Coronavirus Essays (Examples)

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COVID-19 Coronavirus

COVID-19 Coronavirus

First appearing in China in late 2019, the novel Coronavirus COVID-19 has become the most significant global pandemic event in a century.  As of October 28, 2020 the total number of cases worldwide was 44 million with 1.17 million deaths.  The United States has had an extremely politicized response to the virus, and despite having less than five percent of the world’s population, the U.S. has had more than 20 percent of the world’s COVID-19 cases with 8.85 million cases and 227 thousand deaths.  Currently, it seems unlikely that COVID-19 will be under control and people able to resume their normal lives until late 2021.  In this essay, we discuss what Coronavirus is, what COVID-19 is, where it originated, the health impact of the disease, risk factors, efforts to contain the spread of the disease, the economic impact of the disease, and how COVID-19 may be impacting the 2020….

COVID-19 Background
The novel coronavirus spreading the COVID 19 disease first appeared in Wuhan, China, in 2019 and quickly spread around the world. The infectious disease is a new form of a previous severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS) and has led to nationwide lockdowns from the East to the West. Coronavirus-19 Severe Acute Respitory Syndrome Coronavirus-2(SARS-CoV-2)n is a Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Primarily lung problem. Autopsy results showed on 12 people that most common pre-existing conditions making them susceptible to dying were coronary heart disease and asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease making them more vulnerable to the disease/death (Hansen, 2020).
The etiology of COVID 19 is still unknown. It was initially suspected that animal to human transfer took place at a Wuhan wet market in China (BMJ, 2020). However, scientists have since come to suspect that coronavirus may have escaped from a biological weapons lab in Wuhan (Baier & Re, 2020).….

Biomedical Ethics: Should There be a Mask Mandate? Introduction
In ethics there are three major ethical systems that serve as the main approaches for viewing the morality of actions. These are virtue ethics, duty ethics or deontology, and utilitarianism (Cahn & Markie, 2011). Virtue ethics is associated with the philosophies of Aristotle and Confucius and has a universal characteristic to it—meaning that virtue is defined universally and exists as an objective fact. Duty ethics posits that one’s actions are moral insofar as they correspond to the duty that the person is meant to perform. Utilitarianism posits that one’s actions are moral insofar as they promote the greatest common good of society (Holmes, 2007). In today’s world of COVID panic, the most common approach to the issue of a mask mandate is the utilitarian approach. People generally believe that the mask promotes the greatest common good. For others, the mask is a symbol….

The CoV was responsible for the spread of respiratory illness during 2002-03. Phylogenetic analysis revealed multiple incongruent association linkages between the phylogenies of rhinolophid bats and their CoVs which indicated that hosts shifts have happened in the new evolutionary history of this group. These shifts might be because of either virus biological traits or host behavioral traits. These revelations "have insinuations for the emergence of SAS and also for the potential forthcoming outbreak of SAS- CoVs or associated viruses." (Cui; Han; Streicker; Li, et. al, 2007) SAS CoVs was identified as the etiological agent. These incidents and the identification of SAS-CoVs in animals linked with the wildlife trade in southern China have resulted in revival of interest in CoVs of different types. This revival resulted in the finding of 2 new human CoVs and presence of CoVs like SAS in horseshoe bats. (Cui; Han; Streicker; Li, et. al, 2007)


Mock Research Proposal Coronavirus had redefined the way people now live, work, and socialize. For this reason, people had to strictly follow safety measures so that pandemic ends soon, which has forced them to stay at home and rethink how they should spend their lives with the sources of earning they used to have. The purpose of this report is to propose a method for reusing the office buildings that have been standing empty since the advent of the current pandemic due to increased working from home.
Recently, the pandemic has changed the way our lives operate. A survey of the precious flu spreads in the world conducted in 2016 suggested that virus spreads occur mostly in offices among well-developed strong adults (Richtel, 2020). It has already been predicted that when the pandemic is over, the workers would be allowed to work from home, making the office buildings only the meeting places….

Connection Between Class Learning and an Article The development of a COVID-19 vaccine is considered critical in curbing the spread of this virus and dealing with the global pandemic. Companies like Moderna have embarked on efforts to develop an effective coronavirus vaccine. The development process involves conducting extensive research through clinical trials. These clinical trials involves using different concepts of scientific research to ensure the effectiveness of the vaccines. Grady (2020) published an article on the effectiveness of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine based on early data.
One of the connections between the article and lessons learnt in the classroom is the use of two groups of study participants i.e. an experimental group and a control group. In this regard, the study employed a between-participants design for the experimentation to determine the difference between conditions among people who contracted the virus. The experimental group of five people were vaccinated while the control group of….

Abstract This paper discusses the economic effect of COVID-19 on healthcare. It shows that COVID-19 had caused much damage in both the health and economic sectors. As of March 28, 2020, the disease had contributed to the loss of 10 million jobs, and this data was for just two weeks. The damage that had happened before the two weeks was not captured in this duration. During the second quarter, the United States economy will shrink by 10% to 25%. The economy's slow growth is already happening in the USA, with main economic activities being affected. Economy damage is occurring worldwide, with the health sector being the most hit. Financial markets that depend on other sectors, including health, are also losing huge profits daily. All these damages put together are expected to cause a loss of approximately $1 trillion in the world economy by the end of the year 2020. This recession's….

The Financial Markets and the CoronavirusIntroductionThe Coronavirus is a pandemic that has swept the globe, causing widespread panic and financial instability. The virus originated in China and quickly spread to other countries, resulting in a significant death toll. Hospitals have been overwhelmed with patients and governments have implemented strict measures to contain the virus. The pandemic has also caused severe damage to the global economy, with stock markets plunging and businesses shutting down. Markets recovered and soared to new highs, however, as central banks around the world intervened with trillions in new liquidity. Now, interest rates are rising to combat soaring inflation, and the situation is still very much evolving. It remains to be seen how the world and financial markets will recover from this crisis.Impact on the Economy & Stock MarketThe Coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact on the economy and stock market. The S&P 500 index, which….

The Financial Markets and the CoronavirusIntroductionThe Coronavirus is a pandemic that has swept the globe, causing widespread panic and financial instability. The virus originated in China and quickly spread to other countries, resulting in a significant death toll. Hospitals have been overwhelmed with patients and governments have implemented strict measures to contain the virus. The pandemic has also caused severe damage to the global economy, with stock markets plunging and businesses shutting down. Markets recovered and soared to new highs, however, as central banks around the world intervened with trillions in new liquidity. Now, interest rates are rising to combat soaring inflation, and the situation is still very much evolving. It remains to be seen how the world and financial markets will recover from this crisis.Impact on the Economy & Stock MarketThe Coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact on the economy and stock market. The S&P 500 index, which….

Technology and the Development of Modern Medicine The 20th century saw a seismic change in the perception of the human body, and the relationship of patients to physicians and other aspects of modern medicine. With the recent coronavirus pandemic, of course, the focus upon technology and medical developments has become a matter of global importance. Vaccines and innovative drugs were not solely innovations of the past century, but they extent to which they were proven safe and effective is relatively new. The relationship between providers and patients has likewise changed, as well as expectations about treatment.
Vaccination and Immunization Technology
Infectious disease was once an accepted part of modern life. However, the first smallpox vaccines were developed as early as the late 18th century. Safety of vaccines could not always be guaranteed, however. Inactivation of bacteria via heat or chemical treatment to confer immunity status was developed by the very end of the….

Are Vaccines Safe or is There a Link to Autism Introduction
The rapidity with which the novel coronavirus believed to cause COVID-19 overtook the world caused alarm among leaders and media leading to an urgent demand for an emergency vaccine. Because vaccines typically take years if not decades to develop, manufacture and test, the rollout of a COVID vaccine seemed dubious at best. But as Arnold (2020) points out, scientists had no choice—they had to implement atypical methods to speed up the process: it would be the first time in history that a new disease was identified and a vaccine for it was developed at the same time that the initial outbreak persisted. Scientists quickly began rolling out a variety of vaccines that worked differently in the body—but not without cutting corners here and there (Arnold, 2020). The fact of the matter is that creating and testing vaccines safely takes time and….

Part One: Research Proposal Problem and Purpose Statement
Despite an abundance of natural resources, a modern infrastructure, and increasingly aggressive efforts by the national government and support from multiple nongovernmental organizations since apartheid ended in 1994, more than half (about 55% or 30.3 million people) of the South Africa population still lives in poverty today and another 13.8 million South Africans do not have enough to eat each day (Poverty & equity brief 2021). Moreover, current economic development indicators show that the per capita annualized consumption growth rate of the bottom 40 percent of the South African population actually suffered a 1.34% decline during the 4-year period from 2010 through 2014 (the latest statistic available from The World Bank). In sum, the situation for the poorest people in South Africa is worsening and there are few new opportunities available on the short-term horizon that can help them achieve their full employment potential….

COVID-19 has created large disruptions to the travel, tourism, and retail industries. It has also impacted office retail as employees are now working from home to avoid virus contagion. Although a vaccine is currently in the process of distribution, many elements of cleaning and disinfection have occurred. These methods are designed to not only mitigate the impacts of the current virus, but other future occurrences. One such method is electrostatic disinfecting. Electrostatic Disinfection is the process of cleaning surfaces with a specialized solution that effectively traps and neutralizes surfaces. The solution combines with the air and is atomized by electrodes inside the distribution sprayer. Due to the positive charge, the spray is much more effective at reaching difficult areas while also being better able to cling to surfaces. The electrically charged spray is much more effective than conventional methods as it can much more effectively coat and clean surfaces. The droplets….

TEOIST THEAT ASSESSMENT Terrorist Threat Assessment: White SupremacyIn its September 2021 report to the House of epresentatives Committee on Oversight and eform, the FBI acknowledged that the greatest terrorism threat in the US is posed by small cells and lone actors who use easily accessible weapons to attack soft targets (FBI, 2021). The main manifestations of these threats are Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs) and Domestic Violent Extremists (DVE) arising domestically (FBI, 2021). HVEs are influenced or inspired by foreign terrorist groups although they do not have direct links or receive individualized orders from these groups (FBI, 2021). Conversely, DVEs commit acts of terrorism to further certain political or social goals arising from domestic issues, such as anti-government sentiments and ethnic or racial bias (FBI, 2021).DVEs who act in furtherance of ethnic or racial goals are referred to as MVEs (acially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists) (FBI, 2021). According to the….

Case Study: The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)Problems/IssuesThe main problem presented in the case study by Cavallo and Godwin (2022) is the seemingly insurmountable uncertainty plaguing businesses, governments, and the world over. Supply chains were impacted by lockdowns; demand for services (like entertainment) dwindled to zero; and the seeds of inflation were sewn by both fiscal and monetary policies implemented to support the economy during the lockdown and to combat the fallout after lockdowns were lifted. Uncertainty is a persistent challenge going forward because it affects decisions about staffing, stocking, investing, and building. One risk is that by moving forward as though a return to normal were imminent could be premature, leading to substantial losses if cash flow does not arrive to support operation expenditures. Another risk is that conflicts between the East and the West could lead to total supply chain overhauls that impact local communities….

A synthesis essay is a type of essay that uses a variety of different sources to support a central claim.  The central claim must be well-supported within the synthesis essay, even if it is not the most likely claim or generally assumed to be true outside of the essay.  Writing a synthesis essay has two main parts: synthesizing sources and supporting your main claim.

It is possible to write a synthesis essay about a hypothetical claim, but it will be more difficult to find the literature to support your claim. That is because you will not....

One of the difficulties about writing a summary of any of the vaccines for the novel Coronavirus that is known as COVID-19 is that much of the information remains unknown.  In addition, because the vaccines created by Pfizer and Moderna are both mRNA vaccines, which are not a familiar type of vaccine, they create some additional questions.  How long will the vaccines be effective?  Are they safe?  Will they work to prevent infection by the newer strands of COVID-19?  Do they change your DNA as some people on the internet are suggesting? ....

For several years, healthcare has been an important topic, not just in the world at large, but also in academia.  Healthcare has been one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy, has offered a boom in terms of employment, and is a hot button political issue since access to healthcare remains very class-based in the modern United States.  The COVID-19 pandemic and what it has meant about access to health care and the quality of healthcare that is being provided has only made it that much more important to focus on

1. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health: exploring the rise in anxiety and depression during the pandemic
2. The role of technology in managing the spread of the coronavirus: analyzing contact tracing apps and virtual healthcare
3. The social and economic disparities exposed by the pandemic: how COVID-19 disproportionately affects marginalized communities
4. The future of work post-COVID: examining the shift to remote work and its long-term implications on the economy
5. The ethical dilemmas of vaccine distribution: discussing the global challenge of equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines
6. The psychological effects of isolation and loneliness during lockdown: understanding the mental health toll of....

8 Pages

COVID-19 Coronavirus

Words: 2800
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

COVID-19 Coronavirus Abstract First appearing in China in late 2019, the novel Coronavirus COVID-19 has become the most significant global pandemic event in a century.  As of October 28, 2020 the…

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4 Pages


COVID 19 From Epidemiology to Treatment and Cure

Words: 1246
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

COVID-19 Background The novel coronavirus spreading the COVID 19 disease first appeared in Wuhan, China, in 2019 and quickly spread around the world. The infectious disease is a new form of…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Ethics / Morality

Should Mask Mandates be Given by the Federal Government

Words: 1930
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Biomedical Ethics: Should There be a Mask Mandate? Introduction In ethics there are three major ethical systems that serve as the main approaches for viewing the morality of actions. These are…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Corona Viruses Are the Largest

Words: 1605
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The CoV was responsible for the spread of respiratory illness during 2002-03. Phylogenetic analysis revealed multiple incongruent association linkages between the phylogenies of rhinolophid bats and their CoVs…

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8 Pages
Research Proposal



Words: 2459
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Mock Research Proposal Coronavirus had redefined the way people now live, work, and socialize. For this reason, people had to strictly follow safety measures so that pandemic ends soon, which…

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1 Pages
Article Review

Psychology - Experimental

Scientific Research on Coronavirus Vaccine

Words: 381
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Article Review

Connection Between Class Learning and an Article The development of a COVID-19 vaccine is considered critical in curbing the spread of this virus and dealing with the global pandemic. Companies…

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16 Pages
Research Paper


How Does Covid-19 Affect Healthcare Economically

Words: 4854
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Abstract This paper discusses the economic effect of COVID-19 on healthcare. It shows that COVID-19 had caused much damage in both the health and economic sectors. As of March 28,…

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9 Pages


Fed Funds Rate and Inflation in the US

Words: 2594
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

The Financial Markets and the CoronavirusIntroductionThe Coronavirus is a pandemic that has swept the globe, causing widespread panic and financial instability. The virus originated in China and quickly spread…

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5 Pages


Government Stimulus Response to Pandemic

Words: 1396
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The Financial Markets and the CoronavirusIntroductionThe Coronavirus is a pandemic that has swept the globe, causing widespread panic and financial instability. The virus originated in China and quickly spread…

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4 Pages

Medical - Ethics

History of Medical Technology

Words: 1317
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Technology and the Development of Modern Medicine The 20th century saw a seismic change in the perception of the human body, and the relationship of patients to physicians and other…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


Why is the COVID Vaccine Being Rushed to Market

Words: 2581
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Are Vaccines Safe or is There a Link to Autism Introduction The rapidity with which the novel coronavirus believed to cause COVID-19 overtook the world caused alarm among leaders and media…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

Africa / African Studies

Identifying Opportunities to Reduce Income Disparities in South Africa Today and In the Future

Words: 1146
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Part One: Research Proposal Problem and Purpose Statement Despite an abundance of natural resources, a modern infrastructure, and increasingly aggressive efforts by the national government and support from multiple nongovernmental organizations…

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1 Pages


Electrostatic Disinfecting for Covid 19

Words: 252
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

COVID-19 has created large disruptions to the travel, tourism, and retail industries. It has also impacted office retail as employees are now working from home to avoid virus contagion.…

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11 Pages

Criminal Justice

White Supremacy Extremism Threat Assessment

Words: 3213
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Assessment

TEOIST THEAT ASSESSMENT Terrorist Threat Assessment: White SupremacyIn its September 2021 report to the House of epresentatives Committee on Oversight and eform, the FBI acknowledged that the greatest terrorism…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Economic Uncertainty Caused by Lockdowns

Words: 547
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Case Study: The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)Problems/IssuesThe main problem presented in the case study by Cavallo and Godwin (2022) is the seemingly insurmountable uncertainty plaguing…

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