Corrections Essays (Examples)

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If a client is determined to be unfit to plead, and mental health issues result in the special category specification, involvement from various mental health professionals is required to determine if and when that inmate may be fit.
orks Cited

Prison Legal Service (2012). Classification: special category and major offenders, Retrieved

17 February 2012 from

Career in Corrections Today

As with many other careers, there are a host of factors to consider when determining the right career choice for an individual. hat makes the decision to choose corrections different is the level of personal risk involved in working within the prison system. Corrections is a life and death job and corrections officers are 'in the belly of the beast' on a daily basis. There is a heightened level of stress associated with this kind of career choice, and any individual considering must understand how they personally deal with stress in order to ensure….

Corrections Facility
What contemporary problems exist within the U.S. corrections system? Explain.

The first issue that exits with the U.S. corrections system is that of priorities. The system is inherently reactive as oppose to proactive in regards to preventing future offenses. I believe the U.S. corrections system can do much more in regards to education, follow up, and subsequent matriculation into general society. More emphasis should first be placed on properly educating those in the corrections system. It is very common for individuals to repeat crimes due in part to lack of skills to enter the workforce. This is now becoming especially true as individuals are now competing for fewer jobs within the overall U.S. economy. Last month, only 69,000 jobs were added to the economy. The jobs added last month don't even keep pace with the U.S. population growth. If individuals with no prior criminal activity are finding it difficult to….

Corrections Accreditation and Privatization
In recent times, the field of corrections has been seeking to address quite a number of emerging issues as a result of a wide range of catalysts including but of course not limited to privatization and accreditation. In this text, I explore a number of issues to do with corrections accreditation and privatization.

Corrections Accreditation

According to Stinchcomb (2011), corrections accreditation can be taken to be "an official recognition that a correctional program or facility has met certain national standards following an on-site audit." In the United States, the body charged with corrections accreditation is the American Correctional Association (ACA). As Stinchcomb (2011) notes, just as is the case with universities and hospitals or other organizations seeking to enhance their performance levels, the relevance of accreditation for corrections cannot be overstated.

In regard to how the development (professional) of corrections officers is impacted on by corrections accreditation, it can be….

To date, there has been a great deal of reluctance to adopt a harm reduction approach in the United States for two fundamental reasons:

The first reason stems from the argument that if harm were reduced for users the result would be an increase in the prevalence of drug use and, therefore, increased harm to society in terms of health care costs and violent crime. Those taking this position present as supporting evidence the fact that improved automobile safety features have led to increased speeding by drivers. In addition, it has been suggested that because drug users are risk takers to begin with, they may increase use or risky behavior to compensate for the harm reduction assumptions that substance use is part of the human condition.

The second reason is based on concerns about "sending the wrong message." If harm reduction were implemented, it might be interpreted as condoning drug use.….

Jonathan Franzen's the Corrections

What made correction possible also doomed it." (Franzen, 2002, 278)

In Jonathan Frazen's novel The Corrections, the reader is taken into the heart of a dysfunctional American family. Although the novel transpires in real time as well as in flashback, it is fundamentally a novel of memory. The memory of the past reaffirms the inability of the use of an idealized past to correct the future, or to give children and parents a new memory of an idealized family past. One cannot remember something truly and perfectly and recreate a memory, without either erasing some painful truths, or accepting that the past was not as perfect as one might hope.

The idea of 'correction' is usually applied in the singular rather than in the plural. Correction inspires the idea of erasing what was wrong and easily replacing what was right -- even though this might leave a smudge, or….

Gius, Mark. (1999). The Economics of the Criminal Behavior of Young Adults:

Estimation of an Economic Model of Crime with a Correction for Aggregate Market and Public Policy Variables. The American ournal of Economics and Sociology. October 01. Retrieved November 07, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site.

Mark Gius uses a combination of individual-level and county-level data to estimate an economic model of crime for young adults. This data is similar to that used by Becker in 1968 and Trumbull in 1989, and in order to estimate a model of crime in both areas, researchers took into account the bias introduced by using aggregate-level data in conjunction with individual-level data. In order to eliminate this bias, researchers used a technique derived by Moulton in 1990.

Results from a logit regression model indicate that race, sex, and peer pressure have statistically significant effects on the probability that a young adult will commit a….

Describe the social, political, and economic factors which are expected to impact correctional hiring in the next few years.

There has been an explosion of hiring in corrections. "In addition to exploding inmate and offender populations, the number of employees in corrections, albeit often undereducated, undertrained, and underpaid for their work, has grown astronomically in the last 30 years. From 1982 to 2006, there was almost a 600% increase in direct expenditures for all criminal justice agencies" (Stohr, Walsh, & Hemmens 2013: 330). However, recent economic challenges make such unabated growth unlikely in the future. Perhaps the most critical economic and social factors likely to impact correctional hiring in coming years will be the budget cuts and financial setbacks that will restrict spending on prisons. Prisons must 'do more with less' as they face burgeoning populations yet have less money to spend on guards.

Early release programs have been widely instituted to….

The period of time that happens right after an offender is released is such a crucial time in the determination of whether a person is going to re offend or not.
If the New Jersey state sentencing laws continue to go down the path that they are on, there is never going to be any reductions seen in the recidivism rates and the goal of public safety is never going to be met. There are always going to be offenders, but it is how we handle these people within the system that matters. The laws not only have to include punishment, but they must also give direction for both rehabilitation and reintegration. Providing rehabilitation programs and making these mandatory, I feel will help to greatly reduce the number of offenders who're offend. There also needs to be a strong reintegration program set up in order to facilitate the re entry….

Corrections Accreditation and Privatization
Privatization and accreditation are some of the emerging and largely contentious issues in the corrections field. In this text, I concern myself with a number of issues relating to prisons privatization and corrections accreditation.

Corrections Accreditation

The American Correctional Association (n.d.) defines corrections accreditation as "a system of verification that correctional agencies/facilities comply with national standards promulgated by the American Correctional Association (ACA)." When seeking to be accredited, facilities must undergo a number of audits, critical evaluations and reviews.

It is important to note that corrections accreditation does have an effect on not only the facilities being accredited but also on corrections officers themselves in relation to their professional development. For instance, as ACA (n.d.) notes, one of the main benefits of correctional accreditation specifically to facilities has to do with the implementation of all the relevant procedures and policies. Further, to be accredited, facilities have to abide by all….

I thought it was very interesting to read the section on the misconceptions in regards to the Florida State Prisons. There is always talk about how prisoners have cable TV and don't do a lot of work. It was nice to see that these things are not really true. I also like the idea that they are helping to grow part of the food that it takes to sustain them. This is a great cost saving measure that should be implemented when ever possible.

Department of Corrections Institutional Programs a Positive Impact on Inmate Lives. (n.d.).

etrieved May 24, 2010, from Florida Department of Corrections Web site:

Martin, ebekah. (2010). Different Types of Correctional Facilities. etrieved May 24, 2010,

from eHow Web site:

McFarland, Stephen, McGowan, Chris and O'Toole, Tom. (2002). Prisons, Privatization, and

Public Values. etreived May 24, 2010, from Web site:

Punishment - From Justification to Explanation. (2010). etreived May 24, 2010, from….

What is the best solution for jail overcrowding?

The best solution might be using a combination of different efficiency measures. These same efficiency measures and alternative programs have been tested in jurisdictions throughout the country. Communities across the U.S. have sought to avoid the need for larger facilities without compromising community safety, and many have been successful in doing so with this system. Some examples of these efficiency measures include:

Citation programs: Programs that give citations to offenders without booking them through the arrest process. These citations can entail a notice to appear or a desk appearance ticket, and eliminate unnecessary jail bookings. This solution has been used in the case of low-level, misdemeanor crimes (Kaplan, 2004).

Improving Release Procedures for the Pretrial and Sentenced Populations: These improvements decrease jail populations by ensuring that people are moving through the system in a timely fashion (Kaplan, 2004).

Monitoring / Expediting Detention Cases: Hiring case monitors….

Corrections/Police - Criminal Justice
Contemporary problems within the U.S. correctional system

The rate of lock ups has greatly increased in America at a rate that is higher than most developed nations around the world. According to the human rights watch article, privately run services spiked up in the year 2000 due to the fact that federal prison systems were extremely overcrowded housing more prisoners than any other country in the world. The cost of operating a prison has also become costly. A few years ago, prisoner maintenance averaged around $9,439 a year per prisoner for adult prison and $7,041 for adult jails. These figures exceeded by $20,000 per prisoner in a few states. Construction cost per bed ranged from $25,000 to $50,000. This meant that tax payers had to part with $5 billion construction bill for 800 local state and central institutions (Fangmeier A. Robert, 2012)

Racial discrimination also clearly exists within the….

Careful attention must be applied to assure that the monies are being delegated to the right fund and that all probationers are reporting in a timely manner.
IV. Advantages/Disadvantages of Administration at State & County Level

There are advantages and disadvantages of administration of Probation on the County as well as on the State level known to exist. Resources and funding is more often than not very limited in County and State Probation Offices which leads to overworked staff members and under-supervised probationers.

V. Elements Affecting the Status of Granting or Denial of Probation

Elements that are known to affect whether an individual receives probation are such things as whether the individual has a previous record. For example with the three strikes law, the third time a violent offense is committed the individual will have no probationary status granted except in extremely rare cases. Whether the individual is employed and can pay their….

Corrections and Violence
Corrections - Police

It is rare for a week to go by that there is not a media report concerning an incident somewhere in the country of excessive use of force by law enforcement.

The Rodney King incident, which sparked riots in Los Angeles, has become synonymous with the excessive use of force by police. New York City's police department has received national attention during recent years for incidents involving its police officers excessive use of force. A 1998 eight-month investigation by the ashington Post found a pattern of "reckless and indiscriminate" shootings by police officers during that decade, "the extent of which had been hidden from public scrutiny through inadequate investigations and oversight" (United pp).

In fact, shootings by DC police doubled between 1992 and 1995, even though homicides had fallen from a record peak in 1991 and from mid-1993, there were fifty-four cases in which police had fired at….

The necessary 100 hours of treatment within a three-week period should offer the offender positive reinforcement for various positive behaviors exhibited during treatment. The targeted population of such programs should contain mainly high and medium risk offenders who would have a much higher chance of returning to their previous life of crime. These higher risk offenders have greater potential in returning to crime, and therefore should be highest on the list of treatment programs, this is according to the "risk principle," (Voorhis, 2004).
Correction assessment officials are responsible for determining the risk each offender offers to returning to crime, (Bonta, 2004). After the completion of the formal treatment, the program must offer supplemental treatment as needed by various offenders. Further care for offenders dealing with sex crimes and drug offenses is also a necessity, for these crimes prove to be hard to avoid once within their grasp.

With the successful implementation….

I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of the history of corrections
B. Importance of understanding the historical perspective on corrections

II. Ancient and Medieval Times
A. Origins of corrections in ancient civilizations
B. Use of punishment and retribution in medieval Europe
C. Evolution of correctional institutions during the Middle Ages

III. The Enlightenment Era
A. Influence of Enlightenment ideals on corrections
B. Emergence of reformative approaches in corrections
C. The role of punishment and rehabilitation in the Enlightenment era

IV. The Industrial Revolution
A. Impact of industrialization on corrections
B. Development of modern prison systems
C. Changes in correctional practices during the Industrial....

Title: The Evolution of Correctional Institutions: A Historical Perspective


Provide a brief overview of the history of corrections, highlighting significant eras and developments.
Discuss the changing philosophies and practices of punishment and rehabilitation.
Introduce the concept of the historical perspective and its relevance to understanding contemporary corrections.


1. The Early Days: Retribution and Punishment:

Explore the historical roots of retribution and punishment as dominant themes in corrections.
Examine the use of corporal punishment, solitary confinement, and other harsh methods.
Discuss the impact of these practices on inmates and the overall effectiveness of corrections.

2. The Rise of Rehabilitation and Reform:

Trace the....

Title: Addressing the Nuances of Oral Work Correction: A Comprehensive Guide

Oral work, encompassing both speaking and listening skills, plays a crucial role in effective communication. As educators, it is imperative that we provide constructive feedback to students to enhance their oral proficiency. This essay explores various strategies and considerations for correcting oral work, ensuring that students receive meaningful and actionable guidance to improve their communication abilities.

1. Establishing a Positive and Supportive Environment:

- Creating a classroom culture where students feel comfortable making mistakes and taking risks during oral presentations.
- Fostering a supportive atmosphere where peers provide constructive feedback to each other,....

5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Continuum of Behavior and

Words: 1668
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

If a client is determined to be unfit to plead, and mental health issues result in the special category specification, involvement from various mental health professionals is required…

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3 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Corrections Facility What Contemporary Problems Exist Within

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Corrections Facility What contemporary problems exist within the U.S. corrections system? Explain. The first issue that exits with the U.S. corrections system is that of priorities. The system is inherently reactive…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Accreditation and Privatization in Recent Times

Words: 730
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Corrections Accreditation and Privatization In recent times, the field of corrections has been seeking to address quite a number of emerging issues as a result of a wide range of…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections Current Trends Innovations and

Words: 3072
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

356). To date, there has been a great deal of reluctance to adopt a harm reduction approach in the United States for two fundamental reasons: The first reason stems from…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Corrections Jonathan Franzen's the Corrections What Made

Words: 819
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corrections Jonathan Franzen's the Corrections What made correction possible also doomed it." (Franzen, 2002, 278) In Jonathan Frazen's novel The Corrections, the reader is taken into the heart of a dysfunctional American…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections Gius Mark 1999 The Economics of

Words: 5533
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corrections Gius, Mark. (1999). The Economics of the Criminal Behavior of Young Adults: Estimation of an Economic Model of Crime with a Correction for Aggregate Market and Public Policy Variables. The…

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4 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Criminal Justice

Corrections Describe the Social Political and Economic

Words: 1395
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Corrections Describe the social, political, and economic factors which are expected to impact correctional hiring in the next few years. There has been an explosion of hiring in corrections. "In addition…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal

Criminal Justice

Corrections New Jersey Sentencing Laws

Words: 1901
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The period of time that happens right after an offender is released is such a crucial time in the determination of whether a person is going to re…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Accreditation and Privatization and Accreditation Are

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Corrections Accreditation and Privatization Privatization and accreditation are some of the emerging and largely contentious issues in the corrections field. In this text, I concern myself with a number of…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Our Philosophy Regarding Crime

Words: 1723
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

I thought it was very interesting to read the section on the misconceptions in regards to the Florida State Prisons. There is always talk about how prisoners have…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Consequences of Three Strikes

Words: 958
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

What is the best solution for jail overcrowding? The best solution might be using a combination of different efficiency measures. These same efficiency measures and alternative programs have been tested…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Corrections Police - Criminal Justice Contemporary Problems Within

Words: 952
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Corrections/Police - Criminal Justice Contemporary problems within the U.S. correctional system The rate of lock ups has greatly increased in America at a rate that is higher than most developed nations…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections - Probation Criminal Justice

Words: 457
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Careful attention must be applied to assure that the monies are being delegated to the right fund and that all probationers are reporting in a timely manner. IV. Advantages/Disadvantages…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections and Violence Corrections - Police it

Words: 760
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corrections and Violence Corrections - Police It is rare for a week to go by that there is not a media report concerning an incident somewhere in the country of excessive…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Corrections Classification and Assessment Principles

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The necessary 100 hours of treatment within a three-week period should offer the offender positive reinforcement for various positive behaviors exhibited during treatment. The targeted population of such…

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