Crime Rates Essays (Examples)

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Crime ates and Abandoned Buildings
Is there a relationship between crime rates and abandoned buildings?

Theoretical background

A vast portion of research on crime and its relation with location is centered at either validating or refuting 'broken window theory'. The theory states that disorders such as graffiti, litter, and broken windows may encourage or cause increase in other disorders and petty crime. The theory by virtue of its title, research objectives, and conclusions does not merit our research question regarding relationship of abandoned building and crime rate. Most policing and preventive efforts for curtailing crime in the U.S. And elsewhere have also been based on broken window theory. Disorder does not imply that any serious crime will take place at a place and serious crimes are neither taking place at littered or disordered places. Policing activities are focused on securing the abandoned buildings and how far is that helped by such actions is….

Crime Rates and Trends

Virginia Beach, VA: Crime ates and Trends
eviewing the rape, robbery and murder trends for Virginia Beach, VA is incredibly revelatory. According to the website, Virginia Beach has a crime rate of 184.9 which is significantly lower than the entire U.S. average, which is at 301. In 2012, the number of murders which were committed in this city was at 21, which is the equivalent to 4.7 per 100,000 people. The total number of rapes was at 58, which was at 13 per 100,000 people. The total number of robberies was 326, which functioned at 72.8 per 100,000 people. The number of assaults was at 353, which functioned at 78.9 per 100,000 people. The number of burglaries was 1573, which functioned at 351.4 per 100,000 people. The number of thefts which occurred was 9,662 which totaled at 2,158 per thousand people. The number of auto thefts which occurred was 482,….

In fact, and quite surprisingly, one of the key findings of the Rand Report was that 50% of the nation's detectives could be eliminated without having a significant effect on clearance rates in the country (O'Connor). This conclusion flies in the face of conventional wisdom on police work, yet was fully supported by the exhaustive study. The study was funded by the National Institute of Justice and was designed to monitor the effectiveness of detectives in clearing cases in a variety of situations. Surveys were designed and then sent to local and county police departments throughout the country with at least 150 fulltime personnel or a municipal jurisdiction of more than 100,000 people. In total, three hundred agencies were solicited, of which 153 responded with answers to the survey. hile all of the data from those 153 agencies was used in the compilation of the study, twenty-five of the….

Economy on Crime Rates it

The increased expectation of lawful income will reduce the temptation of illegitimate activity.
This is referred to as the 'motivation effect. The opportunity effect is a long- term influence that is positively correlated with crime, while the motivation effect is more short-term and has a negative correlation with crime. Thus, in years when people increase their spending by very small amounts or reduces it altogether, notably quickly. In contrast, during year when people rapidly increase their expenditure, property crime tends to grow less rapidly or even fall.

In relation to San ernardino, Miguel (2006) argues that with the recent renewal of the city by industries, the unemployment rate has been reduced to a large extent. The number and value of goods available as a result of this growth in income can be linked to the upsurge in robbery cases in homes and public places such as banks.

Economic growth, unemployment and population….

International Crime Rates
Crime rates

International Crime Rates: Germany, France, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & the United States of America

Comparative Essay

The legal systems in the United States, Germany, France, and Saudi Arabia are different due to the differences in the U.S. crime rate and due as well to the differences in the Criminal Justice systems of Germany, France and Saudi Arabia. What factors can be said to cause the difference in crime rates? Does the integration of culture and religion in Saudi Arabia really result in reduced crime rates?

The basic of structure in court systems throughout the world or the universal structure is characterized by courts being divided by lower, mid, and higher levels of courts. There are evident and not so evident differences and variations with this basic structure of organization. There are four types of criminal justice structures of organization. Those are:

Common law systems:

Most nations that are English-speaking countries….

Immigration on U.S. Crime Rates
Immigration in the United States of America

Structure of Immigration

Impact of Immigration on the Crime rates of the United States of America

Conclusion and Policy Implications

Immigration Structure in 1970

Immigration Structure in 2010

Foreign Born Population in the United States of America

Immigrant Share in the Total Population and Across Counties, 1950-2000

Immigrant Flows and Rate of Homicide

Rate of Growth of Incarceration and Immigration

Reasons for the Removal of Criminal Immigrants

This paper aims at identifying the relationship that exists between immigration and crime rates. It aims at highlighting the impact of immigration on the rate of crimes. In addition to that, this paper also makes recommendation, in relation to the alteration of immigrant policies so as to make immigration more secure and safe.

There has been an evident increase in the number of crimes along with the increase in the rate of immigration but a mixed literature exists in relation to the impact….

American Corrections System
Prisons are so overcrowded within the states that typically "only one criminal is jailed for every one hundred violent crimes committed" (Economist, 1996). Many violent criminal offenders do not even serve out their entire terms; many serve half of their term and are released on an appeal or probation (Economist, 1996). These prisoners are often released to society only to commit another crime at a later date.

Statistics validate the fact the American Correctional System is currently overburdened. According to one report, "More than one million inmates were confined in American prisons in 1995 alone and the number has been steadily increasing over the last few years (Albion, 2003)." The ability of state and local correctional facilities to manage and keep pace with the upward spiral of people incarcerated and imprisoned within the U.S. also continues to decrease, as most prisons within America currently continue to operate at levels….

Just from looking at the way these crime statistics compare to those of other similar-sized cities, it would be reasonable to assume that eaverton is slightly more affluent than average. The rate and type of crime is skewed more towards the profit-driven types of crime and less to those that are generally associated with "fits of passion," gang behavior, and drug use (especially murder and robbery).
The fact that eaverton keeps it crime rates so low with only one hundred and twenty officers (and twenty-nine civilians) is also a testament to the area's probable affluence. A comparison of this number to the number of officers in other cities makes it clear why crime is kept so low -- they have one of the highest number of officers per capita of any city in Oregon. For this reason, it seems reasonable to surmise that an adequate number of law enforcement officers….

ising U.S. Crime ate
Crime in the United States

Crime in the United States took a sharp uptick starting in the middle of the 20th century but has actually leveled off since then, at least for the most part. However, even with the moderation in crime, especially in larger cities that have traditionally been problematic, crime in some cities is still alarmingly high and there are some cultural and social trends that are becoming more and more prevalent and, by extension, more commonly talked about as well. This essay will explore a couple of the more notorious examples of this in motion.

Crime Falling

One study conducted for this research noted that predicting the crime rate at any given point in time can be exceedingly maddening to predict because of how a single happenstance or course of events can have a massive effect on the overall rates. The study uses the 1993 bombing attack….

Crime eporting
What Do You Think?

Crime eporting: UC and NCVS

The Uniform Crime eport is a compilation of offensives collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from all police stations in the United States. Data collected is divided into two groups, Part I and Part II. Part I data includes violent and property crimes such as aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, robbery, arson, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. Part II offenses include simple assault, curfew offenses and loitering, embezzlement, forgery and counterfeiting, disorderly conduct, driving under the influence, drug offenses, fraud, gambling, liquor offenses, offenses against the family, prostitution, public drunkenness, runaways, sex offenses, stolen property, vandalism, vagrancy, and weapons offenses ("Uniform Crime eports.," 2012).

The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is conducted by telephone and collects information on nonfatal crimes reported and not reported to the police against persons age twelve and older from a nationally representative sample of U.S.….

On March 9th, 2013, two New York City police officers shot and killed a sixteen-year-old Kimani Gray, and claimed afterward that he had brandished a handgun at them after being told to show his hands (Goodman, 2013). More remarkable than the New York Police Department's killing of a young black male, however, was the outpouring of community grief and anger that followed the shooting. The following Monday, March 11th, saw what started as a nighttime vigil turn into a mob, parts of which ended up looting a ite Aid chain store and a local bodega, and by Wednesday night of that week, forty-six people had been arrested, a bricks had been thrown at both a police officer and a police van (Goodman, 2013). The explosion of disorder and discontentment took some in the media and policing community by surprise, but these evens could only be surprising to someone lacking a….

In the beginning the main focus of the drug addiction theory was on the habituated pleasure reinforcement as well as the potential of the drug for the reward. Drug affects the dopamine receptors that are present in the brain and the individual is flooded with the desirable emotions by using dopamine, these desirable emotions are considered to be the reward for using the substance (Pinel, 2009). When the relationship of dopamine to the reward was recognized it was thought to be the major cause of addiction but when further researches were carried out, they showed that there were some other factors involved in the addiction as well.

When initially the psychotropic substance like cocaine or amphetamine is used, some changes take place in the brain and these changes then influence a cycle of addiction. Although different drugs have different probability of addiction but the individual characteristics like cognition, mental health, social….

Crime Maps

Crime maps offer a visual component to crime data and statistics. It allows criminologists, law enforcement analysts, and sociologists to understand the connections between demographic data and criminal incidents. However, sociologists and criminologists must be careful to refrain from drawing illogical conclusions or inferring a false causal relationship. In some cases, crime maps are more useful in terms of helping law enforcement officials allocate resources than they are in making assumptions about demographic components in crime. Crime maps can also be used to help public policy officials create more effective programs for a target demographic. In the case of iverside, there is no clear relationship between race and crime. Criminal incidents are scattered throughout the county. However, there are a few core regions of concern and both contain high numbers of non-blacks. This information suggests that African-American neighborhoods in iverside have lower rates of crime than non-black neighborhoods. Law enforcement….

Crime Punishment Philosophy
Since the beginning of the 70s, the number of people inducted in jails and state facilities has increased to an astonishing level. In the present, more than two million individuals are serving jail time in either jails or state prisons. The growth of crime rate and imprisonment can be greatly attributed to the African-American and Hispanic communities residing in the U.S., who still categorize as the poor communities in the urban areas of the country. Even though, the increasing number of arrests and incarceration should in theory have reduced the crime rate, considering that the incarcerated offenders are no longer free to rob, mug or assault (Ezorsky, 1972).

Historical Context of Crime elated Policies and Punishment

However, no large scale crime reduction was recorded till the 1990's, that's when an actual decrease in crime was observed throughout the country. The most important point to be noted here is that even….

By contrast, other studies have revealed that 69% of those committing violent crimes against whites are also white, and that 81% of those committing violent crimes against African-Americans are also African-Americans (Violent pp).
In 2004, Thomas B. Heffelfinger, the United States Attorney for the state of Minnesota, called for a major overhaul of the criminal law enforcement system in Indian Country, calling it a "national shame" (Federal pp). Heffelfinger said statistics reveal that Native American Indians and Alaska Natives are the victims of violent crime more than the any other group in the country, and that includes every crime, child abuse, sexual assault, homicide, assault, etc. (Federal pp).

Heffelfinger complained that the current system of law enforcement "is taking the leaders of our national tribes, making them victims of crime and sending them to prison" (Federal pp). Heffelfinger, who chairs the Native American Issues sub-committee for the Department of Justice, said….

Topic 1: The Root Causes of the Opioid Epidemic

Examine the complex interplay of factors contributing to the opioid epidemic, including the role of prescription practices, socioeconomic inequality, and the influence of pharmaceutical companies.

Topic 2: The Socioeconomic Impact of the Opioid Epidemic

Analyze the devastating consequences of the opioid epidemic on communities, including increased crime rates, poverty, and the strain on social services.

Topic 3: The Role of Prescription Practices in Fueling the Epidemic

Investigate the role of doctors, pharmacists, and the healthcare system in the overprescription of opioids and its impact on the epidemic.

Topic 4: The Failure of Law Enforcement....

1. The impact of Pembunuhan on society and communities
2. The psychology behind individuals who commit Pembunuhan
3. The role of media in glamorizing Pembunuhan
4. The ethical implications of capital punishment for Pembunuhan offenders
5. The connection between mental health issues and acts of Pembunuhan
6. The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for Pembunuhan offenders
7. The cultural and societal factors that contribute to acts of Pembunuhan
8. The depiction of Pembunuhan in literature and media
9. The prevalence of Pembunuhan in different regions and countries
10. The role of law enforcement and criminal justice systems in addressing and preventing Pembunuhan crimes.
11. The impact of societal stigma on individuals....

1. The effects of alcohol on the body and brain
2. The cultural significance of alcohol consumption in different societies
3. The history of alcohol prohibition and its impact on society
4. The relationship between alcohol consumption and mental health issues
5. Alcohol advertising and its influence on consumer behavior
6. The role of alcohol in social settings and its impact on social dynamics
7. Alcohol addiction and treatment options
8. The legal drinking age and arguments for/against lowering or raising it
9. Alcohol-related violence and its consequences
10. The economics of the alcohol industry and its impact on society.
11. The impact of alcohol on relationships and family dynamics

1. The impact of gentrification on affordable housing availability
2. The role of government policies in creating and maintaining affordable housing
3. The challenges faced by low-income families in accessing affordable housing
4. The importance of affordable housing in promoting social and economic equity
5. The relationship between affordable housing and homelessness
6. The effects of rising housing costs on communities and urban development
7. Strategies for increasing affordable housing options in high-demand areas
8. The benefits of mixed-income housing developments for neighborhoods and residents
9. The relationship between affordable housing and public health outcomes
10. The future of affordable housing in the face of growing population and urbanization....

5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Rates and Abandoned Buildings Is There

Words: 1399
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime ates and Abandoned Buildings Is there a relationship between crime rates and abandoned buildings? Theoretical background A vast portion of research on crime and its relation with location is centered at…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime Rates and Trends

Words: 622
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Virginia Beach, VA: Crime ates and Trends eviewing the rape, robbery and murder trends for Virginia Beach, VA is incredibly revelatory. According to the website, Virginia Beach has a…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminology Clearance and Crime Rates

Words: 2911
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In fact, and quite surprisingly, one of the key findings of the Rand Report was that 50% of the nation's detectives could be eliminated without having a significant…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Economy on Crime Rates it

Words: 3250
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The increased expectation of lawful income will reduce the temptation of illegitimate activity. This is referred to as the 'motivation effect. The opportunity effect is a long- term influence…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

International Crime Rates Crime Rates International Crime

Words: 2783
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

International Crime Rates Crime rates International Crime Rates: Germany, France, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & the United States of America Comparative Essay The legal systems in the United States, Germany, France, and…

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10 Pages

American History

Effects of Immigration on U S Crime Rates

Words: 3208
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Immigration on U.S. Crime Rates Immigration in the United States of America Structure of Immigration Impact of Immigration on the Crime rates of the United States of America Conclusion and Policy Implications Immigration…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Overcrowding Costs Crime Rates

Words: 1215
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American Corrections System Prisons are so overcrowded within the states that typically "only one criminal is jailed for every one hundred violent crimes committed" (Economist, 1996). Many violent criminal offenders…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Rate Analysis of Beaverton

Words: 483
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Just from looking at the way these crime statistics compare to those of other similar-sized cities, it would be reasonable to assume that eaverton is slightly more affluent…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Rising U S Crime Rate Crime in the

Words: 1652
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ising U.S. Crime ate Crime in the United States Crime in the United States took a sharp uptick starting in the middle of the 20th century but has actually leveled off…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Reporting What Do You Think Crime

Words: 640
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime eporting What Do You Think? Crime eporting: UC and NCVS The Uniform Crime eport is a compilation of offensives collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from all police stations…

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18 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime on March 9th 2013 Two New

Words: 5716
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Crime On March 9th, 2013, two New York City police officers shot and killed a sixteen-year-old Kimani Gray, and claimed afterward that he had brandished a handgun at them after…

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7 Pages
Article Review

Sports - Drugs

Crime in the Beginning the Main Focus

Words: 1861
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Article Review

Crime In the beginning the main focus of the drug addiction theory was on the habituated pleasure reinforcement as well as the potential of the drug for the reward. Drug…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Maps

Words: 601
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime maps offer a visual component to crime data and statistics. It allows criminologists, law enforcement analysts, and sociologists to understand the connections between demographic data and criminal incidents.…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Punishment Philosophy Since the Beginning of

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime Punishment Philosophy Since the beginning of the 70s, the number of people inducted in jails and state facilities has increased to an astonishing level. In the present, more than…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Crime-Native Americans Crime Issues for

Words: 557
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

By contrast, other studies have revealed that 69% of those committing violent crimes against whites are also white, and that 81% of those committing violent crimes against African-Americans…

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