Courtship Essays (Examples)

142+ documents containing “courtship”.

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Marriage and Courtship in Modern Asian Literature
Modern Asian culture is very different from what it was in ancient times particularly in terms of love and marriage. In most Asian countries, as in other parts of the world, marriages were arranged by parents of the bride and groom. Very often a man in a position of wealth or power could offer himself as a suitor and the father would decide whether or not his daughter would marry that man. hether or not she liked the man, let alone if she was in love or not, she would be forced to marry him. omen were subordinate to men, first to their fathers and then to their husbands, and then even to their sons. In the modern era, this is thankfully no longer the case, or at least far more seldom. Throughout the world archaic courtship practices have disappeared and the cultures have….

courtship good for women?
The Lais of Marie de France: as courtly love good for women?

The Lais of Marie de France chronicle the trials and tribulations of various women in love, as seen from a female perspective. Little is known about the life of Marie de France. However, one thing is clear: she was a poet with passionate feelings on the subject of male-female relationships. The primary convention structuring the tales of Marie is that of courtly love. In this emphasis, Marie de France was keeping with the dominant belief schemas of her era: courtly love was the most popular romantic philosophy of the middle ages. The concept of courtly love stressed the love of a subservient yet bold knight for his lord's lady. On one hand, the love of the lady inspired the knight to do great things. On the other hand, the love was futile, given that the….

Holding the Courtship Down
In the poem "Holding the Courtship Drum," poet Ron elburn tells the narrative of a male who is presenting himself to the female population for the purpose of potential mating. In the piece, the narrator compares the movements of the male human being to that of an animal or a bird. Even though the human being is considered a member of a higher species, the male still acts like an animal when it comes to the opposite sex. The way the poet writes, it can be understood that the man is either trying to attract a woman or if she has already been attracted and they are preparing to have a sexual encounter.

Courting in the context of this poem can be either the more romantic type wherein the male and female are preparing to engage in romantic discussion, or it can be the more physical type such….

Japanese Lit
Genji's courtship of Murasaki is an example of Genji's overall trend towards using sexual and romantic conquests as a means by which to retain power and status. Having lost his official status and being demoted to Minamoto, Genji needs to maintain his personal power and one of the ways he does so is by seducing a long string of women. His behavior lasts throughout his life. Although Genji does not rape or cause any direct harm, it is clear that women serve subservient and passive roles in the culture depicted in The Tale of Genji. One of the prime examples of the extent of patriarchy in The Tale of Genji is when Genji meets and begins to court Murasaki. First, Genji only wants to see "Pretty little girls," a pedophiliac statement that foreshadows the courtship with his chosen favorite of the "four little girls…very pretty indeed," (p. 23). Genji….

Film Four Weddings and a

When Carrie expressed to Charles that he was conquest number thirty two, it was one of Scheflen's indicators of sexual intent were of a qualified nature or negated by opposing behaviors. This type of courtship behaviors that she exhibited was in an inappropriate context, however, it showed a teasing interest.
In the opinion of this author, the level of Scheflen's stages that Carrie and Charles reached was obviously invitation, particularly when Carrie shows up at Charles' wedding and this causes him to blow the wedding ceremony by admitting his infatuation with her ("Human nonverbal courtship," 2011).

The gender differences were those normally noted by psychologists such as Scheflen noted are displayed. In such instances, women usually use behaviors such as intimate gazing, touching, smiling, and self-grooming while men used intimate touching. Carrie was atypical in that many women initiate intimate touching only after marriage while men usually do it before the….

This darkness is the poem is the suggestion of death, which Eliot's character contemplates throughout the poem. In fact, the last lines of the poem refer to death. Eliot writes, "We have lingered in the chambers of the sea / By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown / Till human voices wake us, and we drown" (Eliot). Eliot's character knows his life is ending, and love and courtship are far behind him. Marvell's character also contemplates death. Marvell writes, "Time's winged chariot hurrying near; / And yonder all before us lie / Deserts of vast eternity. / Thy beauty shall no more be found, / Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound / My echoing song: then worms shall try / That long preserved virginity, / And your quaint honour turn to dust, / And into ashes all my lust: / The grave's a fine and private place, /….

Nurse Discuss as Well as

The fact that a novel in the sentimental and seduction genre attained such heights of popularity is, in the first instance, evidence its impact and effect on the psyche and minds of the female readers of the novel. As one critic cogently notes:
hy a book which barely climbs above the lower limits of literacy, and which handles, without psychological acuteness or dramatic power, a handful of stereotyped characters in a situation already hopelessly banal by 1790, should have had more than two hundred editions and have survived among certain readers for a hundred and fifty years is a question that cannot be ignored.

(Fiedler 94)

The initial question that obviously arises therefore is what made this book so popular and in what way does this novel speak to the feelings and aspirations of the readers to make it such a perennial favorite. As Fudge ( 1996) notes,

It is tempting to say….

Men vs Women

Men vs. omen' -- Nonverbal communication and the egg meeting the sperm
One need look no father than the bookshelves that proclaim men are from Mars, omen are from Venus to see the point-of-view of Emily Martin advocated in her essay "The Egg and the Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles." Although readers may like to think of science as objective in its categories, in fact, beginning a study by looking at men and women as the absolute categories of human sexual nature is itself biased, Martin suggests. The language of biological texts is equally as coded between activity and passivity, sperm vs. egg, just as subjective as the language that 'sees' certain planets as male or female.

Scientific language is human created, and it both affects and reflects the way we think about gender. Even in a female-created and directed study such as Monica….

But living a working life is usually no better for a woman than it is for a man -- both a poor married life or a poor working life is a tyranny, whether under the thumb of an employer or an oafish husband."
At least your friend Charlotte would not have had to marry an oaf, had she been able to work."

True -- but the fact is that the life of a female slave in marriage is no worse nor better than that of a youngest son, with no calling, enslaved to enter the church out of penury. A lack of money is the source of the ill for both. And now, we must agree to disagree -- while I vow to marry wisely and well!"….

red wolf and different aspects related to this species. I have included information about its taxonomy, morphology & anatomy, distribution, habitat, feeding, predators, behavior, reproduction, development and economic value. Over all, I have given thorough information regarding the life and habits of the red wolf that is now an endangered animal.

The red wolf is a species of wolf that is smaller in size and its color varies from reddish gray to almost black. It is commonly known as red wolf. The red wolf is considered as the most beautiful of all the wolves on the planet (Sutton, 1998). However, it has been given the scientific name of Canis rufus. It belongs to the Family Canidae and Order Carnivora (Kelly & Phillips, 2000, p. 247). As far as the status of red wolf is concerned, it has been categorized as an endangered living creature as this species of wolf has….

Predicting Marital Success or Failure
Climbing divorce rates and the redefining of traditional relationships in the latter half of the twentieth century have put a spotlight on the ideal of marriage. Adjusting gender roles, greater disposable income, globalization, and the acceleration of technology and social change have contributed to the way individuals engage in relationships, and consequently marriage. The increase in divorce rates has provoked researchers and marriage counselors to investigate and consider factors predicting marital success or failure. As the context and roles within relationships continue to evolve, the determination of contributing factors to the success or failure of marriage will continue to become more complex.

In the present, one key predictive factor for a successful marriage is based on premarital relationship quality. One study, conducted by Fowers and Olson, observed 393 couples over a 3-year period and found vitalized couples had the highest level of satisfaction and success (Fowers….

(2008). The study measures public opinion concerning two scenarios: one in which the kidney donor is given a fixed financial compensation; and one in which the donor is provided with health insurance coverage for life. According to the findings of the study, "although almost half of the respondents (46%) were reluctant towards introducing a system with fixed compensation to increase the number of living kidney donors, still 25% of the general public reacted positively." (Kranenburg, 1039) This study would conduct a similar comparative discussion, but would expand the number of available options discussed and would use a different sample population, as discussed in the subsequent section.
Subjects and Sampling Technique:

The subjects will be drawn from amongst nursing professionals working in randomly selected renal specialty facilities and wards. Initial contact will be made by phone with a Director of Nursing at selected facilities requesting participation. Those that agree will receive surveys….

Those individuals who are most likely to idealize their partners are those who are also most likely to be disappointed. It also seems to be the case that those most likely to idealize their partners are those who are most likely to move quickly from engagement (or an equivalent but less formal relationship) to marriage. Such a quick trip from first date to the altar is often a very poor choice in the long run, as summarized below:
Waller... assumed that courting couples are generally blissful, optimistic lovers who, in order to sustain their romance, draw attention to their desirable qualities, suppress thoughts and behaviors that might weaken their romance, and try to see the best in the other person. After they are married, however, spouses may no longer be as motivated to "put their best foot forward" to impress their marriage partners; moreover, the intimacy of marriage makes sustaining….

Some Chinese researchers assert that Chinese flutes may have evolved from of Indian provenance.

In fact, the kind of side-blon, or transverse, flutes musicians play in Southeast Asia have also been discovered in Africa, India, Saudi Arabia, and Central Asia, as ell as throughout the Europe of the Roman Empire. This suggests that rather than originating in China or even in India, the transverse flute might have been adopted through the trade route of the Silk Road to Asia. In addition to these transverse flutes, Southeast Asians possessed the kind of long vertical flutes; similar to those found in Central Asia and Middle East.

A considerable amount of similarities exist beteen the vertical flutes of Southeast Asia and flutes from Muslim countries. This type of flute possibly came from Persians during the ninth century; during the religious migration to SEA. Likeise, the nose-blon flute culture, common to a number of traditional African….

The modern discourse on marriage holds that roles are shifting in many ways within the context of a romantic relationship. In the case of this study, speaking particularly on the subject of heterosexual romantic partnerships, the roles which are assumed by partners are often based on certain preconceptions regarding gender and the social and/or biological distinctions which are a function of gender. Likewise, partners may have certain expectations of a spouse which proceed from these proscribed gender roles or from their own familial experiences.
That said, it is increasingly an emphasis on discourses about marital satisfaction that these roles should be more fully explored rather than presumed. More egalitarian or complementary roles are emerging based on the premise that such dynamics promote more healthy and equal context through which both partners feel valued, respected and satisfied. The research brings us into confrontation also with refutations of this correlation such as….

## Essay Topic Ideas Related to Online Dating / Apps

Social and Cultural Impacts

The impact of online dating on traditional courtship rituals and social norms
The role of online dating in shaping modern relationships and family structures
The impact of online dating on societal attitudes towards marriage, divorce, and singlehood
The ethical considerations surrounding the use of online dating platforms

Psychological and Emotional Effects

The psychological effects of online dating, such as anxiety, depression, and body image issues
The impact of online dating on self-esteem and self-perception
The role of online dating in promoting unhealthy relationship dynamics, such as ghosting and....

Technological Advancements and Their Impact on Culture

Technology has become an integral part of our lives, shaping our interactions, knowledge acquisition, and cultural practices. Its pervasive influence has affected cultures worldwide, transforming both tangible and intangible aspects of society. This essay examines the multifaceted impact of technology on a specific culture, exploring its profound effects on communication, entertainment, education, and social dynamics.


Technology has revolutionized communication, enabling instant and global connections. Social media platforms, messaging apps, and video conferencing tools have bridged distances, allowing people from different cultures to interact seamlessly. This interconnectedness has fostered cross-cultural exchange, introducing new perspectives and challenging....

The Zunda and Tekela Sub-Groups: A Linguistic and Cultural Exploration

Within the Nguni language family, the Zunda and Tekela sub-groups occupy a distinct position, sharing close linguistic and cultural ties while exhibiting subtle but significant differences.

Linguistic Characteristics:

The Zunda and Tekela languages, collectively known as isiZulu, are part of the Bantu branch of the Niger-Congo language family. They are mutually intelligible but display variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.

Pronunciation: Zunda is characterized by a distinct enunciation of consonants, particularly the alveolar click /c/. Tekela, on the other hand, tends to have a softer pronunciation, replacing the click with a glottal stop....

The word "flirt" has certainly evolved in its definition and connotation over time, reflecting changes in societal norms and perceptions of courtship and relationships. In the past, the term "flirt" was often used to describe someone who engaged in playful or teasing behavior with the intention of romantic or sexual pursuit. However, it was also often associated with negative connotations, such as being seen as a promiscuous or untrustworthy individual.

In more recent times, the definition of "flirt" has become more encompassing and less judgmental. It is now often seen as a natural and harmless way of expressing interest or attraction....

8 Pages

Family and Marriage

Marriage and Courtship in Modern Asian Literature

Words: 2652
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Marriage and Courtship in Modern Asian Literature Modern Asian culture is very different from what it was in ancient times particularly in terms of love and marriage. In most Asian…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Was Courtship Good for Women

Words: 2174
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

courtship good for women? The Lais of Marie de France: as courtly love good for women? The Lais of Marie de France chronicle the trials and tribulations of various women…

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2 Pages


Holding the Courtship Down in the Poem

Words: 609
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Journal

Holding the Courtship Down In the poem "Holding the Courtship Drum," poet Ron elburn tells the narrative of a male who is presenting himself to the female population for the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Classical Japanese Literature

Words: 957
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Japanese Lit Genji's courtship of Murasaki is an example of Genji's overall trend towards using sexual and romantic conquests as a means by which to retain power and status. Having…

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2 Pages

Family and Marriage

Film Four Weddings and a

Words: 603
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

When Carrie expressed to Charles that he was conquest number thirty two, it was one of Scheflen's indicators of sexual intent were of a qualified nature or negated…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell

Words: 1086
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This darkness is the poem is the suggestion of death, which Eliot's character contemplates throughout the poem. In fact, the last lines of the poem refer to death. Eliot…

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20 Pages


Nurse Discuss as Well as

Words: 7577
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Thesis

The fact that a novel in the sentimental and seduction genre attained such heights of popularity is, in the first instance, evidence its impact and effect on the…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Men vs Women

Words: 393
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Men vs. omen' -- Nonverbal communication and the egg meeting the sperm One need look no father than the bookshelves that proclaim men are from Mars, omen are from…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Woman Dialogue A Debate Between

Words: 402
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

But living a working life is usually no better for a woman than it is for a man -- both a poor married life or a poor working…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Red Wolf and Different Aspects Related to

Words: 1943
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

red wolf and different aspects related to this species. I have included information about its taxonomy, morphology & anatomy, distribution, habitat, feeding, predators, behavior, reproduction, development and economic…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Factors Predicting Marital Success or Failure

Words: 3406
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Predicting Marital Success or Failure Climbing divorce rates and the redefining of traditional relationships in the latter half of the twentieth century have put a spotlight on the ideal…

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8 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Kidney Nursing Perceptions and

Words: 2121
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

(2008). The study measures public opinion concerning two scenarios: one in which the kidney donor is given a fixed financial compensation; and one in which the donor is…

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15 Pages

Family and Marriage

Premarital Relationships How Do They

Words: 4763
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Thesis

Those individuals who are most likely to idealize their partners are those who are also most likely to be disappointed. It also seems to be the case that…

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95 Pages

History - Asian

Traditional Se Asian Bamboo Flutes

Words: 28549
Length: 95 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Some Chinese researchers assert that Chinese flutes may have evolved from of Indian provenance. In fact, the kind of side-blon, or transverse, flutes musicians play in Southeast Asia have also…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Marital Satisfaction Predicting Marital Satisfaction

Words: 2390
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The modern discourse on marriage holds that roles are shifting in many ways within the context of a romantic relationship. In the case of this study, speaking particularly…

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