Community Relations Essays Examples

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Community relations and public relations are oftentimes used interchangeably, yet they serve distinct roles within an organization's strategy to build and maintain its position within society. Understanding the differences and overlaps between these two functions is essential for any organization trying to optimize its engagement with both its immediate stakeholders and the broader public.
Public relations (P) is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics (Seitel, 2016). P practitioners work to manage an organization's public image, generate positive media coverage, and handle crisis communications. This often involves a wide array of tasks from organizing press conferences, crafting press releases, to engaging on social media platforms. The overarching goal is to create and maintain a positive image and reputation of the organization within the public domain.

On the other hand, community relations is a more targeted subset of P, focusing on fostering a positive relationship with….

Criminal Justice Leadership trategies and Practices
The Role of Planning in Criminal Justice Organizations

In general, planning is one of the five essential functions of organizational management, along with organizing, staffing, coordinating and controlling (afir, 2003). In some respects, planning is the most important of the five functions of management because it involves aspects of all of the other management functions. That is also the case within criminal justice organizations. More specifically, planning in criminal justice relates to strategic, operational and tactical-level leadership decision making (afir, 2003).

At the strategic level, planning allows organizational management to shape the long-term mission and objectives of the organization and ensure that the short-term goals of the agency support those long-term missions and objectives. Typically, strategic planning involves analyzing the needs of the community being served by the organization in conjunction with applicable local and state requirements and consideration of federal issues. While state and local law….

improving long-term school-community relations on behalf of Bay Meadows High: Interest-based negotiation, community service programs, and student on-loan positions. Two strategies for improving short-term school-community relations will also be presented: Monthly summit meetings, and job shadowing.
Interest-based negotiation. The first approach is an overarching strategy that will facilitate the development and implementation of the other strategies. Interest-based negotiation is an approach to mediating the disparate interests of, typically, disputing parties. However, like most negotiation strategies, interest-based negotiation has application beyond the courtroom, the mediation center, the corporate meeting room, or the property line fence of two backyards. Interest-based negotiation begins with the premise that the parties participating in a disagreement -- whether formal or informal -- bring to the table interests that are particular to their perspective. Unlike conventional negotiation strategies -- where the goals of each side are not disclosed in order to reduce vulnerability to strategic negotiation by….

The increased danger of wildfires in the undeveloped land surrounding and within El Dorado County, and directly bordering the community of El Dorado Hills, is one of the major perennial concerns both of the community of El Dorado and of the fire department operating within this community (EDC Fire 2010; EDH Fire 2010). Dry summers and the irregular terrain that is conducive to brush growth very easily catches fire from a variety of ignition sources, and because of the fact that the wild areas so prone to the fires border directly on business and residential communities there is a special risk for damage to both property and individuals form these wildfires (EDC Fire 2010). Home and business owners whose property directly borders on or lies close to the actual line of the Wildlife-Urban Interface are especially concerned by this threat every year, and the fire department is itself well aware….

Ethics and Community Relations
Ethical Issues in Corrections

a) Identify and provide a brief explanation of the common restorative justice programs. Once completed, identify the one that has the best probability of success in your community (obviously this is more of an opinion-based question, but do your best to support it).

There is considerable variability among existing programs due in part to varying interpretations of conflict and different perspectives on how such conflict is addressed and resolved. The main categories of programs are (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2006):

(a) victim offender mediation;

(b) community and family group conferencing;

(c) circle sentencing;

(d) peacemaking circles;

(e) reparative probation and community boards and panels.

In our community, I personally feel that the reparative probation and community boards and panels model would be effective in many offenders; especially youth offenders. The underlying goal behind restorative justice is to identify and repair the harm that has been done to the….

Rodney King Documentary
Policing and society have changed as a result of the Rodney King incident in the sense that society and the media are much more sensitive to how police interact with individuals, especially African-Americans. However, that does not mean violence has stopped or diminished because every year it seems there is another scandal about an African-American shot by a white police officer. Still, the Rodney King video of the beating helped to usher in a new awareness throughout society in the sense that every individual now carries a camera on the phone and can record everything at a moment’s notice. Even police are wearing body cameras now to help cut down on the risk that can arise when one feels that “no one is looking”—so that is one positive development.
Police-community relations are both better and worse. One the one hand, there is more community input in policing than ever….

Community Relations
Ideas to Build Rapport Between Police and Residents in a Community

The police force is ultimately accountable to the public in one manner or another. Therefore, not only must the police justify its policies and actions relative to the public service of the community, but the community will also be the most important critic of their actions as well. Various policing organizations have come under intense scrutiny and have received a great deal of negative publicity through the mainstream and social media channels. The relationship between a police force and the community they serve is often tense, but with the massive spread of smartphones and portable cameras, the levels of animosities have reached new heights in some jurisdictions due to improper use of force in many cases. The friction between public servants and the community are experiencing vast amounts of friction because of such instances and the publicity they have….

Describe how police-community relations originated as a separate operational concept.
Surely because of the idea that the police nor the community acts in a vacuum. What the police do (or are perceived as doing) or are not doing (or perceived as not doing) affects the community. Similarly, what the community is or is not doing will affect how the police responds. As such, any community/police paradigm has to keep all of this in mind. For example, if a police officer shoots and kills someone that and that person is black, justified by the circumstances or not, there will almost certainly be an uproar. Similarly, if there are a lot of crimes in a given area of a community, the police will surely respond by beefing up police presence in that area.

Describe the difference between police-community relations and police-public relations.

They are part of the same paradigm but they are not the same….

Police Community Relations

Answer the following questions for each video in paragraph form. Also for each video, provide a thought provoking question of your own for discussion and attempt to provide a response to it.
Video one: Bill of Rights Overview

Which amendment do YOU value most?

I consider Amendment I the most crucial aspect of the Constitution's Bill of Rights.


Amendment I safeguards the five most fundamental freedoms: speech, religion, assembly, press and the right of petitioning governmental bodies for righting any wrongs. The above safeguards were missed most by Antifederalists within the novel Constitution (Feinberg, 1987).

Is our justice system better or worse than other systems around the world today?

Accessible reports and scholarly works reveal that the American justice system is neither the most effective nor the most unsuccessful justice system of all. Some nations (e.g., Scandinavian nations) enjoy a more superior system while others (e.g., Middle Eastern countries) enjoy swift justice delivery. Nevertheless, the basis….

The "Sport for All" program was initiated by the reformist Labour Government during the 1970s. Its aims and objectives included the increased community involvement of underrepresented groups (such as the unemployed) and the breaking down some of the exiting barriers to participation in sports. To a large extent, those initiatives consisted of financial and other resource investment in large-scale sports facilities. Unfortunately, the comparative absence of sports development structures within those facilities has greatly reduced their ability to provide the benefits envisioned for their communities, notwithstanding the dedication and professional experience of facility managers.

Explain difference in the roles of the Community Sports Development Officer and the traditional Sports Development Officer.

In keeping with the fundamental purpose of community sports development in general, the role of the community sports development officer relates substantially to the use of sport as a means to achieve other (i.e. non-sport-related) objectives. Conversely, the role of the….

Community Policing: Successful Implementation of Change
The adoption of a community policing strategy within police agencies is often a change that is instituted with much protest and unrest among officers. In order for community policing to be successful however, it has to be presented to organizations and individual police agents as a mechanism of positive change and law enforcement improvement.

Community policing is often in fact adopted by police agencies as a mechanism for improving internal and external relations and delivering optimal service to communities within a given area (Fielding, 1995). According to Fielding (1995) community policing can "evoke images of police-community relations in stable, consensus based and homogenous neighborhoods where crime is a mere irritant" (p.25). However, it is sometimes met with resistance among agents and officers alike.

Thus a suitable environment for change has to be created in order to ensure successful implementation of community policing aims. A suitable environment may….

Community Policing
The History and Concept of Community Policing in the U.S.

Community Policing Origins

Community Policing Philosophy

Community Projects

Office of Community Oriented Policing Services

Community policing is as much a philosophy as it is a practice. At the heart of the concept lies a deep level of collaboration between the community and the police. However, to form such a relationship many intermediary goals must first be achieved. Most likely, one of the primary values that must be established is a sense of trust between both the community and the police force. If the community perceives the police force as corrupt or ineffective then will generally remain apathetic to the goals of community policing. At the same time, if the police force is not fully engaged with the public then are not likely to benefit from the communities assistance. Therefore, to establish effective community policing efforts a balance between the community and the police force….

Into to Community

The term community is used for the settlements like town, villages and farms. The concept of community is considered as an inclusive one because it promotes collectivism rather than individualism. The term community can be understood in two broad categories. One category deals with its sociological perspective while other deals with its biological perspective. Its sociological perspective will be considered as a domain of the discussion. Community depicts the real picture of the society (Hampton, 2011). Those communities which have the capability of converting the raw information into some particular knowledge are considered as those which can create competitive advantage and contribute towards the development of the nation (Bartle, 2010). The talent of the people also comes forward when they live in community because there are many people who can identify the talent and promote it accordingly. The concept of community has become very much a colonial one. This suggests….

Community Participation

Community participation is a key ingredient of any powerful community. The life blood (citizens) of the community is pumped by the heart, called as participation. Community participation is a requirement as well as a condition. It is a condition for raising resources and achieving more results. It engages the citizens deeply in work of the development of community. Community participation is about performing activities for the benefits of any community. The partners of the community follow certain rules and posses unique elements. They have a goal to achieve. This topic has various aspects; the purpose of writing this case study is to explore the minor and major aspects of community participation among kids and adults, both. This case study begins with the background of use of community participation as a tool, its strengths and weaknesses, the role of government in expanding this tool and the ways of communication used for….

Community Oriented Policing

Community Oriented Policing
new and comprehensive strategy against crime: Community Policing:

For the purpose of reducing neighborhood crimes, creating a sense of security and reduce fear of crimes among the citizens and improving the quality of life in the community, the community policing strategy will be proved to be the most effective one. The accomplishment of all these objectives to develop a healthy and clean society can be done by combining the efforts of the police department, the members of the community and the local government. "The concept of community policing is not very new however it has gained attention in last few years. It is an approach to make a collaborative effort between the police and the community in order to identify and solve the problems of crime, societal disorder and disturbances. It combines all the element of the community to find out the solutions to the social problems. Its foundations….

Community relations is a catchall phrase that describes how a company or other organization relates to the stakeholders or communities with which it interacts.  Building positive community relations is important for companies, because communities can have a significant impact on business, even communities that contain a significant percentage of people who are not customers or suppliers.  It is often viewed in a negative context, with community relations only coming into the public discourse when an organization is experiencing problems with the community, such as in the context of police community relations.  However, it is important....

Certainly! Here's a unique and fresh essay topic that explores the relationship between community relations and public relations:

"Exploring the Shift Towards Community-Centric Public Relations: Empowering Communities as Catalysts for Change"

This topic delves into the evolving dynamics between community relations and public relations, with a focus on the growing importance of community-centric strategies in the field. You can discuss how traditional public relations approaches often focused on maintaining positive corporate images, while community relations primarily dealt with strengthening ties at a local level. However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift towards integrating community empowerment and engagement within broader....

**Community Relations vs. Public Relations: An Exploration of the Synergies and Distinctions**


Community relations and public relations, often intertwined concepts, play crucial roles in shaping an organization's reputation and fostering its relationships with external stakeholders. However, these disciplines exhibit distinct approaches, motivations, and target audiences, warranting further exploration and comparison.

**Community Relations: Nurturing Local Connections**

Community relations focuses on building strong, mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the communities in which it operates. It emphasizes local engagement, participation, and collaboration, aiming to address community concerns, support local initiatives, and foster a sense of belonging.

* **Key Goals:** Strengthen community engagement, foster local support,....

Yes, there are several recent news stories related to investigations on theft that could make for interesting essay subjects. Some potential topics include:

1. The rise of retail theft during the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges faced by law enforcement in addressing this issue.
2. The use of technology, such as surveillance cameras and facial recognition software, in the investigation of theft cases.
3. The impact of organized crime networks on the theft of high-value items, such as jewelry or electronics.
4. The ethical implications of using sting operations and undercover agents in theft investigations.
5. The role of social media and online marketplaces in....

8 Pages

Community Relations vs Public Relations

Words: 2271
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Community relations and public relations are oftentimes used interchangeably, yet they serve distinct roles within an organization's strategy to build and maintain its position within society. Understanding the differences…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Police Planning and Community Relations

Words: 1076
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Criminal Justice Leadership trategies and Practices The Role of Planning in Criminal Justice Organizations In general, planning is one of the five essential functions of organizational management, along with organizing, staffing,…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Improving Long-Term School-Community Relations on Behalf of

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

improving long-term school-community relations on behalf of Bay Meadows High: Interest-based negotiation, community service programs, and student on-loan positions. Two strategies for improving short-term school-community relations will also…

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2 Pages


El Dorado Fire Community Relations

Words: 568
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The increased danger of wildfires in the undeveloped land surrounding and within El Dorado County, and directly bordering the community of El Dorado Hills, is one of the major…

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5 Pages


Ethics and Community Relations

Words: 1409
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics and Community Relations Ethical Issues in Corrections a) Identify and provide a brief explanation of the common restorative justice programs. Once completed, identify the one that has the best probability…

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2 Pages


Communities and Police Coming Together

Words: 508
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Rodney King Documentary 1 Policing and society have changed as a result of the Rodney King incident in the sense that society and the media are much more sensitive to how…

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3 Pages
White Paper


Community Relations and Police

Words: 923
Length: 3 Pages
Type: White Paper

Community Relations Ideas to Build Rapport Between Police and Residents in a Community The police force is ultimately accountable to the public in one manner or another. Therefore, not only must…

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2 Pages

Corrections / Police

Questions about police community relations

Words: 495
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Describe how police-community relations originated as a separate operational concept. Surely because of the idea that the police nor the community acts in a vacuum. What the police do (or…

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2 Pages


Police Community Relations

Words: 1063
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Answer the following questions for each video in paragraph form. Also for each video, provide a thought provoking question of your own for discussion and attempt to provide a…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Community Sports Development What Did

Words: 502
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The "Sport for All" program was initiated by the reformist Labour Government during the 1970s. Its aims and objectives included the increased community involvement of underrepresented groups (such as…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Creating a Proper Climate for Change When Implementing Community Policing

Words: 933
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Community Policing: Successful Implementation of Change The adoption of a community policing strategy within police agencies is often a change that is instituted with much protest and unrest among officers.…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

History of Community Policing in America

Words: 1276
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Community Policing The History and Concept of Community Policing in the U.S. Community Policing Origins Community Policing Philosophy Community Projects Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Community policing is as much a philosophy as it…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Into to Community

Words: 1128
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Community The term community is used for the settlements like town, villages and farms. The concept of community is considered as an inclusive one because it promotes collectivism rather than…

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6 Pages
Case Study


Community Participation

Words: 2081
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Community participation is a key ingredient of any powerful community. The life blood (citizens) of the community is pumped by the heart, called as participation. Community participation is a…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Community Oriented Policing

Words: 6694
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Community Oriented Policing new and comprehensive strategy against crime: Community Policing: For the purpose of reducing neighborhood crimes, creating a sense of security and reduce fear of crimes among the citizens…

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