Corruption Essays (Examples)

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Corruption in Sport on December
Pages: 15 Words: 4596

2 billion in annual television rights and advertising. This wealth, coupled with a lack of accountability to any public body, creates opportunity for corruption to flourish. The instances of corruption surrounding the orld Cup bids were not related to the television rights, but once the culture of corruption has become ingrained in the organization, it can seep beyond the boundaries of internal corruption. The orld Cup corruption was ultimately both at work -- internal vote-buying from bin Hammam and a susceptibility on the part of other members of the executive committee to seek money for votes from external bodies such as British officials seeking the 2018 orld Cup (Sharp, 2011).
Another critical issue that contributes to corruption in international sport is the lack of understanding of how corrupt practice become ingrained in an organization, and either an unwillingness or inability to address the issue. FIFA has an inept ethics committee that…...


Works Cited:

AP. (2010). FIFA picks Qatar over USA for 2022 World Cup; 2018 to Russia. USA Today/Associated Press. Retrieved November 5, 2011 from 

CNN. (1999). Senior U.S. Olympic Committee member resigns over Salt Lake scandal. CNN. Retrieved November 5, 2011 from

Connelly, B. & Ones, D. (2008). The personality of corruption. Cross-Cultural Research. Vol. 42 (4) 353-385.

Cooper, R. (2011). "I'm not quitting": Sepp Blatter defies his critics over FIFA corruption scandal. The Daily Mail. Retrieved November 5, 2011 from

Corruption in Venezuela
Pages: 3 Words: 786

Corruption in Venezuela
The objective of this study is to examine corruption in Venezuela from 1990 until the present. The work of Gates (2009) states that little doubt exists that corruption "is and has been an endemic problem in Venezuela. For several decades (from 1959 until around 1979) Venezuelans tended to view corruption as a nuisance. Yet by the 1990s, corruption had become the scourge of Venezuela's otherwise internationally admired democracy." (2009, p.1)

The Link etween Oil and Corruption

The link existing between oil and corruption in Venezuela is reported in the work of Gates (2009) to be one that is little disputed. In the 1990's when Venezuelan corruption became widely acknowledged the effect was the erosion of the two-party democracy public support and boost in the public support for a new kind of political leader as well as a new type of politics. (Gates, 2009, paraphrased) In the 1990s the political culture…...



Gates, Leslie (2009) The Politics of Corruption in Venezuela. Retrieved from: 

Niam, Moises (2001) The Venezuelan Story: Revisiting the Conventional Wisdom. Apr 2001. Retrieved from:

Corruption the Relationship Between Corruption and Democracy
Pages: 15 Words: 4046

The relationship between corruption and democracy as a political institution has been at the core of studies and researches for political science since its beginnings. The development made in the filed of Political Science along the years has influenced the way scientists perceived and analyzed the corruption phenomenon. Charles H. Blake nad Stephen D. Morris have gathered under the all embracing title Corruption and Democracy in atin America, the works of several political analysts who approached the topic enunciated in the title of the book through different methods: theoretical studies or the presentation of illustrative case studies.

The book contains two parts, the first being dedicated to essays on the "Causes and Impacts of Corruption in atin America," while the second presents case studies that complete the undertakings in the first part, by treating particular cases in particular countries. The editors who sign the introduction and the conclusion, explain their vision…...


Lambsdorff, J.G. Consequences and Causes of Corruption -- What do We Know from a Cross-Section of Countries? Passau University

Nane, Grimot 2007. Does Rational Choice Explain Corruption and its Persistence Adequately? Annual Conference of the Association of Heterodox Economics, Bristol, England 6th-8th June 2007

Thomas, MA & Meagher, P (2004), A Corruption Primer: An Overview of Concepts in the Corruption Literature, Working Paper No. 04/03, IRIS, University Of Maryland, USA, February 2004

Corruption in Government Is Considered by Nearly
Pages: 2 Words: 639

Corruption in government is considered by nearly every society as a destructive force. Most view corruption as having a negative impact on a nation's commerce and as a source of social injustice. The lack of accountability by those in authority is considered to be a contributing cause of corruption. The lack of accountability is present in governments where the ruling authorities are afforded considerable discretion such as authoritarian style governments but it is also present in democratic governments as well.
Democratic governments offer a measure of protection absent in authoritarian style governments. In democratic governments, at least theoretically, corruption can be controlled by the ballot box. The rule of law in such governments dictates that everyone regardless of their position, authority, or wealth is subject to the same set of laws and standards. In autocratic governments the basis of power is vested in a small group of political or economic elites,…...

Corruption Political Stability and Development Comparative Evidence From Egypt to Morocco
Pages: 13 Words: 3960

Corruption, Political Stability and Development
Development in any country and constant stimulation of the same is based practically on the political stability and the levels of corruption as well in that country. The two are mutually exclusive in that the more a country is corrupt and politically unstable, the lesser the development they achieve at any given stage of the economic revolution or change.

The state of political instability in Morocco and Egypt, abets the corruption therein leading to nations that cannot keep up-to pace with the development trends in the world. The corruption that in turn begets political instability is manifest in the highest offices of the two countries, with the most powerful protecting a ring of corrupt individuals, more often from their close families. The situation in the two countries can be solved by an overhaul of the entire system, not in personalities but in principles and governance systems.


The aim…...



Abderrahim El Ouali, (2011). CASABLANCA, Feb 21, 2006 (IPS) - When Morocco slipped to a position as the 78th most corrupt country in the latest Transparency International report, the change reflected the perception of most Moroccans. Retrieved March 20, 2011 from 

Ahram Online, (2011). Employees protests against corruption in Egypt Insurance Co. Retrieved

March 20, 2011 from 

All Voices (2011). Privatization and Corruption in Egypt. Retrieved March 20, 2011 from

Corruption Ethics in Business Since End of Cold War
Pages: 4 Words: 1814

Corruption/Ethics in Business Since the End of the Cold War
The Cold War in essence refers to the fierce and open rivalry that started to develop between the United States of America and her various allies, and the Soviet Union and all her allies, after the conclusion of the Second World War. Why this rivalry was called the Cold War was because of the fact that it did not involve any direct fighting between the powers, in the traditional large scale manner; instead, it involved a War in which there was subtle economic pressure, diplomatic maneuvers, and at times assassinations, and also certain types of military operations, from the year 1947, till the collapse of the erstwhile Soviet Union in the year 1991. (Cold War: Wikipedia)

Today, it is being widely recognized that one would have to exit from the existing imperialistic structuring, if one were to hope to have a certain…...



Cold War. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from   Accessed on 18th July, 2005 

Corporate crime and Abuse. Retrieved From

accessed on 18th July, 2005

Cragg, Wesley. A; Woof, William. The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and its implications for the Control of Corruption in Political Life. Retrieved From   accessed on 18th July, 2005 

Corruption Evaluation the Oak Valley Elementary Parent
Pages: 2 Words: 917

Corruption Evaluation
The Oak Valley Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is a small, non-profit organization that exists to help provide financial and other support to the Oak Valley Elementary School. The Parent Teacher Organization operates independently of the elementary school and outside of the auspices of any national organizations that generally provide oversight and structure to similar organizations. It is a volunteer organization and all parents of children currently enrolled at the elementary school all eligible for membership in the organization. However, while all parents are eligible for membership in the PTO, the members vote on the board members, and then the board members vote to make all decisions for the PTO. The board is composed of a president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary.

The PTO's main point is to provide assistance to the school. While it helps coordinate parent volunteers for anything for which the school needs volunteer assistance, it has been…...



Klitgaard, R. (1988). Controlling corruption. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Modugu, K., Ohonba, N., & Izedonmi, F. (2012). Challenges of auditors and audit reporting in a corrupt environment. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 3(5), 77-82.

Corruption of Power in the
Pages: 2 Words: 781

They attempt to enforce their conception of the true Roman law by murdering Caesar. They want to use the controlled power of violence to restore order. This fails miserably and ultimately Mark Anthony uses the power of persuasion in his funeral oration to turn the Roman mobs against the conspirators and to establish his own authority as a tyrant in Rome.
In Julius Caesar, using one's influence is not about holding a political office. Influence is about the power of being able to craftily use one's position, as a respected senator, as a trusted friend or as a rhetorical speaker with a captive audience. While the triumvirate later uses violence as a way of bolstering their power in the wake of the political instability after the death of Caesar, the failure of the assassination shows that displays of force alone are not enough to secure political influence. Violence must be…...

Corruption Issues in Modern Policing
Pages: 3 Words: 809

Public Corruption Theories:

Society at Large Hypothesis

Wilson's society at large hypothesis suggests that corruption in policing is merely a function of social attitudes and more general inclinations toward corruption in society at large (Delattre, 2006). More specifically, the more deviating from official policies, rules, and laws is an accepted part of society, the more any entities within that society (including law enforcement authorities) will reflect that overall approach to laws in general. Therefore, in societies where preferential treatment for recognizable celebrities or powerful or wealthy individuals is the norm, the more police personnel will extend similar preferential treatment to those individuals. That is because police personnel often come from the communities in which they work and by the time they enter the profession, they tend to have absorbed predominant cultural norms and values (Delattre, 2006).

Structural/Affiliation Hypothesis

Niederhoffer's structural or affiliation hypothesis suggests that one of the principal causes of police corruption is…...



Delattre, E. (2006). Character and Cops: Ethics in Policing. Washington, DC:

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.

Schmalleger, F. (2008). Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st

Century. Hoboken, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Corruption in Public Sector Florida Department of
Pages: 5 Words: 1559

Corruption in Public Sector (Florida Department of Children and Families) Case Study
The Florida DCF (Department of Children and Families) provides social services for families, children, refugees, adults, human trafficking victims, elderly people, disabled and homeless community. The DCF establishes the Office of Public Integrity to assist in investigating fraud within the organization and programs implemented by the Florida DCF.

Objective of this paper is to investigate corruption in the public sector using the DCF as a case study.

Corruption in the Public Sector (Florida Children and Families) Case Study

Corruption is an abuse of an entrusted public official's posts for private gain. In other words, corruption is the use of the public officials' entrusted power to achieve illegitimate private gain. Form of corruption includes embezzlement, extortion, bribery, nepotism, and influence peddling. Corruption can make public officials to distort policies or distort central state functioning that enables public officials to derive benefits at the…...



Bower, J.L. (1977). Effective Public Management. Harvard Business Review.

March, W. (2012). Study ranks Florida No. 1 in Government Corruption. Tampa Media Group

U.S. Department of Justice. (2007). Report to Congress on the activities and operations of the Public Integrity Section.U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Public Integrity Section.

Chery, I. (2011). The Effects of Citizen Involvement on Performance-Based Organizations: A Case Study of Florida Department of Management Services. A dissertation Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Master of Public Administration. American Public University.

Pages: 5 Words: 1561

Corruption Transparency International – TI (2018) defines corruption as “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.” Towards this end TI points out that corruption can be grouped into three distinct categories, i.e. political, petty, and grand. It essence, this classification is founded on either the sector affected or the total amount of money unaccounted for. It is important to note that contrary to the perception of many, corruption is not limited to countries considered to be poor. It also does occur in wealthy countries such as ours. As a matter of fact, within the last two decades, dozens of government officials have been found guilty of corrupt engagements including, but not limited to, obstruction of justice, violation of campaign funds laws, outright fraud, and conflict of interest.
Corruption comes at a huge cost to a nation such as ours. In that regard, therefore, the relevance of studying its impact, causes, and…...



Chayes, S. (2015). Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security. Mason, OH: W.W. Norton

Powell, S. (2014). Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. Dallas, TX: BookBaby

Rose-Ackerman, S. & Palifka, B.J. (2016). Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press

Transparency International – TI (2018). What is Corruption? Retrieved from

review of article on corruption
Pages: 2 Words: 687

Corruption in India1. The title of the case needs revision. First, it should not contain a value judgment ("wicked"), and second it should not be a simple restating of the problem. Give the reader a reason to read the paper the title is the one element of marketing that the writer must do.2. I have no idea what a wicked problem is. This term contains a value judgment the word "problem" would suffice and lacks definition. Even the actual problem, corruption, is illustrated via anecdote rather than with a referenced definition. Something like the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index could be used to provide a definition with broad acceptance. That corruption is a problem is self-evident. The author should evaluate the actual economic costs of corruption in order to illustrate why it is important for India to tackle corruption, and why it is important specifically in…...

Corruption Development Studies Corruption Exists
Pages: 7 Words: 1919

In China, at the same time (Kahn makes some interesting observation regarding these two case studies), corruption also seems to not have hampered too much the development and growth of the country. There are macroeconomic explanations for this. The influx of foreign investments was strongly encouraged by the creation of economic zones such as that around Shanghai with preferential conditions for business. Corruption was not an obstacle here, perhaps also because the authorities went to great length to make these areas attracters of foreign capital.

At the same time, one should also point out that the costs that a foreign investor would incur in corruption would sometimes not deter the foreign company because the returns were so extraordinarily high, so that the company could pay off the bribe to the governmental officials and still be left with a significant profit.

All in all, it is difficult to draw a distinct link between…...



1. Shleifer, a. And Vishny RW. 1993, Corruption, Quarterly journal of Economics, 108, pp599-617

2. Khan MH. 2002, Corruption and governance in Early Capitalism: World Bank Strategies and their Limitation, in J. Pincus and J. Winters (eds.), Reinventing the world bank, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, Pp. 164-184

3. Meier, G. And Rauch, J. 2000 Chapter 9 Political Economy pp421-454, in Meier G. And Rauch J. Leading Issues in economic development, Oxford, Oxford University Press

4. Krueger a 1974, the political economy of the rent-seeking society, American Economic Review

Corruption on Capitalism and Foreign
Pages: 3 Words: 973

There are numerous effects of corruption on MNCs. In case their competition engages in such practices, their activity is significantly influenced by this phenomenon. This is because their corrupt competitors can change rules and regulations that do not favor other companies. Therefore, they have to deal with the effects of such situations. This sometimes determines them to modify their activity.

In addition to this, there are situations where employees of certain MNCs are bribed by competitors in order to provide important information on these companies. This is extremely harmful to companies as it can lead to information leaks on strategies, price levels, and other types of investments that these companies intend to make. This means that these MNCs must increase investments in security issues.

In addition to this, MNCs are sometimes forced to become corruptors because some of their competitors do so. In other words, if certain companies provide incentives to state…...


Reference list:

1. Begovic, B. (2005). Corruption: Concepts, Types, Causes, and Consequences. Center for Liberal Democratic Studies. Retrieved April 24, 2013 from .

2. Country Reports on the Implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention (2012). OECD. Retrieved April 24, 2013 from .

3. Kwok, C. & Tadesse, S. (2006). The MNC as an Agent of Change for Host Country Institutions: FDI and Corruption. The William Davidson Institute. Retrieved April 24, 2013 from .

Corruption on Capitalism and Foreign
Pages: 3 Words: 892

When this happens, the standard of living and income levels will remain stagnant. (Bhargava, 2006, pp. 341 -- 362) (Cazurra, 2008, pp. 12 -- 27)
Moreover, corruption will increase the costs of doing business inside a particular area. This is troubling, as it will lead to less employers relocating to the region. Instead, they will seek out locations where there are lower amounts of corruption. This is a part of an effort to keep their costs as low as possible so that they can increase their overall returns and remain competitive in the global marketplace. For the region, this will result in less high paying jobs (which helps contribute to an increase in the unemployment rate). (Bhargava, 2006, pp. 341 -- 362) (Cazurra, 2008, pp. 12 -- 27) (Heineman, 2006, pp. 75 -- 86)

How can MNCs deal effectively with these problems?

The ways that MNCs are able to deal with these…...



Berg, N. (2004). How Multi-National Corporations Deal with their Social Political Stakeholders. Asian Business and Management, 3 (3), 299 -- 313.

Bhargava, V. (2006). Global Issues. Washington DC: World Bank.

Cazurra, a. (2008). The Types of Corruption and FDI in Transition Economies. Journal of International

Management, 14 (1), 12-27

Book Review on Third World America, how our politicians are abandoning..?
Words: 123

This book is about how politicians don't have the best interests of the American people in their hearts anymore, and how greed and corruption has stopped many of them from doing what's right to help the country as a whole. The middle class are struggling with this more than others, because they get the least help. Rich people don't need help from the government, and poor people get a lot of assistance and handouts. If someone is middle class, he or she often needs a little assistance to really live comfortably but can't get that help because he or she....

Formation of system of chivalry, how it begin, how it\'s portrayed in literature?
Words: 407

Chivalry refers to a code of conduct that was developed in the latter part of the Middle Ages in various parts of western Europe, most notably in what are parts of modern day France and Britain.  Though it may be referred to a system or the chivalric code, it is not actually a codified system of norms or behaviors, but instead an informal code of moral behavior.  Its origins can be traced back to around 1170, though it draws upon moral codes from earlier times, especially the Carolingian Empire, which featured a similar idolization of the soldier/warrior.

Chivalry is a very....

Is there anything in the news related to literature review on missue of funds local government that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 323

There is currently a growing concern about the misuse of funds by local governments, which could be a potentially interesting and relevant essay subject. One example of this is the recent scandal in a small town where the local government officials were found to have misappropriated funds meant for community development projects. This could be explored in an essay focusing on the impact of corruption on local communities and the need for better accountability and transparency in government spending. Additionally, discussing potential solutions and ways to prevent such misuse of funds in the future could also be a worthwhile topic....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on american history. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 652

The Forgotten Chapters of American History: Uncovering Lesser-Known but Captivating Essay Topics

Beyond the familiar narratives of the American Revolution, Civil War, and westward expansion, American history is a tapestry woven with countless lesser-known stories that offer valuable insights and provoke thought. Here are some intriguing essay topics that illuminate hidden aspects of our nation's past:

1. The Forgotten Pioneers: Exploring the Contributions of Women in the Transcontinental Railroad

While the construction of the transcontinental railroad is often attributed to male workers, over a thousand women played a crucial role as cooks, laundresses, nurses, and telegraph operators. Their contributions were essential to the....

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