Earthquake Essays (Examples)

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Earthquakes Occur Rapidly Warning Describe Impediments to
Pages: 3 Words: 1087

Earthquakes Occur apidly Warning
Describe impediments to disaster prevention in major cities.

The 2nd half within the Twentieth century observed the fast development of extremely big cities. There happen to be primate urban centers along with metropolises for hundreds of years. Nevertheless, these kinds of brand-new city regions-"mega cities" having greater than ten million occupants-have been fairly current. This mega city presents unique problems for catastrophe risk decrease for numerous factors. Initially, there is certainly their pure size as well as geographic intricacy. They crowd over and above huge areas, which alone tend to make the day-to-day overseeing of hazards as well as vulnerability tough and sufficient stipulation and safety of lifeline infrastructure challenging. These urban areas have increased excessively and integrated a number of pre-existing villages and also towns. Consequently, street designs are complex, and also interconnectivity inside the entire area is really a physical problem for the transportation program. The…...



Fernandes, E. And A. Varley, eds. 1998. Illegal Cities: Law and Urban Changes in Developing Countries. London: Zed Press.

Girardet, H. 1992. The Gaia Atlas of Cities: New Directions for Sustainable Urban Living. New York: Anchor Books.

Girardet, H. 2000. "Cities and the Culture of Sustainability." In F. Dodds, ed., Earth Summit 2002. London: Earthscan: 202 -- 211.

Kleinenberg, E. 2002. Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Earthquake Preparedness Budget Discussion Basic Supplies Sample
Pages: 3 Words: 848

Earthquake Preparedness
Budget Discussion

Basic Supplies

Sample Budget

Preparedness Planning and Training

Budget Discussion

The budget is a critical component of an earthquake preparedness plan. Unlike hurricanes and some other natural hazards, earthquakes strike suddenly and without warning (FEMA, 2013). There are two main consequences of an earthquake and that deal with both people and property. People are always a higher priority than property; however the property is often an interrelated concern. For example, the property should be well stocked with supplies that are needed in the event of an earthquake which can help saves lives and provide needed medical treatment should people be injured. Furthermore if the property has a structure or place to go in the event of an earthquake then this can mitigate any injures to the inhabitants of the building. This proposal will outline a sample plan for a large office building.

Having adequate supplies are of the utmost importance when it comes…...


Works Cited

FEMA. (2013, January 18). Earthquake Safety at Work. Retrieved from FEMA: 

Mudarri, D.F. (2007). Public health and economic impact of dampness in mold. Indoor Air, 226-235.

Muto, M., & Krishnan, S. (2011). Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst: Response of Tall Steel Buildings to the ShakeOut Scenario Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra, 375-398.

Red Cross. (N.d.). Get a Survival Kit. Retrieved from Red Cross:

Earthquakes the Major Earthquake That Struck Offshore
Pages: 5 Words: 1811

The major earthquake that struck offshore from Japan in March, 2011, was one of the largest earthquakes experienced in that region of the world in many years. It caused massive damage and it spawned a powerful tsunami that literally wiped many Japanese towns off the map. The causes of earthquakes are known to scientists, although science has not yet become sophisticated enough to predict when and where an earthquake will occur. This paper reviews the many aspects of earthquakes and the ramifications of those disruptions of the earth's crust.

Causes of earthquakes: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) explains that an earthquake happens "when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another." The surface of the ground where the slippage took place is called the "fault" or the "fault plane." The earth actually has "four major layers, the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust," the USGS explains. The…...


Works Cited

Brumfiel, Geoff. "Fukushima Nuclear Plant Released Far More Radiation Than Government

Said." Scientific American. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from   2011. .

College of Charleston. "How Do Earthquakes Cause Damage?" South Carolina Earthquakes

Education & Preparedness Program. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from .

Earthquake Risk Mitigation
Pages: 10 Words: 3227

Earthquake Mitigation in Emergency Management
Earthquake isks and Hazards

Earthquake isk Mitigation

Mandatory-structural Mitigation

Nonstructural Mitigation

This paper aims at analyzing the risk and hazards associated with earthquakes. In addition to that, it will also put light on the earthquake risk mitigation strategies that are used by various organizations. Apart from that, the paper will also propose strategies that would further enhance the earthquake mitigation practices of public and private institutions.

Earthquake mitigation in Emergency Management

An earthquake can be defined as the sudden slip on the fault and the resulting shaking of ground seismic energy radiations that are caused by the slip. This shaking and energy radiations can be caused by some magmatic or volcanic activities and other stress changes in the infrastructure of earth as well. (U.S. Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, 2014) The table below provides information about some of the largest earthquakes in the history of the United States of…...



Col, J., & Jay, J. (2007). Successful Earthquake Mitigation in Qinglong County during the Great Tangshan Earthquake: Lessons for Hurricane Katrina in the United States. Chinese Public Administration Review, 7(1/2), 9-19.

Faculty Members of University of South Florida Honors College, (2011). A global assessment of large scale earthquakes: The impact of mitigation and preparation policies on the loss of human life, pp. 1-37. Tampa: University of South Florida Honors College.

Folger, P. (2013). Earthquakes: Risk, Detection, Warning, and Research, pp. 2-15. Washington, D.C: Congressional Research Service.

Ganderton, P. (2005). Benefit-Cost Analysis of Disaster Mitigation: A Review, pp. 1-26. Paris: United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. Retrieved from

Earthquakes Over the Past 25 Years Powerful
Pages: 2 Words: 702

Over the past 25 years, powerful earthquakes have struck different parts of the planet with alarming regularity. In this relatively short time span, there have been more than 30 earthquakes that have resulted in death tolls of more than 1000 people, with several of this disaster measuring over 7.0 on the ichter scale (U.S. Geological Survey, 2010). One of the biggest earthquakes in the last 25 years is the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. It killed more than 200,000 people and displaced over a million people (U.S. Geological Survey, 2010). The magnitude of this earthquake was 7.0 on the ichter scale. No other earthquake in recent years caused as many casualties as this catastrophe (U.S. Geological Survey, 2010).

The number of other hazards that caused by a quake can lead to higher death tolls. Earthquakes that occur at sea are well-known for causing tsunamis, which can have devastating consequences on land. In…...



Diep, Francie. (2011 March 14). Fast Facts about the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Scientific American. Retrieved from /article.cfm?id=fast-facts-japan

Nelson, S.A. (2011 February 13). Earthquake Hazards and Risks. Retrieved from,

U.S. Geological Survey. (2010 March 29). Earthquakes with 1,000 or More Deaths since 1900. Retrieved from

Earthquakes and Their Dangers Earthquakes
Pages: 4 Words: 1230

The quake intensity as per the Mercalli scale that was used at that time was between 8 and 9, which seismologists today equate to a value of 7.9 on the Richter scale. [Dr. Frank J. Collazo] the quake created a rupture of 296 miles, which rates it as one of the biggest quakes ever. Geologist John M. Clarke said, " the heavy waves travelled at the rate of about 11,000 ft a second and the lighter preliminary and subsequent waves much more rapidly, at about 40,000 feet a second." [New York Times]
With San Francisco as its epicentre, the quake took a toll of 3000 human lives and absolutely wrecked the city destroying most structures while what was left was consumed by the conflagration that ensued. The predominantly wooden structures of San Francisco was the reason for such a rapid spread of fire. [New York Times] in an attempt to…...



SANDRA BLAKESLEE, 'Mercilessly Unpredictable, Quakes Defy Seismologists',

Accessed April 23rd 2007, available at 

New York Times, "Tangshan Quake Area in China is Toured by Premier," Aug 5, 1976

Andrew H. Malcolm, "Chinese Disclose that 1976 Earthquake was Deadliest in Four Centuries," New York Times Jan 2, 1977

Earthquakes Have Come to Attract
Pages: 2 Words: 587

Heavy objects need to be placed in locations from where they are unlikely to fall, emergency numbers need to be on speed-dial, and building structures need to be carefully inspected by engineers in order for them to determine whether or not they are probable to collapse in the event of a seismic wave. Emergency services also need to be alert in the event of an earthquake, given that deaths often occur consequent to seismic waves as a result of the fact that emergency services are unable to mobilize in time.
4. Seismic waves travel throughout our planet and this makes it easy for seismometers to record them. Earthquakes can have more or less damaging effects, depending on the depth where they occur and on their magnitude. In particular situations, earthquakes can cause a lot of damage through the processes that they trigger. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan is one…...


Works cited:

Conahan, Gilian, "Not Your Average Earthquake Zones," EBSCO, Discover Magazine, 2010. Web. 16 Jan. 2011

Sliverstein, Alvin, "Earthquakes: The Science Behind Seismic Shocks and Tsunamis," Enslow Publishers, 2009.

Stock, Joann, "Earthquake," World Book Student, World Book, Web, 16 Jan. 2011

Earthquake and Tsunami
Pages: 2 Words: 819

Earthquake and Tsunami
Tsunamis and earthquakes are both natural disasters arising out of the movement of the earth's tectonic plates. There are a number of risk-management plans in place that can help mitigate each disaster, but some, frankly, are more effective than others. The risk management of both earthquakes and tsunamis are entirely dependent upon the location and severity of the issue. For instance, Japan, which is prone to both, has built a number of tsunami walls designed to protect the shore from waves. They have also built floodgates and channels to redirect the water should it rise above the protection. Some countries plant vegetation like coconut palms or casurina to create a natural barrier, and studies have shown that mangrove forests and enhanced coral reefs can, if worked properly, reduce tsunami wave heights by about 80% (Tsunami Barriers). Both earthquakes and tsunamis can be mitigated by reforestation projects (tsunamis), but…...


Works Cited

Abe, T. "The Lessons of the Great Tohoku Earthquake." 17 November 2011. Fujitsu Research Insitute. Web. October 2012. .

Buerk, R. "Japan Earthquake." 11 March 2011. BBC News Asia Pacific. Web. October 2012. .

Copolla, D. Introduction to International Disaster Management. Burlington, MA: Elsevier, 2011. Print.

Keils-Borok, V., "Geo-Complexity and Earthquake Prediction." March 2011. Extreme Environmental Events. Web. October 2012. .

Earthquakes Shaking Condition of Tremors
Pages: 1 Words: 391

1906: It is unknown how much damage was done to the environment because of landslides.

Tsunami: a very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption

1868: No tsunami reported

1906: No tsunami reported

Potential hazards of San Jose, CA:

The greatest potential hazard to the area of San Jose, California in the present moment is the possibility of shaking damage, rupture damage, and landslide. Earthquake proofing has done some to protect larger buildings from damage such as liquefaction, but there is still severe potential harm if an earthquake hit which was a 7.0 on the Richter scale or above (California's 2007). Shaking and rupture damage are the most dangerous. However, in locations which are close to large water sources, such as those on the ocean shore are more likely to have sever damage due to liquefaction. Locations with geographic features with steep inclines are in worse danger of landslides. Historically, tsunamis…...


Works Cited:

"Berkeley Seismological Laboratory: 1869 Earthquake." (2005). UC Berkeley. 

"California's Hayward Fault Revealed: Most Dangerous Urban Fault in America?" (2007).

Science Daily.

Earthquake Mitigation Planning Earthquakes Are Low Probability
Pages: 2 Words: 583

Earthquake Mitigation Planning
Earthquakes are low probability, high consequence events with devastating irreversible consequences. Moderate earthquakes and cause serious damages to buildings, non-structural building systems, serious injuries to human beings and disruption of operations, however major earthquakes can cause catastrophic damages which include among others structural collapse and an extensive massive destruction and loss of life (Philip Berke,, 1989).

It is important therefore that everyone responsible for the safety of people and property should understand and evaluate the management of the risks particularly those that threaten the lives of civilians, government and other social institutions have a responsibility to the public to ensure that their safety is guaranteed. Natural hazard mitigation strategies can reduce the impact of hazard events in schools. The mitigation measures should be put in place and implemented by all stakeholders, which includes developing elationships with emergency management services and the community members before Disasters come calling and…...



Atsuhiro Dodo, Ningxiong Xu, Rachel A. Davidson & Linda K. Nozick, (2006). 13th World Conference On Earthquake Engineering. Optimizing the Selection of Regional Earthquake

Mitigation Strategies; Retrieved August 23, 2012 from Http://Www.Iitk.Ac.In/Nicee/Wcee/Article/13_269.Pdf

Philipberke, Timothy Beatleey & Suzanne Wilhite, ( 1989). International Journal Of Mass Emergemcieies And Disasters: Influence On Local Adoption Of Planning Measures For Earthquake Hazard Mitigation. Retrieved August 23, 2012 from  http://Training.Fema.Gov/Emiweb/Downloads/Ijems/Articles/Influences%20on%20local%20adoption%20of%20planning%20measures%20for%20earthq.Pdf

Earthquake Haiti 2010 What Kind Plate Action
Pages: 3 Words: 879

earthquake Haiti 2010. hat kind plate action caused, kind seismic wave, property damage, Haiti hit hard Dominican republic small island?.
The 2010 Haiti Earthquake is certainly one of the most dramatic events happening during recent years. The whole world was took by surprise as the phenomenon occurred and people across the globe were filled with horror as it was watching Haitians struggling to provide an effective response to the disaster. The earthquake occurred on the twelfth of January 2012, at 16:53 local time and its epicenter was approximately 15 miles from the country's capital, Port-au-Prince. A series of aftershocks followed and instilled even more terror in people across the island. hile the death toll is somewhere around 316.000 people, the earthquake affected more than three million people and the world in general when considering that international players acknowledged the phenomenon's terrible consequences.

Although it is virtually impossible for someone to actually…...


Works cited:

Lies, Anne, "The Earthquake in Haiti," (ABDO, 01.09.2010)

Schuller, Mark, and Morales, Pablo, "Tectonic Shifts: Haiti Since the Earthquake," (Kumarian Press, 31.01.2012)

Taft-Morales, Maureen, "Haiti Earthquake: Crisis and Response," (DIANE Publishing, 2011)

Earthquakes Fires and Mudslides The Community Selected
Pages: 2 Words: 558

earthquakes, fires, and mudslides. The community selected for this activity is San Diego, California, and area regularly experiencing natural disasters of often high magnitude. This module will be a Hazard analysis of each disaster.
Fires: Brush fires are by far the greatest threat to San Diego and its surrounding communities. San Diego's brush fires have a consistently catastrophic magnitude, burning everything in their paths. This disaster has a frequency of highly likely, as there have been fires every year in San Diego county for the past ten years (Preventing and Preparing for Brush Fires). San Diego brush fires do have a seasonal pattern and occur consistently in the months of August through October during the dry season. Additionally, these months are the months of the Santa Ana winds that spread the fires quickly causing even more damage to forests and homes in the area. The duration of brush fires has…...


Works Cited

Azpiri, Jon. California Earthquake April 4, 2010: 6.9 Quake in LA, San Diego. Now Public. Online 

NEIC Earthquake Statistics. Earthquake Myths. 2012. Online 

Prevening and Preparing for a Disaster Wildfire Brush Clearning Distances and Guidelines. Los Angeles County Dept. Online

San Diego News. Study Predicts Massive Mudslides in Burned Areas. 2004. Online .

Earthquake in Japan Nuclear Power
Pages: 3 Words: 967

It is, however, true that the total nuclear power process creates much less carbon dioxide than fossil fuel plants. Once in existence, it is estimated that the total fuel cycle emissions of nuclear power plants will be 8.6 tons per gigawatt hour, whereas the figure is a massive 1.058 tons for coal plants.

Be that as it may, the total nuclear power process does create a great deal less carbon dioxide than fossil plants: one approximation estimates the total fuel cycle emissions for nuclear power plants at 8.6 tons per gigawatt hour, as compared with 1,058 tons for coal plants. Hence, it is not a wonder that environmental advocates have fixed their attention upon nuclear fusion as a potential source of not only abundant, but also an environmentally sound energy source. Indeed, it has been estimated by these same advocates that, by increasing the total nuclear input of global nuclear power…...

Budget Earthquake Preparedness
Pages: 4 Words: 1218

Earthquake Preparedness
Situations where authorities must prepare earthquake procedures are complex and require the advice of specialists in different fields. The fact that little advance has been made by science in order to forecast earthquakes determines authorities to constantly be prepared for such situations. Being prepared means having the financial resources to address the situation, having the supplies within reach, and training people on what to do in earthquake situations. In this case, the analysis addresses a small company with 50 employees.


The budget established by the organization must focus on investing in supplies and staff training, but also on ensuring the damages that are likely to be produced by earthquakes. It is important that the company is insured for natural hazards situations. However, there is certain duration between when the hazardous event produces, a team from the insurance comes to verify damages, the amount owed by the insurance company to their…...

PR Release About LA Earthquakes
Pages: 3 Words: 815

Earthquake Press elease
This announcement serves as a general information bulletin for those that are curious or need to learn about earthquakes and the associated hazards whilst living in the Los Angeles area. Indeed, the city of Los Angeles as well as much of the rest of the state of California sits along what is known as the San Andreas Fault. The fault is a point in which two major tectonic plates of the Earth's crust are moving in opposite directions from each other and the friction and pressure caused by these movements sometimes causes earthquakes throughout California. Effects and results from earthquakes would include ground displacement, flooding, and fires. The floods are caused by damages to water infrastructure and dams, just to name a few things. Fires can be caused by ruptured gas lines and such being ignited by an ignition source (MTU, 2015).

The ferocity and "magnitude" of earthquakes, as…...



Exploratorium. (2015). Faultline: Earthquake Engineering | Exploratorium. Retrieved 22 June 2015, from 

Foreshock. (2008). Significant L.A. Area Earthquakes: 1769-Present. Quake City. Retrieved 22 June 2015, from 

Lin, R., & Xia, R. (2015). Risk of 8.0 earthquake in California rises, USGS says. Retrieved 22 June 2015, from 

MTU. (2015). How Are Earthquake Magnitudes Measured?. Retrieved 22 June 2015, from

Looking for interesting research topics in Hydraulic Fracturing?
Words: 427

Oil and gas well development using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is a somewhat controversial way to get petroleum products out of the ground.  It has greatly increased the amount of accessible petroleum products that people can get from the ground, but comes with environmental concerns.  The two major environmental concerns seem to the increased potential for groundwater pollution and the increase in the likelihood of earthquakes in the area where the fracking is occurring.  Because these concerns are so well-known, we would address them in any research we did about hydraulic fracturing. 

Research Topics on Hydraulic Fracturing

  1. What fluids work....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of topography of Palestine?
Words: 324

I. Introduction
A. Overview of the topography of Palestine
B. Importance of understanding the geographical features of the region

II. Physical features of Palestine
A. Mountain ranges
1. Judean Mountains
2. Samarian Mountains
B. Coastal plains
1. Mediterranean coast
2. Gaza Strip
C. Jordan Valley
1. Rift Valley
2. Dead Sea
D. Negev Desert
1. Arid climate and desert landscape

III. Impact of topography on human settlements and land use
A. Agricultural practices in different regions
1. Terracing on mountain slopes
2. Irrigation in the Jordan Valley
B. Influence on historical and cultural development
1. Importance of Jerusalem as a central highland city
2. Bedouin communities in the desert

IV. Challenges and opportunities posed by the topography
A. Water scarcity in desert regions

Need help generating essay topics related to Earthquakes. Can you help?
Words: 215

1. The impact of earthquakes on communities and infrastructure
2. The role of technology and advancements in predicting and monitoring earthquakes
3. The relationship between earthquakes and plate tectonics
4. The psychological effects of experiencing an earthquake
5. Earthquake preparedness and response strategies
6. The history of major earthquakes and their effects on society
7. The environmental impacts of earthquakes, such as landslides and tsunamis
8. The economic consequences of earthquakes on businesses and industries
9. The cultural and societal significance of earthquakes in different regions
10. The connection between earthquakes and climate change.
11. The effectiveness of early warning systems....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on heavy duty anchor stakes. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 707

Lesser-Known but Intriguing Essay Topics on Heavy-Duty Anchor Stakes

1. The Evolution of Anchor Stake Technology: From Primitive Roots to Modern Innovations

Trace the historical origins of anchor stakes, examining their use in various societies and cultures.
Analyze the evolution of materials, designs, and engineering advancements that have shaped the modern anchor stake industry.
Discuss the impact of technological breakthroughs on the performance and durability of anchor stakes.

2. Geotechnical Considerations for Anchor Stake Deployment: Soil Types, Soil Mechanics, and Load Capacity

Explore the geotechnical factors that influence the efficacy of anchor stakes, including soil type, density, and moisture content.
Analyze soil....

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