Developmental Disorders Essays (Examples)

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Education -- Special Education

Developmental delays in young children occur in several areas encompassing the gamut of human functions. A young child may experience delays in one or more of the areas of cognitive functioning, social-emotional functioning and adaptive behavior. Through decades of shared research and experience, trained professionals can observe delays in relatively impaired development of the skills humans use to understand and act in their world. Fortunately, experts have also developed intervention strategies for dealing with those delays and providing the child with enhanced skills, experiences and opportunities.


Characteristics of young children with delays in the following developmental areas:

a. Cognitive functioning

Delays in cognitive functioning of young children can run the gamut from mild deficiencies in one or more areas to extreme intellectual impairments with marginal functioning. These mental processes that empower a person to amass knowledge and information, informing his/her understanding and behavior….

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the Difficulties Associated ith the Assessment and Treatment of Psychological Childhood Disorders
By any measure, childhood is a challenging period in human development where young people are forced to actively participate in the educational process while developing human relationship skills that they will need for the rest of their lives. Against this backdrop, it is not surprising that many young people experience behavioral difficulties that detract from their ability to attain their full academic and social potential including one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To gain some new insights into this condition, this paper reviews the relevant literature concerning attention deficit hyperactivity disorder followed by a discussion concerning the difficulties that are associated with assessing and treating psychological childhood disorders. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues are presented in the conclusion.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

According to….

Other Medical Issues

While neurological issues delays are primarily responsible for the functional developmental delays in children other complications can also affect the development of a preterm child. These problems include: cardiovascular complications; respiratory problems such as respiratory distress syndrome or chronic lung disease; a number of severe metabolic and gastrointestinal problems that can result in delayed growth and other problems; immune system problems, such as susceptibility to infections or diseases like pneumonia; and hematologic complications (Saigal & Doyle, 2008).

Neurodevelopmental Sequelae

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a heterogeneous group of neurologically-related disorders that can involve central nervous system functions as well as other functions such as leaning, movement, vision, hearing, and cognitive speed (Saigal & Doyle, 2008). As a result there are several variations of cerebral palsy including dyskinetic (mixed tone in the muscles that leads to difficulties with posture and movement), spastic (increased muscle tone leading to stiff and jerky movements), ataxic….

Elementary Special Education Teachers Place Value in the use of Technology Resources for Students?
Alix Desulme

Technology is an integral part of society. Students learn through use of technology like personal computers, tablets, and e-books (Garland & Tadeja, 2013). Computers can provide access to videos, documents, and other forms of data that students have the choice of absorbing via visual or auditory methods. Tablets provide the same access but with a light-weight, touch responsive interface. Technology investment within schools not only enables varied learning opportunities for students, but it also helps students discover or improve their own ability to research and analyze information, collaborate and communicate, and solve problems (Lim, Zhao, Tondeur, Chai, & Tsai, 2013). Comment by Steve Moskowitz: Yes, this is the reason

Technology helps provide other benefits. Integrating technology in schools, especially in other areas like special education enable staff to develop new ways of teaching and creating curriculum….

Autism is a developmental disorder, as can be seen in the fact that Peter was first diagnosed when he failed to develop speech at the rate of a normal child. Autism is also a spectrum disorder, meaning that individuals will manifest the condition in different ways and different aspects of normal speech, movement, and social interactions may be inhibited depending on the child and the condition's severity. There is no 'cure' for autism or universally-accepted treatment for the disorder although behavioral interventions such as ABA "encourages positive behaviors and discourages negative behaviors in order to improve a variety of skills" through methods such as "Discrete Trial Training (DTT) DTT is a style of teaching that uses a series of trials to teach each step of a desired behavior or response. Lessons are broken down into their simplest parts and positive reinforcement is used to reward correct answers and behaviors." (Treatment,….

unning head: DSM DSM 5Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5): ecent ChangesDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5): ecent ChangesThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is considered the gold standard of how mental illness is diagnosed and treated within the psychiatric community of the United States. Although laypersons may think of mental illness or sanity versus insanity as stable classifications, the DSM has, in fact, undergone a number of significant changes over the years. For example, in much earlier editions of the DSM, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness. This is fortunately no longer the case. Changes from the DSM-IV to the DSM-V are far more recent and less extreme, although there have been some notable shifts that are clinically and culturally relevant.Perhaps the most significant of these is the elimination of Aspergers syndrome as a separate classification and its classication as part….

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Kogan et al. (2009) report that the increasing prevalence of autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) makes the identification of these disorders a public health priority. Many of the studies of the prevalence of ASD are taken from clinical data; the researchers believe that this data inaccurate. The researchers review all of the current research used to determine the prevalence of ASD and point out several flaws in each of these studies. In order to get an accurate point prevalence measurement the researchers used the National Survey of Children's Health (N = 78, 037) that utilizes parental reports of children aged three to seventeen years old to determine the prevalence of ASD. The study would help identify demographic variables associated with ASDs.
The researchers considered a child in the study to have ASD if a physician had told their parents at one time or another that the child had an ASD diagnosis.….

hile Dr. Asperger called the condition "autistic psychopathy" and described it as a personality disorder primarily marked by social isolation, today Asperger's Syndrome is identified as a brain, communication, or neurological disorder like autism, not a personality disorder like, for example, antisocial personality disorder ("Asperger's Syndrome fact sheet," 2008, NINDS).
Like autism, Asperger's Syndrome is characterized by repetitive routines, rituals, and movements, poor social skills, and odd ways of communicating that do not take into consideration the other person's feelings and needs. The distinguishing feature of Asperger's, in contrast to classical autism, is that the individuals all have normal IQ but show "limited interests or an unusual preoccupation with a particular subject to the exclusion of other activities" ("Asperger's Syndrome fact sheet," 2008, NINDS). Unlike autistic individuals who show little interest in others, Asperger children may seek out companionship, but may drive other people away because of their refusal to….

The moral of the article's story is that teachers of autistic children with limited spoken languages may indeed need more training to get the most out of their students.
Still on the subject of therapy for autistic children, another article in the journal Autism (Vismara, et al. 2009) reports that professionally led training sessions with the parents of autistic children were helpful in getting the children to respond and communicate. The study was a 12-week research investigation, one hour per week; and what took place was the parents of eight "toddlers" (who had been diagnosed with autism) were brought together with their children and therapists. These parents were taught how to implement "naturalistic therapeutic techniques" based on the "Early Start Denver Model" (ESDM) (Vismara 93). The ESDM model focuses on "creating an affectively warm and rich environment to foster positive relationships between children and adults" (Vismara 99). The training with….

autism disorder. The writer explores what it is and how it manifests itself. The writer also discusses the teaching methods that have been used to allow the autistic student to take part in a public education. There were ten sources used to complete this paper.
Each year millions of American couples add to their family with the birth of a baby. The pregnancy is spent getting ready for the newcomer. Names are chosen, baby items are purchased and stored and other people's children are discussed as examples of what might be produced by this child. The family becomes ready as they read up on the milestones that they can expect the baby to make at various times of the first few years of development.

By the time the baby is born the parents have studied the progress that can be expected and are ready to start their life as a larger….

Controversy with vaccines, adverse reactions of the MM vaccine and the negative publicity surrounding it

Measles, Mumps and ubella Vaccine:

Absence of Evidence for Link

to Autistic-Spectrum Disorders

Henry K. Nguyen, MD Candidate

Increased incidence of measles, mumps, and rubella is directly due to controversies regarding the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine despite the absence of data supporting a correlation between this combined vaccine and development of autism.

Correspondence to:


Dr. Anshu Kacker

5650 including Abstracts

Increased incidence of measles, mumps, and rubella is directly due to controversies regarding the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine despite the absence of data supporting a correlation between this combined vaccine and development of autism.

Methods and materials: A literature search was performed using key phrases, including the search-requisite abbreviation 'MM' (measles, mumps, rubella), such as: 'autism mmr vaccine', 'colitis mmr vaccine', 'controversy mmr', 'mmr adverse results', 'vaccines autism-spectrum disorders', 'vaccine effects mmr', 'vaccine measles', and 'vaccine rubella'. The results were compiled, following which….

Self-egulation Issues in Children and Adolescence with ADHD, ODD, and OCD
Self-regulation in children and adolescence who suffer from ADHD, ODD, and OCD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder) is often evident due to several things. A lot of the issues in relation to self-regulation stem from additional anxiety the child/teen may feel from the difficulties experienced from these kinds of mental disorders. OCD is known to cause anxiety and isolationist behaviors leading to decreased emotional self-regulation. ADHD at times can cause hyperfocus, making it difficult for the child/teen to switch tasks therefore limiting their ability to handle their emotions and activities that assist in regulating themselves. ODD, connected to ADHD, is a disorder that has the child react angrily and spitefully to people in otherwise normally responsive situations. The extreme feelings of children or adolescence who manifest ODD make it hard for them to respond….

Mental Health Disorder
The following is a close examination of the psychosocial status of mental health disorder. There is going to be an examination of the symptoms along with a comprehensive diagnosis of the case.

Mental Health Disorder- Background

Childhood mental health disorder refers to all mental health conditions that affect a person in childhood. The disorder in children is described as critical changes that affect the way a child behaves, learns or even handles emotional situations. Some of the known childhood mental health disorders include (CDC - Child Development, Children's Mental Health -- NCBDDD, n.d):

Hyperactivity disorder/attention deficit disorder (ADHD) (

Disorders related to behavior

Anxiety and mood disorders

Tourette syndrome

Substance use disorders

Mental health is essential in life. Mental health disorders can persist throughout a person's life (CDC - Child Development, Children's Mental Health -- NCBDDD, n.d). The problem needs to be diagnosed early. Otherwise, children continue to experience problems in many spheres of social interaction,….

Autism Spectrum Disorders
esearch shows that in today's society, the awareness of Autism has went from something that people were ashamed of, all the way to the forefront of education. It is also noted that research is increasing due to the rising amount of people and children that are suffering from Autism Spectrum disorders. However, this disorder is gaining attention all over the world. With that said, this paper will challenge and explore the mystery of this condition, and expectations for the future, concerning this disorder in an ever developing and expanding society.

What is Autism?

Autism came on the scene in 1943. At first, the condition is was believed to be some kind of a mental retardation condition. Some even categorized this condition as someone that is insane. However, Leo Kanner recognized that these children did not fall into the category of emotionally disturbed children. Instead, he recorded patterns and documented that….

Antisocial ehavior in Females with Comorbid Diagnoses of ADHD
Detention centers and residential treatment facilities are replete with male and female youth that have been in and out of the juvenile justice system for many years. Although the majority of the populations in these facilities are male, the number of female juvenile offenders is continually increasing. Many of the children in these facilities have a history of behavioral difficulties that may or may not have been diagnosed during much of their childhood.

Antisocial behaviors are acts that violate social rules and the basic rights of others. They include conduct intended to injure people or damage property, illegal behavior, and defiance of generally accepted rules and authority, such as truancy from school. "These antisocial behaviors exist along a severity continuum (Clark, et al., 2002). When childhood antisocial behaviors exceed certain defined thresholds -- the diagnostic criteria specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual….

1. The benefits and challenges of early intervention for children with autism
2. The role of parents and caregivers in supporting individuals with autism
3. The misconceptions and stigmas surrounding autism and how to combat them
4. The impact of technology and assistive devices on the lives of individuals with autism
5. The importance of inclusive education for students with autism
6. The link between autism and other developmental disorders
7. The relationship between genetics and autism
8. The challenges faced by adults with autism in the workforce
9. The effectiveness of different therapies and interventions for individuals with autism
10. The portrayal....

4 Pages
Research Paper


Interventions for Young Children With Developmental Disorders

Words: 1662
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Education -- Special Education YOUNG CHILDREN ITH DISABILITIES AND IMPLEMENTING APPROPRIATE INTERVENTIONS Developmental delays in young children occur in several areas encompassing the gamut of human functions. A young child may…

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4 Pages


Childhood Developmental Disorders and Their Treatment

Words: 1165
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the Difficulties Associated ith the Assessment and Treatment of Psychological Childhood Disorders By any measure, childhood is a challenging period in human development where young…

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14 Pages
Research Paper


Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Developmental Delays

Words: 4060
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Other Medical Issues While neurological issues delays are primarily responsible for the functional developmental delays in children other complications can also affect the development of a preterm child. These problems…

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15 Pages


Developmental Learning and Technology

Words: 9878
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Elementary Special Education Teachers Place Value in the use of Technology Resources for Students? Alix Desulme Technology is an integral part of society. Students learn through use of technology like…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Assorts of Disorder Terms and Diagnose

Words: 969
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Autism is a developmental disorder, as can be seen in the fact that Peter was first diagnosed when he failed to develop speech at the rate of a normal…

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2 Pages

Psychology - Disorders

Recent Changes Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM 5

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

unning head: DSM DSM 5Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5): ecent ChangesDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5): ecent ChangesThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental…

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3 Pages
Literature Review Chapter


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Words: 1125
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Literature Review Chapter

Kogan et al. (2009) report that the increasing prevalence of autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) makes the identification of these disorders a public health priority. Many of the studies…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Autism & Asperger's Disorders Autism

Words: 1424
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hile Dr. Asperger called the condition "autistic psychopathy" and described it as a personality disorder primarily marked by social isolation, today Asperger's Syndrome is identified as a brain,…

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3 Pages


Autistic Disorder Dana Keith Beth

Words: 936
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

The moral of the article's story is that teachers of autistic children with limited spoken languages may indeed need more training to get the most out of their…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Autism Disorder The Writer Explores What it

Words: 4038
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

autism disorder. The writer explores what it is and how it manifests itself. The writer also discusses the teaching methods that have been used to allow the autistic…

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21 Pages
Research Paper


MMR Vaccine and Autistic-Spectrum Disorders

Words: 6800
Length: 21 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Controversy with vaccines, adverse reactions of the MM vaccine and the negative publicity surrounding it SHAPE Measles, Mumps and ubella Vaccine: Absence of Evidence for Link to Autistic-Spectrum Disorders Henry K. Nguyen, MD Candidate Increased…

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20 Pages
Research Paper


Self-Regulation Issues in Children and Adolescents With ADHD ODD and OCD

Words: 6305
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Self-egulation Issues in Children and Adolescence with ADHD, ODD, and OCD Self-regulation in children and adolescence who suffer from ADHD, ODD, and OCD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,…

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8 Pages
Case Study

Sociology - Counseling

Analyzing Mental Health Disorder

Words: 2533
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Case Study

Mental Health Disorder The following is a close examination of the psychosocial status of mental health disorder. There is going to be an examination of the symptoms along with a…

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7 Pages

Sociology - Counseling

The Exploration of Autism Spectrum Disorders 1

Words: 2167
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Autism Spectrum Disorders esearch shows that in today's society, the awareness of Autism has went from something that people were ashamed of, all the way to the forefront of education.…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Antisocial Behavior in Females With Comorbid Diagnoses of ADHD and Conduct Disorder

Words: 2635
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Antisocial ehavior in Females with Comorbid Diagnoses of ADHD Detention centers and residential treatment facilities are replete with male and female youth that have been in and out of the…

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