Therapy Essays (Examples)

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Therapy Behavior
Behavior Therapy

Behavior therapy may be referred to as the approach in psychotherapy, in the behavior tradition that focuses on a set of methods designed for reinforcing desired behaviors, and eliminating undesired without concerning the psychoanalytic state of the subject. These methods mainly focus on the behavior, and not the thoughts and the feelings that could be causing them. The behavior therapy is divided into two sections, a narrowly defined sense of behavior therapy and the behavior modification (Barraca 2012). Due to the need of solving this global problem, it was important to conduct group therapies and see how effective they would be. The clinics have not been very effective in handling the large numbers of patients who require behavior Therapy. Their methods have not been working perfectly hence the need for perfection. The society has changed due to different reasons hence the need for behavior therapy.

There are several reasons….

Therapy Techniques

ehavioral therapy techniques can help to analyze eating and activity patterns, dieting methods and habits, and analyze behaviors that cause stress (ehavioral Therapy Techniques and Other Therapies for Treating ehavioral Problems). y identifying the eating and activity patterns, dieting methods and habits, and analyzing behaviors that cause stress, it helps to understand what is causing these issues and helps to formulate a plan to overcome them. Once the underlying issues are acknowledged, the plan to correct and deal with them can be formulated for a plan to recover from them.

Viewing subjective psychological feelings can help to identify underlying feelings that have been buried possibly for years. Once these feelings are brought to surface, they can be viewed to find underlying causes and solutions to deal with them. Looking at the underlying causes can bring solutions that help to deal with the feelings in the future where behavior does not….

Therapy Patient Rights

Therapy -- Patient Confidentiality and Privilege ights
Therapy & Patient ights

Under the usual conditions of therapy, patient therapy information is protected by legal concept of privilege. Privilege to determine how and when therapy records are disclosed belongs to the patient. A therapist has a professional obligation to maintain confidentiality. Essentially, this means that everything that is discussed in a therapy session must be kept in confidence, and that duty of confidence cannot be revoked by the therapist without the patient's approval. The rights of a patient and the rights of a therapist are absolute, except under certain conditions. The conditions that fall outside of the protection of privilege and confidentiality of psychotherapy are considered to be official exceptions. Under these exceptions, a psychotherapist is either allowed or required to break confidentiality. The exceptions to the confidentiality of psychotherapy discussed below reference the laws in the state of California, a state that….

In order to assure that the FACE interventions were to be successful, before launching the intervention a panel of local and national leaders was assembled to review the strategy in 2006.
The panel, which included psychologists, religious leaders, a leader from the American Academy of Pediatrics, a leader from the Society for Research in Child Development, a person living with HIV / AIDS and an adolescent medicine physician specialist in the care of youth with HIV, the protocol was refined (p. 364). Hence, the literature indicates that a thorough examination -- called "Phase II: Pilot study/feasibility/acceptability" (including trials using competent, trained medical and psychological staff) was conducted prior to the launch of the FACE program. The criteria called for a surrogate to be present for those HIV+ participants who were under 18 years of age and the only exclusion criteria were "severe depression, in foster care, severe developmental delays, psychosis….

3. Variables Such as Gender

There are various disparities in the overall demographics of this type of offense. As one report on the demographics of sex offenders in the United States, notes; "… although the vast majority of attention on sex crimes focuses on men as the offenders, an increased awareness of females as sex offenders has surfaced in recent years." (Female Sex Offenders, 2007) This study also adds the important proviso that, "At present, the research and literature about this unique segment of the sex offender population remains in its infancy, and there is no evidence-based guidance or other consensus about the most effective approaches to working with them." (Female Sex Offenders, 2007) Furthermore, research indicates that, with regards to statistics on adolescent sex offenders, "….females are responsible for 3% of forcible rape cases and 5% of other violent sex offenses -- and 19% of non-violent

sex offenses -- handled by….

In order to meet the needs of culturally diverse groups, health care providers must engage in the process of becoming culturally competent. Cultural ability is a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or amongst professionals and enables that system, agency or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations. The idea of competence is used because it entails having the capacity to function effectively (Campinha-Bacote, Josepha, (2003).

It is very important for health care providers to be aware of the differences that exist between themselves and their patients. In order for the physician to be successful they have to be able to treat each patient as an individual. Each patient is different on many levels and each of these needs to be taken into account as a diagnosis and treatment plan in put into place. Health care providers need to be culturally aware….

therapy, also called "Solution-Focused rief Therapy," uses practical strategies to help clients make significant, positive changes in their life as a result of their therapy in a relatively short period of time. rief therapy focuses on what is going on in the client's life at the time of the therapy and does not delve into the subconscious or early childhood experiences. It contrasts markedly with psychoanalytic approaches that may take years and that will explore the entire lifespan of the client. It focuses on current difficulties and uses changes in behavior as goals (Miller and de Shazer, 2000).
Two distinctive ways of thinking about such a therapeutic approach include gestalt therapy and cognitive therapy. In gestalt therapy, the therapist attempts to help the client gain greater awareness of his or her emotions and behaviors as they presently exist in the client. Rather than interpret the client's experiences, the therapist works….

therapy in helping veterans to overcome the challenges that they are facing the most notable include: exposure therapy and cognitive restructuring. To determine the effectiveness of these approaches we will be conducting a literature review on: the quantitative approach, qualitative technique, mixed methods and program evaluation. Once this occurs, it will provide us with the greatest insights about how to achieve these objectives.
The article that was written by Parsons (2008) discusses how exposure therapy is a common method in the treatment of anxiety disorders and specific phobias. However, after conducting an extensive investigation of various forms of literature, they determined that while it is effective to a certain extent. More research needs to be conducted, on the various ways that it can be used and its lasting long-term effects. This is important, because it is showing how this could help veterans. Yet, more follow up needs to take place….

These results have suggested that the blamer softening event has achieved its goal of creating more empathy, acceptance, and understanding in spouses. Furthermore, it has found to be significantly relevant in the complete treatment of outcomes couples face.
Possible reactions/assumptions/counter transferential issues

esearchers have offered many critics for the use of blamer softening in couples' therapy. Bradley and Furrow (2007) argue that the blamer softening may be unsuccessful at certain times. Johnson and Talitman (1997) have suggested that blamer softening has been one of the most difficult interventions for therapists to successfully implement, yet one of the most critical ones because of its relation to recovery from relationship distress (Johnson & Greenberg, 1988). Because critical therapeutic events have sometimes been difficult to implement, it has been important to consider common obstacles to their resolution so that therapists can better understand and successfully implement these events.

There are many obstacles to empathic joining.….

It was assumed that this shock to the system also would bring a form of therapy in its wake.
As enterprise managers became conscious that they could no longer count on involuntary subsidies from the state budget, they would be required into producing goods that could be sold on real markets, at prices that would cover up their costs. It was anticipated that within a period of one-half of one year or so the changeover should be completed. From there on the ussian economy would be growing at a strong pace, and no more foreign economic support would be needed. By the summer of 1992 it became clearly obvious that the project was failing. Enterprises had acted in response to the government's austerity measures not by refining markets, but by developing a subsequently constant practice of non-payments and losses of government subsidies were met by reduced payments on due taxes….

The written record of one's own thoughts, feelings and perceptions, especially of traumatic experiences, can help restore emotional or physical health in that the mind and the body are inseparable in the healing process (Slomski 2001). The person is able to retrieve, externalize and process his or her own trauma by writing about it and psychiatrists and psychologists found that writing or journal therapy plays a significant part in their psychotherapy and recovery programs. Writing about the experience provides the person with a mechanism of expressing it in circumstances where direct or interpersonal expression is not possible or desirable and help bring about healing in the mental or psychological level and then in the physical level.

Psychologists always held that the expression of emotions was essential to good mental and physical health (Slomski 2001). Journals, diaries and biographies have evidenced this. The value of expressive therapy has thus been the….

therapy or who was in therapy or thinks that they should be in therapy. Having to seek professional help to come to terms with the psychological damage that has been inflicted on us by our natal families is assumed to be a hazard of modern life.
But in the days before therapy was considered to be almost a requisite for living a well-examined life, people had to find other ways to work through their problems - including art. The four poets that we are studying have each tried to assess the essential relationships in their own childhood through exploration of the meaning of their interactions with their fathers. In each of these poems there is a sense of loss or disappointment (at the least) and a sense of anger even to the point of murderousness (at the most extreme) as each poet considers the ways in which his or her….

Therapy and Personhood it Is

The following describes the process of Gestalt therapy:

Gestalt therapy is a phenomenological-existential therapy founded by Frederick (Fritz) and Laura Perls in the 1940s. It teaches therapists and patients the phenomenological method of awareness, in which perceiving, feeling, and acting are distinguished from interpreting and reshuffling preexisting attitudes. Explanations and interpretations are considered less reliable than what is directly perceived and felt. Patients and therapists in Gestalt therapy dialogue, that is, communicate their phenomenological perspectives. Differences in perspectives become the focus of experimentation and continued dialogue. The goal is for clients to become aware of what they are doing, how they are doing it, and how they can change themselves, and at the same time, to learn to accept and value themselves (Gestalt Therapy,

In this way the therapist models to the client what it is like to be fully present in the moment, demonstrating not only that such "presence" is….

A multi-culturally competent therapist will take all of these aspects of her life into consideration and realize that June's thoughts and actions are a direct result of her social and political culture. Asian culture in itself, Chinese culture, Eastern culture, is very different from Western culture. In Eastern culture, the whole family is taken into consideration for just about anything. When an individual does something, it is because it will benefit the entire group, not just the individual. Western culture on the other hand, emphasizes individualism over anything else. It teaches people to look out for the well being of the self instead of the benefit of the entire community. Before a multi-culturally competent therapist works with June, all these aspects need to be taken into consideration.
Just as a Feminist Therapists would do, a multi-culturally competent therapist will help empower June by letting her realize that her culture has….

Interestingly, Nagel identified these selves based on "because" and "in order to" motivations, which actually translate to two different selves or images: the present self or image of the individual ("because"), and the future self or image -- what the individual aspires/wants to be ("in order to") (243-4). From this typology, it becomes clear that phenomenology uncovered these two selves, which led to the author's understanding that purchase decision-making is influenced by advertising based on how relevant or close the images presented in the ad are to the individual's present and future (aspired) selves.
The social construction of reality based on the qualitative method of phenomenology is just as helpful in the medical field, specifically, occupational therapy. Technically defined, occupational therapy is (WFOT, 2004):

A profession concerned with promoting health and well being through occupation. The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of….

Gestalt therapy is rooted in the idea that all people experience things subjectively.  In other words, not only are people not objective about their experiences, but people are not supposed to be objective about their experiences.  Furthermore, even therapists cannot be objective about experiences, as their own context and background influence how they approach scenarios. Therefore, instead of substituting their judgment about a clients’ experiences, therapists are called to accept that their clients are relaying the truth, or at least the client’s subjective truth, about their own experiences.

Because of this approach, Gestalt therapy is not as strictly....

Helping you come up with titles on this would be a little easier if we knew which specific issue you want to focus on in your high school exit project because the title should specifically address the content of the paper.  We wanted to give you that disclaimer, because some of these titles may be inappropriate for whatever paper you have written.  We are going to provide a variety of different titles that will include a range of topics related to combat wounded veteran rehabilitation.  They touch on some topics that are controversial among the wounded veteran....

Anxiety is a normal feeling that can be present in a variety of people.  However, when a person feels excessive anxiety, which is characterized as anxiety that is either without a cause or is disproportionate to any stimuli, then the anxiety may go beyond a normal reaction and be part of an anxiety disorder.  When you are writing a speech about anxiety, it is important to differentiate between that anxiety that is a normal part of everyday life or even a normal reaction to unusual stressors and anxiety that 

Outline for Speech on Anxiety Example

I. Introduction

5 Pages


Therapy Behavior Therapy Behavior Therapy May Be

Words: 1483
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Therapy Behavior Behavior Therapy Behavior therapy may be referred to as the approach in psychotherapy, in the behavior tradition that focuses on a set of methods designed for reinforcing desired behaviors,…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Therapy Techniques Case Behavioral Therapy Techniques Can

Words: 969
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Therapy Techniques Case ehavioral therapy techniques can help to analyze eating and activity patterns, dieting methods and habits, and analyze behaviors that cause stress (ehavioral Therapy Techniques and Other Therapies for…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Therapy Patient Rights

Words: 1357
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Therapy -- Patient Confidentiality and Privilege ights Therapy & Patient ights Under the usual conditions of therapy, patient therapy information is protected by legal concept of privilege. Privilege to determine how…

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5 Pages


Therapy and Adolescents Who Are

Words: 1672
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

In order to assure that the FACE interventions were to be successful, before launching the intervention a panel of local and national leaders was assembled to review the…

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20 Pages
Capstone Project

Criminal Justice

Therapy Sex Offender Therapy in

Words: 6395
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

3. Variables Such as Gender There are various disparities in the overall demographics of this type of offense. As one report on the demographics of sex offenders in the United…

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2 Pages


Therapy Cultural Issues and Clinical

Words: 721
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In order to meet the needs of culturally diverse groups, health care providers must engage in the process of becoming culturally competent. Cultural ability is a set of congruent…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Therapy Also Called Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Uses

Words: 2653
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

therapy, also called "Solution-Focused rief Therapy," uses practical strategies to help clients make significant, positive changes in their life as a result of their therapy in a relatively…

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4 Pages


Therapy in Helping Veterans to Overcome the

Words: 1348
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

therapy in helping veterans to overcome the challenges that they are facing the most notable include: exposure therapy and cognitive restructuring. To determine the effectiveness of these approaches…

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8 Pages
Capstone Project

Family and Marriage

Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy

Words: 2239
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

These results have suggested that the blamer softening event has achieved its goal of creating more empathy, acceptance, and understanding in spouses. Furthermore, it has found to be…

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4 Pages


Therapy Refers to the Unexpected

Words: 1021
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

It was assumed that this shock to the system also would bring a form of therapy in its wake. As enterprise managers became conscious that they could no longer…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Therapy the Written Record of One's Own

Words: 2105
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Therapy The written record of one's own thoughts, feelings and perceptions, especially of traumatic experiences, can help restore emotional or physical health in that the mind and the body…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Therapy or Who Was in Therapy or

Words: 1966
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

therapy or who was in therapy or thinks that they should be in therapy. Having to seek professional help to come to terms with the psychological damage that…

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16 Pages


Therapy and Personhood it Is

Words: 5372
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Essay

The following describes the process of Gestalt therapy: Gestalt therapy is a phenomenological-existential therapy founded by Frederick (Fritz) and Laura Perls in the 1940s. It teaches therapists and patients the…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Sports - Women

Therapy Have Been Developed in

Words: 1520
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

A multi-culturally competent therapist will take all of these aspects of her life into consideration and realize that June's thoughts and actions are a direct result of her…

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5 Pages
Book Review

Black Studies - Philosophy

Therapy Methods Associated With the

Words: 1351
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Book Review

Interestingly, Nagel identified these selves based on "because" and "in order to" motivations, which actually translate to two different selves or images: the present self or image of…

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