Crisis Communication Essays (Examples)

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Crisis Communication

Crisis communication is the official reaction to a business or industry situation that runs the risk of escalating intensity, falling under close media or government scrutiny, interfering with the normal operations of a business, jeopardizing the positive public image presently enjoyed by the company or its officers, and damaging a company's bottom line in any way. Usually falling under the domain of public relations, a crisis communication plan is essential for any business, large or small, since one can never predict when a crisis may hit an organization.
Crisis communication will become more important as technology continues to advance in the future. During a crisis, a company needs to be able to:

espond quickly to the mainstream media, social media, and the Internet

Calm upset employees, clients and officials

Minimize damage to their reputation and their ability to continue to do business once the crisis is over.

Crisis communication is something that needs to be….

Crisis Communication
Communication is an essential component of effective crisis management. This is especially the case in a situation where the basic needs, health, and lives of thousands or even millions are at stake. In a situation where the water supply is at risk, for example, it is essential to establish a communication plan as soon as the risk becomes known. In this way any preventable cases of illness or death can be mitigated. When the risk of water supply contamination by a biological agent becomes known, for example, the main requirement is to communicate this to as large a proportion of the affected public as possible while minimizing the risk of panic or false information. To do this effectively, a sequence of risk-related communication needs to be implemented, including the choice of a risk communication team, communication to the public via the press and via information technology.

The first step of….

Crisis Communications for Globecell
Selection of Communications Channels

Effects on the Brand, Customers and Broader Business Environment

Online Strategy Definition

ecommendations and Future Direction

In any public relations crisis it is best to always err on the side of safety for customers first, seeking to re-establish credibility and win back the trust lost. Credibility is the currency that crises are paid for with (Duke, Masland, 2002). Trust has to be earned and kept to win back the confidence of customers, and that is the objective of this crisis communications plan for Globecell. As social networks are amplifying and at times exaggerating the severity of this issue, industry analysts, bloggers and industry influencers need to be contacted and debriefed on this crisis. Prior to that however, a thorough investigation of how key components from suppliers made it through quality assurance and supplier audits needs to be completed. It is the intention of this plan to deliver….

Crisis Communication: Overcoming Barriers When Crafting an Effective isk Communication Strategy
When a disaster strikes, there is no time for planning, and what is already in place must therefore suffice. One of the most important factors to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was the need for more effective communications between the relief agencies, U.S. military and civil law enforcement. Effective communications between these agencies and the people that needed help was clearly required but the implications of this failure were played out in the international media and calls for reform have become increasingly louder in response. To determine what could have been done differently to ensure that effective crisis communications were in place, this study provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed literature to determine the background of the problem and what the experts are advising, followed by a summary of the research in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Background and….

Crisis Communications: An Examination of the SARS Outbreak and Implications for Communications
The SARS outbreak of 2003 presented a definite crisis for the Centers for Disease Control. Not only was the potential for an epidemic a matter of immediate practical concern, but the organization had to deal with inaccurate and incomplete information coming from China (where the outbreak originated), a lack of knowledge regarding he disease itself, and other complicating factors that limited the avenues of action that could be taken. The communications aspect of this crisis was especially important, as it was only through proper public warning and education that the outbreak could be effectively controlled and a true epidemic avoided, while at the same time the reputation of the CDC was at stake. The following pages will examine the communications implications of this crisis.

Identifying the Crisis

The SARS crisis is not easily defined according to the categories presented. In part….

crisis communication policy and strategy for GCCPL
In personal and in professional life, often times it's not the contents of the crisis which matter so much, but they way in which the professionals who are in charge of it handle the particular crisis. Thus, it's not the scandal or the catastrophe which matters so much, but the method in which the scandal or catastrophe is responded to. The response is what showcases the level of integrity and professionalism inherent (or lacking) within a particular organization.

espond Immediately

An immediate response is what is expected of everyone. Given the speed at which information is conveyed and disseminated this day and age that is the minimum expectation for all parties involved. However, not responding quickly enough also presents a formidable danger as well. "If a company does not respond rapidly, that weakness will also be spread rapidly and will be dissected again and again"….

This second violent incident forced Stoops to take a harder stand against one of his most popular players and suspend him."
Sooners used a crisis management plan to deal with the university's decision, in an effort to prevent bad publicity for the school and the team (Forde, 2004). The following describes how the university handled the crisis the day before it hit the newsstands. In the early afternoon, OU issued a release saying that it had suspended Dvoracek indefinitely and replaced him as captain. The action had been implemented by coach Bob Stoops a few days earlier, but it wasn't made public until the day before the weekend Oregon game.

The school was prepared for the news to create a major rise across the state, starting with the evening newscasts (Forde, 2004). However, the situation did not end there, with the university's release and a canned statement from Stoops. In the….


Natural Disaster
In August 2016, the state of Louisiana experienced catastrophic flooding, specifically at Baton Rouge and Lafayette areas. The flooding, rated as the most terrible natural disaster since the 2012 Hurricane Sandy, resulted in 10 deaths and destruction of property worth billions of dollars, leaving thousands of residents homeless. The situation presented a major crisis for organizations mandated with disaster response, particularly the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA). Many agencies and people have criticized FEMA for not attending to the disaster with adequate urgency, as well as for its failure to warn the residents adequately prior to the storm. Such criticism often puts the reputation of disaster response organizations at stake. FEMA may be subject to greater public pressure, leading to internal reorganization and even dismissal of some officials.
Public Health and Safety

In February 2016, Johnson & Johnson, a multinational firm involved in manufacturing medical devices as well as pharmaceutical and….

Business Crises Evaluation

Crisis Management
Argenti raises many sound points regarding the proper protocol during crisis management. The bulk of chapter ten demonstrates a sound understanding of how crises unfold, and how every crisis is different. While this is true, there are still strong areas of overlap among crises. "Few circumstances test a company's reputation or competency as severely as a crisis. Whether the impact is immediate or sustained over months and years, a crisis affects stakeholders within and outside of a company" (Weiner, 2006). In such a case, clients cancel orders and cancel subscriptions. Employees start asking questions or worse, quitting. Competitors start circling like sharks and government agencies and other regulators often start knocking, with attorneys at their heel (Weiner, 2006). Given all the aggravated circumstances connected to a crisis and the variety of ways that any potential crisis could be handled, Argenti makes a continually strong and pervasive argument about how….

Crisis Incidents

Crisis Incidents
The last decade has been riddled with crisis on the global as well as domestic scale. Crisis on many fronts have been noticed for instance natural calamities, terrorism issues, scandals, technological issues and financial disarray. Even so, most leaders aren't fully up to the task in terms of leading a company or society, in general, out of a crisis successfully. Experts at the start of this decade went hand in hand to eliminate the Y2K bug, which became the first Internet crisis. On September 11, 2001, the terrorist attacks in New York City on World Trade Center threw U.S. off balance. Next, the Katrina Hurricane struck with full vengeance in the gulf region which tore apart communities as we know it. The Tsunami of 2004 was another tragic event which rendered millions of people homeless. Last but the not the least, the recession of 2008 shutdown major corporations as….

Case Study 2 is about Mr. Jones, the "fragile adult." ecently, a neighbor has brought attention to a case involving Mr. Jones and has asked for a crisis worker to help. Mr. Jones is an elder who lives alone, but whose son has been seen occasionally visiting. The neighbor and Mr. Jones go have coffee together regularly, but Mr. Jones has not wanted to meet in two months and no longer invites the neighbor inside the house. The neighbor claims that there are new bruises on Mr. Jones's face. The crisis worker should employ the ABC model in this case.

The ABC method of crisis intervention is a three-stage process for a brief and focused procedure. Although there are three distinct steps, the text points out that it is sometimes necessary to use the interview components of each step at any time in order to achieve goals (p. 2). Thus, it….

Communication in Organizations
Define organizational culture and provide analysis of organizational culture relating to role, power, people and task culture as discussed by Charles B. Handy (1994) "Understanding Organizations"

Organizational culture is many things including the values and behaviors an organization and its members adopt to create the environment in which they work. esearchers have struggled for decades to define organizational culture as one thing or another. They have also worked diligently to define what skills or components are necessary to promote a successful 'culture' within an organization. To understand how organizational culture can benefit any enterprise one must first define organizational culture.

Organizational culture is defined differently depending on who you talk to. There are several consensus opinions however about what organizational culture includes. Organizational culture includes the morals, values, beliefs and strategies a firm and its employees or managers adopt to conduct business successfully (Bonache & Cabrera, 1999). To that extent….

Crisis Negotiation Team
Employment Memorandum

Our organization has been provided funding for a crisis negotiation team. There will be several roles within this team that will need to be filled. The team will be composed of three to five people; the FBI recommends two people as a bare minimum however generally there is a bare minimum of three people required (McMains & Mulins, 2010). The team members must be able to perform many roles within the team. Some of the tasks that will be required include (McMains & Mulins, 2010):

Gather intelligence about the incident, the hostage taker, the hostages, etc.

Develop tactics that will defuse the incident, influence the hostage taker, and reduce the risk of loss of life.

Establish communication with the hostage taker.

Record relevant intelligence information.

Keep a record of the negotiations, including demands and promises.

Maintain equipment.

Coordinate and communicate with incident commander and tactical team.

The roles that must be filled within the team….

Leaders who are fluent in crisis management are not afraid of crises because they have engaged in the necessary planning and preparation, have a number of coping skills to deal with a variety of scenarios, and are skilled at turning potential negatives into positives. They are adaptable, and can quickly readjust strategies to suit present needs, rather than remain stuck in one specific plan for the future.
Another critical aspect of effective crisis leadership that also has applications in day-to-day leadership is the need for participatory strategies, to get all members of the organization 'on board' with the leader's plan. Participatory leadership requires soliciting input from different members of the organization to create a holistic plan of attack, and draws upon a variety of perspectives, avoiding tunnel vision. Using participatory strategies increase organizational members' sense of investment and 'buy-in' with a crisis prevention or management plan. It might be protested….

Communication Management and Organizational Change
Communication management in the organization and most specifically in the organizational change environment is critically important. The work of Heathfield entitled "Communication in Change Management" state that it is impossible to "over-communicate when you are asking your organization to change." (2011, p.1) According to Heathfield, there are four critical components of effective communication as follows:

(1) The person sending the message must ensure that the message is presented clearly with great detail and that the message be perceived as containing integrity and that the message be authentic;

(2) The individual reading the message must make the decision to listen and to ask questions to ensure clarity and finally must trust the message's sender;

(3) The method of delivery must be chosen as appropriate for the context and for the needs of the sender and receiver of the message;

(4) The message content must resonate and connect with the pre-formed beliefs….

1. "Efficiency and Effectiveness in Public Administration: Balancing the Balance"
2. "The Role of Technology in Modern Public Administration"
3. "Ethical Dilemmas and Challenges in Public Administration"
4. "Accountability and Transparency in Public Administration"
5. "Public-Private Partnerships in Public Administration: A Win-Win Solution"
6. "Ensuring Equity and Social Justice in Public Administration"
7. "The Role of Leadership in Transforming Public Administration"
8. "Environmental Sustainability and Public Administration: A Call to Action"
9. "Managing Crisis and Disaster Response in Public Administration"
10. "The Future of Public Administration: Trends and Innovations"
11. "Governance and Public Administration: Navigating the Complex Relationship"
12. "Budgeting and Financial Management in Public Administration"
13. "The Impact of Globalization on....

5 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Crisis Communication

Words: 1703
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Crisis communication is the official reaction to a business or industry situation that runs the risk of escalating intensity, falling under close media or government scrutiny, interfering with the…

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3 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Crisis Communication Is an Essential Component of

Words: 1082
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Crisis Communication Communication is an essential component of effective crisis management. This is especially the case in a situation where the basic needs, health, and lives of thousands or even…

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6 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Crisis Communications for Globecell Selection of Communications

Words: 1842
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Crisis Communications for Globecell Selection of Communications Channels Effects on the Brand, Customers and Broader Business Environment Online Strategy Definition ecommendations and Future Direction In any public relations crisis it is best to always…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Crisis Communication Overcoming Barriers When Crafting an Effective Risk Communication Strategy

Words: 2389
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Crisis Communication: Overcoming Barriers When Crafting an Effective isk Communication Strategy When a disaster strikes, there is no time for planning, and what is already in place must therefore suffice.…

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4 Pages


Crisis Communications An Examination of the SARS

Words: 1075
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Crisis Communications: An Examination of the SARS Outbreak and Implications for Communications The SARS outbreak of 2003 presented a definite crisis for the Centers for Disease Control. Not only was…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Crisis Communication Policy and Strategy for GCCPL

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

crisis communication policy and strategy for GCCPL In personal and in professional life, often times it's not the contents of the crisis which matter so much, but they way…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Communication Strategies Used in Crisis

Words: 2218
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This second violent incident forced Stoops to take a harder stand against one of his most popular players and suspend him." Sooners used a crisis management plan to deal…

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4 Pages



Words: 1195
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Natural Disaster In August 2016, the state of Louisiana experienced catastrophic flooding, specifically at Baton Rouge and Lafayette areas. The flooding, rated as the most terrible natural disaster since the…

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5 Pages


Business Crises Evaluation

Words: 1565
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Crisis Management Argenti raises many sound points regarding the proper protocol during crisis management. The bulk of chapter ten demonstrates a sound understanding of how crises unfold, and how every…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Crisis Incidents

Words: 2652
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Crisis Incidents The last decade has been riddled with crisis on the global as well as domestic scale. Crisis on many fronts have been noticed for instance natural calamities, terrorism…

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6 Pages
Case Study


Crisis Case Study 2 Is About Mr

Words: 1893
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Crisis Case Study 2 is about Mr. Jones, the "fragile adult." ecently, a neighbor has brought attention to a case involving Mr. Jones and has asked for a crisis worker…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Communication in Organizations

Words: 2672
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Communication in Organizations Define organizational culture and provide analysis of organizational culture relating to role, power, people and task culture as discussed by Charles B. Handy (1994) "Understanding Organizations" Organizational culture…

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2 Pages


Crisis Negotiation Team Employment Memorandum Our Organization

Words: 448
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Crisis Negotiation Team Employment Memorandum Our organization has been provided funding for a crisis negotiation team. There will be several roles within this team that will need to be filled. The…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Crisis Leadership Competence An Important

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Leaders who are fluent in crisis management are not afraid of crises because they have engaged in the necessary planning and preparation, have a number of coping skills…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Communication Management and Change

Words: 2369
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Communication Management and Organizational Change Communication management in the organization and most specifically in the organizational change environment is critically important. The work of Heathfield entitled "Communication in Change Management"…

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