Criminal Justice Management Essays (Examples)

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Criminal Justice Management
Mapping Crime Hotspots to Deter Crime

educing crime is a constant concern of law enforcement and community leaders. Police strategies for reducing crime rely heavily on deterrence, in the form of police patrols (reviewed by Koper, 1995, p. 649-650). esearch has shown that a police presence reminds offenders and potential offenders of the certainty of punishment, which is a more effective deterrent than the promised severity of a punishment. The findings from early studies on the effectiveness of police patrols as a crime deterrent were mixed, but with publication of a well-controlled Kansas City study in 1986 the debate moved on to what factors influence the deterrence effect.

Of the variables that have been found to influence criminal activity, geographic location stands out (Koper, 1995, p. 652). A study done in Minneapolis revealed that just 3.3% of the city's addresses and intersections accounted for over 50% of the requests for….

In fact, the study showed that most citizens in Kansas City couldn't even tell when the frequency of police patrols were increased or decreased. The conclusions were clear to me that the increase in police patrols did not significantly deter crime.
Yet, still, we continue to practice such increased police presence strategies. Personally, I believe this is more to help ease citizens and tax payers' minds. With the police forces having huge budgets, increased police presence is a shallow way to make it look like those budgets are actually doing something positive for the community.

ssignment 3: Rand Study

The Rand study of 1976 examined municipal and county police and how these agencies were productive in enforcing local laws. The study examined the process of individual investigators and departments and the processes they implemented in the process of trying to solve crimes. The study used statistical data, interviews, and observations to record….

Furthermore, several of the partnerships that COPS agencies were able to produce within their disparate communities were little more than simple name recognition, and were not able to produce a significantly impactful relationship between those agencies and the surrounding communities. This lack of a true cooperative partnership also accounts for why the research conducted for the COPS program did not truly have as successful an impact as it probably could have had.
The strengths of CompStat policing is that it fosters a spirit of competition amongst precinct leaders to reduce crime in their precinct. Knowing that their jobs are on the line based on how successful they are with this task, precinct leaders have a great deal of motivation and management of resources to reduce criminal activity within their jurisdiction. The major limitation is that some criminal behavior -- such as the car thefts and the incidents of stalker reports….

Rather, research findings should be available in a more condense manner, with options for greater detail provided for later review. Annual or semiannual journals could be disseminated that contain the latest research findings. This would make the process of reading and keeping up-to-date with research findings easier to do in the actual field and can be logged for use later in the creation of more specific strategies.
Lum presents her idea that something as serious as policing must be tied to more reliable and valid measurements. Law enforcement is a very complex concept, and must be approached with the same scientific reasoning that other complex sciences must. This has led to many within the field to continue working on more evidence-based practices. Such methods have proven successful in strategies such as increasing citizen policing measures where residents are more supportive in law enforcement strategies. As such, Lum helps construct a….

Criminal Justice Management and Administration
The objective of this work in writing is to describe the historical and theoretical development of organizational management and to list and summarize the most common positions, functions and positions in various Criminal Justice Organizations.

The work of Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas (2008) reports that criminal justice administration Management "has come a long way since the President's Commission in 1967 called for a closer look at the administration of criminal justice organizations. Concerns about effective management practices are still central to criminal justice professionals, as well as to the academic researchers who must evaluate and question their methods." Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas define organization and state that the term organization hinges on "three important issues: (1) structure; (2) purpose; and (3) activity. (2008) These three issues serve to shape the organizational view. Organizations are stated to be "fascinating beast[s]" and of the nature that develops cultures that….

Policy Analysis: Interior Enforcement of the Employment of Immigrants
Criminal Justice

History of the Problem and Need for Change

Problem Scope.

In 2004, three U.S. companies were issued penalty notices by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for knowingly employing unauthorized workers (Porter, 2006). At the time, demographers estimated that six to seven million illegal immigrants were employed in the America -- that number is approximately equivalent to 5% of the U.S. workforce (Porter, 2006). In 2007, DHS reported that 275,000 non-citizen immigrants were caused to leave the U.S. By DHS action (Lee, 2009). In 2009, the unauthorized immigrant population was believed to stand at approximately 12 million (Lee, 2009). In April 2009, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, instructed United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to intensify targeted investigation of employers who knowingly hire unauthorized workers. During 2010, ICE broke its record for criminal prosecutions related….

They use the one-way system of communication. Such communication implies that they do not consult with the other members of the organization on critical issues that affect organizational performance. Autocratic leaders consider employee motivation to arise from the provision of structures rewards and punishments. They perform their tasks by using threats and punishment to evoke fear among the employees. In addition, these leaders focus on dealing with their assigned duties rather than developmental activities. Autocratic leadership is undesirable for the organization because it does not focus on empowering the junior followers and fails to recognize their varied personal and professional needs (Mary & Peter, 2014).
Democratic leadership is defined as the leadership that takes into consideration the opinions of the employees for decision-making. A democratic leader emphasizes on great participation of the employees and the other stakeholders in decision-making. They constantly seek other people's views on the actions adopted by….

Richard Allen, the state's prisons commissioner, said ednesday the change is meant to reduce overtime, and should save the state $3 million to $4 million a year. 'e don't have any choice about it,' Allen said. 'e've got to save money. e've got to do some things that are out of the box, and this is one of them'" (Diel 2008). Corrections officers have naturally protested this measure, citing the dangers of the job and the impact upon the quality of their health and financial lives.
Alabama is not alone. In Florida budget cutbacks were blamed recently when "A Florida correctional officer was killed on the job last week" (Ray 2008). Even though corrections officer positions have not been eliminated in the state of Florida, an expanding prison population coupled with a refusal to add more positions have lead to understaffed prisons and overworked, tired officers. In other states, cutbacks….

Under the stewardship of Police Commissioner Howard Safir, the NYPD began analyzing daily crime statistics collected from its 40,000 officers throughout the five boroughs of New York City and generating computer modeling of crime trends in a system dubbed CompStat that allowed the accurate identification of crime trends with pinpoint accuracy, often permitting nearly as precise predictive modeling via extrapolation (Safir, 2003).
The other main benefit and purpose of CompStat was that is enabled police administrators to grade the performance of every precinct according to any criteria defined by policy considerations. That aspect of CompStat is relied upon heavily by NYPD administration to the extent that Commissioner Safir reassigned, removed, or demoted fifty-four precinct commanders during his tenure as commissioner between 1996 and 2000 (Safir, 2003). Naturally, the technical means of data collection and analysis techniques differ quite profoundly from those available to previous generations of police administrators, but the….

Examples of offenses that are based on constitutional endowments of right contain tax evasion, possessing illegal substances and conspiring to violate civil rights. Courts have specified on the whole a wide explanation to the Commerce Clause authority, allowing Congress to create a federal offense of many widespread law crimes such as kidnapping or murder if state outline are fractious during commission of the crime and such as misappropriation and blackmail using instrumentalities of trade such as telephone lines or the U.S. post. Examples of offenses that are based on regions owned by or under the restricted power of the federal government contain crimes committed in the District of Columbia, in U.S. Territories, in U.S. National Parks, in federal courthouses and federal jails plus on board airplanes and ocean going ships. The United States armed force has its own immoral justice system applicable to its members, but civilians might be….

Other specific risks to patrol officers, including those operating in pairs, include standard procedures suggested by past studies of the circumstances in which attacks on officers have occurred. For example, interviews with prisoners who assaulted officers during their arrests disclosed that many such attacks were initiated by the subject upon realization that their arrest was imminent. In many cases, it was the radio transmission alerting the officers of the subject's wanted status that was overheard by the subject.

Effective risk management in this regard led to the use of police codes, both for the officer to alert dispatch that the subject was in hearing range, and also for police dispatchers to advise officers as to the subject's status without alerting the offender simultaneously (Sweeney, 2005).

Likewise, other specific risks associated with the policing and correctional environment are effectively reduced by the application of risk management principles, including the prohibition of firearms within….

As an alternative, on the foundation of information obtained from confidential informants, the government petitioned the district court to give permission for the placement of an electronic surveillance wire tap on Jesus Zambrana's private telephone. Information obtained over this wire tap led law enforcement officers to think that Ernest Lonzo and another unidentified person were carrying narcotics from Miami, Florida, to Jesus Zambrana's house in Gary, Indiana.
On the foundation of this wire tap information, DEA agents, with the help of police officers from Lake County, Indiana, and East Chicago, Indiana, began the surveillance of Interstate Highway I-65 in the area of Crown Point, Indian. Prior to starting the surveillance, a DEA agent met with Lake County, Indiana, police officers and gave them a list of five people suspected as being involved in the carrying of narcotics between Florida and Indiana, as well as a list of four vehicles thought….

However, as criminals become more aware of undercover tactics, the covert officer is required to provide more and more proof that he is indeed a criminal- which leads to the officer committing acts that compromise his or her integrity for the sake of maintaining cover. y understanding the often conflicting nature of these goals, deception and integrity, we can see how an undercover officer can become confused, lost, and susceptible to temptation (i.e. criminal behavior).
y examining both aspects- environmental factors and personality factors- we take into account both sides of a complex relationship. These two groups of factors, when combined together, shed some light on the exact nature of criminal tendencies amongst police officers.

Definition of Terms

Covert: another term for undercover, meaning the use of deception for the purpose of gathering information or intelligence.

Non-covert: police officers that, even in plain clothes, maintain their own true identity instead of a false….

Patterns Juvenile Delinquency Throughout the World/How Determine Who Juvenile?

Patterns in juvenile delinquency also vary throughout the world, as do the way countries define "delinquency" among juveniles. The Japanese according to Platt (2005) have taken on a much more philosophical approach to juvenile delinquency, supporting a Confucian style structure of education and support, one that works toward educating children to become part of the larger social collective (p. 965). In this environment, children are encouraged to become more socially aware and to self-regulate, often given the opportunity to reform before they are punished for wrongdoings.

This conflicts sharply with juvenile delinquency programs and structures elsewhere in the world. In Australia, juvenile delinquency is often associated with being a member of a juvenile gang, which is defined as "youth hanging out on the streets with gang activity" or street activity that has the potential to lead to mischievous behaviors (Duffy & Gillig, 2004,….

This study indicates that introducing new policing methods can be extremely problematic, (at least in the CMP organization), and that it can lead to dissention in departments and even in executive areas. It also shows a shift in overall thinking and governance to a more liberal outlook, both on crime and in the public, and it seems this shift is likely to continue. This seems to be a result of an overall shift in the public's awareness and needs in policing, and it should continue in the future. This seems to be continued in the public outcry and legislative response introducing legislation to get tougher on crime, as well.

Finally, the final article expresses the views of Canadians on three key issues: sentencing severity, the purposes of sentencing, and mandatory sentences of imprisonment. Canadians over the past 30 years have felt these issues are too lenient, and this continues, even though….

6 Pages
Article Review

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Management

Words: 1991
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Article Review

Criminal Justice Management Mapping Crime Hotspots to Deter Crime educing crime is a constant concern of law enforcement and community leaders. Police strategies for reducing crime rely heavily on deterrence, in…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Management Intelligence Led

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In fact, the study showed that most citizens in Kansas City couldn't even tell when the frequency of police patrols were increased or decreased. The conclusions were clear…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Management Reading Articles

Words: 943
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Furthermore, several of the partnerships that COPS agencies were able to produce within their disparate communities were little more than simple name recognition, and were not able to…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Management Policing Matrix

Words: 1341
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Rather, research findings should be available in a more condense manner, with options for greater detail provided for later review. Annual or semiannual journals could be disseminated that…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Criminal Justice Management and Administration

Words: 2074
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Criminal Justice Management and Administration The objective of this work in writing is to describe the historical and theoretical development of organizational management and to list and summarize the most…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Criminal Justice Management Issues

Words: 2099
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Policy Analysis: Interior Enforcement of the Employment of Immigrants Criminal Justice History of the Problem and Need for Change Problem Scope. In 2004, three U.S. companies were issued penalty notices by the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Criminal Justice Organization Forms and Leadership Styles

Words: 1262
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They use the one-way system of communication. Such communication implies that they do not consult with the other members of the organization on critical issues that affect organizational…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Administration Corrections Officers

Words: 1001
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Richard Allen, the state's prisons commissioner, said ednesday the change is meant to reduce overtime, and should save the state $3 million to $4 million a year. 'e…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice - Evaluations Evaluation

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Under the stewardship of Police Commissioner Howard Safir, the NYPD began analyzing daily crime statistics collected from its 40,000 officers throughout the five boroughs of New York City…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Is the Coordination

Words: 2218
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Examples of offenses that are based on constitutional endowments of right contain tax evasion, possessing illegal substances and conspiring to violate civil rights. Courts have specified on the…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice - Risk Management

Words: 892
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Other specific risks to patrol officers, including those operating in pairs, include standard procedures suggested by past studies of the circumstances in which attacks on officers have occurred. For…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Organized Crime the

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As an alternative, on the foundation of information obtained from confidential informants, the government petitioned the district court to give permission for the placement of an electronic surveillance…

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35 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Forensics Undercover Is a

Words: 11198
Length: 35 Pages
Type: Thesis

However, as criminals become more aware of undercover tactics, the covert officer is required to provide more and more proof that he is indeed a criminal- which leads…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Substantive vs Procedural

Words: 1473
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Patterns Juvenile Delinquency Throughout the World/How Determine Who Juvenile? Patterns in juvenile delinquency also vary throughout the world, as do the way countries define "delinquency" among juveniles. The Japanese according…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Critique on Policing

Words: 1055
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This study indicates that introducing new policing methods can be extremely problematic, (at least in the CMP organization), and that it can lead to dissention in departments and even…

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