Crohn's Disease
An Overview of the Most Pertinent Facts Relating to Crohn's Disease
Crohn's Disease Affects the Digestive System (Journey with Crohn's, N.d.)
Crohn's disease is a serious condition that afflicts roughly half a million people in North America alone. The disease affects the bowels of a patient, anywhere between the mouth all the way to the anus, and has a wide range of symptoms associated with it. Some of the symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, skin problems, arthritis, eye inflammation, lethargy, and concentration issues. Although the disease is produced by a bacterial which is introduced to the body through the environment, there are certain risks factors that make people susceptible to the disease. For example, there seems to be a genetic component to the disease and people with a family history of the disease are more susceptible to contracting the condition. Certain lifestyle choices can also be a factor.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Boye, B., Lundin, K., Leganger, S., Mokleby, K., Tangen, T.J., Pripp, A., . . . Jahnsen, J. (2011). INSPIRE study: does stress management improve the course of inflammatory bowel disease and disease-specific quality of life in distressed patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease? A randomized controlled trial. Inflammatory bowel diseases, 1863-1873.
Cho, J. (2001). The Nod2 gene in Crohn's disease: implications for future research into the genetics and immunology of Crohn's disease. . Inflammatory Bowel, 271-275.
Journey with Crohn's. (N.d.). What is Crohns Disease? Retrieved from Journey with Crohns:
Koutrooubakis, I., Manousos, O., Meuwissen, S., & Pena, A. (1996). Environmental risk factors in inflammatory bowel disease. Department of Gastroenterology, 381-393.
Cronh's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Background
Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis are the major forms of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in the western world, and occur in young adults with an estimated prevalence of more than one per thousand inhabitants (Hugot, et al., 1996). These diseases can affect any portion of the gastrointestinal system all the way from the mouth to the anus and are associated with many other medical problems such as arthritis, skin condition, cancer, and kidney stones. Ulcerative Colitis is most likely to be diagnosed in early adolescence while Cronh's Disease is more likely to be diagnosed between the ages of fifteen and thirty but can more rarely be diagnosed later in life. Both of these diseases are still being researched thoroughly and many questions remain.
The most common symptoms of IBD include abdominal pain, cramping, and diarrhea. In some more severe cases symptoms may also include…...
mlaWorks Cited
Anderson, C., & al, e. (2009). Investigation of Crohn's Disease Risk Loci in Ulcerative Colitis Further Defines Their Molecular Relationship . Gastroenterology, 523-529.
Columbia St. Mary's. (N.d.). Differences Between Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Retrieved from Gastroenterology Services:
Hugot, J., Puig, P.R., Olson, J., Lee, J.B., naom, I.D., Gossum, A., . . . Thomas, G. (1996). Mapping of a susceptibility locus for Crohn's disease on chromosome 16. Nature, 821-823.
Shaw, S., Blanchard, J., & Bernstein, C. (2011). Association Between the Use of Antibiotics and New Diagnoses of Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2133-2142.
Case Study: Crohns DiseaseCrohns disease can often be difficult to diagnose, given it shares many similarities with inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, a 27-year-old man with Crohns disease has been admitted to the emergency room. Crohns disease is usually initially treated with drug therapy, although depending upon its severity, surgical intervention may be required. Though most patients respond to medical therapy, mainly steroids, with the addition of immunomodulators and more recently biologics agents, surgical intervention is usually required only for obstructing gastroduodenal disease secondary to strictures (Schwartzberg et al., 2019, p. 231). Asking the patient if he has had any surgery, a review of his drug treatment regime, and the degree to which he has been adhering to it (and when he discontinued specific medications) before abandoning it would all be essential in a first interview.One advantage for the patient in this instance…...
Chiba, M., Nakane, K., & Komatsu, M. (2018). Lifestyle medicine in inflammatory bowel disease. The Permanente Journal, 22, 18–062.
Cleveland, K.A., Motter, T., Smith, Y., (2019, May 31). Affordable care: Harnessing the power of Nurses. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 24 (2) DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol24No02Man02
Khademian, Z., Kazemi Ara, F., & Gholamzadeh, S. (2020). The effect of self-care education based on Orem’s nursing theory on quality of life and self-efficacy in patients with hypertension: A quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery, 8(2), 140–149.
Crohn's Disease In Canada
Crohn's disease has another name of regional enteritis. It is an intestinal disease which is inflammatory and can affect different parts of the gastrointestinal tract which can be from mouth to the anus having array of symptoms. Its effects are pain in the abdomen, diarrhea which when is at the worst inflammation it can contain blood in the diarrhea, vomiting and all these may result to weight loss. There are also effects on the outside part of gastrointestinal tract like arthritis, skin rashes, tiredness, inflammation of the eyes and lack of concentration.
Crohn's disease is considered to be a disease of autoimmune where the immune system of the body infects the gastrointestinal tract which causes inflammation making it to be classified as inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn's disease has genetic connection, making the sibling afflicted with the disease at high risk. It is considered to contain a broad…...
Bernstein, Charles N.; Wajda, A; Svenson, LW; Mackenzie, A; Koehoorn, M; Jackson, M; Fedorak, R; Israel, D et al.( July 2006). ("The epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease in Canada: a population-based study." The American Journal of Gastroenterology
Fix, Oren K.; Jorge A. Soto, Charles W. Andrews and Francis A. Farraye (2004). "Gastroduodenal Crohn's disease." Gastrointestinel Endoscopy 60 (6): 985.
Loftus, E.V.; P. Schoenfeld, W.J. Sandborn (January 2002). "The epidemiology and natural history of Crohn's disease in population-based patient cohorts from North America: a systematic review." Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Rod Riley 1990 'Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis morbilty and mortality' Health rep.
The study supports the findings of the recent NF-kB research given that infliximab neutralizes an inflammation-causing protein called tumor necrosis factor alpha. This protein regulates "a common inflammation pathway that just happens to be important in Crohn's disease," suggesting that a specific, targeted molecular approach to treatment may be more helpful for Crohn's patients than steroids (Seppa 2008)
Future drugs, however, could directly address the problems regarding NF-kB, rather than simply treating the symptoms of inflammation. "NF-kB acts as a survival signal for cells. ithout the molecule cells are much more likely to die and this is what happened in the intestines of... [the] mice; individual epithelial cells died disrupting the gut lining. Through these gaps bacteria could penetrate the intestinal wall. Right behind the gut epithelium lie cells of the intestinal immune system, the biggest immune system of our body. It detects the invading bacteria and generates a strong…...
mlaWorks Cited
Feller, Edward R. (2001, Nov. 15). "Gynecologic Aspects of Crohn's Disease." American Family
Physician. Retrieved through 27 Jul. 2008.
Metcalf, Jane (1997, 17 Jan). "Is measles infection associated with Crohn's disease?" British
Medical Journal. Jan 17, 1998. Retrieved through 27 Jul. 2008.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease:
Immunological, Demographical, and Genetic Findings
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affects the colon and the small intestine. Though there are many subtypes of IBD, the most common and well-known are Crowns disease and ulcerative colitis (, 2011). Crohn's disease causes symptoms such as abdominal pains, diarrhea, vomit, weight loss, as well as many non-digestive system related pains (, 2011). Ulcerative colitis is quite similar to Crohn's disease due to noticeable symptoms, however, internally the two attack different areas of the body. Ulcerative colitis is experienced in the large intestine or colon, but goes through phases of outbreak and dormancy, while Crohn's disease is specific to the intestine (, 2011).
The estimation of diagnosed Americans with IBD is roughly near 1.4 million, and patients are usually diagnosed in their early teenage years through early adulthood (Tresca, 2006). With such a large amount of people suffering from this disease, scientists have done extensive…...
Achkar, J.P. (2011). Inflammatory bowel disease. Retrieved March 25, 2011 from
American Nursing Association. (2011). Professional nursing practice. Retrieved March 24, 2011
Andrews, E.B., Eaton, S.C., Hollis, K.A., Hopkins, J.S., Ameen, V., Hamm, L.R., Cook, S.F.,
ileitis, enteritis, or regional enteritis, Crohn's disease is a relapsing, inflammatory bowel disease that affects the ileum (lower part of the small intestine), which becomes inflamed and swells deep into its lining ("Crohn's Disease," 2006; Nachimuthi, 2005; Baumgart & Sandborn, 2007). It can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract -- from the mouth to the anus -- but is typically found in the lower part of the intestine ("Crohn's Disease," 2006; Baumgart & Sandborn, 2007).
Crohn's is most commonly characterized by symptomology such as diarrhea and abdominal pain in the lower right area ("Crohn's Disease," 2006). Symptoms can range from mild to severe, occurring gradually or suddenly (, 2009). Patients can become malnourished, dehydrated, and experience weight loss as the result of low or no water absorption by their intestine ("Insights into Crohn's Disease," 2006; Nachimuthi, 2005). Other possible symptoms include rectal bleeding, weight loss, arthritis, skin affectations, and fever ("Crohn's…...
Barrett, Jeffrey, C. et al. (2008). Genome-wide Association Defines More Than 30 Distinct
Susceptibility Loci for Crohn's Disease. Nature Genetics, 40(8): 955-962.
Baumgart, Daniel C. & Sandborn, William J. (2007). Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Clinical
Aspects and Established and Evolving Therapies. Lancet, 369: 1641-57.
GI Case StudySOAP Note for Visit 1SubjectiveHistory of the present illness: 34-year-old black female presents with complaints of chest pain and leg cramps. She was diagnosed with Crohns disease after a colonoscopy was performed due to unresolved rectal bleeding. She was started on Remicade infusions for Crohns disease about 3 weeks ago and is currently in remission. She reports no rectal bleeding at present. She quit smoking 3 weeks ago after starting Remicade. She smoked 1 pack of cigarettes per day since age 20.Additional questions to ask the patient: Describe the chest pain: Is it sharp, dull, burning, or pressure-like? Does the chest pain radiate anywhere? Are there any triggers for the chest pain or leg cramps? Any associated symptoms like shortness of breath, nausea, or sweating with the chest pain? How often do the leg cramps occur? Are they in both legs or just one? Any recent changes in…...
Lam, C. S. E., Zhang, M., & Lim, I. (2022). Primary care approach to calf cramps. Singapore
Medical Journal, 63(12), 746.
Li, X., Tong, X., Wong, I. C. K., Peng, K., Chui, C. S. L., Lai, F. T. T., ... & Chan, E. W. Y.
Latest discoveries
Crohn's disease, ileitis or enteritis is a medical condition that is known to cause inflammation of the digestive system also known as gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This condition affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract, starting from the mouth to the anus, but it mostly affecting the ileum (USFDA,2008). The inflammation may penetrate deep into the lining of the organs affected thereby causing pain making the intestines occasionally empty, resulting in diarrhoea.
Similarity in symptoms with other intestinal disorders, like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, makes Crohn's disease difficult to diagnose. Ulcerative colitis results in inflamed ulcers on the top lining of the large intestine while in Crohn's disease all the layers of the intestines are involved, and healthy bowel may be occur in between parts of the affected bowel. Other symptoms include, fever, unintentional weight loss, fatigue, tenesmus, and persistent, watery diarrhoea.
The disease is known to affect both genders…...
Barratt, S, Leeds, J.Robinson, K.,Lobo, A. McAlindon, M.Sanders, D. (2011)Prodromal Irritable Bowel Syndrome May Be Responsible for Delays in Diagnosis in Patients Presenting with Unrecognized Crohn's Disease and Celiac Disease, but Not Ulcerative Colitis. Digestive Diseases & Sciences; Nov2011, Vol. 56 Issue 11, p3270-3275.
Leaner, A (2012).Aluminum as an adjuvant in Crohn's disease induction. Lupus; Feb2012, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p231-238.
Marks DJ, Segal AW. (January 2008). "Innate immunity in inflammatory bowel disease: a disease hypothesis." J. Pathol.214 (2): 260 -- 6. doi:10.1002/path.2291. PMC 2635948.PMID 18161747.
National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse .(2006).Crohn's Disease
Yet it appears to have a profound effect to benefit the process of healing. Gentle circular movements, sweeping motions, and a light touch are employed to lift the soft tissue. By doing this, blood circulation and the lymphatic system are stimulated to promote natural healing.
hythmical Massage is an exciting treatment because the patient gets considerable relief without the use of drugs or steroids; thus, adverse side-effects are avoided. This is an approach that nurses and massage therapists can learn to do that can really help patients with Crohn's Disease to harmonize the body and rest. Liddy's article states that hymical Massage is a medical treatment that requires training and practice. Usually, it is prescribed by a physician who can use it alone or in conjunction with traditional medicine and/or natural remedies. Because it is a specific technique for stimulating healing in the intestines, it must be done correctly so…...
Liddy, O. (2007). Case study: Rhythmical massage therapy for Crohn's disease. Positive Health Online: Integrated Medicine for the 21st Century, 140, retrieved December 3, 2008 from E4 PSYCH database.
Functional Symptoms and Psychological States: An Electronic Diary Study by Burton, C., Weller, D. And Sharpe, M.
This study reported the findings from a time series study that compared day-to-day variation in physical symptoms that are related to Somatoform disorders with levels of anxiety, mood, and the subject's level of concern for their symptoms. The authors acknowledge that according to psychosomatic models of the relationship between vague physical symptoms and psychological concerns stress individuals often recognize the physical symptoms they experience and ignore the psychiatric components of their presentation. Theoretical models often assume that a variety of factors including psychiatric factors influence physical illness. The authors also note that there are a few other studies documenting the co-occurrence of psychological distress and functional somatic symptoms over time; however, previous studies have focused on a single psychological symptom such as depression or anxiety and have used pen and paper retrospective recording methods…...
Blankenstein, A.H., Van der Horst, H.E., Schilte, A.F., de Vries, D., Zaat, J.O., Knottnerus, A.J., van Eijk, J.T., & de Haan. M. (2002). Development and feasibility of a modified reattribution model for somatising patients, applied by their own general practitioners. Patient Education Counseling, 47, 229-235.
Burton, C., Weller, D. & Sharpe, M. (2009). Functional symptoms and psychological states: An electronic diary study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71, 77-83.
McKillip, J. & Voss, J.R. (1978). Why Do We Need a Control Group? Why Should We Randomize? Some Answers for Evaluative Researchers. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Personnel and Guidance Association. Retrieved from .
Rutter, D.R. (2002) Illness Representation, Coping and Outcome in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). British Journal of Health Psychology, 7 (4), 377-391.
John Frewin is a young child who lives with his parents. The 12-year-old is on a sustaining income of his parents. The parents of the child are low-income earners. The amount they receive can only sustain partial needs of the family thus aspects of the poor state of the society. John Frewin was diagnosis of Crohn's disease was at the age of 10 through a critical examination in the health institution. The main objective of this research exercise is to integrate ABCD's of nutritional assessment in the evaluation of Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease or Crohn syndrome refers to a condition involving inflammation of the lining of the digestive system (Ferrara & Saccomano, 2012). This disease affects the intestines as well as rare cases in any place from the mouth to the end of the rectum. The cause of Crohn syndrome is unknown. Despite this aspect, various elements might contribute towards…...
Triantafillidis, J.K., Durakis, S., & Merikas, E. (2013). Crohn's disease of the small bowel, complicated by primary biliary cirrhosis, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and Raynaud's phenomenon: favorable response of all disorders to adalimumab treatment.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology From Bed To Bench, 6(2), 101-105.
Rochelle, T., & Fidler, H. (2013). The importance of illness perceptions, quality of life and psychological status in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Journal Of
Health Psychology, 18(7), 972-983.
Ulcerative Colitis
Initial presentation
The patient is an 18-year-old of the Filipino-American origin. He has no known family history of ulcerative colitis or chronic illnesses similar to colitis. He is a high school senior student.
Historical information
The patient complains of diarrhoea 3-4 times a month although it has been on and off for one year. There is no known allergy that the patient experiences.
Presenting Symptoms
He experienced rectal bleeding, rectal pain and often had an urgent need to empty his bowels. His diarrhoea had bloodstains with mucus at least once a month. This led to few red blood cells due to the low level of iron, which resulted from the bloody stool. He had belly pains, which he described as cramping and his belly felt sore if touched. He experienced constipation, but it was less frequent than diarrhoea. He had no signs of vomiting or nausea, but he had a loss of appetite. Sometimes…...
Baumgart, D. (2012). Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: From epidemiology and immunobiology to a rational diagnostic and therapeutic approach. New York: Springer.
Bayless, T.M., & Hanauer, S.B. (2010). Advanced therapy of inflammatory bowel disease: Volume 1. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical.
Hanauer, S.B., & Marteau, P. (2001). Ulcerative colitis: Focus on topical treatment. Paris: J.
Libbey Eurotext.
NUSING Nursing: Outpatient InfusionQuestion 1Lung Cancer: It is considered one of the deadliest forms of cancer within the United States. It is caused by cell origination in the bronchi or lung. The term encompasses all four types of cells, naming adenocarcinoma, squamous cell (epidermoid) carcinoma, large cell (anaplastic) cancer, and small cell (oat cell) cancer.Osteoporosis is a disease in which loss of bone mass is observed throughout the skeleton, predisposing the patient to fractures.Multiple Sclerosis (MS): This illness targets the central nervous system (CNS), in which damage to myelin and numerous regions of the brain and spinal cord is witnessed. The results could be seen in the form of momentary, recurrent, or sustained disturbances in nerve impulse conduction, leading to symptoms like muscular feebleness, absence of coordination, numbness, visual impairment, lacking control of bowel, bladder and sexual functions. The extent of demyelination forms the foundation of the clinical picture of…...
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"Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) is a broad term that describes conditions with chronic or recurring immune response and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The two most common inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease" (IBD, 2013, CDC). Ulcerative colitis affects the large colon; Crohn's usually affects the small colon and the beginning portion of the large colon. egardless in both manifestations of IBD, the body attacks the cells of the intestine, mistaking 'good' things like food and bacteria for dangerous invaders and thus causing chronic inflammation.
The effects of IBD can be extremely severe because of the nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and subsequent weight loss and malnutrition that they cause. Crohn's is particularly dangerous because it can cause intestinal blockage from severe swelling and scaring. Ulcers can cause fistulas which become infected. Unlike lupus, both forms of IBD can be treated with surgery as well as various anti-inflammatory drugs.…...
Systemic Lupus Erythematous (Lupus). (2013). American College of Rheumatology.
IBD. (2013). CDC. Retrieved:
1. The causes and risk factors for Crohn's disease
2. The symptoms and diagnosis of Crohn's disease
3. The impact of Crohn's disease on daily life and quality of life
4. Treatment options for Crohn's disease, including medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes
5. The potential complications and long-term effects of Crohn's disease
6. The role of diet and nutrition in managing Crohn's disease
7. The emotional and psychological effects of living with Crohn's disease
8. The latest research and advancements in the treatment of Crohn's disease
9. The challenges of living with a chronic illness like Crohn's disease
10. Personal stories and experiences of individuals living with Crohn's disease.
1. The Impact of Crohn's Disease on Quality of Life
Explore the physical, emotional, and social challenges faced by individuals living with Crohn's disease.
Discuss the impact of symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss on daily life.
Examine the role of social stigma, isolation, and anxiety in reducing quality of life.
2. The Role of Diet and Nutrition in Managing Crohn's Disease
Describe the dietary and nutritional challenges faced by patients with Crohn's disease.
Discuss the efficacy of elimination diets, low-FODMAP diets, and specific nutrient supplementation in managing symptoms.
Explore the importance of individualized dietary plans and....
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