Contract Theory Essays (Examples)

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Because promises are usually kept, it is usually reasonable to rely on a promise, and promises are usually relied upon. (p. 1)
Despite its centrality to the human condition, the social practice of promising remains primitive and incomplete in comparison to other disciplines such as mathematics and linguistics (Mather, 1999). When it comes to the promises contained in contracts of any type, there are some general guidelines but these do not embrace all of the issues involved by any means. For example, "We have our basic rule, 'Keep your promises!,'" Mather advises, "But the practice of promising does not determine, in any precise way, what counts as a promise. It is generally agreed that one need not say "I promise" in order to make a promise, but we have no agreed-upon test specifying which kinds of words or actions constitute a promise and which do not. Nor does our promising….

Introduction Several theorists have used social contract theory to understand the government’s role in taking care of the public and addressing the public’s needs. Current political issues offer further examination of social contract theory and how it may help with understanding government obligation and public participation. Rousseau's social contract theory is best and most relevant for understanding and offering solutions to contemporary political issues like mandatory vaccination, taxation, and universal healthcare because it offers a foundation from which to explain the perceived obligations of both the government and the public. Rousseau’s version of social contract theory contrasted against other theorists like Hobbes's and Locke's social contact theories demonstrates how one interpretation of a theory may be better suited for modern political issues over others.
According to social contract theory via Locke’s interpretation, when the government remains unsuccessful in securing natural rights or fulfilling society’s best interest often recognized as the "general will"….

Contract Offer

Contract Offer

Legal and Ethical Issues in usiness

Ethics in usiness

Three normative ethical theories were developed in Western capitalist societies in guiding the ethical conduct of business (Fort, 2014). The stockholder theory considers the maximizing of profits as the sole objective of business and above all considerations. It does not recognize social responsibility. It is completely utilitarian and one-sided. The stakeholder theory considers the welfare and needs of customers, suppliers, owners and employees along with maximizing profit. When called for, it believes that the interests of stockholders should be sacrificed in order to insure its survival. It developed from Immanuel Kant's philosophy, which respects the dignity and participation of all people. And the social contract theory is the most widely used business theory. It draws from the 18th-century philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Their philosophies argued that business should be dedicated and committed to the interests of….

All other issues are derived from this rule. Many of the modern contracts have express conditions, which are explicit contractual provisions that the parties need to abide by. The related elements that this incurs are detailed in the subchapter referring to express conditions. An interesting element of contract performances is those particular contracts that are divisible. In those cases, the parties' performance can be apportioned into pairs of matching or corresponding parts.
The part of this chapter discussing breaches of contracts starts with a classification of breaches into material and minor breaches, with each of the two being discussed in detail. Anticipatory breach is referred to and is defined and categorized in another part of the chapter.

Chapter 6 discusses general remedies for contracts and starts with basic measures that can be undertaken. The damage measures are described as being determined either based on the expectation of damages, or as restitutionary….

Ethics and Morality: The Theories of Ethics and Morality
The subject in this case faces an ethical dilemma, where she has to choose between reporting an ethical concern and just playing along or doing nothing at all. Both choices have serious consequences -- reporting would mean that i) she loses her job and livelihood because of a confidentiality breach, and ii) she stops her organization from producing the environmentally-friendly hovercraft, and consequently, becomes the reason why the world will never enjoy clean unpolluted air. Playing along, on the other hand, would mean that she watches as 200,000 innocent lives are lost as a result of the hovercraft's incompatibility with existing models.

The subject has a duty to uphold confidentiality in all dealings that have to do with the company. Disclosing such information to the press would amount to breach of this duty. However, as a member of a corporate body, she also….

Contracts, Contract Law, And Society
Contract Law

Contracts are legally-binding agreements between two or more self-regulating parties for the purpose of furthering their commercial goals (Eisenberg, 1994). The elements of contracts, together with the laws that provide protections for the parties involved, are theoretically straightforward and appeal to common sense principles, but in practice the forging of contracts and their enforcement can at times be complex. The theories and principles that underlie contract law also remain somewhat controversial and refractory to unequivocal definitions (Schwartz & Scott, 2003). To gain a better understanding of why contracts are so important to society this essay will review the essential element of contracts and the theories supporting their use, from a social, economic, and legal perspective.

Elements of a Contract

The four basic elements of a contract are: (1) mutual assent, (2) consideration, (3) capacity, and (4) legality (Legal Information Institute, 2010). Mutual assent implies that both parties….

Contract Law
For most of us living in Western societies contracts pervade most of our waking hours, yet how often do we really think about the countless transactions that we engage in every day? Buying a cappuccino at the corner Starbucks, streaming a video on Netflix, or coming home to a mortgaged house can involve countless contracts, both unstated and written. In fact, our ability to stream videos over the internet in our own home probably involves layers upon layers of contracts. Given the importance of contracts in our everyday lives, it should come as no surprise that volumes of statutes have been crafted at both the state and federal levels which attempt to define the legal parameters of exchange relationships. Contrary to expectations, however, some controversy remains due to opaque or contradictory judicial rulings (Chirelstein, 2010, p. 1). This report will examine the basic elements of contracts, the laws governing….

Contract Risk

Contracts involve risks. How could these risks be mitigated? Be sure to explain which role (or roles) on the project team within the performing organisation are responsible for identifying and remedying the results when said risks materialise.
A number of inherent risks are woven into certain projects: for example, if the project manager is not sufficiently on task and driven to ensure compliance or underestimates the needs of the project, the project may go over-budget and over time. Due to changes in the organization's leadership "priorities could change in the middle of the project, rendering some objectives moot and elevating previously discarded concerns" (Melbye 2013: 9). Failure of third parties and contractors may result in delays or impingements of quality. The IT department may not adequately support project needs with appropriate computer software, causing delays.

A contract can mitigate risk by a "narrative description of the deliverable and a sample format;" specifying….

Contract learning is a form of learning (and teaching) that involves the student or mentee far more than usual in the formulation of assignments and curriculum. The teacher and student work together to come up with a series of assignments that the student agrees to complete, thus tailoring the course to their specific needs while giving them more motivation to complete the assigned tasks. Like any (relatively) recent development in education, contract learning has its supporters and detractors, and is likely not useful in every situation. However, contract learning has been successfully deployed in the nursing field, because it allows nurses and nurses-in-training to organize their own learning regimens and tailor their experience to their own learning needs. By examining critical literature regarding the function and success of contract learning, especially as it relates to nursing, it will become clear that contract learning is a highly effective form of learning….

(University of Oslo Law School, 2005) Characteristic for the Norwegian legal tradition in the 20th century, as for the rest of Scandinavia, is the so-called "legal realism," which has emphasized considerations of justice in legal reasoning. Conceptualism and integrated theoretical systems have never been followed in Scandinavia, in other words, there is no attempt to create a unified theory of contract law, rather disputes are handled by a case by case basis, with more faith in the practices of the judges to administer and dispense justice. (Lillebakken, 1997)
orks Cited

Lillebakken, Frode. "Norway: ECTS 1996/97" University of Oslo Law School. 1996.

University of Oslo Law School. "American Contract Law: Boiler Plate Essays." 2005. Anglo Project.

Typically, a contract will be the written version of the agreement. An agreement without a contract is often not enforceable by law. The intent to create legal relations in this instance is clear on the part of EndZone, as per their email, but is not clear on the part of Maverick. The email iterates the consideration, timing and price contained within the agreement. However, EndZone would need to prove that Maverick has agreed to these terms. Maverick did not respond to the email, and only purchased $1,000 worth of goods over that time period. EndZone must provide a preponderance of evidence and it is unlikely that a sent email, unresponded to, and allegation of an oral agreement are unlikely to constitute that preponderance. Given that EndZone will be unable to demonstrate clear consideration in the form specific products and specific prices for those products, they will be unable to….

Kidnapping, extortion and detention are real dangers for businesses that operate both overseas and in domestic markets. Top management of these firms often overlooks these things by saying that it will never happen to us. They seem to not understand how much damage it can do to a business. "With more than 1,000 annual kidnappings of business professionals and executives all around the world and number of terrorist's attacks, such policies is an absolute necessity in the eye of life and health insurance professionals who travels internationally" (Gordon, 2009). Kidnap and ansom insurance policies give a cushion to a business with regard to independent investigations, collaborations, arrangement and delivery of funds, and number of other services pivotal to a safe, speedy and satisfactory resolution. Any business of any size can be a target for extortion threats against them or their employees. People are inclined to think business extortion and kidnapping….

On the part of his fellow scientists, Snow's research was resisted because it was conducted with intellectual 'leaps' of logic in his determination to find the cause, as opposed to Farr's more technical and methodological approach. Farr had the more comprehensive health surveillance program, but Snow's hypothesis and instincts were correct. Snow drew upon past studies involving smallpox, cowpox, and syphilis, to extrapolate parallel examples of how the disease was transmitted, while Farr clung to the airborne model of disease transmission popular at the time even after reviewing such studies. Farr stated that non-living or zymotic material was transmitted through the air, and hence the closer the quarters of the affected, the more apt the material would be transmitted through the air.
The commonly-held belief was that fecalized air and water were the primary conduits of the disease. Farr believed primarily that the transmission was "miasmatic" and the prevalence in….

Financial Contracting for New Venture:
Investments in a new venture usually involve financial contracts between the entrepreneur and external investors. These external investors include venture capitalists, angel financiers, banks, private financing companies, and credits unions among others. Notably, financial contracts can have positive and negative effects on the new venture. For instance, an angel financier can add a clause on the financial contract that will not permit the entrepreneur to borrow more funds without permission from the lender. While this is likely to occur when the lending institution has a mortgage or lean on the venture's property, the clause is usually added to lessen foreclosure risk. As an individual seeking to venture in a clothing business for the Mixed Martial Arts customers to provide shirts, hoodies/fleeces, and hats, it is important to choose the most appropriate type of financial contracting with the external investor. This process of selecting the most suitable….

Namely, the institutions of slavery and Jim Crow that were used to constrain the growth and advancement
of African Americans are today disregarded as being directly relevant to
the fortunes and opportunities of blacks in America. This is both
unrealistic and unethical, with the denial of its lasting impact casting
American racism in an historical light rather than one which is still
present and problematic. It is thus that the social contract today serves
the interests of dominance even as it feigns to have disavowed these
aspects of itself.
A true resolution to the failures of the social contract may only
really occur when the discourse on America's racialist past and the lasting
effects of this on the current fortunes of African Americans is resolved.
In that regard, Mills regards it as largely a fiction that racial
discrimination ended in any meaningful way after the Emancipation
Proclamation; rather, racial prejudice and systematic subjugation continued
overtly well into the 20th century, continuing still today albeit….

Title: Navigating the Crossroads of Authority: Exploring the Legitimacy and Limits of Power in Political Theory

At the crux of political theory lies the intricate interplay between authority and power, a dynamic relationship that has sparked debates and shaped paradigms for centuries. This essay delves into the multifaceted concept of legitimacy, interrogating the foundations of authority and the boundaries of power. Through a comprehensive analysis of historical and contemporary perspectives, we will explore the challenges and complexities of legitimizing power, the tensions between various sources of authority, and the implications for political practice and social justice.

1. The Sources and Foundations of....

1. The Concept of Justice in Rawls and Nozick's Political Theory:
- Analyze and compare John Rawls' and Robert Nozick's theories of justice.
- Discuss the implications of their views on social and economic equality.
- Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their respective arguments.

2. Utilitarianism vs. Deontology: A Comparative Analysis:
- Compare and contrast the ethical theories of utilitarianism and deontology.
- Explore the strengths and weaknesses of each theory in terms of their application to political decision-making.
- Discuss the relevance of these theories in contemporary political debates.

3. The Legitimacy of Political Authority:
- Examine different theories of....

25 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Contract Theory Contract Theory Are

Words: 8091
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Because promises are usually kept, it is usually reasonable to rely on a promise, and promises are usually relied upon. (p. 1) Despite its centrality to the human condition,…

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5 Pages


Rousseau Social Contract Theory

Words: 1575
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction Several theorists have used social contract theory to understand the government’s role in taking care of the public and addressing the public’s needs. Current political issues offer further examination…

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3 Pages


Contract Offer

Words: 941
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Contract Offer COMING TO A HEAD Legal and Ethical Issues in usiness Ethics in usiness Three normative ethical theories were developed in Western capitalist societies in guiding the ethical conduct of business (Fort,…

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10 Pages

Business - Law

Contracts Chapter 1 Introduces the

Words: 2886
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

All other issues are derived from this rule. Many of the modern contracts have express conditions, which are explicit contractual provisions that the parties need to abide by.…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Theories of Ethics and Morality Ethics and Morality

Words: 942
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics and Morality: The Theories of Ethics and Morality The subject in this case faces an ethical dilemma, where she has to choose between reporting an ethical concern and just…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Law

Basic Elements of a Contract

Words: 1084
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Contracts, Contract Law, And Society Contract Law Contracts are legally-binding agreements between two or more self-regulating parties for the purpose of furthering their commercial goals (Eisenberg, 1994). The elements of contracts,…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Basic Elements of a Contract

Words: 1701
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Contract Law For most of us living in Western societies contracts pervade most of our waking hours, yet how often do we really think about the countless transactions that we…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Contract Risk

Words: 681
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Contracts involve risks. How could these risks be mitigated? Be sure to explain which role (or roles) on the project team within the performing organisation are responsible for identifying…

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8 Pages


Contract Learning Is a Form of Learning

Words: 2143
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Contract learning is a form of learning (and teaching) that involves the student or mentee far more than usual in the formulation of assignments and curriculum. The teacher and…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Contract Law in Norway Norwegian

Words: 354
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(University of Oslo Law School, 2005) Characteristic for the Norwegian legal tradition in the 20th century, as for the rest of Scandinavia, is the so-called "legal realism," which…

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3 Pages

Business - Law

Contract Endzone Inc Has Sued

Words: 941
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Typically, a contract will be the written version of the agreement. An agreement without a contract is often not enforceable by law. The intent to create legal relations…

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7 Pages


Contract Issues in Proof of

Words: 2353
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Kidnapping, extortion and detention are real dangers for businesses that operate both overseas and in domestic markets. Top management of these firms often overlooks these things by saying that…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Theory-Based Research Eyle John Changing

Words: 945
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

On the part of his fellow scientists, Snow's research was resisted because it was conducted with intellectual 'leaps' of logic in his determination to find the cause, as…

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5 Pages


Financial Contracting for New Venture Investments in

Words: 1706
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Financial Contracting for New Venture: Investments in a new venture usually involve financial contracts between the entrepreneur and external investors. These external investors include venture capitalists, angel financiers, banks, private…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


The Social Contract and Racial

Words: 1830
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Namely, the institutions of slavery and Jim Crow that were used to constrain the growth and advancement of African Americans are today disregarded as being directly relevant to the fortunes and…

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