Copyright Essays (Examples)

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Copyrighted Material Under U S Code
Pages: 5 Words: 1928

The student enters an illustration contest, and wins first place. The first place prize is a $5,000 check. The student is sued for copyright infringement.
In this case, the use of the illustration was done as a commercial venture, yet was also done as a criticism, something quite obviously protected by Section 107. The use of the copyrighted material may have damaged the market in which the tuna company operated, but the student's art did not directly compete within that market. The original work clearly constituted an imaginative work. However, the student did not directly use that work, instead choosing to use parody.

By examining the copyright fair use statements, and the precedence set by other courts, it is almost impossible to predict how a court of law would decide this issue. The work was intended for commercial use, may harm the market, and uses clearly imaginative original artwork in its…...


Works Cited

17 U.S.C. 107 (1975).

Cheskis, Joel H. "Copyright of Legal Materials: From Wheaton to West - Shaping the Practice of Law in America." Communications and the Law 20.3 (1998): 1-38.

Eveready Battery Co. v. Adolph Coors Co., 765 F. Supp. 440, N.D. Ill. (1991).

Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. v. Nation Enters, 471 U.S. 539 (1985).

Copyright Fair Use Appropriation and
Pages: 4 Words: 1448

In order to take refugee from these invalid assertions, she made a fair use claim for all the material that had copyrights. The video was only twenty nine seconds long and the music was near to being audible for only twenty seconds. If these fair use claim wouldn't have been made an innocent women and her family would have been sued for doing something that they didn't do intentionally. The purpose of the video was to show the children dancing which wasn't understood by universal authorities. It can be supported by the fact that the quality of music in the video was extremely poor and therefore, the music was inaudible.
hat comes under copyright violation and what is secured under fair use claim is still unclear amongst the people. Many think that even the thumbnails shown in a search engine and their placement on their own site is a violation…...


Works Cited

Cayari, C. The YouTube Effect: How YouTube Has Provided New Ways to Consume Create, and Share Music, 8 July 2011. Web. 28 March 2013.

Dance Heritage Coalition. Copyright And Fair Use. n.d. Web. 28 March 2013.

Gizmoinsider. UTorrent-app-for-android-smartphones-tablets. n.d. Web. 28 March 2013.

Marcus, A.D . The Celestial Jukebox Revisited: Best Practices And Copyright Law revisions For Subscription-based Online Music Services. 28 April, 2003. Web. 28 March 2013.

Copyright Case Analysis Charles Barton Bollfrass v
Pages: 2 Words: 550

Copyright Case Analysis
Charles Barton Bollfrass v. Warner Music Group Cor

Copyright infringement occurs when an individual or other entity uses another person's works without the proper authorization or licensing. Generally, infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, publically displayed, performed, or transformed into derivative works without the copyright holder's permission. In a recently settled court case brought against Warner Music by Charles Barton Bollfrass, Bollfrass alleged that Muse and Warner Music infringed upon the copyright he holds on a screenplay and storyboard art, and also accused Warner Music of engaging in unfair trade practices.

In the lawsuit filed on August 30, 2012 in which Bollfrass sued Warner Music for $3.5 million, he argued that Muse's song "Exogensis: Symphony," from The esistance (2009), "was substantially similar to his screenplay, 'Panspermia/ExoGenesis," because the two works shard similar themes and narrative plots (McAfee, 2013). Allegedly, both Muse's song and Bollfrass's screenplay featured astronauts…...



McAfee, D. (2013, April 2). Warner Music escapes copyright lawsuit over Muse song. Law 360: A Lexis Nexis Company. Retrieved 9 April 2013, from

Copyright © 2011 Kudler Fine Foods
Pages: 2 Words: 617

External Environmental Analysis Sources (Opportunities and Threats)

The appropriate sources for the external environment analysis as pertains to opportunities include the available public information about the economic factors in relation to expansion, company information about the efficacy of purchasing operations, capacity for increasing catering services and product lines, and published information about prospective companies that could potentially have an interest in acquiring Kudler Fine Foods.

The appropriate sources for the internal environment analysis as pertains to threats to the company's success would be the publicly available information about competing companies serving the same market and the publicly available information necessary to conduct an objective evaluation of the likely impact of the current economic recession, including a reasonable projection of its duration and the expected pattern of its eventual recovery.


Kudler Fine Foods provides a specialty service that is more susceptible to the negative influence of economic challenges than traditional providers of similar goods…...



George, J.M. And Jones, G.R. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational

Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Kudler. (2003). Kudler Fine Foods 2003 Financial Statement.

Locker, K.O. (2006). Business and Administrative Communication. Boston: McGraw-

Copyright 2008 the Character of
Pages: 1 Words: 339

He only resorted to blackmailing the Helmers once he knew his reputation and livelihood were being endangered by
them. Before then he was content to overlook Nora's indiscretion regarding
the bond.
Through the character Nora it was shown that women during that time were
generally not supposed to live and think freely on their own. They were
expected to simply be content with taking care of their families and to not
pursue any endeavors outside the home. The character Mrs. Linde therefore
was shown to lead a very unconventional life as a woman of her time since
she worked outside and had no normal family obligations.
The play's realistic approach contributes to its power by making it be
more agreeable to reality. Instead of showing characters living happily
ever after once a problem is solved it shows that complications, such as
Nora's sudden desire for independence, can arise just like they often do in
the real world. Audiences can thus relate more readily…...

Copyright 2008 the Argument Found
Pages: 2 Words: 858

This change in intentions came about despite the fact that the country
faced no new imminent external threats and had no radical changes occur
within its internal institutions.
A second hypothesis is that individual leaders can have a significant
influence upon their countries' diplomatic or military might. The French
emperor Napoleon Bonaparte is an example to demonstrate this hypothesis; he
was considered to be one of France's greatest military generals who
personally led his army from one victory to another throughout Europe. A
third hypothesis states that nations possessing leaders prone to risk-
taking are more likely to wage war. Hitler demonstrated this by first
invading France and later trying to invade Russia despite the enormous risk
of incurring military defeat.
A fourth hypothesis states that nations led by leaders with predictable
behaviors can develop longer lasting alliances. Democratic leaders are
thought to best exhibit this behavior as seen by the close alliance
fostered by the US and Britain through their leaders Franklyn D. Roosevelt


Works Cited

Byman, Daniel L. and Pollack, Kenneth M. "Let us now praise great men:

bringing the statesmen back in" International Security, Vol. 25, No. 4

(Spring 2001). Pp. 107-146

Copyright 2007 the International Court
Pages: 1 Words: 364

After the oral phase the court delivers its judgment, which is final and binding upon all present without further claims for appeal
("International Court of Justice"). This part of the procedure regarding
both the written and oral phases, is similar to that followed by the US
Supreme Court after it has granted petitions for certiorari ("Supreme Court
of the United States", Oct 22, 2007)
An advisory opinion is given by the World Court in regards to legal
questions brought forth to it by the five organs of the United Nations as
well as its 16 specialized agencies. Both the UN General Assembly and
Security Council can seek advisory opinions about "any legal question",
while the other organs and agencies can only seek opinions on "legal
questions arising within the scope of their activities" ("International
Court of Justice").


International Court of Justice Website. etrieved October 27, 2007 from:

"The Supreme Court of the United States" (Oct 22, 2007). etrieved October
27, 2007 from Wikipedia Website:



International Court of Justice Website. Retrieved October 27, 2007 from: 

"The Supreme Court of the United States" (Oct 22, 2007). Retrieved October

27, 2007 from Wikipedia Website:



Copyright © 2010 Introduction to Project
Pages: 10 Words: 3560

Secondly, she must realize that this integration role takes the form of information manager. Specifically, the project manager performs the lateral-relations task. This means that the successful project manager recognizes who needs what information and creates mechanisms to assure that the right people get that information. In this capacity, the project manager is responsible for communication flow both vertically and horizontally.

Finally, Naomi needs to understand that, at least to some degree, she lives within a matrix. She must see that the diverse members of her team are responsible not only to her, but to functional managers whose objectives and priorities might directly contradict her own. Being effective as a project manager in this type of environment requires significant interpersonal skills.

Let's look at an example from Naomi's list: team members were too busy with their functional priorities to attend project team meetings. What if Naomi had understood the need for information…...

Copyright Laws This Is Accomplished
Pages: 5 Words: 1627

This is problematic, because if left unaddressed this can hurt innovation and the ability of companies to create new technology. The reason why, is due to the fact that certain firms are using copyright laws to protect their profit margins and dominance inside the sectors. This is considered to be monopolistic, as they are hiding behind these regulations to maintain the status quo.
When you compare the underlying strengths and weaknesses of different copyright laws, it is obvious that they are designed to safeguard the time and investment in the project. As, these regulations are giving them the ability to earn an income off of their ideas and recoup any losses during process of refining their work. This is important, because this basic provision has allowed producers to innovate and bring forth ideas that will change society.

However, many of these laws also have a number of weaknesses to include: they…...



Boldren, M, 2002, 'The Case Against Intellectual Property', American Economic Review, vol. 92, no.2, pp. 209 -- 212.

Klein, B, 2000, 'Intellectual Property', American Economic Review, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 205 -- 208.

Romer, P, 2002, 'When Should We Use Intellectual Property Rights', American Economic Review, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 213 -- 216.

Varian, H, 2005, Copying and Copyright, University of California.

Copyright and Public Interest in
Pages: 35 Words: 14855

The very nature of the copyrighted material is also taken into account when determining 'fair use', and the amount of the copyrighted material being used in relation to the entire original work will also be considered. Another important aspect is the result or effect that the publication of the copied pieces would have on the copyrighted material in relation to the sale of or on the market value of the copyrighted work. 'Fair use' can also be made of a copyrighted material even if it was unpublished until then, if all the above factors were to be adhered to by the user of the copied material. Where libraries and librarians and all the other employees of the library are concerned, it must be remembered that the library or its archives or any of the employees who are acting upon the interests of the library or the archives, will not be…...



Announcement: USPTO seminar in Detroit area on IP in China. Promote the Progress, Announcement. Retrieved at   Accessed on 8 June, 2005 .

Aspects of the Universal Copyright Convention and the Berne Convention. Retrieved at   on 8 June, 2005 

Author's Moral Rights in UK and China. Retrieved at Accessed on 9 June, 2005

Burrell, Robert. Copyright Exceptions: The Digital Impact. Retrieved at Accessed on 8 June, 2005

Copyright Patent Trademark
Pages: 7 Words: 2028

Internet's Affect on Copyright, Trademark and Patent
Imagine this: you pull into your driveway. The garage door opens and the lights in your house turn on with the push of a button on your cellular phone. As you walk into your living room, your computer displays the latest news of the day and a record of missed telephone calls. Your television sports a large screen and wireless controls, offering online content and traditional programming originating from a single source. A single wire coming into your home or office delivers phone, videophone, Internet and television service. These connections are offered by the telephone company, the cable company, and possibly even utility companies. These hybrids enhance access, speed, selection, and convenience; bridging the best of technologies. The world of the Internet has clearly become an open door for innovation, creativity and development of various new business tools.

The rapid growth of the Internet…...



Astor, Stephen M. "Merging Lanes on the Information SuperHighway: Why the Convergence of Television and the Internet May Revive Decency Standards." Sw.

U.L. Rev. 29 (2000): 327, 328.

Davis, A. "Invisible Trademarks on the Web Raise Novel Issue of Infringement." Wall

Street Journal 15 Sept. 1997.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Pages: 8 Words: 3513

Digital Millennium Copyright Act
It was in the year 1998, in the month of October that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act was passed by the U.S. Congress after much deliberations and controversy. It would be another two weeks, October 28th to be exact, that the Act became a Law. The law was signed by the then President, Bill Clinton. The law was approved and also supported by the entertainment industry as well as the software industry. However, there was a lot of disapproval in the fields of academicians and scientists and other learned people, which was in fact unavoidable. The Law supports the treaty that had been signed in December 1996 at the World Intellectual Property Organization at Geneva but also contains further materials that were added on at a later date. (The Digital Millennium Copyright Act)

Some of the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act are as follows: It is…...



Black, Michael. (6 May, 2004) "EBay helps bootleggers steal" Retrieved at   Accessed on 23 August, 2004,21625,958577,00.html .

Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section" April 29, 2004. Retrieved at   on 23 August, 2004 

Cyberspeak: EBay not liable for auction of pirated movie" Retrieved at   Accessed on 23 August, 2004 .

Ebay" Retrieved at   on 23 August, 2004 

Digital Millennium Copyright Act Dmca
Pages: 3 Words: 933

DMCA is considered to be at its weakest point because it illegalizes free expression and leads to the detriment of various innocent victims (Wilbur, 2000).
Moreover, other arguments have been raised against DCMA on the fair use of the state's intellectual property paid for by consumers. For instance, companies like Apple go to extremes of locking their devices. Significantly, third developers of software have an opportunity of developing ridiculous processes in order to enhance their applications to the users. The restrictions that are imposed on devices are too limiting considering the capital invested in the applications. However, it is important to note that the DCMA has many supporters, especially from the big companies who are very influential. Consequently, it is impossible for the various critics on DMCA to have a prospect of being amended (Stegmaier, 2005).

Notable court case

One of the notable cases was in August 2009. The Motion Picture Association…...



Pike & Fischer (2008). The Digital Millennium Copyright Act: special tenth anniversary edition. Silver Spring, MD: Pike & Fischer.

Stegmaier, G.M. (2005). The Digital Millennium Copyright Act: 2005 supplement. Silver Spring, Md.: Pike & Fischer.

U.S.G.P.O. (2008). The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. U.S. Copyright Office


Technological Advancements and Copyright
Pages: 2 Words: 685

The United States Copyright Office was established in 1897 to protect the work of designers and artists. The office administers the U.S. Copyright Act 1976 and other laws and regulations governing copyrighted work (U.S. Copyright Office). According to the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA 78), a professional association involved in airing and protecting the interests of artists and designers, copyright safeguards the ownership of work originally created by a designer. ith copyright protection, the designer exclusively controls whether the work can be copied or not. The designer maintains exclusive rights to reproduce, display, perform and license the work. Accordingly, the owner of a copyright can sue for damages in the event of copyright infringement. Nonetheless, even with legal mechanisms as well as AIGA and other professional associations such as the Graphic Artists Guild, copyright protection remains a challenge.

The challenge of copyright protection has even been greater in today's digital…...


Works Cited

American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA). Design business and ethics. New York: Richard Crefe, 2009. Web site terms., n.d. Web. 22 December 2016. Your access to and use of the services., n.d. Web. 22 December 2016.

Graphic Artists Guild. About. Graphic Artists Guild, n.d. Web. 22 December 2016.

Information Technology Copyright Issues There Is No
Pages: 4 Words: 1197

Information Technology Copyright Issues
There is no doubt that the digital revolution ushered forward by the computer and Internet age has changed myriad aspects of contemporary society. In addition to significant social and cultural changes and the evolution of political discourse on a global basis, the digital revolution has also profoundly changed the landscape of centuries of established legal principles that pertain to the proprietary ownership and protection of original intellectual property (Halbert & Ingulli, 2009). At the time that modern laws of copyright, trademark, and the very definition of intellectual property were created and defined as legal concepts the prospect of their light-speed transmission and storage in vast quantities by ephemeral entities that exist mainly in cyberspace were completely outside of the scope of contemplation by legislators and intellectual property creators alike.

As a result, the first two decades of the Internet age have witnessed legal disputes arising from the unauthorized…...



Bagley, C.E. And Savage, D. (2005). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies

for the 21st Century. CA: South-Western College/West Publishing.

Halbert, T. And Ingulli, E. (2009). Law & Ethics in the Business Environment.

Cincinnati: West Legal Studies.

What is copyright infringement and fair use?
Words: 129

Copyright infringement is very similar to plagiarizing. It involves taking other people\'s ideas without giving them credit, or even posting large portions of their work on your website or using it in some other, public way. Fair use means there are a number of words or a portion of another type of work (like a picture, etc.) that can be used without infringing on copyright. Using information available on the web can be a good choice to add to a blog or website, but it is very important to cite where the information came from. If it is possible to....

My teacher suggested focusing on title generator. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 574

Title Generator-Aligned Essay Topics

1. The Power of Language: The Influence of Titles in Shaping Narratives

Explore the ways in which titles can predetermine the interpretation of literary works.
Analyze how titles create expectations and bias the reader's perspective.
Discuss the ethical implications of using manipulative or deceptive titles.

2. Titles as Mirrors: Reflecting the Complexity of Literary Characters

Examine how titles can reveal the inner nature and motivations of characters.
Analyze the use of irony, paradox, and symbolism in titles to create complex character portraits.
Discuss the impact of character-based titles on the reader's understanding of the narrative.

3. The Art of....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on digital camera journey future developments a case study?
Words: 285

1. The evolution of digital cameras: From bulky devices to sleek, compact models
2. The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing the functionality of digital cameras
3. The impact of social media on the way we capture and share photos
4. The future of virtual and augmented reality in photography
5. A case study on the development of smartphone cameras and their influence on the digital camera market
6. The environmental impact of digital cameras and efforts to make them more sustainable
7. How advancements in sensor technology have revolutionized image quality in digital cameras
8. The rise of mirrorless cameras and their potential to overtake traditional....

I need some suggestions for principles of business essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 364

Principles of Business Essay Topics

Ethics and Social Responsibility

The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation

Leadership and Management

Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....

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