Cosmetic Surgery Essays (Examples)

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Cosmetic Surgery
Pages: 5 Words: 2016

Cosmetic Surgery Is Good
Many people think that cosmetic surgery is not good because it is not necessary, and that people should simply accept the way that God (or Nature) made them. However, merely because something is not natural and not necessary does not make it bad. In most temperate climates clothing is not actually necessary, but people still choose to wear it. Televisions are not natural or necessary, but people still enjoy them. Cosmetic surgery is indeed good because it allows for personal empowerment and/or comfort, it allows an individual to define or redefine their social indentity, and it is an expression of the right of the individual to self-determination.

Cosmetic surgery is a very old practice, and understanding its history might help to understand the practice.. People have used various methods of body modificationg surgery since the stone age. " This medical specialty is ancient, dating back to 800 .C.,…...



Douglas, Carol Anne; Verma, Priya; Goktepe, Katherine; Nixon, Laura; & Harris, Jen Chapin. "United States: men coerce women into vaginal cosmetic surgery" Off Our Backs, Jan/Feb 2005. 

Elliot, Carl. "Putting your best face forward: our love affair with cosmetic surgery is about more than liposuction and good looks. The scalpel promises the ultimate validation: a chance for the world to see us as we see ourselves" Psychology Today, May-June, 2004

Selekman, Janice. "A New Era of Body Decoration: What Are Kids Doing to their Bodies?" Alabama Nurse, Sep-Nov 2003. 

Simons, Janet. "Teens captivated with immediate transformation plastic surgery." Chicago Sun-Times, June, 2004.

Cosmetic Surgery Pros and Cons
Pages: 6 Words: 2068

Even in-office procedures like otox and collagen injections can cause allergic reactions or injection-site infections in some people. When a person undergoes surgery that involves anesthesia and cutting, the risks become even greater. Not only is there a risk of a fatal reaction to anesthesia or other drugs used during the procedure, a surgeon may make a mistake and cut the wrong place, or the person just may not have the constitution to undergo surgery. There are tales every year of people who went in for cosmetic surgery and did not come out again. The question of whether the potential for looking somewhat more like your ideal of beauty is worth the potential physical risk of cosmetic surgery is something that every individual who considers cosmetic surgery has to answer for him or her self.
Cosmetic surgery can also become addictive for some. There are people who are so obsessed…...



Blum, Virginia. Flesh Wounds: The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery. University of California Press, Berkley. 2003.

Crampton, Suzanne M. Developing and Packaging the Total Corporate Image. SAM Advanced Management Journal, Vol. 60. 1995.

Davis, Deborah and Vernon, Michael L. Sculpting the Body Beautiful: Attachment Style, Neuroticism, and Use of Cosmetic Surgeries. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. 2002.

Davis, Sally Ogle. Knifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Sunday Mirror, London. September 22, 1996.

Cosmetic Surgery Anyone Can See
Pages: 2 Words: 816

In many cases, looking to plastic surgery to solve problems with body issues can actually lead to what is known as Self-Injurious Behaviors, or SIB, (White Kress 2003:490). People have gone overboard with excessive surgeries which are never enough.
This has impacted the medical environment drastically. These changes are even as simple as methods of payment, "Changes in health-care practices are the main reason behind growing credit card use for medical payments," (Lunt 1996:60). Medical practices have also grown much closer to home; "Plastic surgery is generally used to heighten or enhance gender differences and can take place under casual circumstances such as 'Botox house parties' where doctors make house calls to administer injections to groups of friends," (Hauser 2007:31). The popularity of various procedures has created a greater demand with more intimacy.

Additionally, doctors' roles have changed inside the operating room as well. Doctors have to change the nature of…...



Hauser, Reine. (2007). Body of work. Afterimage. 34(5):29-33.

Lunt, Penny. (1996). Doctors grow fonder of plastic. ABA Banking Journal. 88(1):59-63.

Panfilov, Dimitrije & Larkin, Grahame. (2005). Cosmetic Surgery Today. Thieme Publishing.

Shilling, Chris. (2003). The Body and Social Theory. 2nd ed. Sage Publications.

Cosmetic Surgery Facts Mistakes &
Pages: 13 Words: 3846

("Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)," 2007)
5. Breast eduction (Mammaplasty): Breast reduction in women, performed 160,531 times in 2005, closely follows tummy tuck as the 5th most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States. It is directed at women with very large, pendulous breasts who are extremely self-conscious or may be experiencing other medical problems because of their large breasts. The procedure removes fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts, making them smaller, lighter, and firmer -- the goal being to give the woman smaller, and better-shaped breasts in proportion with the rest of her body. ("Breast eduction," 2007)

Frequency of Cosmetic Procedures by Age Group

Cosmetic surgery includes surgical as well as non-surgical procedures that are performed on people of all ages. In addition to the most popular surgical procedures discussed above, the most frequently performed "non-surgical" procedures include Botox injections (for removing frown lines), laser hair removal, Hylaform injection (for…...



Avoid Bad Plastic Surgery." (2007). Implant Forum. Retrieved on February 6, 2007 at

Begoun, P. (2005). "Paula's Choice: Cosmetic Surgery." Cosmetic Cop. Retrieved on February 6, 2007 at 

Breast Reduction." 2007. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Retrieved on February 6, 2007 at 

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Basics." (2007). Smart Plastic Surgery. Retrieved on February 6, 2007 at

Cosmetic Surgery Analysis the Cosmetic
Pages: 5 Words: 1574

The patients have traces of "Body Dysmorphic Disorder repeatedly change or examine the offending body part to the point that the obsession interferes with other aspects of their life, several studies show that seven to twelve percent of plastic surgery patients have some form of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and the majority of Body Dysmorphic Disorder patients who have cosmetic surgery do not experience improvement in their Body Dysmorphic Disorder symptoms, often asking for multiple procedures on the same or other body features" (Castle, 2002).

Honigman, ., Phillips, K., & Castle, D.J. (2004). A review of psychosocial outcomes for patients seeking cosmetic surgery. Plastic and econstructive Surgery Vol. 113(4). Pp. 1229-1237.

ankin, M., Borah, G., Perry, a., & Wey, P. (1998). Quality-of-life outcomes after cosmetic surgery. Plastic and econstructive Surgery Vol. 102(6). Pp. 2139-2145.

Thompson & L. Smolak (2001). Body image, eating disorders and obesity in youth. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Pp.…...



Honigman, R., Phillips, K., & Castle, D.J. (2004). A review of psychosocial outcomes for patients seeking cosmetic surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Vol. 113(4). Pp. 1229-1237.

Rankin, M., Borah, G., Perry, a., & Wey, P. (1998). Quality-of-life outcomes after cosmetic surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Vol. 102(6). Pp. 2139-2145.

Thompson & L. Smolak (2001). Body image, eating disorders and obesity in youth. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Pp. 674-721.

Thompson, J.K., Heinberg, L.J., Altabe, M.N, & Tantleff-Dunn, S. (2004). Extracting beauty: Theory, assessment and treatment of body image disturbance. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Pp. 231-245.

Cosmetic Surgery for Teenagers One
Pages: 4 Words: 1316

That is not to say that individuals who are attractive do not enjoy many social advantages over those who are very unattractive. However, the individuals with the healthiest self-esteem are typically those who are neither extremely attractive nor extremely unattractive but closer to being average looking (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2008). That is because both highly attractive and unattractive people are often judged prematurely by the way that they look: good looking people, in particular, may come to believe that their primary value is their looks (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2008).
The connection between self-esteem and desire for physical enhancement through cosmetic surgery pertains to all ages but is especially significant for teenagers by virtue of the extreme importance of self-esteem issues that normally are part of adolescent development (Pitts-Taylor, 2007). Therefore, if distinguishing between psychologically healthy and psychologically unhealthy reasons for desiring cosmetic surgical procedures is important in the general prospective…...



Gerrig, R. And Zimbardo, P. (2008). Psychology and Life. New Jersey: Pearson.

Levine, C. (2008). Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Bioethical Issues. 12th Ed. Dubuque

Iowa: McGraw Hill.

Lite, J. And Dillon, N. (2007). "Kanye West's mom dies after cosmetic surgery" The New

Cosmetic Surgery in Today's Contemporary
Pages: 4 Words: 1333

While it may seem our culture is concerned only with capitalism and the gain of economic surplus (Bell, 1975) there are many real reasons young teenagers ask for surgery.
Parents, unlike children, may often offer a more objective vantage from which surgery, even elective surgery, can be scrutinized (Adams, 1996). Parents have the ability to ask the cosmetic surgeon whether they think a procedure will be necessary or whether a child should seek psychological counseling prior to surgery to ensure their reasons for surgery are appropriate and not the result of a psychological disorder (Adams 5). When parents provide consent, they take on the responsibility to ensure their child's care is handled in the best way possible. They are capable of picking the surgeons brains; they are capable of understanding the side-effects of most surgeries; they know how to evaluate a doctor's credentials to ensure his practices are ethical, honest…...



Adams, Laura. "Eye of the Beholder," Los Angeles Times, Jan 1996: 5-8.

Allen, Jane E. Surgeon-to-the-Stars Raises Concern, Associated Press: London, 1997.

Apple, Michael. Education and Power. New York: Routledge: 1995.

Arnstine, Donald. "What High Schools Are Like," Educational Studies, vol. 18, no. 1, 1987): 1-3.

Cosmetic Surgery Is All About
Pages: 5 Words: 1547

Many if not most of the news articles are not actually news at all, but rather, similar in content and tone to the procedure information pages. The news articles appear to be written as marketing material intended to encourage prospective clients to learn more about the procedures they are interested in and use the services of one of the listed doctors.
In spite of its drawbacks, though, the eb site is a helpful resource for prospective clients. The eb site meets several criteria for overall effectiveness. First, the eb site is attractive, with a good color scheme, no clutter, and an appealingly professional feel. Second, the eb site is easy to navigate with many floating frames and a handy collapsible topics list. Third, the eb site does not include unnecessary multimedia content and the before and after pictures are tucked away on a special section of the site. Fourth,…...


Works Cited

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Retrieved Mar 4, 2009 at

Acquiring Cosmetic Surgery Dangers and Problem in
Pages: 8 Words: 2352

Acquiring Cosmetic Surgery
Dangers and problem in Cosmetic surgery

Getting cosmetic surgery isn't similar to receiving a hair trim; its genuine surgical treatment with all possible dangers as well as problems linked to it. There isn't any definite guarantee concerning the end result of one's cosmetic process and no major Cosmetic surgeon ought to provide a real guarantee. One ought to be sensible regarding one's expectations and inquire the surgeon for a sincere recommendation. The suitable patient will be the one that has a comprehensible issue and practical expectations along with a practical wish for modification. In case an individual carries a minimal, almost not-apparent issue yet suffers incredibly and comes with an intense desire for modification a surgeon ought to think twice before he/she suggest any kind of operative process.

Generally, methods are secure; methods have enhanced considerably during the preceding years. Nonetheless individuals ought to be analyzed meticulously before cosmetic surgery…...



Barrowman, R.A., Grubor, D. & Chandu, A. (2010), Dental implant tourism. Australian Dental Journal, 55, 441-445.

Beauchamp, T.L. & Childress, J.F. (2001), Principles of Biomedical Ethics (5th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Branchet F (2003) Aesthetic surgery, the liability. Ann Chir Plast Esthet 48:313 -- 314

Cormany, D. & Baloglu, S. (2010), Medical travel facilitator websites: An exploratory study of web page contents and services offered to the prospective medical tourist. Tourism Management, 32, 709-716.

Men and Cosmetic Surgery the
Pages: 4 Words: 1101

Increased competition also made cosmetic surgery more affordable, as well as the increase in income. Non-surgical and less-invasive procedures also allowed treatments to heal more quickly and go back to work sooner than in the past.
The cultural changes of the past decades also removed some of the stigmas associated with cosmetic surgery. Previously, men who underwent the procedure were thought to be vain, extravagant, or gay. These stereotypes were broken when more and more information about cosmetic surgery changed the public perception. The procedures were also made more affordable by innovations in medicine and increase in personal incomes. In addition to this, later generations such as the baby boomers broke a lot of cultural taboos regarding men's appearance. The term "metrosexual" is an example of this. A growing number of men now know how to look well by taking care of themselves. Men are also more likely to talk…...



Andruss, P. (2002). "Looking Good." Cincinnati, 35(6), pp. 202. Retrieved March 9, 2008, from MasterFILE Premier database.

Donato, V. (2003). "Aging male boomers break cosmetic surgery taboo." Westchester County Business Journal, 42(52), pp. 2-9. Retrieved March 9, 2008, from MasterFILE Premier database.

Pruitt, E. (2005). " the Growing Trend of Men and Cosmetic Surgery." Retrieved March 11, 2008 at /The_Growing_Trend_of_Men_and_Cosmetic_Surgery/article-154/article/NewsArticle.html

Troy, B. (2004). "Numbers soar for male surgery patients; they're willing to talk about it, too." Cosmetic Surgery Times, 7(5), pp. 9-10. Retrieved March 9, 2008, from MasterFILE Premier database.

Women and Cosmetic Surgery
Pages: 12 Words: 3527

North American Women Continue to be the Primary Targets and Consumers of Cosmetic Surgery?
In a world in which we are judged by how we appear, the belief that we can change our appearance through cosmetic surgery is liberating to a lot of women. The growing popularity of cosmetic surgery is a testament to society's overrated fixation with appearance. For women living in North America, their appearance is in fact an obsession. For hundreds of years, cosmetic surgery has thrived on women's insecurities pertaining to their physical appearance, and today, million's continue placing themselves under the knives of unscrupulous businessmen while struggling to "improve" themselves. Women's fascination with beauty and their physical appeal to men has always been a famous trend. In the past the art of manipulating ones appearance was a practice celebrated by the wealthy and the famous, but is now so commonplace that it is feasible for…...



Ancheta, Rebecca and Wepsic, 2000. "Saving Face: Women's Experiences with Cosmetic Surgery." The Humanities and Social-Sciences, Vol. 61, (5) pp. 2043-A-2044-A

Askegaard Soren, Gertsen Martine Cardel, and Langer Roy, 2002. "The Body Consumed

Reflexivity and Cosmetic Surgery." Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 19, Issue:10 pp. 793-812

Boynton, Petra M., 1999. "Is that supposed to be sexy? Women discuss women in 'top

Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Psychological
Pages: 7 Words: 2402

Meanwhile, the top five cosmetic procedures for minorities in America in 2005 were as follows: Botox (3.8 million); "chemical peel" (1 million); "microdermabrasion" (828,000); laser hair removal (783,000); and "sclerotherapy" (590,000).
Among the various kinds of cosmetic surgery, there are several that are not at all related with vanity, but instead are corrective in nature and dealing with a serious impairment on the part of the patient. For example, an article in HIV Medicine (published by the British HIV Association) discusses facial lipoatrophy which HIV patients often are embarrassed by. The problem is a quality of life issue, and not just that a person wants to look good and acceptable. Facial lipoatrophy can cause an erosion of "self-image and self-esteem," the article explains.

hat is facial lipoatrophy? The eb site www.aidsmeds.comexplains that facial lipoatrophy (also called "facial wasting") is not life threatening, but is "stigmatizing" and can contribute "significantly" to an…...


Works Cited

Aids / Meds. "Changes to Your Face (facial lipoatrophy)." Retrieved July 23, 2007, at .

Butler, Peter E.M. "Managing the risks of facial transplantation." The Lancet Vol. 368 (2006):

Moyle, G.J.; Brown, S.; Lysakova, L.; & Barton, S.E. "Long-term safety ad efficacy of poly-L-

Lactic acid in the treatment of HIV-related facial lipoatrophy." HIV Medicine / British HIV

Perfect Person in the World Cosmetic Surgery
Pages: 2 Words: 732

perfect person in the world. Cosmetic surgery is used to physically change individuals. I will use cosmetic surgery in an abstract sense to change myself using my imagination.
I watched a movie once that showed how the character of the script used active thinking to imagine the circumstances of her life. She, for instance imagined that late middle-aged person thought she was and mentally handicapped -- she could throw balls in hoops and miss not once. She imagined herself turning into a pianist and imagined perfect relations happening to her. Things occurred to her in a magical way through the medium of her potent imagination. I will do the same.

I will run wild.

I wish to have a large family: let us say 16 brothers and sisters for then I will never be lonely, will forever be invited to family events, will have a lot of people to remember me after…...

Plastic Surgery and Its Effect
Pages: 1 Words: 311

While it used to be primarily the face, the breasts and more visible parts of the body that people chose to have cosmetic surgery on, today they are taking things a step further. According to Davis (2002) one of the most popular "new sex surgeries" is the "designer vagina." These surgeries are supposed to improve the aesthetics of the vagina as well as make them 'tighter'.
Clearly, people are becoming bolder and surgeries are becoming more invasive. For many people, the effect these surgeries have on their relationships with their bodies is improved self-esteem and confidence. But for many others, it becomes just one part of an endless and futile attempt to attain perfection.


Davis, S.W. (2002, March 22) Loose lips sink ships, Feminist Studies

oyster, F. (2005, July 28) Hee hee: Michael Jackson and the transgendered erotics of…...



Davis, S.W. (2002, March 22) Loose lips sink ships, Feminist Studies

Royster, F. (2005, July 28) Hee hee: Michael Jackson and the transgendered erotics of voice, National Sexuality Resource Center

Genital Surgery When Asked About
Pages: 1 Words: 371

Plastic surgeons refer to the practice of genital surgery for women as Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery (FGCS). However disruptive to sexual self-esteem needless genital surgery may be, the procedures can enormously benefit those who suffered from involuntary genital mutilation. A euters press report details the experiences of women from Burkina Faso whose tribal traditions condoned genital mutilation. Far from the mainly benign effects of male circumcision, female genital mutilation can completely diminish the pleasure of sex to the point where intimate encounters may be thoroughly "painful," (Schwarz 2007). Genital mutilation is a form of surgery that diminishes pleasure, and the reconstructive version can help victims regain their interest in sex and renew appreciation for their bodies.


Fitzpatrick, L. (2008). Plastic Surgery Below the Belt. Time. etrieved Feb 25, 2009 at,8599,1859937,00.html

Freistag, A. Interview data.

Labiaplasty." etrieved Feb 25, 2009 at

Schwarz, N. (2007). BUKINA FASO: Genital Surgery Helps Burkina's Mutilated Women. The…...



Fitzpatrick, L. (2008). Plastic Surgery Below the Belt. Time. Retrieved Feb 25, 2009 at,8599,1859937,00.html 

Freistag, A. Interview data.

Labiaplasty." Retrieved Feb 25, 2009 at 

Schwarz, N. (2007). BURKINA FASO: Genital Surgery Helps Burkina's Mutilated Women. The Female Genital Cutting Education and Networking Project. Retrieved Feb 25, 2009 at

How has social media influenced societal norms and behaviors, as explored in thesis research studies?
Words: 519

Social media has had a significant impact on societal norms and behaviors, as shown in various thesis research studies. These studies have explored how social media has influenced everything from body image and self-esteem to political beliefs and social interactions.

One common finding in research is that social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, particularly among young people. The constant exposure to idealized images and lifestyles on platforms like Instagram and Facebook can lead individuals to compare themselves unfavorably to others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth.

Moreover, social media has been shown to shape societal....

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