Dialectic Essays (Examples)

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Because the father sees his death as attached to the coming to life of the son, the son's life is also representative, or so the author claims, of the father's return to life, and even his immortality. The logical leaps required to make this claim are legion. First, it must be assumed that the father sees his son's life as a continuation of his own because the son's life caused (through requiring sacrifice) the father's death. This is akin to saying that if a car runs over and kills a cat, the car -- as the agent of death -- somehow takes on the life of the cat. The coincidence of causation is not enough, to most minds, to imply a continual relationship of the sort ascribed to fathers and sons here. The author of this tract goes even further, though, not only asserting that this relationship will be….

Plato conceived that there were two great causes of human corruption, viz., bad or ill-directed education, and the corrupt influence of the body on the soul. His ethical discussions, therefore, have for their object, the limiting of the desires, and the cure of the diseases produced by them in the soul; while his political discussions have for their immediate object, the laying down of right principles of education, and enforcing them by the constitution of the laws and the power of the State. His two great works, in fact, the Republic and the Laws, may be considered as theories and plans of civic education, rather than schemes of legislation and details of laws. The former, it is true, inquires more particularly into the principles on which a right government may be formed, and the latter presents a systematic view of the principles of legislation: but, comprising, as both works do,….

Dialectical method, sometimes referred to as the Socratic Method, is where there are two points of opinion that lie on opposite ends of a spectrum that "debate." Through the process of debate the participants as well as the audience can acquire a deeper understanding of the topic being investigated. The participants will institute a reasoned argument from each point-of-view and present this during the course of the dialectic. The dialectical method is heavily rooted in logic and reason and does not make provisions for emotional or ethical appeals; which would be included in "rhetoric."
In Classical Philosophy, Socrates and his dialogues represent the ideal representation of the dialectic. Through reason and debate two individuals could tease out inconsistencies with different theories to attempt to continually get closer to the truth. When an inconsistency is identified, it can be thought of as more of a starting point than an end. That is,….

Relational dialectics theory in part explains the success of Seinfeld in capturing the tension inherent in interpersonal relationships. In Seinfeld, humor allows the tension to dissipate. Yet there remains an underlying tension that makes viewers cringe, even as they laugh. The same is true for Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm. In Seinfeld, the titular character Jerry Seinfeld might be the least cringe-worthy of the central foursome. Even slapstick Kramer does little to convey relational dialectics in action. It is really George and Elaine who carry most of the deeper humor in the show, partly because of their relational dialectics. Even Jerry, though, gets involved with romantic partners and thereby exhibits several aspects of relational dialectics theory. George Costanza, though, practically embodies every aspect of relational dialectics in his tension-ridden relationships and conversations.

One of the ways George embodies relational dialectics is his pathological lying, which practically defines his character. George has….

His viewpoint is neither traditionally Christian and therefore subject to Church doctrine, nor strictly pagan and therefore subject to strict rationality. Hegel's working out of the thesis and antithesis of life and death, and the synthesis, which is love, is a kind of mystical interpretation of the Christian mysteries. What Hegel could not understand in light of objectivity destroyed, he attempts to explain in light of Love as the synthesis of life and death. Again, it is the crowning of passion as ultimate arbiter. Love cannot be explained except as it is accountable only to itself. Thus, Hegel may say that God is Love without risk of corrupting his doctrine. What Hegel fails to do, however, is unite it with reason, as Gardner states is necessary for a complete picture. Passion, according to Hegel, is still the de facto ruler. Passion, since it is essentially God-like, cannot be ruled.….

In the conclusion to his chapter on "Perception," Hegel argues that since the "being-for-self' that is burdened with a 'being-for-another' [ ....] are essentially in a single unity, what we now have in unconditioned absolute universality, and consciousness here for the first time truly enters the realm of the Understanding" (Hegel 77). By this Hegel means that only by understanding the opposition of being-for-self and being-for-another that exists concurrently in the individual can one come to understand and order the variety of perceptions that make up consciousness. This is because the individual is made up of these constituent, oppositional states of being, both of which have no meaning or intelligibility with out the other, because only in their opposition are they able to define themselves and thus provide the individual with some sort of context for the understanding of consciousness.

By "being-for-self" Hegel means a thing's being in actuality as an….

dialectic of the Enlightenment in terms of the values of truth, progress and liberation. We will tangentially see how these concepts are linked to modernity and post modernity. Also, we will see what the two alternatives to dealing with the demise of the Enlightenment as Ferraris and Taraboletti Segre argue. The author will also refer to Lyotard and Habermas's stance on the issue. We will answer the question of why one can not separate the concerns of modernity and postmodernity from each other. We will see how the two discourses inform each other in terms of above subjects.
The dialectic of the Enlightenment has almost always been known in terms of the values of truth, progress and liberation. ather than having to look upon it as having died Ferraris and Taraboletti Segre argue that by becoming a philosophical issue, it is now beyond being localized to one discipline. The modern….

2. elational Dialectics Theory

elational dialectics theory is defined as an "interpretive theory of meaning-making in familial and non-kin relationships" (Baxter a.L., 2008). The dialectical process of thinking increases in a major manner our general view of the conceptual framework on life and relationships that we form in life. Through the dialectical view, we are able to see what we could not see before in relationships, as well as seeing afresh the things that we saw at a surface level. The theory is very instrumental in crisis or conflict solution and mediation between two conflicting parties.

The dialectical theory has employed four approaches mainly in solving dialectical tensions described as follows:

(a). Totality; which recognizes that contradiction is part and parcel of the human existence and cannot be understood in isolation. It says that dialectics are related intrinsically to each other. Therefore there is a great interdependence of people in a relationship

(b). Contradiction;….

Hegel and Karl Marx

Marx Hegel
German philosopher Hegel developed a philosophy that can be called phenomenology, or Philosophy and the Actual World. Whereas previous philosophers concerned themselves with abstractions, Hegel wanted to apply philosophical inquiry to the world that we can know directly. Hegel appears to be more concerned with effects than with causes. However, Hegel is a philosopher and as such he is eminently concerned with reason.

Like the ancient Greeks, Hegel appreciated the method of the dialectic. The dialectical tool is effective in philosophy because it phrases issues in a question and answer method. The reader places himself or herself in the role of the inquirer, and a knowledgeable philosopher can answer the probing philosophical questions. Using dialectic, Hegel was also able to "converse" with his predecessors in philosophical tradition such as Kant. The dialectic allowed Hegel to grapple with complex philosophical contradictions. Hegel could resolve those contradictions using the tool of dialectic,….

Marx & Hitler the Easiest

The country had been defeated in this war, it had lost all its colonies and many of its European lands, as well as being forced to pay a large sum of money to the winning allies. It could no longer have a navy or aircrafts and its army and number of soldiers, as well as armaments, was kept under strict supervision by the allied powers. Summarizing all this, in the period after the First World War and equivalent to the ascension of the Nazi Party, Germany was thoroughly defeated and, even more importantly, its national pride was put to great test. This may explain in part why a party that would promise to revive a great Germany that would take back its place among the world powers would gain popular support in the country.
On the other hand, the war, as well as the Depression that followed throughout the 1920s….

Finally, Marx supports the idea that the elements of the market economy are each and everyone determinant for the eventual outcome of the society.
3. What is the significance of the term dialectics in Marxist thought -- and how might this be relevant for the study of social change?

The term and the technique used are rather important for the way in which Marx created and supported his arguments. In this sense, dialectics includes a technique of arguments and counterarguments which are meant to underline the strength of one point or another. In this attempt, Marx uses for instance Aristotle's argument in relation to the man being a social animal. Another example of the use of dialects is the presentation of Proudhon's arguments in relation to the idea of social and of society.

4. What does Marx mean by describing "the production of life" as a "the production of life as a….

" He also confirmed to himself that God was the origin of his thought, and therefore because his thoughts were real, God must also be real.
3. Descartes -- Senses and Knowledge

When we went outside as a class, part of Descartes ideas was visible in our observations. All the students had a different perception of the external world. Some focused on certain people and certain objects, which were not seen in the same exact way as another student. This shows that the human mind sees a unique version of what our senses tell us is reality. Reality, might however, escape the limitations of the human mind. For instance, a particular relation to a person and an object, this case a tree, might be seen as being a certain way in my mind but a much different way in another student's mind. Each person's unique experience, through the perception of their sense,….

Adorno and Bataille

Adorno's Negative Theology And The Religious Dimension Of Art
Religion in art can perform a variety of roles. A religious picture, literary text or piece of music can be didactic in intent, spreading knowledge of religious teachings, ideologies and practices; it can serve a commemorative purpose, reminding present generations of the significance of past episodes, or the examples of particular individuals, in shaping present religious belief and practice; it can be inspiring in an emotional or spiritual sense, acting to create a suitable emotion or feeling of a religious nature in its audience. Art with religious content or purpose can be contemplative or bombastic in character, and can convey a message that is conservative or radical in political, social or cultural terms; it can operate on an individual or a collective level, and inspire engagement with the world or withdrawal from it; it can work through great formal simplicity or abstruse….

Humanistic Tradition
The crime rates in the western countries started when the Europe experienced a growth rate, which was the time of the 19th century industrial era. During the period, there was an influx of immigration from different part of the world that led to the urbanization and growth of the cities. Moreover, different thoughts were emanated during the period such as romanticism, modern western industrialization, rationalization of enlightenment, and Darwin theory of evolution. The book, "The Humanistic Tradition," (Fiero, 2010 p 1) illustrates the emergence of different thoughts that include realism and romanticism of the 19th century (Fiero, 2010). However, different thoughts in the books are reflected in the film titled the Seven (1995). The chapter 27 of the books reveals the industrial progress of the 19th century, the idealistic thought, nature of European literature, and Asian literature. However, the crime rates was part of the major characteristics of….

In that regard, the counselor would want to explore any possible connection between the social turmoil that might have been responsible for generating his subsequent social disillusionment. To the extent the counselor determines that the subject's social disenfranchisement is attributable to his involvement or response to those social conflicts he would assist the subject evaluate the objective conclusions and expectations that have shaped his outlook as an older adult in substantially different social circumstances and living in a very different society than the one responsible for his feelings about government representatives and authority figures in general (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2008).
B. Preliminary Hypotheses of Main Apparent Problems

Hypothesis # 1 -- Multiple Causes of Intimacy Issues

First, it is likely that there are multiple concurrent causes of the subject's apparent difficulty establishing and maintaining close intimate relationships and effective communications within his marriage. The psychodynamic perspective teaches that it is relatively rare….

Essay Topics on Veteran Rehabilitation


Veteran rehabilitation plays a crucial role in empowering veterans to successfully transition from military service to civilian life. It encompasses a range of services that help veterans address physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges stemming from their service. Exploring topics related to veteran rehabilitation can provide valuable insights into the challenges veterans face and the interventions that can facilitate their well-being.

Physical Rehabilitation

The impact of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and other combat-related injuries on veterans' physical functioning and quality of life.
The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in improving physical abilities and reducing pain in veterans with chronic....

Talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy, is a widely utilized intervention for addressing mental health concerns. It involves engaging in structured conversations with a trained mental health professional to explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that may be contributing to psychological distress. Talk therapy has proven to be an effective approach for various mental health conditions, offering numerous benefits to individuals seeking support.

How Talk Therapy Works

Talk therapy operates on the principle that by talking about and processing one's experiences and challenges in a safe and supportive environment, individuals can gain insights into the root causes of their distress. The therapist serves....

Effective Coping Mechanisms for Post-Pandemic Stress and Trauma: A Comprehensive Essay
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted the mental health landscape, leaving many individuals grappling with the lingering effects of stress and trauma. Effectively coping with these challenges is crucial for promoting well-being and resilience. This essay will explore evidence-based coping mechanisms to assist individuals in navigating the post-pandemic period.
1. Seek Professional Help
When facing overwhelming stress and trauma, seeking professional help is essential. Therapists can provide a safe and supportive space to process emotions, develop coping skills, and address underlying issues. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Eye....

2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Dialectics of Father and Son

Words: 749
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Because the father sees his death as attached to the coming to life of the son, the son's life is also representative, or so the author claims, of…

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15 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Dialectic Method Plato's Dialectic Method

Words: 4256
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Plato conceived that there were two great causes of human corruption, viz., bad or ill-directed education, and the corrupt influence of the body on the soul. His ethical discussions,…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Dialectic and Its Influence

Words: 561
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Dialectical method, sometimes referred to as the Socratic Method, is where there are two points of opinion that lie on opposite ends of a spectrum that "debate." Through the…

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2 Pages


Seinfeld Relational Dialectics Theory in Part Explains

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Seinfeld Relational dialectics theory in part explains the success of Seinfeld in capturing the tension inherent in interpersonal relationships. In Seinfeld, humor allows the tension to dissipate. Yet there remains…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Hegelian Dialectic Concerning Life Death

Words: 2993
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

His viewpoint is neither traditionally Christian and therefore subject to Church doctrine, nor strictly pagan and therefore subject to strict rationality. Hegel's working out of the thesis and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Gwf Hegel's Master Slave Dialectic

Words: 579
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Hegel In the conclusion to his chapter on "Perception," Hegel argues that since the "being-for-self' that is burdened with a 'being-for-another' [ ....] are essentially in a single unity, what…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Modernity and Postmodernity

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

dialectic of the Enlightenment in terms of the values of truth, progress and liberation. We will tangentially see how these concepts are linked to modernity and post modernity.…

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2 Pages


Communication Theory Social Penetration Theory

Words: 881
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

2. elational Dialectics Theory elational dialectics theory is defined as an "interpretive theory of meaning-making in familial and non-kin relationships" (Baxter a.L., 2008). The dialectical process of thinking increases in…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Hegel and Karl Marx

Words: 887
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Marx Hegel German philosopher Hegel developed a philosophy that can be called phenomenology, or Philosophy and the Actual World. Whereas previous philosophers concerned themselves with abstractions, Hegel wanted to apply…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Marx & Hitler the Easiest

Words: 586
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The country had been defeated in this war, it had lost all its colonies and many of its European lands, as well as being forced to pay a…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Real Living Individuals There Are

Words: 1622
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Finally, Marx supports the idea that the elements of the market economy are each and everyone determinant for the eventual outcome of the society. 3. What is the significance…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Plato and Descartes and Plato

Words: 1462
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" He also confirmed to himself that God was the origin of his thought, and therefore because his thoughts were real, God must also be real. 3. Descartes -- Senses…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Adorno and Bataille

Words: 3893
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Adorno's Negative Theology And The Religious Dimension Of Art Religion in art can perform a variety of roles. A religious picture, literary text or piece of music can be didactic…

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8 Pages


Humanistic Tradition and Seven 1995

Words: 2380
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Humanistic Tradition The crime rates in the western countries started when the Europe experienced a growth rate, which was the time of the 19th century industrial era. During the…

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10 Pages
Case Study


Counseling Case Study Developmental Issues

Words: 2650
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

In that regard, the counselor would want to explore any possible connection between the social turmoil that might have been responsible for generating his subsequent social disillusionment. To…

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