Data Breach Essays (Examples)

589+ documents containing “data breach”.

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victims of an organization's data breach?
The largest data brokers, government agencies, retailers, Internet businesses, financial institutions and educational institutions of the nation have disclosed a number of computer intrusions and data breaches. A data breach can take place in case of theft or loss of, or some kind of illegal access to the data that contains sensitive information which is personal and can compromise the integrity or confidentiality of the data. The name of an individual, his/her telephone number, or address are normally considered to be personal information along with the personal identification password or number, Social Security number, debit or credit card number, account number etc. In majority of the states the breach notification laws require that the information breached should be reported along with the breach of the report even if the information is personal and of sensitive nature (Stevens, 2008).

Trust is that one word that all….

Heartland Data breach may well have been one of the biggest security breaches ever perpetrated.
Heartland Payment Systems, Inc. (HPS) provides debit, prepaid, and credit card processing, online payments, check processing, payroll services as well as business solutions for small to mid-sized industries. Approximately, 40% of its clients are restaurants. HPS is the fifth largest credit card processor in the United States and the 9th largest in the world.

The breach occurred in 2008 at the Princeton, N.J., payment processor Heartland Payment Systems and may well have compromised "tens of millions of credit and debit card transactions" (rebs; online). Revelations were announced to the public on January 20, 2009, the day of Obama's inauguration.

Heartland processed payments at the time for more than 250,000 business when it began receiving fraudulent reports from MasterCard and Visa from cards that had been used by merchants who had relied on heartland when processing payments.

Ultimately, it….

Marriott Data Breach

Security in Networking Data breaches have become common in today’s business environment as organizations are increasingly vulnerable to a data breach or cyber-attack. Jain & Ropple (2018) state that many companies or institutions face huge challenges in successful management of cyber risk despite increased expenditures on their network security. Even though some industry standards have been established, they are relatively vague. Additionally, existing solutions for safeguarding companies or institutions against data breaches are not entirely effective. Sophisticated criminal problems have compounded or worsened organizations’ vulnerabilities to data breaches or cyber-attacks. This paper examines the recent data breach at Marriot International, a large American hotel chain. The evaluation discusses the existing telecommunication and network practices at the time, what contributed to the breach, and a plan of action to alleviate these factors.
Marriot’s Data Breach and Existing Network Practices
Marriot International suffered what is regarded as the biggest corporate data breaches in history. The….

Preventing Data Breaches

IT Security
A major challenging impacting employers, is having a comprehensive security plan that will safeguard the personal information of their clients and employees. While at the same time, it must be able to streamline the different administrative and technical functions. The result is that firms must develop and update their strategies to deal with the changing nature of the threats they are facing. To fully understand how they are able to achieve these objectives requires focusing on the data security coordinator, internal risks, external risks, external threats and data protection. Together, these elements will illustrate which factors are most important and the way an organization can mitigate them over the long-term. (Oz, 2009) (Sousa, 2014) (Veiga, 2007)

Data Security Coordinator

To be more effective, all firms must introduce a proactive approach that deals with possible challenges early and utilize their experiences to enable the organization to achieve critical objectives. While at the….

The author of this report has been asked to answer a few questions as it relates to information security. Specifically, it will be answered to what metrics or proverbial yardsticks could or should be used to measure information security and information privacy. Indeed, there are a number of ways to measure precisely that. However, there are implications with doing do that have a bearing on both privacy and security of the people involved in divulging (or not divulging) the secrets of the firm. On one hand, there is the need and desire to keep the private and confidential information of a firm safe. On the other, there is a line, at least for many, between keeping an eye out and being too invasive even if company phones and computer equipment is the communication tool in question. While companies can be rather aggressive in monitoring what is going on with….

How Paige Thompson Hacked the Capital One Firewall The 2019 Capital One hack was committed by a transgender person going by the name Paige Thompson. Paige essentially committed the hack and bragged about it on social media in order get attention from others. This crime could be labeled a cry for help, as Paige was suffering from mental health issues as well. Paige was being held in the men’s detention center prior to trial but was released on grounds that the judge feared the defendant might self-harm himself due to inadequate mental health treatment in the facility (Stone, 2019). The trial for Paige is currently set for November 4th, 2020 (US Department of Justice, 2020).
While the actor’s motives and objectives have not been argued in the court of law, they can be fairly accurately surmised from news articles on the case. Thompson had worked for Amazon Web Services, which hosted the….

In this Facebook data breach essay, we discuss how Facebook allowed applications to mine user data.  The essay will explain what data was breached, how it was breached, and how that data was used.  Furthermore, the essay will also discuss the repercussions of the breach, including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s hearing in front of the United States Senate, issues involving Cambridge Analytical, and information that is being revealed about additional data breaches.
In addition to explaining the data breach, the essay will also discuss whether Facebook has a responsibility to users to keep data safe, and the steps that Facebook is taking to resolve data breaches in the future.  This example essay should not only provide you with an overview of the Facebook data breach, but also provide you with a technical guide on how to write an academic essay.  It will include the following parts of a standard academic essay:….

Breach Notification

Breach Notification
The confidentiality of medical and personal information of every patients or other individual is a serious issue in the health sector. However, governments such the United States and European Union have put into operation data breach notification rules that cover the health care fraternity. Therefore, breach notification can be defined as rules and regulation which protects or control the unlawful access to data of an individual (Jim Tiller, 2011).

Mostly data breach normally occurs when there is a loss or theft of or access to unauthorized information with sensitive private information which might result to comprise of confidentiality or integrity of the data. Therefore, the United States (U.S.) and the European Union (EU) enacted laws to regulate the breach of personal data of patients. (Gina Stevens, 2012). For example, in the United States, "HITECH Act, Pub L. 111-5 Title XIII," was the first federal health breach notification law to be….

Argumentative Essay between Data Collection Versus Data Privacy Argumentative Essay between Data Collection Versus Data PrivacyBased on Statista esearch Department (2022), the amount of data created, captured, copied, and consumed worldwide is approximated to be reaching 64.2 zettabytes. It is projected to increase rapidly to over 180 zettabytes over the next five years. The growth of these individual data sets collected daily exposes many individuals to data privacy issues. For instance, many global researchers rely primarily on various data sets, introducing the notion that they should openly share this data. Still, the primary concern is that these researchers are given little guidance on the concept of data privacy. It has been a common scenario mainly in developing countries, which many people have feared. They are afraid that it might lead to breaching confidentiality with the claim that the infrastructure used is not up to the standards. There are no safe….

Data Privacy and Security

ecurity Management Plan
John's Hospital

Privacy of client information is an assurance that every patient wants and this assurance is what the hospital can build patient confidence on. The lack of it therefore may have consequences such as loss of confidence in the hospital, loss of clientele and the emergence of a poor reputation. This paper looks at the t. John's Hospital which has experienced the leakage of confidential information a problem that needs to be addressed. It highlights the steps the hospital must take in its management plan. In the first step, hospital must identify how widespread the problem is and where exactly there are weaknesses in the system. econdly, the hospital's staff must receive adequate training in methods to deal with confidential information especially its destruction. A culture must be developed to deal with this information discreetly. In this same breadth breach must be understood by all staff as far….

Breach of Faith

Breach of Faith
Over the course of twenty-two years, from 1979 to 2001, Robert Hanssen participated in what is possibly the most severe breach of national intelligence in the United States' history. hrough a combination of skill and sheer luck, Hanssen was able to pass critical information from his job at the FBI to Soviet and later Russian intelligence agencies, information that may have contributed to the capture and execution of a number of individuals. Hanssen's case is particularly interesting because it takes place over the course of two decades that included the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the internet age, and as such examining the various means by which Hanssen was able to breach security offers extra insight into the security threats, new and old, that face those tasked with protecting sensitive government information. Ultimately, the Hanssen case reveals a number of ongoing vulnerabilities concerning the….

Target's Data Breach affected over 80 million customers (Bayuk, 2010). However, it is probable that more people might have been affected. Certain client information, besides the payment card data was stolen during the breach. The company has confirmed that information regarding customers was taken from systems beyond point of sale. This means that customers who made online purchase or those who emailed the company were affected. In this case, the points of sale systems used by customers to swipe their credit cards are linked to the company's network, like everything else. However, the existing evidence is based on correlational expert reports. It does not show the opportunities enabling hackers to compromise people via point of sale machines and connect to the company network. These customers will now receive emails that resemble a lot like emails from Target Company or emails from bank that will ask customers to key in….

American Express and Data Theft isk

In March 2016, American Express admitted that customer data was stolen from the company in 2013 in a letter to the California Attorney General (Condliffe, 2016). As a credit card company, AMEX works with a large number of merchants, and the data breach came on the merchant end and that the affected customers were notified as soon as was possible. However, this incident provides a learning experience, and the key problem now is how Amex can learn from this experience going forward with respect to how it handles such third-party data breaches in the future. This one particular incident is not the problem, but it highlights a broad category of problems -- credit card fraud and cybercrime -- that cost the industry billions of dollars every year. Managing this better than competitors will be a boon to consumer confidence in the American Express brand and….

Question 14-14
No, Visa certainly is not being overly cautious in its fortification of its data center. Security breaches are certainly on the uprise and becoming more commonplace each and every day. Moreover, when one considers the sheer number of transactional events which Visa is processing every day (let alone the statistics denoting the number of transactions it is accounting for each second) (YOUR BOOK PAGE NUMBER), it becomes clear that the likelihood of it encountering some fraudulent attempt or breach is greater than that of other financial institutions. In this case, it would be foolish to opine that the company is being overly cautious. Rather, it is simply preparing itself for the realities of today's financial industry.

Question 14-15

This level of management controls is necessary because of all the various threats financial entities are prone to in contemporary times. These include ransom ware (Harper), malware, any other number of fraudulent activities.….

Mobile Device Security PolicyA hand-held mobile device security policy is crucial for any company that values the protection of its intellectual property and confidential data (Zafar, 2017). In today\\\'s fast-paced business environment, employees are increasingly using their personal smart phones and tablets for work-related tasks, and it is essential that a comprehensive policy is in place to mitigate the risk of data breaches and loss of intellectual property. What follows is this companys policy, which is applicable for both company-owned and employee-owned devices.This policy prohibits of the use of unapproved apps, such as third-party cloud storage services, on company-owned devices. This is important because these apps may not have the same level of security as the apps approved by the company and may put sensitive information at risk. Additionally, the policy restricts the use of the camera and other functions, such as Bluetooth, on company-owned devices to prevent the unauthorized….

1. A case study on the impact of social media on consumer behavior
2. Analyzing the success factors of a popular brand through a case study
3. Exploring the ethical implications of a controversial business decision in a case study
4. Evaluating the effectiveness of a company's marketing strategy based on a case study
5. Investigating the challenges faced by a startup company in a case study
6. Examining the role of leadership in organizational change through a case study
7. Analyzing the impact of globalization on a specific industry in a case study
8. Discussing the implications of a major data breach on a company's reputation....

Topic 1: The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Workplace

Key Issues:
The potential for AI to automate jobs and displace human workers, leading to unemployment and economic insecurity.
AI's impact on workplace privacy and surveillance, with AI-powered monitoring systems potentially infringing on workers' rights.
The need for ethical guidelines and regulations governing the development and use of AI in the workplace, to ensure fairness and protect workers' rights.

Topic 2: The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Human Enhancement

Key Issues:
The potential benefits of genetic engineering, such as curing diseases, improving cognitive abilities, and extending lifespan.
The ethical....

I. Introduction
A. Importance of technology in the courtroom
B. Historical evolution of courtroom technology
C. Thesis statement: Courtroom technology has revolutionized the legal system, improving efficiency, accuracy, and access to justice.

II. Efficiency Enhancements
A. Electronic Case Management Systems (ECMS)
1. Paperless filing and storage
2. Streamlined docket management
3. Automated reminders and notifications
B. Real-Time Transcription and Recording
1. Instantaneous transcription of proceedings
2. Increased accuracy and completeness of records
3. Time-saving and efficiency gains
C. Audiovisual Aids
1. Multimedia presentations and demonstrations
2. Enlarged exhibits and documents
3. Enhanced understanding and engagement of jurors

III. Improved Accuracy
A. Digital....

1. The Role of Communication in Crisis Management
2. The Importance of Preparing a Crisis Management Plan
3. Case Study: Successfully Managing a Crisis in a Business or Organization
4. Crisis Management in the Digital Age: How Social Media Impacts Response
5. Ethical Considerations in Crisis Management
6. The Psychological Impact of Crisis on Individuals and Organizations
7. Lessons Learned from Failed Crisis Management Strategies
8. Crisis Management in Healthcare: Addressing Pandemics and Natural Disasters
9. Crisis Management in Government: Balancing Transparency and Security
10. Crisis Management in Public Relations: Rebuilding Trust and Reputation after a Crisis.
11. Crisis Management in the....

5 Pages


Data Breaches and Social Engineering

Words: 1639
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

victims of an organization's data breach? The largest data brokers, government agencies, retailers, Internet businesses, financial institutions and educational institutions of the nation have disclosed a number of computer…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Heartland Data Breach May Well Have Been

Words: 744
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Heartland Data breach may well have been one of the biggest security breaches ever perpetrated. Heartland Payment Systems, Inc. (HPS) provides debit, prepaid, and credit card processing, online payments,…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Information Technology

Marriott Data Breach

Words: 1448
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Security in Networking Data breaches have become common in today’s business environment as organizations are increasingly vulnerable to a data breach or cyber-attack. Jain & Ropple (2018) state that many…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Preventing Data Breaches

Words: 655
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

IT Security A major challenging impacting employers, is having a comprehensive security plan that will safeguard the personal information of their clients and employees. While at the same time, it…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Monitoring to Prevent Data Breaches

Words: 702
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Security The author of this report has been asked to answer a few questions as it relates to information security. Specifically, it will be answered to what metrics or…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Computer Science

2019 Capital One Cyber Attack

Words: 1602
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

How Paige Thompson Hacked the Capital One Firewall The 2019 Capital One hack was committed by a transgender person going by the name Paige Thompson. Paige essentially committed the hack…

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Facebook Data Breach Essay

Words: 2294
Length: Pages

In this Facebook data breach essay, we discuss how Facebook allowed applications to mine user data.  The essay will explain what data was breached, how it was breached, and…

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3 Pages
White Paper


Breach Notification

Words: 769
Length: 3 Pages
Type: White Paper

Breach Notification The confidentiality of medical and personal information of every patients or other individual is a serious issue in the health sector. However, governments such the United States and…

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3 Pages
Argumentative Essay


Data Collection and Data Privacy Argumentative Essay

Words: 1037
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay between Data Collection Versus Data Privacy Argumentative Essay between Data Collection Versus Data PrivacyBased on Statista esearch Department (2022), the amount of data created, captured, copied, and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Data Privacy and Security

Words: 2026
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ecurity Management Plan John's Hospital Privacy of client information is an assurance that every patient wants and this assurance is what the hospital can build patient confidence on. The lack of…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Breach of Faith

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Breach of Faith Over the course of twenty-two years, from 1979 to 2001, Robert Hanssen participated in what is possibly the most severe breach of national intelligence in the United…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Problems of Big Data at Target

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Target's Data Breach affected over 80 million customers (Bayuk, 2010). However, it is probable that more people might have been affected. Certain client information, besides the payment card…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - College

Mitigating Data Risk at AMEX

Words: 1699
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

American Express and Data Theft isk Scenario In March 2016, American Express admitted that customer data was stolen from the company in 2013 in a letter to the California Attorney General…

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1 Pages
Case Study


Visa's Data Center Security

Words: 382
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Case Study

Question 14-14 No, Visa certainly is not being overly cautious in its fortification of its data center. Security breaches are certainly on the uprise and becoming more commonplace each and…

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2 Pages


Mobile Phone Policy for Protecting Data and IP

Words: 592
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Mobile Device Security PolicyA hand-held mobile device security policy is crucial for any company that values the protection of its intellectual property and confidential data (Zafar, 2017). In today\\\'s…

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