Ecology Essays (Examples)

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Ecology and Environment
Pages: 3 Words: 716

It is important for people to have an environmental awareness that supports both the ecology's survival and the individual. The purpose of this essay is to describe my local ecology and environment by explaining the specific factors that distinguish these surroundings. This essay will describe my home state of Florida in terms of its ecology and demonstrate some of the important factors that comprise this natural system. In this essay I will also discuss the ways that global warming might affect this local ecosystem and describe this ecosystem's vulnerability in terms of the rest of the world.

Florida's Many Different Ecosystems

The state of Florida is very unique in many aspects including the varying ecosystems that are contained within the state. The geographical position of the state in the world and its place relative to the equator gives Florida a unique environmental influence. Florida has intense and strong ecosystems that are often…...


Works Cited

Environment Florida Website. Viewed on 5 Mar 2013. Retrieved from 

Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Viewed on 5 Mar 2013. Retrieved from 

Landscope America. "Ecosystems and Habitats in Florida." Viewed on 5 Mar 2013. Retrieved from

Ecology Can Be Loosed Defined
Pages: 3 Words: 1031

This field is perhaps the most important development to environmental science in the past century precisely because now we have a much deeper understanding of how and why humanity influences the natural environment around us, deeply contributing to our awareness and knowledge of environmental damage and the harmful affects of pollution. Overall, it is evident that ecology has expanded at a tremendous pace because it has increased the scope that the field itself examines. By including human ecology as one of its disciplines, ecology now takes on significance not only as a scientific field but in both economic and political terms as well.
The field of ecology is dynamically growing as the scope of the science and its application increases. Several reasons can be attributed to the future growth of ecology as a field and its consequent future career options. First, the growth of human ecology is perhaps the biggest…...


Charles C. Davis. "Statistics in Ecology" Ecology, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Jul., 1962), pp. 581-582

What is ecology. July 2006. 12 Jan. 2007   / ecology/>. 

What is Ecology. Winter 2007. 12 Jan. 2007 / sci_ed/grade10/ecology/introduction.htm>.

Ecology of a Cracker Childhood
Pages: 1 Words: 446

Although they live poorly, among junk cast off by others, these 'crackers' also live at one with the forest. The "clearcuts" refer to specific greenery from natural world, but also to the fact that "my" peoples' status in the South is clear cut, and thus the people have a certain honesty about them, in their relationships with one another as well as with outsiders who look down on them. The fact that the authoress refers to a "cracker" childhood also suggests that it is her childhood, among such 'trailer' people of the pines, that will be a touchstone of the book, specifically her childhood's relationship to the natural world of the wildlife and the ecology of south Georgia.
The simple beauty present in south Georgia that is lost to other regions is suggested by the reference to how these people dwell amongst lost forests -- lost to others, lost like…...


Works Cited

Ray, Janisse. Ecology of a Cracker Childhood. New York: Milkweed Edition Reprint, 2000.

Ecology and Ecosystem -- Virginia
Pages: 3 Words: 851

Even with that, the large number of people in Hampton Roads is apparently stressing the area through a series of methods, such as constructing wherever they find place to do so (Koebel).
In contrast to most people in Virginia Beach that are reluctant to care for the environment, there are some who actually do anything they can to preserve the area's surroundings. Although land is becoming more and more expensive in the territory, the Crystal Club environmental group proves that there are people who care. The group's members are willing to give up a large part of their land with the purpose of building a tidal marsh and an oyster reef there (Harper).

Considering that Virginia Beach is a coastal community, it is particularly important for people to realize the importance of land and natural resources. The Hampton Roads area is affected by a great deal of human activities, such as…...


Works cited:

1. Almond, William D. "Offshore 101: Our fragile ecosystem is in peril." Retrieved December 13, 2010, from the Hampton Roads Website:

2. Harper, Scott. "Virginia Beach's Crystal Lake ecosystem is focus of restoration." Retrieved December 13, 2010, from the Hampton Roads Website: 

3. Koebel, Theodore C. "The complex housing ecology of Hampton Roads." Retrieved December 13, 2010, from the Virginia Issues and Answers Website:

Ecology of a Cracker Childhood
Pages: 1 Words: 412

His pairing of "food, water, and television" is deliberately ironic, showing how the modern world and modern generations of users of the land have little sense of real priorities of what is a necessity. Not only will the "twelve million" place added demands upon the earth, but the part of the twelve million from the modern industrialized world is likely to be more needy and more greedy than past generations. This quote thus shows the respect for ecology evidenced in the hearts of the older generation of Ray's childhood that must be carried over into the future -- but may not be, given the commercial demands of modern humanity and modern life. This makes Leon worry, and should make the reader worry to, Ray suggests -- and learn from the example of Leon and others chronicled in her text.
orks Cited

Ray, Janisse. Ecology of a Cracker Childhood. New York: Milkweed…...


Works Cited

Ray, Janisse. Ecology of a Cracker Childhood. New York: Milkweed Edition Reprint, 2000.

Ecology of a Cracker Childhood
Pages: 1 Words: 372

She is not naively sentimental about the power of nature. In fact, the command to "pray extra hard" suggests she fears nature. Also, sometimes it is necessary to "haul" away woods to survive, even in the face of the anger and disapproval of God -- but the hauler must be sure the act is necessary. God "winces" and "wonders" to see human arrogance and shaping inflicted upon other ecological aspects his creation. Hence God's Old Testament like human face, wincing and feeling cold in judgment, and disliking an action much like a human dislikes or likes something.
Spoiling the child" refers to the adage, "spare the rod, and spoil the child." ithout God's inflicted reminders of nature's power, humanity grows spoiled and over clears the pines. The reference to "child" also recalls the author's own childhood and connection to the land, and her own tumultuous relationship with her own father.



Works Cited

Ray, Janisse. Ecology of a Cracker Childhood. New York: Milkweed Edition Reprint, 2000.

Ecology of Commerce What Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1457

This is one aspect that manufacturing companies can look into to get more energy from the same raw materials as this will lead to a lesser need for energy and thereby, a more sustainable future for the companies.
Save time and effort

When many people think of implementing sustainability, they think of the bigger things, but not the simpler ones that can provide a good measure of savings in terms of environmental resources. One of the least thought of ways is saving time and effort. When a machine can complete the same process in a shorter period of time, it saves on energy without compromising on the quality of the end-product. This is more challenging than one may think, but its definitely worth the effort.

Examples of Implementation

An example of such a sustainable manufacturing initiative is taken by Ford to revamp their practices at the iver ouge Factory. The proponents had proposed…...



Nasr, Nabil. "Export sustainable manufacturing ideas." Industrial Engineer. 12 January, 2011: 24.

Brouwer, Greg. "Ford Implements Design for Sustainable Manufacturing." Civil Engineering. April 2002: 20.

Koenig, Karen. "VT's Lean, Sustainable Door Manufacturing." Wood & Wood Products. Nov 2011: 18-20.

Hibbard, Scott. "Six key factors for achieving sustainable manufacturing." Foundry Management & Technology. Feb 2009: 39-40.

Ecology and Fashion How Ecology
Pages: 8 Words: 3413

Othr companis and organizations in th industry hav also found ways to optimiz th production and finishing procsss of thir products to nsur thy mt th rquirmnts of grn fashion.
Potntial for sustainabl production and consumption

Svral companis in th fashion industry hav com up with imprssiv altrnativs to th products and srvics producd by convntional manufacturs. Notwithstanding this, thr is a fundamntal problm xists in trying to masur how ths diffrnt innovations and altrnativs hlpd to achiv th objctivs in sustainabl dvlopmnt. In tsting for harmful substancs in products, ths stratgis may b dmd to b succssful in th mass markt. Thy addrss th cological aspct of grn fashion adquatly by nsuring nd products ar fr from substancs that may harm th nvironmnt. Howvr, as arlir idntifid, thy hav a waknss in not bing abl to mt th social objctiv of grn fashion. Anothr thing is that by solly tsting…...



ef-type name="Book">6Schmidt, G.< itles>< itle>Positive Ecology: Sustainability and the ?good Life?2005Ashgate9780754646020<

elated-urls>  Schmidt, Positive Ecology: Sustainability and the ?good Life? (Ashgate, 2005). ?G.

Ecology Biology Ecology the Threespine Stickleback
Pages: 4 Words: 1462

Ecology / Biology

The threespine stickleback fish plays host to the tapeworm Schistocephulus solidus when the threespine stickleback is in a freshwater environment. These Schistocephulus solidus use their presence in the threespine stickleback fish in order to infect their desired prey: birds. In fact, infection with the Schistocephulus solidus causes the fish to behave in a different manner, which increases the chances that they will be eaten by the birds. In addition to behavioral changes, the Schistocephulus solidus causes the fish to lose melanin, making them more visible to the desired predators. Another physical change is that the Schistocephulus solidus appears to cause an increased rate of growth in infected fish.

Ness and Foster investigated the relationship between infection with the Schistocephulus solidus and the threespine stickleback fish's response to predators. Because the Schistocephulus solidus infects the fish in order to be transmitted to the birds that they target, they expected the…...



Arnott, S.A., I. Barber, and F.A. Huntington. "Proceedings of the Royal Society of London

Series B." Biological Sciences (Apr. 2000) 267 (1444): 657-663.

Bagamian, K.H., D.C. Heins, and J.A. Baker. "Body Condition and Reproductive Capacity of Three-Spined Stickleback Infected with the Cestode Schistocephalus Solidus." Journal of Fish Biology (Jun. 2004) 64(6): 1568-1576.

Barber, J., P. Walker, and P.A. Svensson. "Behavioral Responses to Simulated Avian Predation

Ecology and Art Culture
Pages: 3 Words: 870

What little I know I learned at home. School was always like a prison to me, I could never bring myself to stay there, even four hours a day, when the sun was shining and the sea was so tempting, and it was such fun scrambling over cliffs and paddling in the shallows."
"Cliff walk at Pourville" is one of the works of art by Monet that represents the connection of human beings within nature. This painting contains a variety of emotions a deep feeling of serenity and peace. By just looking at the painting, we can imagine being there and hearing the sound of the breeze, the smell of the salty water of the ocean and being in contact with nature. We can imagine admiring the sea and the mountains, the sunny day and the blue sky. The connection between human beings and nature is special and unique.…...

Ecology Caspian Sea Community Concepts the
Pages: 10 Words: 3178

The climax community in this case occurs when the rate of inhibition on the comb reaches a point that the balance between the Beroe and the comb is equal, which in turn equalizes the zooplankton levels, which equalizes the phytoplankton, which equalizes the oxygen levels in the sea (Jeffress and Steimle, 1990).
Finally, tolerance describes the invasion of a new habitat by one species independent of other species (Goldsmith, 1985). This type of mechanism can be seen in the bivalve mollusk Abra ovata in Sulak Bay of the Caspian Sea. hen the Sulak Bay flooded, this species invaded the new waters, and quickly became dominant. However, the species did not inhibit the growth of any other species, despite its consistent dominant presence, nor has its dominance altered due to an influx of other species (Latypov, 2004).

Climax Community

As mentioned, the climax community can be thought of as the point at which…...


Works Cited

Allen, T., Dodson, S., and Carpenter, S. (1998). Ecology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Goldsmith, E. (1985). Ecological succession rehabilitated. The Ecologist, 15(3), 119-122.

Jeffress, D. And Steimle, F. (1990). Jellyfish: common jellyfish of the middle Atlantic. Underwater Naturalist, 19(2), 44-47.

Latypov, Y.Y. (2004, July). Succession in the Abra ovata Community on Soft Grounds of a Newly Flooded Area of the Caspian Sea. Russian Journal of Ecology, 35(4), 267-273.

Ecology and Denmark Is a
Pages: 4 Words: 1686

However, their model and growth of internal technology, which they actively share with the world, particularly developing countries, can serve as a paradigm for the future of global energy needs (Mol, 2007; Usa, 2008).

Andersen, M. Governance by Green Taxes: Making Pollution Prevention Pay. Manchester

University Press. 1994.

Clean Edge: The Clean-Tech Market Authority. (2009). Cited in:

Conrad, J. Environmental Management in European Countries. Taylor and Francis,


"Copenhagen eceives European Environmental Award." DHI Consulting. (April 4, 2006).

Cited in:

Danish Energy Agency. "Oil and Gas Production in Denmark/New Act Imrproves egulation

of Off-Shore Safety." (2006): Cited in:

"Denmark." CIA World Factbook. 2009. Cited in:

"Denmark Solar Energy News." Solar Energy Industry Today. (2009). Cited in:

"Invest in Denmark." Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. 2009. Cited in:

Kahn, M. And F. Lostys. "Living Green: Full Country and City ankings." eader'

2008. Cited in:

Mol, A.,, eds. The Voluntary Approach to Environmental Policy: Joint Environmental

Policy-Marking in Europe. Oxford University Press. 2007.

Nielsen, L. "ecycling…...



Andersen, M. Governance by Green Taxes: Making Pollution Prevention Pay. Manchester

University Press. 1994.

Clean Edge: The Clean-Tech Market Authority. (2009). Cited in:

Ecology Global Warming From Milutin Milankovitch to
Pages: 10 Words: 2678

Global arming:

From Milutin Milankovitch to Greenhouse Gases

Global warming is one of today's most pressing issues. Though some dispute its existence, the great majority of individuals - scientists and lay people - do believe that the Earth is undergoing an unnatural warming. Hot summers, freak storms, melting glaciers, and other signs all seem to point toward a shift in the kind of weather enjoyed by many regions of the globe. Much of this change has occurred suddenly and rapidly, over the course of the last generation or so. Scientists know that there have been periods of climatic change in the Earth's past. The fossil and geological records bear witness to these fluctuations. Areas of the world that are today desert were once lush grasslands. Regions now frozen in the grip of perpetual winter were at one time home to tropical rainforests.

Seas were to be found where at the present time there…...


Works Cited 

Cronin, Thomas M. Principles of Paleoclimatology. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. 

Gelbspan, Ross. The Climate Crisis, the Cover-Up, the Prescription The Climate Crisis, the Cover-Up, the Prescription. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books, 1998. 

Goudie, Andrew. Environmental Change. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University, 1992.

Ecology Saltwater Intrusion and Salinization
Pages: 3 Words: 966

This is often aggravated by insufficient renewal to the freshwater aquifer, which often occurs in times of drought (yan, 2008).
Unfortunately saltwater intrusion can't be stopped, but the rate at which it occurs needs to be slowed. A management plan for saltwater intrusion needs to involve a number of different approaches. In areas where salinization is caused by storm surge, it is thought that coastal barriers could be built in order to prevent or slow the storm surge. Where saltwater has been introduced because of storm surge, some manner of opening the barriers would be necessary in order to allow the saltwater to be washed out of the freshwater system. This would involve a substantial engineering requirement. Opponents to this approach argue that engineering a natural process would end up doing more harm because of the impact the structures would have on natural systems. Conversely, the loss of wetland habitat…...



Pump/Recharge Rate Affects Saltwater Intrusion. (2010). Retrieved August 4, 2010, from Solinst

Web site: 

Ryan, J.S. (2008). Saltwater Intrusion and Salinization. Retreived August 4, 2010, from Associated Content Web site: .

Ecology in Aquatic Environments
Pages: 2 Words: 672

extending landscape ecology principles and applications into aquatic environments. The insights that may be gained by natural resource managers and decision makers.
Landscape ecology deals with the spatial influence and impact of matter on ecological processes. Its consideration focuses on the ecological influence of the location of a certain object, the ecological influence of this object in relation to other (not necessarily similar) objects, and the influence of this relationship and its impact with others across various spaces and various periods in history.

Landscape ecology has generally focused on terrestrial matter as its occupation with water (such s rivers and streams) consisting of a subcomponent of the terrestrial system). Wiens (2002), however argues that the principles f landscape ecology can, as equally, be applied to the study of aquatic systems and that, therefore, landscape ecology can be used to great advantage to promote and expand the study of landscape ecology.

The six…...



Fausch, K., Torgerseon, C., Baxter, C., & Li, H. (2002)., Landscapes to Riverscapes:

Bridging the Gap between Research and Conservation of Stream Fishes BioScience, 52, 1-16

Wien, JA (2002). Riverine landscapes: taking landscape ecology into the water, Freshwater Biology, 47, 501-515

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Primate Behavior?
Words: 456

Topic Idea 1: Primate Social Structure and Hierarchies

- Discuss the diverse social structures observed in primate species, ranging from egalitarian to strictly hierarchical systems.
- Analyze the factors contributing to the formation and maintenance of social hierarchies in primates, such as dominance, kinship, and alliances.
- Explore the mechanisms used by primates to communicate social status, such as vocalizations, body language, and facial expressions.
- Investigate the implications of social hierarchies on the behavior, mating strategies, and reproductive success of individual primates.

Topic Idea 2: Primate Communication and Language

- Discuss the various modes of communication employed by primates, including vocalizations, gestures, facial expressions, and....

Need guidance for a thesis statement on the Whale hunting topic?
Words: 465

## Thesis Statement

The decline in whale hunting practices over the centuries is a testament to the evolving societal values and the increasing recognition of the importance of marine ecosystem preservation.

## Elaboration

The practice of whale hunting has undergone significant transformations throughout history, influenced by factors such as technological advancements, economic drivers, and shifting societal attitudes. In the early stages, whale hunting played a crucial role in meeting human needs for food, oil, and other resources. However, as time progressed and alternative sources of these commodities became available, along with growing awareness of the ecological repercussions, whale hunting practices gradually declined.

This thesis....

I\'m interested in debating heavy duty anchor stakes. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 462

Essay Topic 1: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Heavy-Duty Anchor Stakes in Construction

Opposing Viewpoint 1: Advantages

Exceptional Strength and Durability: Heavy-duty anchor stakes are made from high-strength materials, such as steel or aluminum, making them highly resistant to bending and breaking under significant loads. This durability ensures secure hold-downs for various construction applications.
Corrosion Resistance: Unlike wooden or plastic stakes, heavy-duty anchor stakes are often galvanized or coated with rust-resistant materials, making them impervious to corrosion and ensuring long-term performance in demanding environments.
Versatility: These stakes are available in various lengths and diameters, making them suitable for a wide range....

What recent studies offer insights on the impact of global warming in literature?
Words: 526

Recent Studies on the Impact of Global Warming in LiteratureLiterature has long been a lens through which we explore and understand the world around us, including the pressing issue of global warming. Recent studies offer valuable insights into how literature is reflecting and shaping our perceptions, responses, and potential solutions to this crisis.1. Ecocritical Studies and the Anthropocene:Ecocriticism, a field that examines the relationship between literature and the environment, has gained prominence in recent years. Studies like Timothy Morton's "Dark Ecology" and Amitav Ghosh's "The Great Derangement" analyze how literature in the Anthropocene (the current epoch marked by human impact....

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