Counseling Session
Counselling Session
Counseling Session in the Form of a Dialogue
Every counseling process involves exchange of information and shows the clients that the counselor cares about them. The counseling process should include both aspects of emotions and facts. Therefore how the counselor talks and listens is just as important as what he says. The ultimate goal of a counselor is to provide an appropriate solution to the clients and to satisfy them. Every counseling session is a setting where two lives intersect. The key to successfully work towards a common goal is about showing respect and interest in learning about one another. This essay is based on a counseling session in the form of a dialogue between me and my client.
Counseling Session in the Form of a Dialogue
Listening is a skill that requires continuous practice. Counseling sessions are based on hearing and understanding the clients. Professional counselors are good listeners and…...
Elliot Institute. (2011, February 23). A List of Major Psychological Effects Associated With Abortion. Retrieved May 3, 2012, from
Figure from Elliot Institute. (2011, February 23). A List of Major Psychological Effects Associated With Abortion. Retrieved May 3, 2012, from
Counseling Terminally Ill
Counseling the Terminally Ill
orking as a counselor in a medical setting comes inbuilt with a wide array of ethical challenges, practical obstacles and emotional trials. In this context, it is incumbent upon the counselor to possess certain sensitivities, sensibilities and intuition with respect to the needs of clients. This imperative is only magnified when this clientele is facing terminal illness. Counseling patients suffering from terminal illness carries its own spectrum of complexities and only the combination of training, experience and psychological suitability for the job are sufficient to provide one with skills to perform it well. As the discussion hereafter will show, patients with terminal illness are in a unique disposition within the context of medical treatment and must therefore be shown a unique form of counsel. This will be reflected in the values demonstrated and responsibilities assumed by the attending counselor both in this discussion and in…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Crimson Crier (CC). (2007). Counseling Terminally Ill Patients and Their Families.
Daneker, D. (2006). Counselors Working With the Terminally Ill. Counseling Outfitters.
Mesothelioma & Asbestos Awareness Center (MAAC). (2010). Counseling for Terminally Ill Patients.
" This involves coming up with a list of the consequences of reacting to an event (udman, 1992). This means that they describe what emotions the activating event made them feel.
The principles facilitate being rational because they shift focus from emotions to logic. The group gets an opportunity to look at the problems they face from a rational perspective, which creates room for possibilities. Thinking rationally helps in creating many alternative solutions, and helps clients make decisions consciously and willingly. It also ensures that individuals in the group are responsible for their actions and this solves the problems that arise from shifting blame. This technique aims at challenging the logic behind the clients' responses.
Another technique is imagination disputation. Each client creates a scenario that would lead to a reaction and emotional consequences. The group members express how they would react in that situation and later discuss the appropriate way to…...
Budman, S.H., Hoyt, M.F., & Friedman, S. (2009). The first session in brief therapy. New York: Guilford Press
Brief therapy is a segment of therapy that deals with an individual's current as well as future in opposition to his or her past life experiences. The main aim of brief therapy is determining some of the challenges that one faces. The book covers areas that are deal with seeking solutions from the problems that people tend to experience there life.
Corey, G. (2012). Theory & practice of group counseling. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole,
Cengage Learning.
Counseling and Personal Values
Integrating Learned Theories about Counseling with Your Personal Values
As the world has modernized, people have started experiencing more psychological problems and other problems than ever. Despite the normal behavior that most of the people depict, they are a victim of psychological disturbances which ultimately makes them sick. Therefore counseling was introduces as a means to address various kinds of problem that people find difficult to tackle. There are many theories of counseling that help us deal with the problems but it is important to know how these theories integrate with our personal values. The impact that these theories have on the personal values of each person will be different due to the fact that personal values are different for each person.
Definition of Counseling
Ever since counseling has emerged has a professional field, the need for a definition has been increasing. However, it is extremely difficult to devise a…...
Feltham, C., & Dryden, W. (2005). Dictionary of Counseling. Wiley John and Sons Inc. .
Gladding, S.T. (2012). Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession. Prentice Hall.
Rogers, C.R. (1958). Characteristics of a Helping relationship. Personal and Guidance Journal .
Rosenthal, H. (2007). Encyclopedia of Counseling. Taylor and Francis Inc. .
Counseling and the Helping Professions
Counseling and related helping professions can be highly valuable for people who are struggling to cope with specific events in their lives (Constantine, 2007). Some people see counselors individually, and others go as a couple, group, or family. There are many reasons why people see counselors, depending on the areas of life with which they are having trouble. For those who get into counseling as a profession, there are different areas to choose from and specialties to consider in each one of those areas (Vogel, Wade, & Hackler, 2007). In order to be an effective counselor and help the largest number of people, it is very important to find a helping profession or counseling specialty with which a person is comfortable. That will allow that person to provide the most benefit to the largest number of people. Addressed here will be the specialties of several different…...
Constantine, M. (2007). Racial microaggressions against African-American clients in cross-racial counseling relationships. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54(1), 1 -- 16.
Dillon, F., Worthington, R., Soth-McNett, A., & Schwartz, S. (2008). Gender and sexual identity-based predictors of lesbian, gay, and bisexual affirmative counseling self-efficacy. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39(3), 353 -- 360.
Mellody, E.A. (1989). A brief history of codependence and a look at the psychological literature. Facing Codependence. NY: Harper.
Sommers-Flanagan, R. & Sommers-Flanagan, J. (2006). Becoming an ethical helping professional: Cultural and philosophical foundations. NY: Wiley.
Counseling Psychology
Describe the mental hygiene movement in Counseling Psychology.
Mental hygiene can be considered as a science of preventing disorders and maintaining a mental health at their full mental capability. This involves the precautions that are taken in order to encourage and safeguard the mental health. It offers therapy for the mentally disturbed, takes preventive measures of the ailment, and also assists in helping the patients cope with this stress. The community recognizes the relationship between mental health, the population affected by it, and also its effect on the society (Pointon, 2004). This division on mental health handles people with social problems which include drug addiction, and suicide attempts. Most of the people suffering mental ailments have been neglected by the society. Others have been mistreated while the rest have been isolated from the society. Treatment and prevention to this condition involves prenatal care, child abuse programs, and also counseling offered…...
Cutts, L. (2011). Integration in counseling psychology: To what purpose?. Counseling Psychology Review, 26(2), 38-48.
Watkins Jr., C. Edward. (1992). Historical influences on the use of assessment methods in counseling psychology Counselling Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 5 Issue 2.
Thorne, Frederick C.(2000). The field of clinical psychology: Past, present, and future . Journal of Clinical Psychology, Volume 56, Issue 3, pages 257 -- 274,
Pointon, Clare. (2004). Difference and equality in practice. CPJ: Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal, Vol. 15. Issue 8, p42
Counseling Immigrants and efugees - Bring the World to your Backyard
Immigrants add depth to the American cultural landscape, and enhance the character of our already colorful communities. This is true in microcosms, such as school campuses. It is therefore critical to address the needs of immigrant populations. Addressing the needs of immigrant populations with specialized counseling services is a good way to minimize mental health problems, address physical health needs, and also provide the means by which to foster healthy community growth and social development. This proposal for an immigrant-specific counseling program takes into account the differential needs of immigrants based on culture of origin, nation of origin, languages of origin, gender, socio-economic class, and refugee status.
efugees are a special category of immigrant, but both immigrants and refugees are foreign nationals who expatriate. In the United States, and indeed most developed countries, there is a clear and legal differentiation between…...
Fadiman, A. (1997). The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Farrar, Straus & Girroux.
"Immigrant vs. Refugee." Retrieved online:
Indigenous Connections (2013). Retrieved online:
Segal, U. & Mayadas, N.S. (2005). Assessment of issues facing immigrant and refugee families. Child Welfare 84(5). Retrieved online:
Prominent factors influencing group and individual counseling
(#3) Which approaches to individual and group counseling are best for new group counselors?
Successful theoretical approaches vary between individual and group therapy. Nevertheless, there is overlap in the efficacy of certain approaches. For example, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has a strong success rate in both group and individual contexts (Beiling, McCabe, Antony, 2009). Although it is true that CBT was originally implemented in an individual setting, there are specific reasons why it is adaptable to a group format. Specifically, CBT endeavors to alter the way in which people distinguish between internal and external reality, changing how one responds to their environment rather than addressing psychological insight (Beiling, McCabe, Antony, 2009). Additionally, many CBT patients have anxiety disorders, and many patients find the group setting less intimidating than a private dynamic.
CBT is also particularly successful to either individual or group contexts because it is adaptable…...
Beiling, P.J., McCabe, R.E., & Antony, M.M. (2009). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Groups. New York: The Guilford Press.
Bemak, F., Chung, R. C-Y. (2004). Teaching multicultural group counseling: Perspectives for a new era. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 29(1), 31-41.
Neumann, D.A., Gamble, S.J. (1995). Issues in the professional development of psychotherapists: Countertransference and vicarious traumatization in the new trauma therapist. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 32(2), 341-347.
With patience, couples are less likely to be critical of their partners, and are more likely to understand them and try to be more cordial even in the face of issues. Using humor helps to diffuse tense situations and can stop a fight before it even begins. This can help because if an argument is avoided and humor is used to diffuse anger, then it helps to change the course of a situation and steer it in a more positive direction. Giving your partner a "Moment of Grace" is one of the best steps as far as communication because allowing for mistakes shows your partner that you are giving them time and room to change and grow. Giving your partner time to fix their mistakes allows them to realize their own mistakes and be more conscious of their actions. This technique of counseling was good to learn about because it…...
Holy Bible.
Nouwen, H. (2010). Spiritual Formation Foiiowing the Movement of the Spirit .
Sue, D.W. (2008). Counseling the Culturally Diverse Theory and Practice.
Counseling African Women UK
The people of the world are hurting. Worse yet, the economic downturn and the momentum toward cutting government costs at all levels with little regard to what that means suggests that those who have been treated poorly and unfairly in the past will be first in line to shoulder more suffering. And that bodes poorly for the African and black women of the UK who have only recently begun to be recognized as the true victims of serious systematic injustices that are resulting in or making worse a broad range of mental health concerns (Center for Mental Health, 2011).
This reality comes on top of the fact that it has not been until very recently that women and women of color of the UK have even begun being identified as in serious need of help. Only as recently as 2005 (Mayor of London, Blueprint for Action), 2006 (CMH)…...
mlaSCMH (2006). The cost of race inequality. The Sainsbury Center for Mental Health. Downloadable from
Wallcraft, J. (2011). Women and Mental Health. Mind for Better Mental Health. Viewable at .
Wright, S. And Hutnik, N. (No Date). Black Spaces Project: South Asian Women Study. Strategies for Living. Downloadable at .
In line with narrative therapy techniques, describe how the counselor externalized Helen's problems. Why is externalization so important in this session? How effective is it with Helen?
Externalization is critical to narrative therapy, allowing the client to detach herself from the problem. The counselor externalizes Helen's problems first by ceasing to frame them as problems. Instead the counselor frames Helen's problems within the context of her life story, and encourages her to do the same. Problems become challenges, which Helen, the hero, is destined to overcome with the help of key allies like the counselor. One of the most notable ways the counselor externalizes Helen's problems is by personifying her problem as a character in a story: Nagging Dissatisfaction. Nagging Dissatisfaction becomes the antagonist to Helen, the protagonist. By externalizing Nagging Dissatisfaction, Helen can stop identifying with someone who is tormented and start to take action to achieve her goals. Nagging…...
Counseling Theories
Socializing the client is an important approach in cognitivebehavioral therapy. It is visible in this video session with the manners the doctor is showing. She is showing very good explanatory manners. Introducing herself to the client, she goes on to elaborate what is going to happen and how they are about to take this process. In other words, it is very crucial to inform the client about what is about to happen to them. This is crucial because initially the clients are distressed and not feeling so good about the situation or about themselves. This causes to come up with depressing scenarios and predictions about what is to happen.
Socializing the client is basically telling the client the philosophy, stricter and the practices of this approach to therapy. It is important to tell the client about this so they understand why the doctor is taking this approach. Not only would…...
Therapy may also be aimed at either children or adults. Usually a therapist will concentrate on one or the other, as children require special approaches and not all therapists work well with children (Good 22).
Couples and family counselors deal with marriage and family therapy in a brief, solution-focused way. This often means that the therapist addresses very specific problems and looks to attain therapeutic goals, with counseling done with the end in mind. There are a wide range of problems that the marriage and family therapist treats, and therefore the counselor should have graduate training in the field. This is a rewarding field, as over 98% of clients report therapy services as good or excellent.
The federal government has designated marriage and family therapy as a core mental health profession. There are 48 states that also support and regulate the practice through licensing or certifying these therapists. Ethical issues are…...
mlaWorks Cited
Career and Practice Information." American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. AAMFT. 2007. .
Condic, Kristine. "Counseling: Resources for students, consumers, and professionals." College and Research Libraries, Vol. 66, No. 6. June 2005.
Counselors." USDL (United States Department of Labor).4 Aug 2006. .
Faiver, Christopher M.; Ingersoll, Elliott, R,; O'Brien, Eugene M.; and McNally, Christopher. Explorations in Counseling and Spirituality: Philosophical, Practical, and Personal Reflections. New York: Wadsworth Group. 2000.
Moreover, maltreated children reveal their feelings and situations when a counselor engages them in group counseling. Younger children perform well with growth playgroups where older children profit from activity groupings and treatment-oriented groups. Groups counseling is essential for sexually abused children because it lowers their guilt, differentness and shame feelings. Group counseling also helps abused children to learn ways in which they can defend themselves from any form of abuse.
Counseling maltreated children is difficult because it can inspire feelings that are more intricate to the counselor. A counselor may become angry with the abused child's parent or abusers. he/she may develop frustration and sad feeling in the course of the counseling process. However, the main role and focus of a counselor is to protect an abused child from more abuse (Kuehnle and Connell, 2010). The counselor handling sensitive concerns of abuse must seek supervision, consultation and treatment when they feel…...
Thomspson, C., & Lenderson, D. (2010). Counseling children. New York: Cengage Learning.
Deb, S., & Mukherjee, A.(2011). Background and adjustment of sexually abused girls and their perceptions of intervention. Child Abuse Review, 20, 213-230.
Kuehnle, K., & Connell, M. (2010). Child sexual abuse suspicions: Treatment considerations during investigations. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 19: 554-571.
Mart, E. (2010). Assessment and testimony in child abuse cases. Journal of Psychiatry & Law,
Several people who come into contact with troubles in their life look for counseling and therapy. The troubles that people encounter can be one or more of the following troubles: relationship troubles, school related troubles, hopelessness, nervousness, distress, and concerns from the bygone days that pessimistically influence the individuals every day performance. Though people look for therapy for numerous purposes, the majority of people go to therapy for the reason that they want assistance with particular troubles. Even after discussing with friends and family about the trouble, a lot of people are not in a position to recuperate things sufficiently on their own. In order for such people to have a discussion about their concerns and to produce some constructive elucidations, therapy could be considered as a secure method. (Counseling & Psychotherapy) In this paper, we wish to discuss on counselors working as a group and offering services to clients.…...
Benefits of Membership. Retrieved from Accessed on 25 May 2005.
Counseling & Psychotherapy. 25 May, 2001. Retrieved from Accessed on 25 May 2005.
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IPG: Institute for Personal Growth. Retrieved from / Accessed on 24th May 2005
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