E-Waste Essays (Examples)

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They also have to use the media to do advocacy.
A barrier like knowledge of impact has the most potential to be reduced in order for the venture to realize its goal. Majority of people resort to damping their electronic wastes into landfills or even use earth as a waste basket because they do not know the impact of engaging in such activities. Some even end up burning such waste oblivious of deleterious effects of engaging in such acts. Take an example of the components of a computer motherboard. It is highly probable that they contain heavy metals like mercury and lead.

Scientific research shows how dangerous these heavy metals are to the lives of human beings especially when they find their way into the human diet (UNEP, 2009). Lead is connected with memory loss in human beings (Heylighen & Bernheim, 2000). When key partners like Lower East Side Centre and….

Political Economy of E-Waste
Introduction to E-Waste

While developed countries and the west, in general, continue to take pride in applying modern technology in their activities, some parts of the world seem to be losing because of the same developments in the west. The countries in the global north are pursuing modern technology in all respects possible. There are hundreds of thousands of electronic waste products that are generated from such pursuits. The electronic devices developed in these countries are largely sold in countries with a ready market to receive them. The devices come with a limited life span. They often stop functioning after their lifespan has lapsed. It follows that such devices and equipment has to be disposed off. It is this aspect of handling the products of technology that causes a major problem in some countries. Most of the devices contain metallic parts and toxic constituents. The toxins cause a….

Most of the world's electronic trash -- especially old computers -- is dumped in the third world countries, resulting severe environmental problems and illnesses among residents. A latest news agency declares that about 80% of the world's electronic trash is imported to Asia every year, and about 90% of which ends up in China (Chandran, 2002). The large amount of electronic trash dumped in Chinese cities has created serious health hazards for residents living across these cities. Although Chinese authorities have listed Guangdong's towns of Guiyu, Longtang and Dali and other areas as the country's major collection and distribution centers for electronic trash, these areas now have become a health hazard. The health problems arise through cathode ray tubes (CTs), and any device that might hold them. CTs contain lead and other chemicals that leach from landfills into groundwater. The pollutants are released into the air during burning.

ecently, the European….

The role of the leader is to inspire vision, demonstrate confidence and set examples for the group to follow. Our leader will need to create a positive environment to energize our group towards achieving our objectives. To reach common consensuses, our leader will be given the power of final say after the group has deliberated and debated on an issue. To reach our goal, we will be very careful when choosing a leader. We will choose a leader based on several qualities that our leader must possess and these qualities will include:
Communication skills

Written skills

Ability to convince other people efficiently and effectively

Education qualification

Good personality.

ased on the strategies that we will use to select our leader, it is envisaged that our leader will assist the group to reach a better decision.

Team Work

While our leader is to assist the group to reach a better decision for good of the venture, however, the….

Environmental egulations and Industry Best Practice for Efficient Use of esources
The inappropriate disposal of electronic or so-called "e-waste," including office consumables such as laser printer and photocopier toner cartridges, represents a major environmental threat. In fact, according to Taylor, "E-waste' is growing in landfills at three times the rate of general refuse."

In the past, identifying ways to recycle laser printer and photocopier toner cartridges was complicated by the fact that these cartridges contain a "complex mix of plastics, metals, foams and toner."

Identifying ways to recycle laser printer and photocopier toner cartridges, though, is worthwhile. For instance, "Printer cartridges contain valuable metals such as steel, aluminium and copper, as well as ink, toner powder, plastics, rubber, silica and foam, much of which can be recycled."

Nevertheless, Weissman emphasizes that the fact that, "Disposal of electronics waste is complicated, because many of the more than 1,000 different substances in electronics waste streams….

Electronic Waste

1. What is e-waste? What is so dangerous about e-waste? Many well-meaning individuals thought that recycling was the answer to the e-waste problem. But why hasn't e-waste recycling yielded the results hoped for?
E-waste (electronic waste) refers to the discarded electronic or electrical devices that are no longer being used, are unwanted, non-working, and obsolete. All used electronics that are destined for resale, reuse, recycling, salvage, or disposal are also considered to be e-waste. E-waste affects nearly every system in the human body mainly because they contain a plethora of toxic components like lead, calcium, mercury, barium, lithium, cadmium, polybrominated and flame retardants (Cucchiella, D’Adamo, Koh, & Rosa, 2015). Recycling of e-waste is still the answer to the e-waste problem, but recycling has to be carried out in a laid-out manner and not just anyone should be allowed to recycle e-waste. Recycling of e-waste is labor intensive and recycling employees need….

As scientist come up with new technology for the welfare of mankind in this world they end up producing luxuries. The attitude of the people towards the environment is changing due to the fact that they need more and more luxuries and this makes them destroy the environment, and this make environment to be polluted in different forms.

In the act of mankind living luxuriously, they sometime use instruments such as air conditioners, fridges and others that do release C.F.Cs in the environment leading to deplete of the ozone layer, Paul Kennard (2006). According to researches the depletion of ozone layer during 19th century when there was no much use of such things, is compared with for 20th century, it has been found that there is 50% increase of the depletion. Deforestation uncontrollable for the purpose of building with the aim of accommodation tends to raise the content of oxygen….

" (fom Wold envionmental news, Intenet edition)
Besides developing flexible legislation that will distibute the functions of ecycling between manufactues and municipal sevices thee has to be a definite and developed pogam that would specialize on the optimal and the most exhaust utilization of electonic waste, eduction of e-waste landfills and incineation. Recycling pogam should not be limited to the ecycling of CRT monitos, as thei ownes ae moe likely to bing the whole obsolete compute system to the ecycling, not just compute monitos.

The benefit of integal pogam of ecycling is that it allows using a vaiety of mateials used in the electonics manufactuing like pecious metals, semi-pecious metals, and some electonic items in the euse.

The most impotant pat of the e-waste management is seach of the most appopiate and qualified patnes in the technical o pactical pat of the poblem solution. This poblem is of the essential value, as the….

Cross-functional team dynamics require leaders who can be transformational in their ability to communicate compelling missions, goals and objectives for the teams, not just managing by action item lists and project plans (Santa, Ferrer, Bretherton, Hyland, 2010).
The best cross-functional teams then have a level of passionate intensity about them; they see the much greater result they are attempting to accomplish as worth the sacrifices they need to attain them (Feng, Jiang, Fan, Fu, 2010). Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the area of new product development and introduction (NPDI), especially in high tech manufacturing where product lifecycles are so rapid (Boks, Stevels, 2007). In the leading high tech companies including Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, IBM and others, sustainability engineering, product development engineering, packaging, repackaging and remanufacturing all have their experts on cross-functional teams to share their expertise and insight to make sustainability initiatives accomplishable through better use of internal knowledge….

Sky May Not Be Actually

The net effect of these trends on the environment is mixed. According to Kohler and Erdmann (2004), the expanded use of ICT applications will ultimately result in both benefits to the environment, as well as some new problems associated with their use. The extent to which the negative effects are mitigated will ultimately depend on the foresight that is used today to develop long-term energy and waste management policies that will control the development of ICT infrastructures and how they are used in the future (Kohler & Erdmann, 2004).
According to Lan and Thomas (2009), there is no escaping the fact that information and communication technologies are fundamentally changing the nature of commerce and hold important promise for economic development in the future. These authors are quick at add, though, that proceeding with these technologies is a complex enterprise and there are still a number of unknowns involved concerning how….

In particular, it states that Joffe-Walt's proposal of having developed countries take responsibility for their own waste to solve China's e-waste problems won't necessarily work.
Liu explains that China banned the import of e-waste way back in 2000. Thus, the continued import of e-waste is from black market trade fueled by China's abundant, cheap, and skilled labor force. The e-waste is shipped to Hong Kong that then smuggled into China where local authorities are willing to look the other way because it is such a hugely profitable business.

According to Liu, the efforts of developed countries to discontinue the export of e-waste will only serve to make the problem worse. For example, the European Union created the European Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in 2005. This Directive "holds producers responsible for financing the collection, treatment, recovery, and environmentally sound disposal of waste electronics. However, the author contends that, while….

This approach has been regarded as one of the best and safest approaches. Despite this, there is widespread concern about proper radioactive waste management. (National esearch Council (U.S.), 1)
According to a 1976 EDA report, the nine facilities for radioactive waste disposal have been referred to as significant health hazards. Leaks and spills at such facilities are not very uncommon. In fact, the radioactive waste storage facility at ichland has reported around 18 leaks in a period of 20 years discharging approximately 430,000 gallons of radioactive wastes, shows the enormity of the situation. Leaks have also been reported in Kentucky, New York State, and in Tennessee. (Gyorgy, 130) it has been reported that the U.S. generates radioactive PCB wastes at a rate greater than 5 million tons annually. Moreover, the U.S. has more than 200 million tons of uranium mill tailings in which 85% of its original radioactivity still persists.….

The WITE initiative was a collaborative approach that drew upon industry, state, local governments as well as the EPA's isk eduction Engineering Laboratory with the overall goal of developing more effective pollution prevention technologies that could assist the electronics manufacturing industry in developing a "crade to grave" approach to managing these products (appaport, 1999).
Besides these earlier efforts, in more recent years, increasingly rigorous laws and regulations have been implemented by the EPA with the goal of minimizing the impact of electronics and electrical device waste on the environment have began to make a major difference in recovering these toxic substances before they ever have a chance to become waste. For instance, pursuant to the above-mentioned esource Conservation and ecovery Act, it is now illegal for companies in the United States to simply discard hazardous waste, including electronics and electrical devices, in normal trash receptacles (The importance of recycling computers,….

production and consumption of material resources is an often overlooked but very important aspect of human life on earth, as we are increasingly fighting to maintain sustainability of the global population. The capital of natural resources is being drained as economic and political factors influence the production and consumption of material resources. Developed nations have fared much better than poor undeveloped nations in terms of moving towards being able achieve sustainability. Two production habits related to material resources that can be discussed and that are important for the sustainability of the global population; are the production of vehicles for transportation and also the production of electrical appliances. These two types of material resources have great impact on the potential sustainability of the world's population. The production habit of vehicles for transportation, specifically cars is driven by a global economy that demands the production of millions of new vehicles every….

Amazon could follow in order to be socially responsible in marketing its Kindle fire family of tablets. This demand for such social responsibility has been coming for sometime for the secretive Amazon to reveal long-awaited information about its environmental compliance in the case of the new Kindle tablet.
Amazon has long been seemingly more secret than that CIA about facets of the company and the Kindle has been no exception to this rule. equests for this information have been repeatedly denied requests for information about the Kindle. Examples of this included an attempt by Joe Hutsko of the New York Times who tried to learn more Kindle's carbon footprint and reported that "phone calls and e-mail messages to Amazon inquiring about the materials in the popular Kindle device have thus far gone unanswered (Godelnik, 2011)." Also, Emma itch of the Cleantech Group wrote that "Amazon declined to provide information about….

Marina pollution is a significant problem that is only increasing as the popularity of boating and water sports increase.  Here are some PhD thesis topics about marina pollution to consider:

The impact of headwater emptying on marina pollution levels and whether the presence of readily available waste disposal stations helps reduce those pollution levels.  A secondary question to consider would be whether the fees associated with those waste stations impacts how much they are used, for example do free waste disposal stations help decrease marina pollution?

How parking lot runoff impacts marina pollution and can this impact be lessened....

Essay Topics on Pollution

Air Pollution:

The Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment
The Role of Vehicle Emissions in Air Quality Degradation
The Economic and Social Costs of Air Pollution on Cities
The Effectiveness of Air Quality Regulations and Standards
The Future of Air Pollution Mitigation and Control

Water Pollution:

The Causes and Consequences of Water Pollution in Developing Countries
The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Water Quality
The Role of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Reducing Water Pollution
The Legal and Policy Framework for Water Pollution Control
The Challenges and Solutions to Marine Pollution

Land Pollution:

The Sources and....

Literary Analysis

Hamlet's Tragic Flaw: An Exploration of Indecisiveness and Self-Doubt
The Role of Ambition in Macbeth: A Study in Power and Corruption
The Tragic Heroine in King Lear: A Comparison of Cordelia and Goneril
Romeo and Juliet as a Tragedy of Fate or Free Will
The Meaning of Love in Twelfth Night: A Romantic Comedy with a Twist

Character Analysis

The Complexity of Hamlet: Madness, Melancholy, and the Search for Truth
Macbeth: A Tragic Hero or a Villain?
Ophelia in Hamlet: A Study of Fragility and Female Agency
The Character of Falstaff in Henry IV and Henry V: Humor, Loyalty,....

A suitable thesis statement for an expository essay on managing human waste could be: "The effective management of human waste is paramount to ensuring public health, preserving the environment, and fostering sustainable development by employing advanced technologies, implementing proper regulations, and promoting awareness among individuals and communities." When developing a compelling managing human waste thesis statement, it is important to focus on the key aspects of the topic that will capture the reader's interest. Consider highlighting the significance of addressing this issue, the potential benefits of effective waste management, and the various approaches that can be utilized to make a positive....

2 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

E-Waste Environmental Condition Like Economics

Words: 643
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

They also have to use the media to do advocacy. A barrier like knowledge of impact has the most potential to be reduced in order for the venture to…

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4 Pages

Political Science

Developing Countries and Ghana

Words: 1401
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Political Economy of E-Waste Introduction to E-Waste While developed countries and the west, in general, continue to take pride in applying modern technology in their activities, some parts of the world…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Words: 1645
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

E-Trash Most of the world's electronic trash -- especially old computers -- is dumped in the third world countries, resulting severe environmental problems and illnesses among residents. A latest news…

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5 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Individual Summary and Reflection Our

Words: 1552
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The role of the leader is to inspire vision, demonstrate confidence and set examples for the group to follow. Our leader will need to create a positive environment…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Sustainable Printer Cartridge Disposal

Words: 960
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Environmental egulations and Industry Best Practice for Efficient Use of esources The inappropriate disposal of electronic or so-called "e-waste," including office consumables such as laser printer and photocopier toner…

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2 Pages

Information Technology

Electronic Waste

Words: 933
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

1. What is e-waste? What is so dangerous about e-waste? Many well-meaning individuals thought that recycling was the answer to the e-waste problem. But why hasn't e-waste recycling yielded…

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4 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Technology as Scientist Come Up With New

Words: 1409
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Technology As scientist come up with new technology for the welfare of mankind in this world they end up producing luxuries. The attitude of the people towards the environment…

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16 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Management Solutions for Electronic Waste

Words: 5441
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (fom Wold envionmental news, Intenet edition) Besides developing flexible legislation that will distibute the functions of ecycling between manufactues and municipal sevices thee has to be a definite and…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Electronic Waste Adoption of Cross-Functional

Words: 3632
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cross-functional team dynamics require leaders who can be transformational in their ability to communicate compelling missions, goals and objectives for the teams, not just managing by action item…

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17 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Sky May Not Be Actually

Words: 4784
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The net effect of these trends on the environment is mixed. According to Kohler and Erdmann (2004), the expanded use of ICT applications will ultimately result in both…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

History - Asian

International Perspectives and Issues the

Words: 569
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

In particular, it states that Joffe-Walt's proposal of having developed countries take responsibility for their own waste to solve China's e-waste problems won't necessarily work. Liu explains that China…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes

Words: 1817
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This approach has been regarded as one of the best and safest approaches. Despite this, there is widespread concern about proper radioactive waste management. (National esearch Council (U.S.),…

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12 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

World War II Researchers Have

Words: 3825
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Thesis

The WITE initiative was a collaborative approach that drew upon industry, state, local governments as well as the EPA's isk eduction Engineering Laboratory with the overall goal of…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Innovation and Sustainability

Words: 699
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

production and consumption of material resources is an often overlooked but very important aspect of human life on earth, as we are increasingly fighting to maintain sustainability of…

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2 Pages


Amazon Could Follow in Order to Be

Words: 767
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Amazon could follow in order to be socially responsible in marketing its Kindle fire family of tablets. This demand for such social responsibility has been coming for sometime…

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