding curriculum, and highly qualified staff. The college cooperates with a number of four-year colleges, affording students the opportunity to complete baccalaureate degrees in some majors while taking classes at Edison State. Many of the colleges are impressive, like the University of Florida, Florida State University, Nova Southeastern University, and others. These partner colleges and universities are all accredited, and have rules of performance and grade averages that students must meet and maintain in order to be accepted into those institutions. This, too, would suggest that Cohen and Brawer are flawed in their assessment of students who choose to attend two-year colleges.
orks Cited

Cohen, Arthur M., Brawer, Florence B., and Lombardi, John R. (Foreward by) (2008),

The American Community College, 5th Edition, Jossey-Bass, Inc., Publishers, NY, NY.

Edison State Community College, Baccalaureate Partners (2009), found online at…...


Works Cited

Cohen, Arthur M., Brawer, Florence B., and Lombardi, John R. (Foreward by) (2008),

The American Community College, 5th Edition, Jossey-Bass, Inc., Publishers, NY, NY.

Edison State Community College, Baccalaureate Partners (2009), found online at retrieved 8 January 2009.,

Community Colleges & Universities -- Comparisons What
Pages: 3 Words: 1043

Community Colleges & Universities -- Comparisons
hat are the major differences between community colleges and four-year colleges and universities as far as financial and academic appropriateness for students? For millions of Americans, community colleges have an enormous advantage over four-year colleges and universities -- but what are those advantages? This paper will examine those and other issues relating to the community college vs. A four-year college / university.

Community Colleges and Universities - Comparisons

There are an estimated 2,604 four-year colleges and universities in the United States, according to data in U.S. News & orld Report. There are an estimated 1,151 community colleges in the U.S. As well. Of those, about 1,000 are public community colleges, and the remainder are funded through private channels (American Community Colleges).

The original intent of a community college (in the past they were called "junior colleges" but that title had a slightly un-dignified sound to it so it…...


Works Cited

American Community Colleges. "Consider a Community College When Studying in the United

States." Retrieved October 10, 2011, from .


de Vise, Daniel. "More university students taking advantage of cheaper community college courses." The Washington Post. Retrieved October 10, 2011, from .

Can you help me write a generic What have I learned essay for a professional skills community college course?
Words: 338

When I think about what I have learned in my professional skills course, I think of those things that my parents would have called “soft skills.”  To me, they are the factors that make the difference between someone looking good on a resume and someone doing well in an interview and on the job.  They include several factors that relate to how well a person can work in a team, as well as factors that demonstrate someone’s ability to manage time.

Time management is probably the most important skill I have learned from this course.  I never had....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on higher education difficulties for immigrants?
Words: 244

1. The Challenges of Higher Education for Immigrant Students

2. Navigating Higher Education as an Immigrant: Barriers and Solutions

3. Cultural and Language Challenges in Higher Education for Immigrants

4. The Impact of Immigration Status on Access to Higher Education

5. Overcoming Financial Obstacles in Pursuing Higher Education as an Immigrant

6. Support Services for Immigrant Students in Higher Education

7. Addressing Discrimination and Stereotypes in Higher Education for Immigrants

8. The Role of Advocacy and Policy in Improving Higher Education Opportunities for Immigrant Students

9. Balancing Family Responsibilities and Higher Education as an Immigrant

10. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education for Immigrant Communities
11. The Mental Health....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on higher education difficulties for immigrants?
Words: 505

1. The Language Barrier: A Formidable Obstacle for Immigrant Students in Higher Education

Challenges faced by immigrant students with limited English proficiency
Strategies for overcoming linguistic barriers in the classroom and beyond
The role of language support services and resources in facilitating academic success

2. Cultural Differences and the Impact on Educational Experiences

Cultural norms and values that may differ between immigrant students and faculty
Misunderstandings and communication barriers resulting from cultural differences
Strategies for fostering cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in the higher education environment

3. Financial Challenges and the Burden on Immigrant Students

Socioeconomic disparities faced by immigrant families and their....

how academic and social practices can help uplift a community?
Words: 537

Academic and Social Practices for Community Upliftment


Empowering communities requires a holistic approach that incorporates both academic and social practices. These practices can foster knowledge, skills, and social connections necessary for sustainable development and well-being. This essay explores how academic and social practices can contribute to community upliftment, providing specific examples and outlining their transformative potential.

Academic Practices

Education and Training:

Providing access to quality education and vocational training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to pursue fulfilling careers and contribute to the local economy.
Community colleges, adult education programs, and job training initiatives can offer flexible and relevant educational opportunities for....

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