E Commerce Essays (Examples)

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E-Commerce I Would Not Sell the Domain
Pages: 5 Words: 1677

I would not sell the domain name. There are no ethical dilemmas involved at all here. It is simply a business decision, and does not meet the criteria for an ethical dilemma. An ethical dilemma arises when an actor must choose between one or more mutually exclusive options (the dilemma) with conflicting ethical outcomes. Thus, the dilemma arise when there is no clear choice between options, because to take one of the options means creating a negative action. The conflicting requirements of the options cannot easily be overridden, hence the dilemma (McConnell, 2010). In this case, there is no such dilemma. The two options are mutually exclusive, yes, but there is no need to do both. The actor can easily choose to do one or to do the other. Moreover, committing one act over the other does not require overriding one set of duties with another. So there is no…...



Google. (2013). Search engine optimization starter guide. Google. Retrieved November 25, 2013 from  http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en/us/webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf 

Lohse, G. & Spiller, P. (1999). Internet retail store design: How the user interface influences traffic and sales. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.. Vol. 5 (2).

McConnell, T. (2010). Moral dilemmas. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 25, 2013 from  http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-dilemmas/ 

Vaughan, M. (2011). Tough sell: Selling user experience. Journal of Usability Studies. Vol. 6 (2) 48-51.

E-Commerce Information Systems
Pages: 15 Words: 4190

E-Commerce Information Systems
The situation facing one insurance company is that growth is good, so good the company is expanding rapidly and needs to implement a database system to store client details and general information, to be accessed by other employees as needed. The knowledge held within the company is currently divided between existing paper-based systems, the computer systems, and members of the staff. The company at this time has 4 branches, each employing around 10 staff members, and each office has separate methods of storing information. Some offices use manual systems, while others have set up their own basic databases, such as can be developed buy using a product like Microsoft Access. Fortunately for any change to be made, each branch employs at least 2 members of the staff who are competent with computer systems. What is needed is a plan for coordinating the information needs of the company as…...



Deck, S. (1998, November 2, Users seek fix for data warehousing woes, Computerworld, p. 17.

Griffin, J., 1996, August, Avoid data warehousing maintenance migraine, Datamation, pp. 74-76.

Hammond, M., 1999, April 19, SAS learns to play the open standards tune, PC Week, p. 125.

Hollander, D. & Mroz, J., 1996, Setpember, Data warehousing speeds decision-making process, Best's Review, pp. 104-106

E-Commerce Communications
Pages: 20 Words: 6773

E-Commerce Communications
Electronic commerce or e-commerce is the term used to describe all forms of information exchange and business transactions based on information and communication technologies. There are different types of formal definitions of e-commerce, but the wide scope involved has resulted in many definitions focusing on only certain aspects. A fairly comprehensive definition covers e-commerce from four different perspectives (Kalakota and Whinston, 1997, p.38) - communications, business process, service and online. From a communications perspective, e-commerce is the transfer of information, products, services and payments over communication and electronic networks. The business process is about application of information and communications technology for automation of business activities and transactions. From a service perspective, e-commerce provides solutions to consumers and organizations for enhancing business performance and efficiency such as improvement in quality, deliverables and resolving customer complaints in quick time. The online element of e-commerce allows buying and selling of products on…...



Amor, D (1999) "The E-business revolution" Prentice Hall, NJ, pp. 23-31

Been, J., Christiaanse, E., O'Callaghan, R and Van Diepen, T (1995)

Electronic Markets in the Air Cargo Community"

Third European Conference on Information Systems, Athens, pp.3-6

E-Commerce and Globalization Over the
Pages: 2 Words: 640

E-commerce in the case of McDonald's could facilitate the company's cost leadership through the elimination of intermediaries. Further, it can be noted that McDonald's could enhance its competitive advantage through e-commerce by becoming the first retailer in its industry to introduce new innovations in relation to e-commerce. This would allow the organization to gain a distinctive early competitive advantage. Companies that have successfully attained an early competitive advantage through this approach include eBay.com.
Function of E-Commerce: An Emphasis on McDonald's

When it comes to McDonald's, the function of e-commerce can be looked at from two perspectives, that is, business to business perspective and business to consumer perspective. In regard to the business to business perspective, e-commerce enhances and facilitates the exchange and transfer of documentation i.e. invoices and LPOs between McDonald's and its partners in the supply chain or elsewhere. Here, the buying function is fully automated.

When it comes to the…...



Enos, L. (2000, March 13th). McDonald's takes a Small Bite of E-Commerce. Retrieved 18th June, 2011, from  http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/2720.html?wlc=1308548841 

Macaluso, N. (2001, May 29th). McDonald's To Expand E-Payment System. Retrieved 18th June, 2011, from  http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/10062.html

E-Commerce Name a Company That
Pages: 2 Words: 668

The demand will not be extremely high for there is always an option to just download it from various research engines.
hat types of industry or government regulations might be needed to control adware, spyware, ad bombs, ambush marketing, and customer hijacking?

ith the advent of e-commerce, the government can start rethinking into establishing regulations or bylaws regarding the strict compliance to anti-spy programs for the companies delving into e-commerce business. Businesses and consumers (or the public) must be protected from any illegal or unauthorized access to company and/or personal information. In the same manner, guidelines on copyright law must be made stricter as the e-commerce world opens more opportunities for the people to have access on different information of the product and of the company.

Briefly speculate on what e-commerce security will look like in 10 years.

In the next ten years, for sure, e-commerce will be on of the major sources…...


Works Cited

M2 Presswire (26 August 2004), "BASF expands its successful e-commerce activities," M2 Communications Ltd. Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan.

Telecom Worldwide, (October 2000)"E-commerce company Boxman fails," M2 Communications Ltd. Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan

E-Commerce and Business Redesign
Pages: 9 Words: 3744

E-Commerce and Business Redesign
The e-banking business faces many of the same roadblocks as the rest of the retail sector, when it comes to wide spread usage and acceptance of their e-banking systems. The focus of this research will be to explore the effect of the Internet on the traditional brick and mortar retail bank. E-banking still faces many roadblocks in the re-engineering of the banking system. The research in this study answers the question, "hat changes to their business design will the retail banking industry have to make, in order to compete in the online banking industry?" It explores the issues of EDI, the challenges that they face, e-money, and discuss the measures that the banking industry must make to remain competitive.

E-Commerce and Business Redesign

The advent of the Internet has opened many new possibilities for businesses worldwide. Many companies only exist in cyberspace. It is no longer necessary to have…...


Works Cited

Barua, A. Konana, P. Whinston, A. And Yi n, F..2000. "Making E-Business Pay: Eight Key Drivers for Operational Success." IT Pro. November/December 2000. Accessed November, 2002.http://cism.bus.utexas.edu/.

Carter, R. Strader, T. And Nilakanta, S..2000. "Online Investment Banking Phase I: Distribution via the Internet and Its Impact on IPO Performance." August, 2000. (1) 6.

Choi, S. And Whinston, A. 1997. Electronic Payments and the Future of Electronic Commerce." Center for Electronic Commerce. University of Texas at Austin.

Enos, L.. "E-tailers Realize Money Can't Buy Loyalty." E-Commerce Times. October 19, 2001.   Accessed November, 2002.http://www.ecommercetimes.com/perl/story/14241.html .

E-Commerce Plan Nintendo's Global Leadership
Pages: 10 Words: 2844

S. Home Console Hardware Market Figure 4: Home Console Hardware Sales in Europe
Source: Nintendo Investor elations (2009)

Clearly the Wii was able to gain an exceptionally large market share quickly after being launched. This was accomplished in the midst of a global recession as well

Market Demographics and Needs

For many who believe the computer gaming market is one that is composed of teenagers, their stereotypes of gamers is quite off the mark. Figure 5, Computer Gaming Demographics, 2007, illustrates the demographics of the U.S. computer gaming market which is comparable to other western nations. Nearly 60% of the total market is comprised of men who are 45 years of age or older. Notice also that women, age 18 to 45 are also nearly one out of every three gamers. Nintendo has created cross-over games which have been very successful in addressing these needs of these demographic groups. The development of "build your…...



Bernoff, J., & Li, C.. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Chafkin, M. (2009, May). Get Happy: How Tony Hsieh uses relentless innovation, stellar service, and a staff of believers to make Zappos.com an e-commerce juggernaut -- and one of the most blissed-out businesses in America. Inc., 31(4), 66-73.

Stephen Hammill (2007). Guess Who Got a Wii? McClatchy - Tribune Business News.

Thawatchai Jitpaiboon, Ramesh Dangols, & James Walters. (2009). The study of cooperative relationships and mass customization. Management Research News, 32(9), 804-815.

E-Commerce Analyzing Messaging in E-Commerce the Dynamics
Pages: 3 Words: 946

Analyzing Messaging in e-Commerce

The dynamics of communication online are drastically different than offline or through hybrid communication and e-commerce channels, influencing behavior differently as a result (Sliwa, 1999). The communication process comprised of the steps of purpose, sender, receiver, message, environment, technology, noise, and feedback are used as the foundation of this analysis. The content and context of each of these steps in the communication process will also vary with the intended behavior that is anticipated from a prospect or buyer (Sliwa, 1999). What unifies the communication process across online, offline and hybrid channels is the need to establish trust and consistency that prospects and customers can count on when completing transactions (Antoniou, Batten, 2011).

Analysis of the Communications Process

The behavior of attracting and selling to prospects and customers online requires a strong foundation of accuracy in product descriptions, consistency of pricing and transaction workflows, and most importantly, trust conveyed throughout…...



Antoniou, G., & Batten, L.. (2011). E-commerce: protecting purchaser privacy to enforce trust. Electronic Commerce Research, 11(4), 421-456.

Benaroch, M., & Appari, A.. (2011). Pricing e-service quality risk in financial services. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10(5), 534-544.

Celuch, K., Bantham, J., & Kasouf, C.. (2011). The role of trust in buyer-seller conflict management. Journal of Business Research, 64(10), 1082.

Carol Sliwa. (1999, April). E-Commerce, messaging take center stage. Computerworld, 33(15), 12.

E-Commerce Why Is Consumer Trust
Pages: 2 Words: 656

It is commonly used for completely analyses of why one culture has trouble intermeshing and integrating with another on a workforce and individual level. One of the most valuable aspects of Cultural Dimensions Model is the ability to see how one culture sees time and transactions from a completely different vantage point compared to another. The five dimensions of this model include the Personal Distance Index (PDI), Individuality (IDV), Masculinity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) and Long-Term Orientation (LTO). Country comparisons can be completed using the application Dr., Hofstede makes available on his website at this location: http://geert-hofstede.com/countries.html. Each of these dimensions shows how drastically different cultures are from each other, with the aspects of PDI, UAI and LTO being the most significant differentiators across cultures on a consistent basis. The Hofstede Model shows why trust is hard to achieve across cultures given how drastically different values, perceptions and the…...



Antoniou, G., & Batten, L. (2011). E-commerce: Protecting purchaser privacy to enforce trust. Electronic Commerce Research, 11(4), 421-456.

Beatty, P., Reay, I., Dick, S., & Miller, J. (2011). Consumer trust in e-commerce web sites: A meta-study. ACM Computing Surveys, 43(3), 3.

Hofstede, G. (1983). National cultures in four dimensions: A research-based theory of cultural differences among nations.International Studies of Management & Organization, 13(1), 46-46.

Kim, D.J., Ferrin, D.L., & Rao, H.R. (2009). Trust and satisfaction, two stepping stones for successful E-commerce relationships: A longitudinal exploration. Information Systems Research, 20(2), 237-257.

E-Commerce and Business Technology in Reading the
Pages: 2 Words: 948

e-Commerce and Business Technology
In reading the text readings for this week, what one deep concept (contained within a paragraph not a page) interested you most which was relatively new information to you. How will it be helpful to you in your career? Tell us in a 3 to 4 paragraph essay with a cite of the idea in the text plus a cite of an additional source on the topic plus your experience.

Of the many interesting and valuable e-commerce concepts and frameworks defined in the text, the one that resonate the most with me is the integration of product and service customization, combined with the agility that is possible with e-business models (Laudon, Traver, 2011).

When these core concepts are combined from the text, the importance of supply chains and their accuracy, efficiency of operation and contribute become evident. Studies of the impact of supply chain management, construction and production management…...



Bakker, E., Harland, C., Knight, L., & Zheng, J. (2008). Putting e-commerce adoption in a supply chain context. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 28(4), 313-330.

Balakrishnan, A., & Geunes, J. (2004). Collaboration and coordination in supply chain management and E-commerce. Production and Operations Management, 13(1), 1-2.

Currier, G. (2011). Emerging technology adoption trends. CIO Insight, (119), 18-23.

Golicic, S.L., Davis, D.F., McCarthy, T.M., & Mentzer, J.T. (2002). The impact of e-commerce on supply chain relationships. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 32(9), 851-871.

E-Commerce Placement Security and Fulfillment
Pages: 2 Words: 543

In addition to this software implementation, the use of monitoring technology will allow a company to consolidate information from their various security sensors and codes and provide a "single image of potential intrusions for effective incident response" ("E-business Security Issues," 2007). The implementation of these software programs is especially important as e-commerce expands to include access from mobile devices.
Purchasing products via brick and mortar stores allow the consumer to test out hardware in store, as well as do a side-by-side comparison of accessories and other products available in the store. The most efficient method of distribution is the direct channel of distribution. Direct purchasing affords the consumer access to trial versions of software and allows them to shop from the comfort of their home, 24/7. Also, the purchase of a product is not dependent on store availability. Another benefit of direct distribution is the ability to purchase a product…...


Reference List:

"E-Business Security Issues." 2007. E-Commerce Program. Retrieved from

Ecommerce Potentials Problems and Recommendations the Online
Pages: 3 Words: 895

Ecommerce: Potentials, Problems, And ecommendations
The online selling of goods, known as "etailing" or ecommerce, is now an almost ubiquitous sales channel available for most industries and products. From everyday grocery items to high-end electronics and everything in between, consumers can point their web browsers to Amazon, eBay, and innumerable independent store websites and purchase anything they're after. The convenience and the ease of comparing product specifications and prices in various stores are definite advantages to consumers, and the ability to reach much larger (in most cases, global) markets is a clear advantage to manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers that ecommerce confers. There are also disadvantages, though, such as increased competition for inline and brick-and-mortar businesses alike, decreased personal interaction (which can be a sales driver), and customer service complexities. Target markets for physical stores are limited by geography but supported by such interaction; global markets can be targeted by online retailers,…...



Clifford, S. (2012). Younger Shoppers Using Technology, Not Salespeople. NY Times. Accessed 1 April 2012.  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/10/business/younger-shoppers-using-technology-not-salespeople.html?_r=1&ref=customerrelations 

Hello Hello Books. (2012). Accessed 1 April 2012.

E-Commerce in July of 1997
Pages: 3 Words: 1196

com. Kozmo has agreed to pay Starbucks $150 million for utilizing Starbucks 2100 retail outlets for in-store promotion. Some of the other measures are that Kozmo will place drop boxes at Starbucks stores to cater to video returns and Kozmo will also deliver Starbuck's roasted coffee by the pound against orders received over the Internet. It is expected that this agreement will lead to other online ventures that could include hot beverage delivery and the development of new products and services. Kozmo at the moment provides one-hour delivery of videos, books, magazines, meals, snacks, and beverages in the cities of New York, San Francisco, Boston, Seattle and Washington. (Starbucks Tiptoes into E-Commerce with Kozmo Alliance)
Starbucks has launched a new magazine called Joe and the necessary Website for it. An added feature would be the facility of traditional conversation available exclusively across the Starbuck's stores in North America. Excerpts would also…...



Conlin, Rob. "Starbucks Tiptoes into E-Commerce with Kozmo Alliance" February 14, 2004. Retrieved at   Accessed on 11/29/2004http://www.technewsworld.com/story/2504.html .

Farmer, Austria Melanie (May 12, 1999) "Starbucks to launch portal site, report says." Retrieved at   Accessed on 11/30/2004http://news.com.com/Starbucks+to+launch+portal+site,+report+says/2100-1017_3-225740.html .

Habermann, Christian; Mattis, Andrew; Medvedowsky, David; Olivia, Nash. (May 5, 2004) "Starbucks.com strategy" Retrieved at Accessed on 11/30/2004http://elab.vanderbilt.edu/research/papers/pdf/student_projects/Final%20Report%20Starbucks.com.pdf.

Hall, Steve. (March 11, 2004) "Starbucks to Offer Music Burning Service" Retrieved at   on 11/29/2004http://www.marketingvox.com/archives/2004/03/11/starbucks_to_offer_music_burning_serviceAccessed 

Ecommerce E Commerce What Are
Pages: 2 Words: 625

This is important, because it can help to improve the strategic analysis, by serving as an early warning sign (when some kind of issue could be emerging). Where, it can address: possible challenges that may be affecting the business model, marketing strategies or customer service issues. When you have an effective Performance Dashboard in place, it helps to prevent any kind of sudden surprises. These different elements are important, due to the fact that they are highlighting how, an e-commerce website can have effective security procedures in place.
How can it be implemented?

This can be implemented by taking an approach, where you integrating this solution with: various financial and security procedures in place. The idea is to use the Performance Dashboard, as a way to monitor and react to various situations using numerous tools. For example, if there is a possible security breach, the Performance Dashboard would pick up the…...



Ekerson, W. (2005). What are Performance Dashboards. BMP Partners. Retrieved from:  http://www.bpmpartners.com/documents/Chapter1Excerpt.pdf 

Holden, G. (2010). Starting an Online Business. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.

E-Commerce and Internet E-Commerce Brief Overview of
Pages: 3 Words: 1090

E-Commerce and Internet

Brief overview of the business

The business that requires a website is a local food store called People's Food Community that sells organic products and buys produce from the local farmers. This business is local in every sense and they cater to people who are health-conscious and support local farming and community. They have their own deli, bakery and salad bar that is popular among a good section of the population.

Internet business model

"A business model is a method of doing business. All business models specify what a company does to create value, how it is situated among upstream and downstream partners in the value chain, and the type of arrangement it has with its customers to generate revenue. In any given industry, the methods of doing business may vary, but there are limits imposed by technological factors, by the competitive dynamic among companies and between companies and their channel…...



Rappa, Micheal. 2004. The Utility Business Model and the future of computing services. IBM Systems Journal. 43(1), 31-42

Department of Defense Systems Management College. January 2001. Systems Engineering Fundamentals. Fort Belvoir, Virginia: Defense Acquisition University press.

Goldstein, Douglas. 2000. E-healthcare: harness the power of Internet e-commerce and e-care. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

\"How important are catchy titles in mobile marketing campaigns for driving user engagement?\"
Words: 224

1. The Evolution of Mobile Marketing: From SMS to App-based Campaigns
2. The Power of Mobile Marketing: Reaching Customers Anytime, Anywhere
3. Mobile Marketing Strategies: How to Engage Consumers on the Go
4. The Impact of Mobile Marketing on Consumer Behavior
5. Mobile Marketing Trends: What to Expect in the Coming Years
6. Personalized Marketing through Mobile Devices: A Game Changer for Brands
7. Mobile Marketing Best Practices: Tips for Success in a Digital World
8. The Role of Mobile Apps in Modern Marketing Campaigns
9. Mobile Marketing Across Generations: Connecting with Millennials and Gen Z
10. Mobile Marketing Metrics and Analytics: Measuring Success in a Mobile-driven World
11. The....

How did the ideologies of Federalists and Anti-Federalists shape the American constitution?
Words: 535

Ideological Differences between Federalists and Anti-Federalists
The Federalists and Anti-Federalists were two opposing political factions that emerged during the debate over the ratification of the United States Constitution. Their distinct ideologies shaped the contours of the American constitution.
Strong National Government: Federalists believed in a robust central government with ample authority to regulate interstate commerce, raise taxes, and defend the nation.
Checks and Balances: They supported a system of checks and balances among the three branches of government to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.
Limited Popular Sovereignty: While Federalists acknowledged the importance of popular representation, they also feared....

If you were president, how would you shape the future of our nation?
Words: 591

As the United States faces an uncertain future, the nation yearns for a leader who can shape its destiny with vision and determination. If bestowed with the honor of the presidency, I would wholeheartedly embrace the mantle of leadership and strive to craft a path toward a brighter tomorrow. In this essay, I will delineate my comprehensive plan to address the challenges facing our nation and outline the transformative initiatives I would implement to secure a prosperous and equitable future for all Americans.

The economic landscape of the United States is in dire need of revitalization. To stimulate growth and create....

How has the legalization of marijuana in certain states impacted the overall drug policy in the United States?
Words: 634

The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on US Drug Policy

The legalization of marijuana in certain US states has significantly impacted the nation's overall drug policy. This pivotal shift has sparked a multifaceted debate, influencing law enforcement, public health, and the legal framework surrounding illicit substances.

Law Enforcement:

Prior to legalization, marijuana possession was a primary focus of law enforcement efforts. The "War on Drugs" policy led to mass arrests and incarcerations, disproportionately affecting minority communities. However, legalization has reduced the strain on law enforcement resources, freeing up officers to focus on more serious crimes. Additionally, it has diminished the drug trade's profitability, depriving....

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