Eating Behavior Essays (Examples)

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Eating Behaviors in First Year College Students
Drugs and Alcohol

Eating Behaviors in the First Year College Students

Eating Behaviors in First Year College Students

The transition from high school to undergraduate life is perhaps of the most challenging experiences from adolescence into early adulthood. One of the common side effects of this transition is weight gain that occurs during the first or freshman year of college. The paper will discuss how behaviors related to eating habits and alcohol consumption contributes to the general weight gain of first year undergraduates. Among college students, this weight gain is fairly typical and is known as "the freshman 15," referring to the average amount of pounds undergraduates gain over the course of freshman year -- fifteen pounds. It is a requirement of most colleges and universities of the United States that students are mandated to live on campus and eat from a school meal plan for their….

Alcoholism researchers developed this model. The model presumes that a consumer is in one phase of change at any given time. This model entails Maintenance, action, maintenance, preparation or pre-contemplation (Patrick 189). The concept is that consumers have to shift from one stage to the next. The stages prepare them to move to the next ones sequentially. This suggests that if consumers hurry through or if they skip stages they are likely to experience setbacks. In addition, different stages apply different strategies. For instance, a person who is addicted to smoking and is at the pre-contemplation stage: this means that the person is not even thinking of quitting the habit. Probably, such a person is always not ready to consider making a list of alternatives (Lucas 920).
This model has been successful in areas such as drug abuse, smoking, and alcohol. However, the model has been applied in changing health….

elationship Among Self-Esteem, Stress, Coping, Eating Behavior, and Depressive Mood in Adolescents
What is the research problem? Is the problem statement easy to locate and is it clearly stated? Does the problem statement build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study?

The research problem explores the relationship between coping strategies, emotional problems and the tendency to overeat in adolescence. The problem statement is easy to identify and is contained in a properly labeled separate section located at the beginning of the study. The problem statement uses statistical data about the need to control obesity and adolescents as the key persuasive argument for the study.

Does the problem have significance for nursing? How might the research contribute to nursing practice, administration, education, or policy?

The study has significance for the nursing profession due to the health related problems that are caused by obesity. The problems do not end with overweight adolescents and….

Eating disorder is characterized by abnormal eating habits involving excessive or insufficient intake of food which is detrimental to the individual's physical and mental well-being. There are two common types of eating disorders although there are other types of eating disorders. The first is bulimia nervosa which is excessive eating coupled with frequent vomiting. The second type is anorexia nervosa which is immoderate restriction of food which leads to irrational weight gaining. The other types of eating disorders include eating disorders not otherwise specified which are essentially where a person has anorexic and bulimic behaviors, binge eating disorder which is compulsive overeating without any kind of compensatory behavior, and pica which is craving for certain non-food items such as glue, plaster, paper. It is estimated that roughly 10-15% of cases of eating disorders occur in males and statistics show that women are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders….

Only one male ate his burger torn into pieces, only one ate his burger around, while 10 of the males ate their burgers across.
Age appeared to be correlated to one specific type of eating behavior: tearing the burger into bites. Of the people who tore their burgers into pieces, two of them were very young children. The other two were either older teenagers or very young adults. No person over the age of 20 tore their burger into pieces to eat it. However, age did not seem correlated to whether a person ate a burger across or around. Most people ate their burgers across. In fact, of the 25 people observed, 15 of them ate their burgers across, and the age of those diners ranged from 10 to 65. There did not seem to be an age-pattern with the people who ate their burgers around, either; they ranged from….

Eating disorders are the number one cause of mortality among mental disorders. A significant portion of women in America suffer from eating disorders. This paper describes these disorders and identifies common, practical and theoretical approaches to eating disorders that are used by counselors, therapists and care givers to help women overcome their struggles. It discusses some of the causes of these disorders. Finally, it identifies the how the Christian perspective and faith-based interventions can be used to help women obtain a better, healthier, more positive, and more realistic image of womanhood to help them deal with the social and peer pressures, the unhealthy emotions, and the mental afflictions that can cause them to develop eating disorders. This paper concludes with the affirmation that the Christian perspective on healing can be an effective approach to helping women who suffer from eating disorders.

I. Introduction
a. Key facts and statistics on eating disorders among….

Eating Disorders
According to Himmel (2009), "We could save a lot of pain, suffering and money by incorporating obesity into the range of illnesses now classified as eating disorders, and focusing on prevention" Obesity related issues are frequently classified separately from eating disorders, but there is more overlap than many people believe. When a person diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia, the traditionally recognized eating disorders, enter treatment with a professional counselor or psychologist, a Twelve Step program called Overeaters Anonymous is sometimes recommended. The Twelve Step program Overeaters Anonymous was not started to help people with anorexia and bulimia, and yet it has come to serve these populations as well, suggesting that what Himmel (2009) says is correct. Eating disorders encompass a range of disordered eating behaviors. Individual differences ensure that there are no two people who practice an eating disorder for the same reasons. By the same token, obesity can….

Eating Disorder and Gender

Eating Disorders and Gender
There are medical conditions which more commonly occur in one gender over another. These conditions can be either mental or physical. Very often, they are both mental and physical conditions. Certain medical situations are extremely severe and can potentially result in serious harm to the body or perhaps even death. There are certain conditions which being with a mental impression, a false belief that has been ingrained within the mind which then manifests itself in the body of the individual. One of the most common and most disturbing types of condition is known as an eating disorder. By this term, it is meant that the patient suffers a mental conditioning which makes them either unwilling or unable to eat in a healthy manner resulting in either over or under eating and malnutrition. Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are the result of psychological issues on the….

Eating and Clothing Pefeences
Clothing Pefeences and Diet as Reflections of Pesonalities

"You ae what you eat." "You ae what you wea." These ae two simple yet poweful sayings that ing so tue. Moe often than not, people's pesonalities ae eflected in the clothes that they wea o food that they eat. Eating has a diect effect on a peson's physical health, indiectly affects his/he body size, and to some extent, influences the peson's peception of his/he body image. Clothing, meanwhile, ae almost always diectly linked with people's moods and pesonalities. The level of comfot and even colo choice in clothes detemine if a peson is fun o seious, conscientious o caefee, o conscious about comfot o appeaance. Oftentimes, both clothing and diet have a diect influence o link with individual pesonality.

Eating is moe than just satisfying one's hunge; it is also a eflection of one's lifestyle. Lifestyle could be influenced by….

These suppositions allow the researcher to view the world from a certain perspective while ignoring other perspectives. The researcher in this study assumes that his subjects are logical human beings who have a rationale point-of-view. Their thinking is valid and reasonable and their approach is more or less along the lines of scientific thinking. In addition, we assume that commonsense thinking and scientific thinking are more or less identical in nature. With these assumptions in mind, we take a post-positivism philosophical foundation; as in line with Trochim (2000) post-positivism is the outright denial of positivism (which argues that the laws of the nature are perfunctory and therefore deductive reasoning can be the only suitable approach to comprehend nature) and presupposes that day-to-day human and scientific reasoning are more or less the same and in order to understand reality, researchers have to use not only deductive but also inductive reasoning….

self-defeating behavior patterns I have is procrastinating. I know that many students suffer from this behavior pattern and struggle with it, but in my case, I consider it a serious problem that has influenced my academic work. Because of procrastinating, I sometimes have to work fast (and thus imperfectly) at the last minute and work under stress. I may even not be able to finish my work in time because of not starting to do it earlier.
For example, recently I needed to write an analytical essay for my English class. I had the whole weekend to do it. Although I did some important things during those days, I kept postponing the writing process until late Sunday. The paper was due the next day. It was a short paper, but since it was an analytical one, I had to stay late at night to finish it in time. I did….

Canine Behavior: Genetics vs. Environment
The debate over nature vs. nurture as it applies to learning dates back over a hundred years. Certainly, during much of the 20th century, the distinction between learned and inherited behavior appeared much clearer than it does today. The concept that any type of behavior was either learned or merely developed without learning seemed a rationale and straightforward belief. esearch based on these expectations caused some scientists to conclude that rat-killing behavior among cats, for example, is a learned behavior rather than an instinctive one, that human fears are all acquired, or that intelligence is completely the result of experience. Learning theorists were arguing at this point that most behavior is learned and that biological factors are of little or no importance. The behaviorist position that human behavior could be explained entirely in terms of reflexes, stimulus-response associations, and the effects of reinforcers upon them….

Some doctors believe that genetic factors are the core cause of a lot of eating disorders. esearchers have found specific chromosomes that may be associated with bulimia and anorexia, specifically regions on chromosome 10 that have been linked to bulimia as well as obesity. There has been evidence that has shown that there is an association with genetic factors being responsible for serotonin, the brain chemical involved with both well-being and appetite. esearchers have also determined that certain proteins such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are thought to influence a person's vulnerability to developing an eating disorder (Eating disorders -- Causes, 2010).
The advance of food in Western countries has become extremely problematic. The food that is produced in the U.S. every year is enough to supply 3,800 calories to everyone on a daily basis. This is far more than is needed for good nutrition. Obesity is a worldwide epidemic,….

Reinforcement Magnitude and Response Rate
Original research is detailed within this document about the correlation between reinforcement magnitude and response rate. Literature indicates there is a positive correlation between these two phenomena, which served as the hypothesis for this experiment. Participants were randomly assigned colored tokens that correlated to amounts of candy for correctly stringing together beads. The results indicate that the more candy they were given (which functioned in this study as research magnitude), the longer more prolonged their response rate was -- because they opted to continue with the clinical trials. These results served to underscore the fact that there is a causal relationship between reinforcement magnitude and response rate consistent with literature on this topic.


This paper will explore the phenomenon of reinforcer magnitude on response rate. t is attempting to determine if there is a correlation between the magnitude of reinforcement and the rate of response of participants.….

Behavior-Based Safety

Fifteen questions used to measure willingness to AC were assembled into a questionnaire designed to examine the personality measures and items regarding employee response to various safety issues, adequacy of safety training, and attitudes toward other safety related issues. The most pertinent questions relating to AC were:
If I know a coworker is going to do a hazardous job, I am willing to remind him/her of the hazards (even if the employee is familiar with the job),

I am willing to warn my peers about working unsafely am willing to do whatever I can to improve safety, even confronting my peers about their unsafe acts.

The responses to these questions, measured on a 5-point Likert scale, were added to attain an AC score. The Likert technique presents a set of attitude statements. Subjects are asked to express agreement or disagreement of a five-point scale. Each degree of agreement is given a numerical value….

1. The impact of marketing and advertising on children's food choices and their contribution to the rise in childhood obesity
2. The role of schools in combating childhood obesity through nutrition education and healthy meal options
3. The connection between socioeconomic status and childhood obesity rates
4. The importance of regular physical activity and its impact on reducing childhood obesity
5. The effects of digital devices and screen time on childhood obesity rates
6. The influence of parents and family habits on children's weight and eating habits
7. The challenges of addressing childhood obesity in minority and marginalized communities
8. The long-term health implications of childhood obesity....

Influence of Social Media on Societal Norms and Behaviors: Insights from Thesis Research Studies

Social media has emerged as a ubiquitous force in contemporary society, profoundly shaping societal norms and behaviors. Thesis research studies have extensively examined the multifaceted impact of social media on human interactions, values, and beliefs.

Shifting Social Interactions and Relationships

1. Digital Communication Over Traditional Channels:

Social media platforms have facilitated a shift from face-to-face communication to digital interactions (Backstrom et al., 2012). This has led to increased communication frequency but may also have implications for social isolation and the quality of relationships (Verduyn et al., 2015).

2. Online Social....

4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Eating Behaviors in College Freshmen

Words: 1401
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Eating Behaviors in First Year College Students Drugs and Alcohol Eating Behaviors in the First Year College Students Eating Behaviors in First Year College Students The transition from high school to undergraduate life…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Overeating Poor Eating Behavior

Words: 2589
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Alcoholism researchers developed this model. The model presumes that a consumer is in one phase of change at any given time. This model entails Maintenance, action, maintenance, preparation…

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4 Pages
Article Review

Health - Nursing

Relationship Among Self-Esteem Stress Coping Eating Behavior

Words: 1371
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

elationship Among Self-Esteem, Stress, Coping, Eating Behavior, and Depressive Mood in Adolescents What is the research problem? Is the problem statement easy to locate and is it clearly stated?…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Eating Disorder Is Characterized by Abnormal Eating

Words: 3326
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Eating disorder is characterized by abnormal eating habits involving excessive or insufficient intake of food which is detrimental to the individual's physical and mental well-being. There are two common…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Psychology - Social

Eating Burgers at Mcdonald's Diners

Words: 1199
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Only one male ate his burger torn into pieces, only one ate his burger around, while 10 of the males ate their burgers across. Age appeared to be correlated…

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12 Pages


Eating Disorders in Women from the Christian Point of View

Words: 3830
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Abstract Eating disorders are the number one cause of mortality among mental disorders. A significant portion of women in America suffer from eating disorders. This paper describes these disorders and…

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3 Pages


Obesity Versus Eating Disorder

Words: 937
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Eating Disorders According to Himmel (2009), "We could save a lot of pain, suffering and money by incorporating obesity into the range of illnesses now classified as eating disorders, and…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Eating Disorder and Gender

Words: 5075
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Eating Disorders and Gender There are medical conditions which more commonly occur in one gender over another. These conditions can be either mental or physical. Very often, they are both…

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2 Pages

Psychology - Personality

Eating and Clothing Preferences Clothing Preferences and

Words: 616
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Eating and Clothing Pefeences Clothing Pefeences and Diet as Reflections of Pesonalities "You ae what you eat." "You ae what you wea." These ae two simple yet poweful sayings that ing…

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15 Pages
Research Proposal


Relationship of Eating Disorders Self-Esteem

Words: 6071
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

These suppositions allow the researcher to view the world from a certain perspective while ignoring other perspectives. The researcher in this study assumes that his subjects are logical…

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4 Pages

Admissions Essays

Self-Defeating Behavior Patterns I Have Is Procrastinating

Words: 1616
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

self-defeating behavior patterns I have is procrastinating. I know that many students suffer from this behavior pattern and struggle with it, but in my case, I consider it…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Development of Canine Behavior Genetics vs Environment

Words: 4662
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Canine Behavior: Genetics vs. Environment The debate over nature vs. nurture as it applies to learning dates back over a hundred years. Certainly, during much of the 20th century,…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Health Eating Disorders an Eating

Words: 1051
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Some doctors believe that genetic factors are the core cause of a lot of eating disorders. esearchers have found specific chromosomes that may be associated with bulimia and…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Behavior Modification and Trial

Words: 2164
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Reinforcement Magnitude and Response Rate Original research is detailed within this document about the correlation between reinforcement magnitude and response rate. Literature indicates there is a positive correlation between these…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Behavior-Based Safety

Words: 7492
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fifteen questions used to measure willingness to AC were assembled into a questionnaire designed to examine the personality measures and items regarding employee response to various safety issues, adequacy…

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