Contemporary Culture Essays (Examples)

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This may be true to a certain extent. An identity crisis could be seen behind the entire movement, but this becomes less relevant under these circumstances in which so many terrorist acts are taking place in the name of Allah. The numerous attacks that have been occurring from the infamous September 11, 2001, spread throughout Europe in the name of divine justice are acts of unjustified crime and the only reaction they can trigger is the desire to punish them.

It can be stated that the situation in Turkey differs from the situation abroad. It may appear strange, but things are less tense in the Turkish society. One controversial issue is represented by the veil that women wear in order to hide their faces. In Turkey this led to a number of debates when students began wearing the veil in universities.

On the one hand there are those who support the gesture,….

Post-Feminist Society
Contemporary Feminist Advocacy

Although there is not absolute consensus, popular writings about feminism suggest that there have been three waves of feminism: (1) The first wave of feminism is said to have occurred in the 18th through the 20th centuries and was characterized by a focus on suffrage; (2) The decades spanning 1960 to 1990 are said to encompass the second wave of feminism, to which a concern with cultural and legal gender inequality is attributed; and (3) The third wave of feminism began in the early 1990s partly in response to the conservative backlash the second wave engendered, and partly in recognition of the unrealized goals of the second wave of feminism up to that time ("NOW," 2009). This third wave of feminism made salient a more subjective voice that pointed at the intersection of race and gender with greater resolve than would have been possible when civil….

New Media
"Clicking to like," and "friending" are part of common vernacular, due to Facebook. The social media Website has unmistakably transformed the way people use the Internet. Facebook members read about daily current events in their "news feed" rather than from visiting the Websites of The New York Times. Users read articles posted by friends, who re-posted them from other friends. Facebook has even made regular email seem almost obsolete when it comes to socializing. Although it has not gone by the way of snail mail, traditional email is now much less important compared with Facebook messaging. Communication and the development of friendships take place within the virtual playground of Facebook. Facebook has in fact changed the ways people view the state and practice of friendship. A "friend" is not necessarily someone who we see in real life anymore; it is a person who "likes" our posts and photos on….

Culture and Advertising
The traditional meaning of culture refers to the way of life for a society or community. Culture comprises of beliefs, value, laws, ideas, and knowledge governing the living condition of individuals within the context of the society. In the contemporary world, this meaning of culture is losing its course. This is because of emergence of numerous components of culture in the modern world. These components include corporate culture, culture of journalism, and culture of poverty to mention a few. This trend shifts the definition of culture to describe the emotional context or setting and organizational character in relation to the word bearing the term culture. For instance, corporate culture describes the atmosphere or activities within the context of the corporate world. The way things happen within the context determines the meaning of culture. Advertisement involves the promotion of products or services with the aim of increasing consumer….

Contemporary Music

There is an old cliche that contemporary music, especially popular music, is without lasting significance or quality. The truth is just the opposite. Contemporary music is extremely creative, and employs a wide range of styles and draws on many traditions around the world. In fact, contemporary composers and singers encompass all the known traditions and rich styles of the past, in both western and eastern cultures, in mainstream society as well as indigenous groups. Contemporary music is all music -- from string quartets like the Kronos Quartet, whose classically trained string quartet offers jagged, minimalist, modern music that has won many fans, to the seminal and groundbreaking work of popular singer/composers like Paul Simon, who in his Rhythm of the Saints album, employed African and tribal percussion. Contemporary music can be rock and roll, rap, classical, gospel, jazz, country western, or world music (music of other cultures).

So how can….

Introduction Assimilation recounts the social, political, and cultural integration of the minority into a substantial, dominant society and culture. Assimilation is used in most cases to refer to the ethnic groups and immigrants coming to settle in new territories. These immigrants often acquire new attitudes and traditions through communication and contact with their host society. Either way, they also introduce some of their cultural practices to their host society(Penninx, 2005). The process of assimilation involves a step by step change of varying stages. When the new members of a community become utterly indistinguishable from the natives, it is apparent that complete assimilation has occurred (Spielberger, 2004). In this regard of assimilation, over a period, the new community cast off their original homeland's culture that touches on values, rituals, religion, language, and laws so that there is no distinguishable cultural disparity between them and the members of the native society that hosts….

In rare cases, mothers taught their daughters reading and writing. At 15, girls were expected to marry men their fathers chose for them. Interestingly, this was only the fate of wealthier girls. Peasant girls chose their own husbands when working in the fields (Fisher and Harlan).

According to Tomoko Shimoda, the traditional Japanese family is regarded as very important, also with specific roles for women, men and children. Although Western influence has standardized education and emancipated women, they are still generally regarded as mostly active and highly important in the household. Women maintain the family finances and care for the children, while the role of men is to be engaged in work, which mostly constituted the family business. Both girls and boys are educated, although boys are steered towards taking over the family business while girls are taught housekeeping and accounting skills. In the past, marriages were generally arranged, like….

Such an inclination to dismiss work like Hofstede's might rather be defined as bad science, because the definition of validity that is used in the human sciences now is one that has been imported from the hard sciences in an attempt to transfer to the human sciences the prestige of the hard sciences.
However the concept of validity is not based on a single research methodology. Instead it refers to a specific epistemological approach, which is that to be valid a study has to be able accurately to answer any question(s) that it is intended to provide a response to. Experimental validity arises from the fact that the research methodology and design provide an accurate way to measure what it is intended to measure.

This last specification, which is accepted to the point of being nearly universal, has a certain circular quality to it, and this criticism is as true of….

They wanted to know the best places to go after work, and expected him to help them in that regard.
Hanes finally told his Japanese trainers "he preferred not to mix business with pleasure." ithin a couple days, the group requested another instructor. The critical issue here, one can quickly discern, is that Hanes did not do his homework on the Japanese business culture; if he had, he would know the Japanese are intensely committed to their work, on duty and off duty.

The "Miscue No. 2" involves Ray Lopez, top salesperson for his company who was fluent in Spanish; he was sent to Buenos Aires to make a marketing pitch to a distribution firm there. He arrived and was picked up at the airport and surprised to learn that the meeting had been postponed for two days " that Ray could rest after the long trip" and also have an….

I longed for a mother with a scarf on her head and a skin so dark that I never would have to be afraid at night again that the sun would ever burn me" (350). It is this sense of personal shame of having a white mother, caused by the teasing of her peers, that perhaps drives the daughter's longing to travel to Surinam someday to meet her extended family and learn of her black father's roots. "… I began to think about everything, about who my parents were, about my mother, about where my father is from, about what I am, about who were are together" (349).
Her parents are reluctant to allow their daughter to go, but finally give in when it is the summer of the grandmother's eightieth birthday. The father and daughter make the long trip to Surinam. "I knew that we were flying away from the….

When one thinks about Freud's theory one has to presume Freud's conscious thoughts or his theory regarding an Oedipus complex represents not his real thoughts but his defensive condensations, displacements, reversals, omissions, and distortions of his real thoughts. If one wishes to look inside his real thoughts regarding an Oedipus complex, one has to analyze and interpret the manifest content of his thought with these defenses in mind. According to Freud, a person must use this method of analysis to overcome such defenses and resistances. The first rule of Freud's technique was to reject the manifest content or the apparent meaning of the dream, symptom, or activity as merely a distorted substitute for one's real thoughts (Freud's Theory Analyzed -- a eport on esearch n.d).

Freud thought that one's conscious thoughts would be unconsciously determined and distorted by what one had censored. One's conscious thoughts condensed, displaced, reversed, omitted, covertly alluded….

An example of this virtual culture is the fan culture, wherein individuals having a similar belief or likeness for an idea or another individual (also identified as "cult hero") come together and form a community wherein they talk about their beliefs, and create a culture uniquely identified only to them. Examples of these fan cultures are Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter fan groups/bases.
In the following years, despite Macionis' expressed fear for these virtual cultures, this form of culture will develop to give way to new, hybrid cultures that will potentially develop as a result of the continuous innovation and creation of computer- and Internet-mediated technologies. Moreover, these cultures will become important in that it will reflect the kind of groups and individuals extant in the society. These virtual cultures will mirror peoples' values, beliefs, and traditions. And most importantly, virtual cultures will become the 'culture….

hen Europeans colonized Brazil, for example, the indigenous peoples intermarried or otherwise bonded intimately with those Europeans and the result was a hybrid identity, "mestizaje," which Noh refers to as a native Brazilian combining his or her identity with a Portuguese identity.
Hence, in the twentieth century hybridity has been transformed into a "…cultural phenomenon" which is now explored by anthropologists and other social scientists -- and it means that growing volumes of people are moving "…from one place to another" and as they move they create "…new cultural and sociodemographic spaces and are themselves reshaped in the process" (Luke, 2003, p. 379). The point of Noh's article -- boiled down to a safe overview -- is that cultural borders between countries and regions "…have been blurred" and in their place is an "intercultural mixture" because "…all cultures are involved in one another" (p. 7). In fact some scholars insist….

Workers are employed in fisheries, mining, and defense industries while the farmers work in the agricultural collectives. Standards of living are defined by the family background as to the political and ideological heritage. The children of revolutionaries (those who died in the Korean War) are given special educational opportunities at an elite school called the Mangyndae Revolutionary Institute. However, the children and descendants of those who were in collaboration with the Japanese or the "exploiting class" are considered to be 'bad elements' in the society.
North Korea supports equality in aspect of the genders. The employment of women is expected and demanded by the South Korean government and those working with children under the age of four are expected to put the children in permanent nurseries if there is no family to take care of them while the mother works. However, the women are paid less than are men and….

The holistic theory of health, "Therefore... looks for the signs of disharmony in the external and internal environment of a person in order to understand, treat and prevent illness and disease." (Traditional Chinese Medicine: NHS)
It is also important to note that the Chinese medical theory is closely linked to their ways of thinking or philosophy. This includes the theory of complementary opposites such Yin-yang, the Five Elements, the human body Meridian system and others. (Traditional Chinese medicine) the following quotation clearly shows the way in which Chinese medicine attempts cures and better health by looking at the overall situation of the individual. This is a very different approach to the conventional estern method focusing only on the central area of illness or concern.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a "macro" or holistic view of disease. For example, one modern interpretation is that well-balanced human bodies can resist most everyday bacteria and….

1. The Enduring Institution: Exploring the Persistent Desire for Marriage in Modern Society

2. Love and Marriage: Why People Still Long for Happily Ever Afters

3. Uniting Hearts: Examining the Continuity of Marital Expectations Across Generations

4. Breaking the Myth: Debunking the Notion of Declining Marriage Rates in Contemporary Culture

5. The Matrimonial Paradox: Why Despite Predictions, Marriage Remains a Constant Desire

6. From Tradition to Choice: Understanding the Factors Behind Unwavering Marriage Expectations

7. The Resilient Romance: Analyzing the Endurance of Marriage in an Ever-Changing World

8. The Marriage Ideal: Investigating the Social, Cultural, and Psychological Motivations for Nuptial Aspirations

9. Marital Expectations in the Digital Age:....

Biblical Creation Essay Outline

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a thought-provoking statement or question about the significance of creation in the Bible.
B. Thesis statement: State the main argument of the essay, such as "The Biblical account of creation provides a unique and compelling understanding of the origin and purpose of the universe."

II. The Creation Narrative
A. Significance of Genesis 1-2
B. The Days of Creation
C. The Creation of Man and Woman

III. Theological Implications
A. The Sovereignty of God
B. The Goodness of Creation
C. Human Responsibility

IV. Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives
A. The Age of the Earth and the Universe
B. Evolution vs. Creationism
C. The Role of Faith and....

Greek mythology has been reinterpreted and incorporated into modern storytelling mediums in a variety of ways, including:

1. Literature: Many authors have drawn inspiration from Greek mythology in their works of fiction, reimagining the stories of gods, heroes, and monsters in new and unique ways. For example, Madeline Miller’s novel "Circe" retells the story of the witch from The Odyssey, while Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series features modern-day demigods who must navigate the world of Greek mythology.

2. Film and television: Greek mythology has been a popular source of inspiration for filmmakers and television producers, with numerous movies and TV shows incorporating....

9 Pages
Research Proposal

Mythology - Religion

Migrant Culture in Contemporary Culture

Words: 2855
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This may be true to a certain extent. An identity crisis could be seen behind the entire movement, but this becomes less relevant under these circumstances in which so…

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6 Pages

Sports - Women

Feminist Advocacy of a Social Issue in Contemporary Culture

Words: 1979
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Post-Feminist Society Contemporary Feminist Advocacy Although there is not absolute consensus, popular writings about feminism suggest that there have been three waves of feminism: (1) The first wave of feminism…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Popular Culture Web Culture Media Contemporary Culture

Words: 1899
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

New Media "Clicking to like," and "friending" are part of common vernacular, due to Facebook. The social media Website has unmistakably transformed the way people use the Internet. Facebook members…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Contemporary Cultural and Advertising

Words: 1349
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Culture and Advertising The traditional meaning of culture refers to the way of life for a society or community. Culture comprises of beliefs, value, laws, ideas, and knowledge governing…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Contemporary Music

Words: 1178
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Music There is an old cliche that contemporary music, especially popular music, is without lasting significance or quality. The truth is just the opposite. Contemporary music is extremely creative,…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


Culture and the Assimilation of Ethnic Groups

Words: 2595
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Introduction Assimilation recounts the social, political, and cultural integration of the minority into a substantial, dominant society and culture. Assimilation is used in most cases to refer to the ethnic…

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3 Pages

Sports - Women

Cultures Different Cultures Are Very

Words: 984
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

In rare cases, mothers taught their daughters reading and writing. At 15, girls were expected to marry men their fathers chose for them. Interestingly, this was only the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Culture at Work Questionnaire National

Words: 556
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Such an inclination to dismiss work like Hofstede's might rather be defined as bad science, because the definition of validity that is used in the human sciences now…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Culture Concept and Overseas Subsidiaries

Words: 2919
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They wanted to know the best places to go after work, and expected him to help them in that regard. Hanes finally told his Japanese trainers "he preferred not…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Culture Importance of the Extended

Words: 2224
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I longed for a mother with a scarf on her head and a skin so dark that I never would have to be afraid at night again that the…

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10 Pages


Culture Freudian Theories Sigmund Freud

Words: 3527
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

When one thinks about Freud's theory one has to presume Freud's conscious thoughts or his theory regarding an Oedipus complex represents not his real thoughts but his defensive condensations,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Virtual Cultures in Today's Information-Oriented

Words: 540
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

An example of this virtual culture is the fan culture, wherein individuals having a similar belief or likeness for an idea or another individual (also identified as "cult…

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3 Pages


Intersecting Cultures Are Creating a

Words: 1067
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

hen Europeans colonized Brazil, for example, the indigenous peoples intermarried or otherwise bonded intimately with those Europeans and the result was a hybrid identity, "mestizaje," which Noh refers…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Non-American Culture the World Outside

Words: 2709
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Workers are employed in fisheries, mining, and defense industries while the farmers work in the agricultural collectives. Standards of living are defined by the family background as to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

China An Amazing Culture Society

Words: 2555
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The holistic theory of health, "Therefore... looks for the signs of disharmony in the external and internal environment of a person in order to understand, treat and prevent…

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