Compensation Essays (Examples)

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Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and Benefits
The United States Postal Service (USPS) which has been experiencing periods of stagnant or declining revenue was discovered to have a large issue with their compensation and benefits system. It was discovered that the organization provides its employees with lucrative packages which are much higher than those offered by its private sector competitors. Most of the USPS employees are unionized and the unions have been able to negotiate great packages for the employees with the USPS paying 100% of their employee life insurance premiums as compared to other federal agencies that pay about 33% and also pays 80% of their employee health benefit premiums as compared to other federal agencies that pay only 72%. It was found that an average USPS employee receives $79,000 in compensation and benefits as compared to $59,900 for employees at the same level in private agencies. This data is, however, not adjusted for….

This plan will help a company to cope with the challenges of having a high rate of employee turnover since the employees with get satisfaction in their work places from the bonus of their hard work.
All in all, reward and appraisal are important tools used to ensure that employees are motivated and dedicated to their work hence retaining them and improving of the company's productivity. Therefore, every company should have a team in place to take care of its compensation, and benefit plans and while doing so, the company's management should ensure that the employees are for the plan being used, if not it will not have a direct impact on the company's performance.

eferences (2011) How to do a break-even analysis. etrieved 8/4/2012 From:

Entrepreneur (2011) Compensation. etrieved 1/18/2012. From:

Gainsharing (2012). Q&a etrieved 20th February, 2012, from

Gabris, G.T., & Ihrke, D.M. (2000). Improving Employee Acceptance Toward Performance….

Compensation Plan:
The ability of a company to attract and retain the personnel it needs is partly dependent on its ability to provide competitive compensation packages. A company's compensation program is vital for its competitiveness since it's the basis for rewarding employee input. In order to ensure that the workers are effectively compensation, the firm should develop and establish an effective compensation plan. For the Department of Defense, there is need to recruit and retain military personnel that are competent and adequately rewarded for the services. The reward scheme should also consider the training and skills and compensation that match the rigors of military life, especially with the view of wartime deployment.

Working in the Military:

As an individual desiring to work in the Department of Defense, my dream job and desire has always been to work in the military as a civilian. Army civilians work in every imaginable profession within the Department….

Compensation Benefit ecommendations
What companies in the relevant market are providing to employees

A perfect compensation package is as different as the present workforce itself is. Indeed, it must be in place for organizations to attract and retain the best employees. Workers vary extraordinarily in age, sex, location, and marital status. They additionally doubtlessly differ in the way they work from home or at the workplace. Using a phone, a computer, or navigating on sales calls or going into the workplace each day (WorldatWork, 2007). These are all things that need serious thinking. In addition, workers working for the same organizations have altogether different sets of responsibilities and sets of skills. The question on whether all representatives should be given the same precise compensation benefits even with the diversity of workers is addressed.

If an organization is attempting to furnish a one-for-all compensation solution, it is more than likely abandoning some of its….

Compensation Practice

Compensation Practices at McDonald's

McDonald's is an American multinational fast food chain. It was established in 1940 by ichard and Maurice McDonald as a small BBQ restaurant. The current McDonald's started growing globally when a business man ay Kroc purchased this entire fast food chain from the owners and began franchising it to private investors in the local and international markets. McDonald's is headquartered in Oak Brook, United States and currently operates in 119 countries worldwide. Globally, McDonald's has more than 34,000 fast food restaurants, outlets, and stores (McDonald's, 2013).

The major product lines and brands of McDonald's include Big Mac (hamburger), chicken sandwiches, Chicken McNuggets, desserts, Quarter Pounder, French fries, milkshakes, salads, coffee, soft drinks, soups, and a wide range of breakfast items (McDonald's, 2013). The huge scale of operations and extremely large supply chain and distribution network enables McDonald's to serve more than 69 million customers every day. McDonald's has….

Compensation is a sub-discipline of Human esources Management and has become even more critical for organizations in the 21st century. Compensation, of course, is the salary or pay an employee receives from an organization and may fall into four categories: 1) Guaranteed Pay (fixed), 2) Variable Pay (Performance or results based); 3) Benefits (Medical, etc.), and 4) Equity-Based Compensation (Stock or organizational programs). There are many forms of compensation, many philosophies as to motivational aspects of employees. . Managers tend to look at the compensation platform within their organization and are motivated to satisfy their own needs above the overall needs of the stakeholder contingent. However, in any organization, it is important to measure processes, successes, values, and employee contributions to the overall health of the organization. Certainly, for most organizations, salaries and benefits constitute their largest capital outlay after materials and equipment, and for some, even more than hard….

This problem was mostly raised within the financial sector in light of the credit crisis, but is now also being addressed in other companies as well. The focus as such now falls on responsible governance (Muller, 2012).
Chapter 13 questions

1) Strategic importance of benefits

Today, the dynamics of the business environment are suffering dramatic challenges, emerging from various fields. Customers for instance become more demanding; the domestic and international competition intensifies; the technologies rapidly evolve and there is increased social pressure towards environmental sustainability (Brooks and Weatherson, 2000). In such a setting, it is imperative for the economic agents to rely on their staff members to help address these challenges. Today then, the employees are no longer just the force operating the machines, but they are the most valuable organizational asset (Mayo, 2001). In the creation and implementation of the benefits, it is essential for the employers to consider the differences….

Compensation Decision

Compensation Decisions
Your job now is to pull together all the information you've completed so far in class and make salary decisions for your team. You have completed Cathy's evaluation and received assignment feedback. This is the first year that you've made salary decisions for this team. Be sure to carefully review the information provided. You may simply type in the cells as the text will automatically wrap. You are required to:

Enter Cathy's appraisal rating (she is last on the list);

Within your budget dollars, make your salary decisions based on performance for your team taking into consideration their Salary Grade and the Pay Ranges identified for the Salary Grades (fill in the Salary Decision Column);

Within your budget dollars award bonus money (fill in the Bonus Dollars Column);

In the green line areas, provide your substantiation and risk analysis for the salary decisions made; and

Identify any items from this scenario in whole you….

Compensation Practice
Ford Motor Company

Henry Ford established the Ford Motor company in the year 1903. This was done with the help of eleven other business associates at a time when there were eighty seven other motor companies in the U.S. efore Henry Ford got into the motor business, cars were very expensive and were considered as luxury possessions and that only the wealthy minority could afford them. What set Ford apart from other car manufacturers was his realization that by employing the needed technology, he could make cars for the general public and at a price they could afford. y increasing efficiency, Ford produced a higher number of cars while charging a lower price for them. This propelled Ford to massive success in the car manufacturing business. The revolutionary model "Tin Lizzie" popularly known as "T" was launched in 1908 following twenty years of experiments. With a 20-horsepower, an ability to….

Compensation Management
Explain the job characteristics theory. How does it tie in with intrinsic compensation?

Job characteristics theory was first introduced by Hackman and Oldham. Later on the basis of this theory, a job characteristic model was proposed which is also known as JCM. The theory focuses on five job attributes which helps in motivating the employees and make them feel satisfied at their job. The five job characteristics are as follows:

Task Identity refers to the task assigned at job that has a defined beginning and an end. This enables a worker to have a complete idea about the job procedure and the set criteria for job evaluation.

Autonomy is the level of freedom permitted to the employee at his or her job. It counts whether an employee is allowed to make changes in the schedule of work and its method or he/she is required to take permission from the higher staff for….

Compensation Project
HR Compensation Project Plan

Project Charter

Providing fair and equitable compensation can serve as the backbone for an effective human resources policy that creates high levels of employee satisfaction and reduces employee turnover. Research has indicated that equity-based compensation system, performance appraisal system, effective career planning system and a robust employee participation in the organizations' decisions and actions are among the key strategic HR practices that influence organizational performance (Jimoh and Danlami 2011). However, determining a fair and equitable-based compensation system can be a difficult proposition in some instances.

Yet the risks involved with reorganizing the compensation strategy for employees are overshadowed by the rewards. If a worker perceives that their compensation is both fair and equitable then they are likely not have intentions to quit, be dissatisfied, or look for employment elsewhere. They are also more likely to put forth their best effort which translates into higher organizational performances. The scope….

At the same time, there will be increased amounts of compensation. This will ensure that all employees are treated equally by: receiving a salary that is in line with their skills. Over the short-term, this means that there will be a decrease in earnings and profit margins. However, over the long-term is when there will be an increase in productivity and earnings.
The way that this will affect employees is to give them greater leverage over their roles in the firm. As, they will feel a sense of pride and are willing to go the extra mile for customers based upon the total compensation packages they are receiving. This is the point that they will have an appreciation for their work.

Clearly, Family Dollar is dealing with some major challenges when it comes to their compensation programs. This is because, their manager designation is side stepping the law and increasing the….

I am designing the package for a retailing organization in the Seattle. The BLS website highlights the total compensation costs for the Seattle Metropolitan area. Wages and salaries are the largest component of total compensation costs, and these advanced 1.7%, which mirrors the degree to which total compensation costs advanced nationwide over the same period (, 2014). In the West region, average wage and salary amounts to $22.10 per hour and benefits account for another $9.49 per hour, bringing the total average compensation cost to $31.59 (, 2014). The West region is split between Pacific and Mountain, and the costs are higher in the Pacific region. Wages and salaries in the Pacific region are $22.92, and total benefits $10.00 for a total of $32.92. Only the Northeast has higher costs. Wages in King County are higher still, the highest in the state by a large margin, at $1,376 per week,….

Company Background Manufacturing Co was founded in 1899 in Smalltown, Ohio, as a widget-maker for buggies. The founder saw an opportunity in automobiles, and transitioned the business to make parts for Henry Ford, and the company has since become a specialist in steering wheel parts. As the business has evolved, the company opened up factories in Michigan, Ontario and later on in Juarez. Today, the company has closed its Canadian and Mexican plants in order to concentrate production functions in China, which have a cost advantage. The headquarters remains in Ohio and Manufacturing Co is still family run. The CEO, Guy Bossington IV, wants to maintain a family atmosphere at the company, where everybody knows everybody's names. The jobs in Ohio are primarily in marketing, sales, finance and other administrative functions. There is one plant that makes specialized products, and an R&D team. In Ningbo, the company has a factory that….

Compensation Analysis Both candidates are asking for a competitive salary, but there are differences in some of the other compensation pieces that they are seeking. Cassandra is an extra week of vacation, while Malcolm is seeking a new phone every year and paid Internet service at home. The cost of Malcolm’s request is fairly easy to establish in dollar terms. Cassandra’s request for extra vacation time does not come with additional dollar costs, but does come with a cost in terms of opportunity cost representing Cassandra’s lost work time – and the time of anybody who might have to cover her work during this extra week. So while Malcolm has a slightly higher ask for direct compensation because of the technology, it might end up being the lower request given Cassandra’s ask for additional vacation time, which is indirect compensation.
As with the salary ask, there is no difference in terms of….

In order to determine whether there should be more financial support given to physicians who practice primary care, we have to first determine some facts about primary care physicians, their costs, their salaries, and other financial factors.  While the average annual salary of a primary care physician varies by state, the average appears to be from $130k a year to around $220k a year.  This breaks down to around $75 to $120 an hour. 

At first glance, that salary seem very comfortable and may leave people wondering if financial support for the position is warranted.  However, in reality....

Outline: The Historical Exclusion of Immigrants to Canada

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling anecdote or statistic highlighting the impact of discrimination on immigrant exclusion.
Thesis statement: State that historical instances of discrimination have prevented immigrants from coming to Canada.

II. The Chinese Exclusion Act (1885-1947)

Background: Chinese immigration to Canada in the late 19th century and the growing resentment towards them.
Key provisions of the Act: Head tax, ban on Chinese women, restrictions on immigration.
Impact: Sharp decline in Chinese immigration; creation of a "racial hierarchy" in Canadian society.

III. The Komagata Maru Incident (1914)

Background: The arrival of a ship....

1. The Ethical Imperative of Universal Healthcare

Explore the moral obligation to provide healthcare to all citizens, regardless of their financial status or social background.
Discuss the consequences of denying healthcare to vulnerable populations and the impact it has on society as a whole.
Examine the ethical principles that should guide the design and implementation of universal healthcare systems.

2. The Economic Benefits of Universal Healthcare

Analyze the potential economic advantages of universal healthcare, such as reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity, and reduced poverty.
Consider the impact of universal healthcare on businesses and the economy at large.
Evaluate the long-term economic....

Manifestations of Abuse of Power in the Workplace

Workplace abuse of power refers to the misuse of authority or influence by individuals in positions of power to gain undue advantage or control over others. While the specific manifestations can vary depending on the workplace environment and the individuals involved, there are several common patterns that often emerge.

1. Coercion and Intimidation:

Abusers may use threats, fear, or retaliation to force employees to comply with their demands. This can include:

Making threats of termination, demotion, or other negative consequences
Using aggressive or intimidating language or body language
Creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty


9 Pages


Compensation and Benefits

Words: 2747
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Compensation and Benefits The United States Postal Service (USPS) which has been experiencing periods of stagnant or declining revenue was discovered to have a large issue with their compensation and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Compensation and Benefit Strategy of

Words: 1774
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This plan will help a company to cope with the challenges of having a high rate of employee turnover since the employees with get satisfaction in their work…

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4 Pages


Compensation Plan The Ability of a Company

Words: 1265
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Compensation Plan: The ability of a company to attract and retain the personnel it needs is partly dependent on its ability to provide competitive compensation packages. A company's compensation program…

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3 Pages


Compensation Benefit Recommendations What Companies in the

Words: 1041
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Compensation Benefit ecommendations What companies in the relevant market are providing to employees A perfect compensation package is as different as the present workforce itself is. Indeed, it must be in…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Compensation Practice

Words: 1756
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Compensation Practices at McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's is an American multinational fast food chain. It was established in 1940 by ichard and Maurice McDonald as a small BBQ restaurant. The current McDonald's…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Compensation Is a Sub-Discipline of Human Resources

Words: 1268
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Compensation is a sub-discipline of Human esources Management and has become even more critical for organizations in the 21st century. Compensation, of course, is the salary or pay an…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Compensation Philosophies Up to This

Words: 1031
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

This problem was mostly raised within the financial sector in light of the credit crisis, but is now also being addressed in other companies as well. The focus…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Compensation Decision

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Compensation Decisions Your job now is to pull together all the information you've completed so far in class and make salary decisions for your team. You have completed Cathy's evaluation…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Compensation Practice and Plan

Words: 2228
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Compensation Practice Ford Motor Company Henry Ford established the Ford Motor company in the year 1903. This was done with the help of eleven other business associates at a time when…

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16 Pages


Compensation Management Explain the Job Characteristics Theory

Words: 4841
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Essay

Compensation Management Explain the job characteristics theory. How does it tie in with intrinsic compensation? Job characteristics theory was first introduced by Hackman and Oldham. Later on the basis of this…

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3 Pages


Compensation Project HR Compensation Project Plan Project

Words: 887
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Compensation Project HR Compensation Project Plan Project Charter Providing fair and equitable compensation can serve as the backbone for an effective human resources policy that creates high levels of employee satisfaction and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Compensation Program Challenges Over the

Words: 1766
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

At the same time, there will be increased amounts of compensation. This will ensure that all employees are treated equally by: receiving a salary that is in line…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Compensation I Am Designing the Package for

Words: 731
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Compensation I am designing the package for a retailing organization in the Seattle. The BLS website highlights the total compensation costs for the Seattle Metropolitan area. Wages and salaries are…

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4 Pages
Professional Writing

Human Resources

Compensation Strategy at a Manufacturing Company

Words: 1318
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Professional Writing

Company Background Manufacturing Co was founded in 1899 in Smalltown, Ohio, as a widget-maker for buggies. The founder saw an opportunity in automobiles, and transitioned the business to make parts…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Human Resources

compensation analysis for job candidates

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Compensation Analysis Both candidates are asking for a competitive salary, but there are differences in some of the other compensation pieces that they are seeking. Cassandra is an extra week…

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