Depression In The Elderly Essays (Examples)

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Changes in the bain such as deceased adaptive capacity, neuotansmitte and ecepto changes, cognitive impaiment, and dementia incease the isk of depession, as moe factos ente the equation and the patient becomes moe depessed, the likelihood of a suicide attempts inceases (McFaland, 2005).As peviously mentioned, diagnosing depession in the eldely can be a challenging task due to all of the factos involved. When consideing if an individual is depessed, one must examine the individual's backgound, cognition, medical histoy, etc. In ode to diagnose depession, thee ae witten and oal inventoies of a peson's mind that need to be pefomed. Symptoms of sevee depession include: diminished inteest in usual activities, significant weight loss o gain, insomnia o hypesomnia, psychomoto agitation o etadation, fatigue o loss of enegy, feelings of wothlessness o guilt, diminished ability to concentate, and ecuent thoughts of death o suicide. Depession does not always have to be….

Depression in the Elderly

Although many of the elderly citizens in the United States in the future will enjoy better health than in years past, many will still suffer from various age-related healthcare and mental health problems as they grow older that may contribute to the development of depressive disorders. In fact, older people in particular have a number of factors working against them that appear to contribute to the incidence of depression in this population. For example, St. John and Keleher (2007) report that the elderly frequently experience social isolation and exclusion in ways that contributes to a higher incidence of depression. Likewise, Williamson (2008) notes that, "Depression in the elderly can cause a great deal of needless anguish and suffering for the family and patient. For the typical elderly patient, the symptoms described to physicians on regular visits are usually physical rather than mental" (p. 19).

The elderly are frequently….

Depression and Eating Disorders
The eating disorder category in the DSM-IV includes Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and the Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified categories. Peck and Lightsey (2008) note that while the DSM classification symptom is currently the most used system, there has been some debate in the about how to classify people with eating disordered behavior. A viable alternative to the discrete categories used in the DSM is notion of viewing eating disorders along a continuum from having no such behaviors to the severe eating disordered behaviors. In an effort to combine the two methods the self-report Questionnaire for Eating Disorders Diagnosis (QEDD) was developed. The QEDD distinguishes nonsymptomatic individuals (no symptoms) to symptomatic individuals (those that have some symptoms, but do not qualify for a diagnosis to anyone qualifying for an eating disorder diagnosis). Previous research has provided support for this conceptualization by comparing the QEDD with scores on….

Depression continues to be one of most common medical conditions for the elderly.
Percentages of elderly with the illness

Degree of increase in suicidal tendencies of depressed

Wrong assumption that aging necessitates depression.

Difficulty of healthcare providers in recognizing depression.

Increased tendency toward suicidal tendencies in many depressed.

Other individuals immune to depression and suicide despite life problems.

Individuals may not even recognize their own depression

Myths associated with aging including depression

Symptoms may take months to worsen and show up

Aging individuals should be treated similar to younger patients when seen by doctor.

Depression can mask itself in many ways

Up to family and healthcare providers to be vigilant and notice changes.

With care, individuals can be helped.

Depression ranks as one of the most common medical problems in the elderly. The occurrence of this illness among community-dwelling older individuals ranges from 8 to 15% and among institutionalized individuals, about 30%. Depression is also listed as one of the greatest risk factors for….

Depression in Young and Older Women
Recent research reveals that about one percent of the general population suffers from manic-depression and five percent suffers from major depression during their lives (Simonds, 2001, p. 86). However, the incidence for depression in women is twice as high or more; as many as one in five American women has a history of depression during her lifetime.

Due to the various social and medical problems presented by increasing numbers of women who suffer from depression, this topic is of utmost importance in today's society.

This paper will examine the causes and effects of depression in both young and older women; examine existing medical research for both groups; identify major differences in depression for young and older women; and present a conclusive analysis of observations.

To determine what the causes of depression are in young and older women, and to differentiate between the two groups, I will examine a….

This difficulty does not just stop at causing dietary deficiencies but may also lead to acute dental and non-dental diseases. With early detection and intervention such diseases can be prevented thus the health professionals in senior centers can take a step of screening the seniors for oral problems and take the necessary steps. They can also train the seniors on practicing preventive health and also refer them to appropriate nutritional and dental professionals.
It is common for seniors to rate their health, the good news is that most of them rate their health status as good, very good, or excellent. There is a relation between self-rated health and mortality and expectations for dying, it is therefore necessary to encourage those having positive self-rating so that they can maintain and improve their health. Those with negative self-ratings should also not be ignored but should be assisted to develop a positive attitude….

Aging and the Elderly The

The gradual decrease in income, eventual dependency on other people and the government for financial resource, lack of activities to do, and the onset of physical and/or physical limitations as a result of aging are known causes of frustration, stress, and even depression among elderly people who have retired (Blekesaune and Solem, 2005, p. 80). In the case of Mrs. a, she has not experienced these negative feelings or emotions as she had been flexibly and intermittently engaging herself in house-, family- and community-related pursuits. However, she did admit that her husband's death had been a pivotal point in her life, when she felt that she, too, must be with her husband because, as far as she is concerned, she has already accomplished what she was supposed to do as a "wife, mother, and woman."
Interestingly, with Mrs. a, work and retirement is not the conventional kind of retirement one….

depression has been known as a "result when individuals forfeit their personal power." (Depression: Multimedia Sourcebook, p.1) It also has been described in ancient times as "... [an] affliction [that] laid its cause to supernatural intervention, primarily religious in nature. (insworth, p. 48) In the Hindu depression was noted as a struggle between good and evil in which evil would win and "victimize individual humans." (insworth, p.48) In texts from Babylonia and Egypt, gods punished transgressions in the hearts of people and placed on them the depressive curse. The early Hebrew texts allude to the belief that depression in humans reflects the displeasure of Yahweh.
But according to up-to-the-date research, we know that depression is an "innocuous-sounding word... that refers to a potentially disabling illness that affects many but is understood by few." (insworth p.1) Professor Patricia insworth, a leading psychologist on depression, further explains that sufferers often do….

Depression, Disease, And Aging
Aging brings many changes in health, social relationships, work situation, and other dimensions of life, and old age has been examined as one aspect of life development, showing how earlier stages contribute to the coping mechanisms older people have and how they apply these to new situations. A number of the changes accompanying old age can create stress and depression, and in turn these psychological states can contribute to the onset of disease or to the course disease takes. Studies have also shown that untreated depression can contribute to a higher suicide rate for the elderly.

How the elderly person is affected may depend on his or her closest relationship. The aging process for many includes physical or mental deterioration which can place considerable strain on the life partner, who now has to contend not only with his or her own diminished function because of aging but also….

For instance, a decline in peripheral vision may impact the ability to pass approaching vehicles safely, and the decreased range of motion in an older person's neck may impair the ability to look behind when backing up. Also, reaction time decreases by almost 40% on average from age 35 to 65 (Jackson, 1999).
It also appears that the aging process may affect cognitive skills. Short-term memory loss, for instance, can decrease driving skills by interfering with an individual's ability to process information effectively when merging onto a highway into traffic or changing lanes. Such issues are magnified when driving under stressful situations. The higher incidence of cognitive impairment, particularly dementia, among older men and women leads to an increased risk of accident involvement (Jackson, 1999).

According to AAP, as a group, persons age 65 and older are relatively safe drivers. Although they represent 14% of all licensed drivers, they are involved….

Care of the Elderly The

The emphasis is on normal, everyday activities provided for residents. According to the authors, however, little research has been conducted to investigate the actual effect of such activities and settings upon residents. The assumption is that such settings have a better effect that traditional institutions, but there is little empirical research to support this.
Hence, Verbeek et al. (2010) conducted a study to compare small-scale living with regular care in nursing homes in the Netherlands. Interestingly, they found no significant difference between the quality of life experienced by residents in traditional institutional settings and those in small-scale living facilities. Furthermore, there was also no significant difference in the job satisfaction levels of nursing staff between both types of institution was found. Another important aspect, namely neuropsychiatric symptoms and agitation were also significantly similar for both institution types. According to the authors, a difference was found in the satisfaction level of….

In addition, those who are emotionally troubled and who are overweight -- often a contributing factor to emotional difficulties -- do not receive extra counseling time." Seale, Seale & Zhang (2008, p.425) This is a serious concern and one that must be addressed immediately by physicians who are providing care for obese patients.

A lot of revamping has to be done to meet this increased need of obese elderly and this has to be done fast. The numbers are increasing by the day and unless some initiatives are taken right away, it can blow up into a full-fledged catastrophe in the future. The first and foremost step that is required is to change the present healthcare system to make it more effective and efficient. Changes have to be made in the delivery of service as well as payments to make it more accessible to the elderly.

Another important step is to….

The results of this analysis highlight the need for hospitals to fine-tune their discharge process to reduce readmissions, and support the expenditure of additional resources for this purpose as a cost-effective intervention; as an example, author cites a hospital in Iowa that implemented a rigorous post-discharge planning process for patients with heart failure and 30-day readmission rates were reduced by 3-9% during the 3-month period following implementation.

The research showed that many elderly patients who suffer from congestive heart failure also suffer from a wide range of comorbid conditions, including diabetes and hypertension. These patients can be reasonably expected to require periodic or even frequent treatment in emergency departments and/or hospitalizations for these conditions, making the need for effective and seamless post-discharge planning especially important. In this regard, the research also showed that there are some valuable evidence-based practice guidelines available, though, that can help clinicians better coordinate post-discharge care,….

Restraint in the Elderly

Restraining the Elderly
Project Management

The Project Management path for this research proposal will follow the path of quantitative research in a 'quasi-experimental' environment. Adhering as closely as possible to quantitative experiments designed to establish the causal factors or interdependent links between grouped variables, the researcher will follow a natural course of progression in administering dependent and independent variables, designing the sampling set, determining the optimal time(s) and location(s) for conducting the research, developing the measures and instruments necessary for evaluation of non-empirical evidentiary conclusion (i.e., the thought processes and reasoning of medical staff), measuring the response to education and procedural methodology, documentation to include evaluation materials, response forms, and restraint logs, preparing the education program, delivering the lectures, and evaluating the results in change or lack of change in care providers attitudes toward patient restraint.

Project Limitations

Any project that measures the process of learning, comprehension, acceptance or denial, and implementation has inherent….

In a study of the prevalence of elder abuse in the United States, financial difficulties on the part of the abuser did appear to be an important risk factor (Krug, 2002, pp. 130-131).
elationship factors - in the early theoretical models, the level of stress of caregivers was seen as a risk factor that linked elder abuse with care of an elderly relative. While the accepted image of abuse depicts a dependent victim and an overstressed caregiver, there is growing evidence that neither of these factors properly accounts for cases of abuse. Although researchers do not deny the component of stress, they tend now to look at it in a wider context in which the quality of the overall relationship is a causal factor. Today, the belief is that stress may be a contributing factor in cases of abuse but does not by itself account for the entire phenomenon.

Living arrangements,….

4 Pages
Case Study


Depression in the Elderly Mental

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Changes in the bain such as deceased adaptive capacity, neuotansmitte and ecepto changes, cognitive impaiment, and dementia incease the isk of depession, as moe factos ente the equation…

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12 Pages
Research Paper


Depression in the Elderly Many

Words: 3859
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Depression in the Elderly Although many of the elderly citizens in the United States in the future will enjoy better health than in years past, many will still suffer from…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Depression and Eating Disorders the Eating Disorder

Words: 2168
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Depression and Eating Disorders The eating disorder category in the DSM-IV includes Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and the Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified categories. Peck and Lightsey (2008) note that…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Depression Continues to Be One of Most

Words: 1911
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Depression continues to be one of most common medical conditions for the elderly. Percentages of elderly with the illness Degree of increase in suicidal tendencies of depressed Wrong assumption that aging necessitates…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Depression in the Young or Old Adult Women

Words: 2252
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Depression in Young and Older Women Recent research reveals that about one percent of the general population suffers from manic-depression and five percent suffers from major depression during their lives…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Senior Centers in the Elderly

Words: 3124
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This difficulty does not just stop at causing dietary deficiencies but may also lead to acute dental and non-dental diseases. With early detection and intervention such diseases can…

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8 Pages
Case Study

Family and Marriage

Aging and the Elderly The

Words: 2421
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Case Study

The gradual decrease in income, eventual dependency on other people and the government for financial resource, lack of activities to do, and the onset of physical and/or physical…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Depression Has Been Known as a Result

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

depression has been known as a "result when individuals forfeit their personal power." (Depression: Multimedia Sourcebook, p.1) It also has been described in ancient times as "...…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Older Adults the Connection of Depression With Diseases

Words: 2590
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Depression, Disease, And Aging Aging brings many changes in health, social relationships, work situation, and other dimensions of life, and old age has been examined as one aspect of life…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Drivers Test Elderly Due to the

Words: 4532
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For instance, a decline in peripheral vision may impact the ability to pass approaching vehicles safely, and the decreased range of motion in an older person's neck may…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Care of the Elderly The

Words: 2500
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The emphasis is on normal, everyday activities provided for residents. According to the authors, however, little research has been conducted to investigate the actual effect of such activities…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Obesity in Elderly Obesity Is

Words: 2155
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, those who are emotionally troubled and who are overweight -- often a contributing factor to emotional difficulties -- do not receive extra counseling time." Seale, Seale…

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5 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Care Coordination Relating to Elderly

Words: 1709
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

The results of this analysis highlight the need for hospitals to fine-tune their discharge process to reduce readmissions, and support the expenditure of additional resources for this purpose…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Restraint in the Elderly

Words: 1163
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Restraining the Elderly Project Management The Project Management path for this research proposal will follow the path of quantitative research in a 'quasi-experimental' environment. Adhering as closely as possible to quantitative…

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10 Pages

Family and Marriage

Women's Issues Women Elderly Abuse

Words: 3092
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

In a study of the prevalence of elder abuse in the United States, financial difficulties on the part of the abuser did appear to be an important risk…

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