Consumer Behavior Essays (Examples)

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Consumer Behavior New Zealand Consumer Behavior This
Pages: 13 Words: 4195

Consumer Behavior
New Zealand Consumer Behavior

This research paper has to do with the consumer behavior of the people of New Zealand. The structure of the paper is broken down into how consumer buying behavior is affected by "income status, occupation, Education, geographic, demographics, lifestyles and culture, possessions and level of influence" in their desire to purchase a product such as Hennessey Cognac. Income status means a great deal when looking at whether a person will purchase a high priced specialty item such as cognac, and New Zealanders vary by their ability to purchase the product because of wealth. Occupation is not as great a factor because people in different occupations have differing levels of pay. Education does not seem to matter a great deal either except for the fact that people who are better educated earn more over their lifetimes. This could be more of a factor in other countries, but…...



Bauman, C., Barton, S., & Elliot, G., 2007, Predicting consumer behavior in retail banking. Journal of Business & Management, 13(1), 79-89.

Booth, L., 2008, Factors that affect consumer behavior. Retrieved from

Boyd, T.C., & McConocha, D.M. (1996). Consumer household materials and logistics management: Inventory ownership cycle. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 30(1), 218-235.

Ecotours New Zealand. (2012). About. Retrieved from

Consumer Behavior Analysis of a Product or Service
Pages: 8 Words: 2437

Consumer Behavior - Analysis of Coca-Cola
Consumer Behavior - Analysis of a Product or Service

The objectives of this report are to discuss what consumer behavior is, why consumer behavior is vital, and how consumer behavior is influenced by the needs, goals, and motivations of the consumer. The purchase and use of a product by the Coca-Cola Company will provide support for this report. The consumer behavior of consumers of soft drinks will be analyzed in order to determine their demographics, influencers, and why they prefer one drink over another. Customer segmentation will also be presented in the report. The segmentation will be based on the Coca-Cola Company and how they have segmented their consumers. The company's marketing mix will be discussed with an aim to determine if it is effective, and how it impacts the consumer behavior.


In the current times, the marketplaces have become extremely competitive. It is vital for a…...



BORDEN, N.H. 1964. The concept of the marketing mix. Journal of advertising research, 4, 2-7.

BRINKMANN, J. 2004. Looking at Consumer Behavior in a Moral Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 51, 129-141.

FORNELL, C., ROLAND, T.R. & DEKIMPE, M.G. 2010. The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Consumer Spending Growth. Journal of Marketing Research, 47, 28-35.

GRUBB, E.L. & GRATHWOHL, H.L. 1967. Consumer self-concept, symbolism and market behavior: a theoretical approach. The Journal of Marketing, 22-27.

Consumer Behavior in the Wake of the
Pages: 3 Words: 956

Consumer Behavior
In the wake of the London 2012 Olympics, discount airliner Easyjet recorded a boost in its business. The company reported that demand for flights from London was strong after the Games, boosting profit expectations for the year from £280m-£300m to £310m-£320m (BBC, 2012). The company noted several factors that contributed to the boost, many of which relate to the concept of consumer behaviour. For example, the article cites that flights out of London increased to beach markets in particular. It also noted that there were fewer delays at London airports during the summer.

Hoyer and Macinnis (2009, p.3) define consumer behaviour as "The totality of consumers' decisions with respect to the acquisition, consumption, and disposition of goods, services, time and ideas by human decision-making units (over time)." This definition highlights that all consumer purchase decisions are comprised of a number of different inputs. Early research on consumer behaviour was the…...



BBC. (2012). Easyjet lifts profit after post-Olympics boost. British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved November 12, 2012 from 

Dholakia, U., Kahn, B., Reeves, R., Rindfleisch, A., Stewart, D. & Taylor, E. (2010). Consumer behavior in a multichannel, multimedia retailing environment. Journal of Interactive Marketing. Vol. 24 (2010) 86-95.

Gardner, M. (1985). Mood states and consumer behavior: A critical review. Journal of Consumer Research. Vol. 12 (Dec 1985) 599-618.

Goel, S., Hofman, J., Lahaie, S., Pennock, D. & Watts, D. (2010). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. Vol. 107 (41) 17486-17490.

Consumer Behavior and Purchase Decisions In Today's
Pages: 5 Words: 1768

Consumer Behavior and Purchase Decisions:
In today's society shoes are regarded as footwear products that are geared towards protecting the human foot while providing comfort to carry out several activities. In addition, they are seen as fashionable items that are used to improve self-image through providing decoration. Generally, consumer behavior and purchase decisions for these items are usually affected by various factors such as material selection, attractiveness of the store, shoe design, sales person, and pricing. As part of market research on consumer behavior when buying shoes, observations of consumers was carried out at a local Nike footwear store. The observations indicated that consumer behavior and purchase decisions are influenced by many factors in addition to those mentioned above.

Polyvore Shop:

Polyvore Shop is a store that provides various products to customers such as shoes or footwear based on its concept of providing a new way to identify and shop for attractive items.…...

Consumer Behavior Analysis Is an Important Element
Pages: 6 Words: 2151

Consumer behavior analysis is an important element in relationship marketing that focuses on examining the role of the customer across various aspects. This element basically emphasizes on effective reaching out of customers and potential markets. Consumer behavior analysis is regarded as a data-centered marketing technique that is used to directly reach out to individuals with customer data assessment that help in improving an organization's business profits. Consequently, one of the major ways of enhancing an organization's bottom line is through knowing how to effectively perform customer behavior analysis. As the marketing manager of a company that is seeking to launch a new product line of personal care goods in the U.S. market, consumer behavior analysis will play a crucial role in the marketing process. The proposed target market for the company will be males between 18 and 35 years and price points will incorporate lower to mid-level income ranges.
Advertising Message:


Consumer Behavior -- the Impact of Advertising
Pages: 10 Words: 3790

Consumer ehavior -- the Impact of Advertising
"rands should redouble their efforts in using advertising to grow brand advocacy through the integration of online and offline branded consumer contact points…[and moreover since] brand advertising stimulates website visits…" understanding the online and social media sites and applications can go a long ways to creating successful advertising campaigns… (Graham, et al.).

Purpose and Expectations

Advertising in the current global marketplace requires a great deal more than simply preparing entertaining, informative and attractive advertising campaigns. This paper points out that along with a good product or service, the marketing company needs to fully understand the dynamics and cultural realities of the targeted consumer. There are consumers that are worldly and others that are more parochial in their outlook, and still others that will resist buying anything made in a foreign country. Hence, the outlook and cultural make-up of the potential consumer ranks as high or higher…...



Abbasi, Aamna Shakeel, Aqeel, Ali Muslim Bin, and Awan, Ali Naseer. 2011. 'The Impact of Advertising on Brand Loyalty with the Moderation of Consumer Buying Behavior; a Conceptual Framework', Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1-6.

Agarwal, Ashish, Hosanagar, Kartik, and Smith, Michael D. 2011, 'Location, Location, Location: An Analysis of Profitability of Position in Online Advertising Markets.' Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1057-1073.

Chiang, I-Ping, and Hsieh, Chung-Hsien. 2011, 'Exploring the Impacts of Blog Marketing on Consumers,' Social Behavior and Personality, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 1245-1250.

Graham, Jeffrey, and Havlna, William. 2007, 'Finding the 'Missing Link': Advertising's Impact on Word of Mouth, Web Searches, and Site Visits,' Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 427-435.

Consumer Behavior Consider Decision Making Rational Consumer
Pages: 3 Words: 1023

Consumer Behavior
Consider decision making

ational consumer behavior: What can organizations learn?

The consumer decision-making process can be conceptualized as a rational, economic model or a subjective, psychological model. The first stage involves the recognition of a need, followed by a search for information, evaluation of alternatives, the purchase, and is concluded by the post-purchase evaluation (Buyer behavior, 2012, tutor2u). This process can be long and laborious or relatively short in duration, depending on the nature of the good or service. For example, a consumer buying a hamburger recognizes a need of hunger; compares the selections on the menu at McDonald's; compares the prices, nutrition and taste of various types of burgers; makes the purchase, and then decides whether he likes the burger and would buy another. A consumer buying a refrigerator notes that his refrigerator is broken, surfs the net for product reviews and looks locally for deals; makes the purchase, and…...



Buyer behavior. (2012) tutor2u. Retrieved: 

Shugan, Steven M. (2006). Are consumers rational? Experimental evidence. Marketing Science,

25 (1): 1-7 Retrieved:

Consumer Behavior Research the Multi-Generational
Pages: 6 Words: 2231

The second was a Cafe study of cash vs. credit, which was completed in a lab setting, the respondent base included 147 undergraduates between the ages of 20 to 46 years of age with a median monthly income of $1,000 or less. The objective of this lab study was to determine the elasticity of demand for desserts when the respondents were given $10 in cash and told they could spent it on any item of their preference. The third study, also a Cafe-based lab experiment, was based on a recruited base of 229 undergraduates in the 19- to 28-year-old age group with a monthly income of $1,000 or less.(Bagchi, Block, 2011). All three studies had data captured using observation and also self-reporting by respondents. esearchers also observed trade-offs the respondents made in selecting one dessert over another.
The results showed that when the respondents had more cash, they opted for…...



Bagchi, R., & Block, L.G. (2011). Chocolate cake please! why do consumers indulge more when it feels more expensive? Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 30(2), 294.

Eastman, J.K., & Eastman, K.L. (2011). Perceptions of status consumption and the economy. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 9(7), 9-19.

Janaki, P., & Premila, S. (2012). A study on customer involvement in purchase of home appliance. International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 2(1), 169-185.

Williams, K.C., Page, R.A., Petrosky, a.R., & Hernandez, E.H. (2010). Multi-generational marketing: Descriptions, characteristics, lifestyles, and attitudes. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 11(2), 21-36. R

Consumer Behavior Three Types of Needs Are
Pages: 3 Words: 937

Consumer Behavior
Three types of needs are biological needs, utilitarian needs and hedonic needs. Biologic needs are those needed to sustain life (shelter, food, water). Utilitarian needs are those that "emphasize the objective, tangible attributes of products" (Miller, 2010). These are practical products that provide a specific function (toiletries, clothes, pots and pans). A third type of need is hedonic needs, and these are products that are "subjective and experiential" (Ibid). These are products that we buy because we enjoy them, and derive pleasure from their use. Some products can combine attributes -- such as paying more for better clothes because we like them.

Aisner and Fournier (1999) outline the concept of brand relationships. These are one-way sentiments that a consumer has with respect to a brand, and perhaps the relationship also consists of attributes in the brand that reflect back on the consumer as a mirror. A meek accountant might be…...


Works Cited:

Aisner, J. & Fournier, S. (1999). More than a name: The role of brands in people's lives. Harvard Business School Working Knowledge. Retrieved February 23, 2012 from 

Miller, A. (2010). Types of needs. PB Works. Retrieved February 23, 2012 from

Consumer Behavior and Shopper Marketing
Pages: 4 Words: 1033

Consumer Behavior and Shopper Marketing
Analysis of Concepts and Frameworks

The foundational elements of consumer behavior and shopper marketing are based on the foundations of motivational theories including their supporting concepts and frameworks. The intent of this analysis is to provide insights into how Herzberg's Motivation Hygiene Theory and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory contribute to greater understanding of consumer behavior. Based on these insights, analysis of how consumer motivation affects shopper marketing strategies both off- and online is presented.

Analysis of Consumer Behavior Concepts and Frameworks

In order to have a solid foundation for analyzing, influencing and tracking shopper marketing, consumer heavier concepts and the theories that support them must first be understood. Motivation is a critical construct in consumer behavior and is defined as the series of psychological processes that provides contextual definition, intention and insight to the internal drive and intentions of people to meet satisfy their unmet needs and perceived…...



Brand Papers: Challenging Maslow. 2003. Brand Strategy, December 1,


Christoph Burmann, Marc Jost-Benz, Nicola Riley. 2009. Towards an identity-based brand equity model. Journal of Business Research 62, no. 3

(March 1): 390.

Consumer Behavior Project Skatetastic Skate Park Marketing
Pages: 5 Words: 1532

Consumer Behavior Project
Skatetastic Skate Park Marketing Strategy

Product Overview:

Skatetastic is a new skate and BMX park that will be located in the city of Brookings, South Dakota. This skate and BMX Park offers two separate courses for customers to use, a concession stand for food and beverages, as well as instructors for scheduled lessons. This will be the only skate park within 50 miles of the city of Brookings, South Dakota. Since there is no nearby competition, this park will give both children and adults a space further their talent, skills and creativity on skateboards and bikes. Skatetastic's mission is to create the ultimate skateboarding and BMX outdoor facility in South Dakota, appealing to all age ranges and skill levels. It is Skatetastic's goal to make every customer comfortable and satisfied each time they visit.

Skatetastic has three main criteria that will make them successful. Most importantly is that Skatetastic will offer…...



Anonymous. "Park Costs -- General Information." SPAUSA: Skate Park Association of the United States of America. November 20, 2011. Retrieved from 

Coyne, Kevin. "The Customer Satisfaction Survey Snag." Business Week. June 19, 2009. November 20, 2011. Retrieved from 

Wilson, Ralph. "The Web Marketing Checklist: 37 Ways to Promote Your Website." Web Marketing Today. April 19, 2011. November 20, 2011. Retrieved from

Consumer Behavior Emotion and Consumer
Pages: 6 Words: 1622

Realizing that the sense of smell is extremely important in shaping perceptions about the quality of a good, techniques such as "scent-sory" branding have been developed to engage with shoppers on a sensory level and encourage emotional buying.
Flavor trends are evolving as consumer demands become more complex)

Other ways of implementing "emotional branding" is with what is known as 'sonic branding'. This process is designed to trigger an emotional response by association with pleasant memories.

3. Conclusion

The study of consumer behavior has taken greater cognizance of the way that emotional factors are related with certain behavior patterns. The impact of emotional aspects on consumer behavior is summarized clearly and succinctly by Zajonc (1980). Zalonc states that,

There are practically no social phenomena that do not implicate affect in some important way. Affect dominates social interaction and it is the major currency in which all social intercourse is transacted" (1980, p. 153). In…...


Works Cited

Chaudhuri a. Emotion and Reason in Consumer Behavior. January 31, 2008.,295582,sid11_gci1232374,00.html 

Flavor trends are evolving as consumer demands become more complex. 2007.

January 31, 2008. 

Cognitive vs. Affective. January 31, 2008.

Consumer Behavior Nearly Every Society Has Some
Pages: 8 Words: 2591

Consumer Behavior
Nearly every society has some type of social class arrangement. Social classes are comparatively permanent and ordered partitions in a society whose affiliates share like principles, interests, and behaviors. Social class is not determined by a solitary factor such as income but is calculated as a mixture of profession, earnings, learning, riches, and other variables. Marketers are concerned with social class for the reason that people within a particular social class tend to demonstrate like behavior, including purchasing behavior. Social classes demonstrate distinct product and brand favorites in such area as clothing, home furnishings, spare time activity, and cars (Consumer Markets: Influences on consumer behavior, 2008).

Cultural factors have an important force on consumer actions. Culture is the majority fundamental cause of an individual's needs and actions. Growing up, kids learn fundamental values, insight and needs from their family and other significant groups. Marketers are forever trying to find cultural…...



Buyer Behavior - Cultural Factors. (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2011, from Web site: 

Consumer Behavior. (2008). Retrieved January 29, 2011, from Web site:

Consumer Behavior Marketing the Role That Personality
Pages: 11 Words: 2967

Consumer ehavior (Marketing)
The Role that Personality and Motivation Play in Consumer ehavior: A Case Study of Hongkong and Shanghai anking Corporation (HSC)

In today's information-oriented society, research and development, particularly information research, has become an important activity for business companies, institutions, and organizations, who want to know more about the consumer market, people who consider consumption as embedded and part of their everyday lives. Initially, commercialism of goods and services through advertising mainly focused on extant products and services that people need; nowadays, persuasive messages are extended through advertising, informing people about the goods and services that they should and ought to know and buy for themselves.

Selling these products and services through persuasive advertising messages, however, are the products of advertising research. More specifically, consumer research tries to identify not only the socio-demographic, but also psychographic profile of consumers, understanding how people can be persuaded to buy a company's product or…...



Arnould, E., l. Price, and G. Zinkhan. (2004). Consumers. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Benady, D. (June 2004). "It's time to get personal." Marketing Week.

Brown, S., R. Kozinets, and J. Sherry. (July 2003). Teaching old brands new tricks: Retro branding and the revival of brand meaning. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67.

HSBC Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2003.

Consumer Behavior and Countries of Origin Coo
Pages: 3 Words: 1286

Consumer Behavior and Countries of Origin (COO)
Countries of origin (COO) effects dominates other effects in influencing consumer buying patterns

Importance of COO

Consumers transfers imagined qualities of COO to product

COO is used as heuristic in regards to expensive products.

COO impacts brand name

COO influences consumer's impression of brand name.

Negative COO may require different marketing techniques for brand name.

Percepts that Impact COO

Emotions / Ideology Influence Perception of COO


Political / moral

Consumers tend to be influenced by developed country of origin (with quality cues) as a competitive advantage when it comes to buying particular luxury goods, but certain exceptions may nullify that rule.

Consumer Behavior and Countries of Origin (COO)

The purpose of this essay is to examine the country of origin as it pertains to buying behavior. The thesis statement of this research is that consumers tend to be influenced by country of origin as a competitive advantage when it comes to buying particular luxury goods..

Countries of…...



Ahmed, Z.U., Johnson, J.P., Yang, X., Fatt, C.K., Teng, H.S., & Boon, L.C. (2004). Does country of origin matter for low-involvement products? International Marketing Review, 21, 102 -- 120

Balabanis, G., Mueller, R., & Melewar, T.C. (2002). The human values' lenses of country of origin images. International Marketing Review, 19, 582 -- 610

Broniarczyk, S.M., & Alba, J.W. (1994). The role of consumers' intentions in inference making. Journal of Consumer Research, 21, 393-407

Hong, S.T., & Wyer, Jr., R.S. (1989). Effects of country of origin and product attribute information on product evaluation: An information processing perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 16, 175-187.

My teacher suggested focusing on adidas. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 458

Essay Topics on Adidas: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. The Rise and Evolution of Adidas: A Study in Sports Marketing

Trace the origins and growth of Adidas, examining its key marketing strategies and product innovations.
Analyze the company's target audience, brand positioning, and communication channels.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities Adidas has faced in the competitive sportswear market.

2. Adidas's Social and Environmental Impact: A Critical Assessment

Evaluate Adidas's commitment to social responsibility and sustainability initiatives.
Examine the company's efforts to address issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and diversity and inclusion.
Discuss the effectiveness of these initiatives and their impact on....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to case study?
Words: 288

1. A case study on the impact of social media on consumer behavior
2. Analyzing the success factors of a popular brand through a case study
3. Exploring the ethical implications of a controversial business decision in a case study
4. Evaluating the effectiveness of a company's marketing strategy based on a case study
5. Investigating the challenges faced by a startup company in a case study
6. Examining the role of leadership in organizational change through a case study
7. Analyzing the impact of globalization on a specific industry in a case study
8. Discussing the implications of a major data breach on a company's reputation....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about self checkout?
Words: 181

1. "Self-checkout Technology: Revolutionizing the Retail Experience"

2. "The Pros and Cons of Self-Checkout Systems in Retail Stores"

3. "Efficiency and Convenience: Exploring the Benefits of Self-Checkout"

4. "Overcoming Challenges: Implementing Self-Checkout Effectively"

5. "Customer Empowerment and Independence: The Role of Self-Checkout"

6. "Improving Customer Experience through Self-Checkout Innovation"

7. "The Impact of Self-Checkout on Employment and Labor Market"

8. "Security and Privacy Concerns in Self-Checkout Systems"

9. "Promoting Sustainable Practices: Environmental Benefits of Self-Checkout"

10. "The Future of Retail: Self-Checkout and Technological Advances"
11. "Navigating the Self-Checkout Experience: Tips and Tricks for Success"
12. "Self-Checkout vs Traditional Checkout: A Comparative Analysis"
13. "The Psychology Behind Self-Checkout: Understanding Consumer Behavior"
14. "The Evolution....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover puracebo effect?
Words: 504

Of course! Here are some potential essay topics related to the placebo effect that you could consider:

1. The history and origins of the placebo effect: Exploring how the concept of the placebo effect has evolved over time and its cultural and scientific roots.

2. The psychology of the placebo effect: Analyzing the psychological mechanisms behind the placebo effect and how factors such as expectation, conditioning, and belief play a role.

3. The ethics of placebo treatments: Discussing the ethical implications of using placebos in medical practice and research, including issues of informed consent and deception.

4. The neurological basis of the placebo effect:....

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