Economic Recession Essays (Examples)

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Economic Recession Its Impact on the Markets
Pages: 11 Words: 3434

economic recession, its impact on the markets, businesses both large and small, on the private and public sectors and its contribution to the unemployment predicament. It analyses the measures that should be employed to help businesses and companies achieve their corporate goals during this economic decline. ith the diminishing operating budgets and margins by businesses, the paper identifies ways in which businesses can cut costs and yet meet their expectations. It goes ahead to look at which reward practices businesses should use at such a time that will not raise their operating costs to motivate their workers while focusing on maximizing on their returns and achieving their goals.
The economy goes through different cycles and, one of them is the recession. According to, Economic recession is a period of general economic decline; typically defined as a decrease in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for two or more consecutive quarters. A…...


Waldt, 2004, Managing performance in the public sector; concepts considerations, Paperback, London

Sanderson, Cushman, 1997, 'Lessons from the Recession; A management and common perspective,' Paperback, London

Payroll Page 1

Economic Recession Coupled With a Federally Mandated
Pages: 2 Words: 580

economic recession, coupled with a federally mandated raise in the minimum wage, affect the demand for McDonald's fast food? How do fluctuations in the cost of feed for cattle, in crop output, the cost of oil, and all the factors that go into producing our food effect our supply? Most importantly, how can we adjust to meet demand, comply with government regulations, and still earn a profit? The following analysis studies the ways we can adjust supply to increase quantity demand for McDonald's food products, the way we can adjust the price of our product without sacrificing customer service our quality, and the way we can maintain a comfortable profit margin in current economic conditions.
hat factors affect demand for our products? Regardless of the economy, people still need to eat. Because many consumers of our food may be working two jobs or more to make ends meet, the demand…...


What factors affect demand for our products? Regardless of the economy, people still need to eat. Because many consumers of our food may be working two jobs or more to make ends meet, the demand for a convenient, tasty meal at an affordable price increases demand for our food. In addition, consumers seeking to indulge themselves on a limited budget often turn to our food for a "treat." (Bittman, 2009). The great demand for our products seems to indicate that we could increase our prices slightly. Would this lead to a greater profit, though? Or would it decrease demand too significantly, causing a decrease in profits?

The price of many of the requisite supplies for our McDonald's franchises are on the rise. From the price of milk to the price of oil, increasing prices make it more expensive for us to make our food. (Doherty, 2007) Should these costs be passed on to the consumer? If they are, will demand for our products decrease? If we examine the rising price of milk, the data seems to suggest that demand would not be decreased significantly. According to Regan Doherty, "With milk, as with gasoline, consumers have a hard time turning away even when prices soar." (Doherty, 2007). The information in this article suggests that the shortage of milk (and, by extension, gasoline), has lead to a price increase, yet demand remains high. It can be surmised that demand for these products is relatively inelastic. Does McDonald's fit into a similar inelastic demand paradigm? One factor in determining elasticity is relative competitiveness. (University of Michigan). The data suggest that increasing prices slightly to meet the raising cost of purchasing supplies for our food will not hurt McDonald's bottom line, because McDonald's biggest competitors -- namely, Burger King, Wendy's, and other fast food burger chains -- will have their prices influenced by the price of supplies in a similar fashion.

Should the government choose to raise the minimum wage, will this increase or decrease the demand for McDonald's food? The answer to this question depends upon two factors: Whether or not McDonald's food has negative elasticity; meaning, as the consumer's income increases, demand for the product decreases. (Rittenberg, Tregarthen). The other factor is whether or not an increase in the minimum wage would be sufficient to allow negative elasticity to occur. The answer to the latter question seems simple; minimum wage, unless increased exorbitantly, would hardly be enough to elevate a consumer's income level to that of the wealthier consumers who tend to eschew fast food altogether. (Krugman, Wells, 158). Since there is little danger of an increase in minimum wage creating a state of negative elasticity, economic theory dictates that the inelastic nature of food purchases would lead to either an increase in the demand

High Unemployment and an Economic Recession in
Pages: 2 Words: 629

High unemployment and an economic recession in the United States both have strong effects on the selection decisions of companies. This is due to the fact that companies want to get the most qualified candidate. When there are higher unemployment numbers, there are actually more people applying for the positions that are available. During a recession, though, it can be more difficult to hire for these positions, because the money to hire more people may not be available.
Selection methods have to be both valid and reliable. If they are not, they could end up being illegal and violating the ADA or other laws. That can get companies into serious trouble with fines, lawsuits, and related problems, so it is very important to avoid selecting and hiring people based on anything but legal, reliable, and valid characteristics.

Structured interviews are superior to unstructured interviews because they follow a pattern that can be…...

Responses to Economic Recession to Help Homeowners
Pages: 5 Words: 1560

Economic Bailout of all Street vs. the Individual Homeowner Bailout Proposal

Homeowners are always interested in safe financial arrangements regarding their mortgage plans. However, some of them who lack the important plans to be on the right track often end up failing to recover their homes from the mortgage lenders. It is in the occurrence of such misfortunes that the likelihood of losing the homes becomes real. This necessitates the role played by the government in restoring order and sanity back to the homes. Reasonably, there is a need to work in collaboration with the government because the same can do all these and bring to the attention of the leadership.

Bailout Programs for Mortgage Beneficiaries

The background of the circumstances leading to a bailout of the program emanates from the fact that there can be a problem with the income flows of the individual…...


Work Cited

Cott, Nancy F. The Housing Problem in the U.S. Munich: K.G. Saur, 2012. Print.

Dennett, D. C. The U.S. economic crisis of 2008. London: Routledge, 2007. Print.

Martin, Linda. Economic Bailout of Wall Street. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2010. Print.

Melton, J. Gordon. Government housing bailout plan. Wilmington, N.C.: McGrath Pub., 2012. Print.

The Global Recession Ten Years Later
Pages: 2 Words: 738

1. Briefly describe central banks’ response to global financial crisis. When recessions and other economic problems strike, one of the main responses that is seen from the economies involved is a lowering of interest rates. Indeed, the governments make money cheaper for banks to borrow so that it spurs investment and growth. This, in turn, tends to help support or grow economies. There is also the use of quantitative easing and the issuing of bonds.
2. What is quantitative easing and what securities are used in the programs in the US, EU, Japan?
The ostensible inefficacy, at least on its own, of lowering interest rates and issuing bonds has led to the use of quantitative easing by countries like the United States and the European Union. Indeed, it is a way for a government to “pump money” into an economy. This happens when a government buys government bonds and other securities with cash…...


Works Cited

Cheng, Evelyn. \\\\"ECB\\\\'s Mario Draghi Says Global Recovery Is Firming Up, Euro Climbs.\\\\"

CNBC. N.p., 2017. Web. 12 Sept. 2017.

Forelle, Charles. \\\\"Everything You Need To Know About Negative Rates.\\\\" WSJ. N.p., 2016.

Web. 10 Sept. 2017.

Nixon, Simon. \\\\"Ten Years Later, Younger Workers Still Endure Costs Of The Crisis.\\\\" WSJ. n.p.,

2017. Web. 10 Sept. 2017.

Rosenthal, Rachel, and Suryatapa Bhattacharya. \\\\"Bank Of Japan Risk: Running Out Of Bonds

To Buy.\\\\" WSJ. N.p., 2017. Web. 10 Sept. 2017.

Economic Recession and Oil
Pages: 5 Words: 1636

Oil prices across the globe are characterized by major swings and fluctuations, which have attracted considerable attention from scholars, policymakers, and practitioners. The increased attention in oil prices are attributable to the fact that they have significant impacts on the global economy. Based on academic literature, oil prices fluctuate for various reasons including supply disruptions, changes in global demand, and precautionary intentions. For instance, in the aftermath of the 2008 global economic recession, oil prices fell because of an overall decline in global demand (Lee & Huh, 2017). Fluctuations in oil prices have been evident since 2012 to the end of 2016 because of various factors that contribute to changes in these prices. Despite these various factors, there are several measures that are utilized to predict oil prices in the future. This paper discusses the reasons for changing oil prices, oil price fluctuations between 2012 and 2016, and prediction of…...



Amadeo, K 2017, Oil Prices Forecast 2017-2040, The Balance, viewed 6 April 2017,

Arab News 2017, Oil Prices to Average $50 and $70 through 2022: Report, Arab News, viewed 6 April 2017,

Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre 2016, The Effect of the Crude Oil Price Drop on the Global Energy Market, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre, viewed 6 April 2017,

Baumeister, C & Kilian, L 2015, Forty Years of Oil Price Fluctuations: Why the Price of Oil May Still Surprise Us, University of Michigan, viewed 6 April 2017,

Economic Recession and Land
Pages: 6 Words: 1406

Beacon Lakes Case Analysis
Armando Codina is the chairman and CEO of Armando Codina Group of Company, which is one of the most active developers in Florida. However, Armando Codina is facing a challenging decision whether to abandon the Beacon Lakes development project worth $220 million or go ahead with the project. However, Codina has already spent $2 million to obtain the necessary approval to develop the 6.6 million square foot warehouse project Despite the approval, Codina is facing various obstacles making him considering whether to go ahead with the project or abandon the project. Codina feels that an unsuccessful project such as the Beacon project can affect his untainted career. Among the problems facing Codina is the uncertainty regarding the getting an approval for the project and expansion to the UDB (Urban Development Boundary) towards the west that is currently zoned to prohibit further development. (Segel, Barlick, & Gonzalec, 2008).…...



Segel, A.I. Barlick, R. & Gonzalec, J. (2008). Beacon Lakes. Harvard Business Review.


Appendix 1

Cost of Land acre

Economic Recession and Moses
Pages: 2 Words: 707

Fiorello Laguardia: obert Moses
Fiorello La Guardia took part in American politics. He was the New York Mayor, and then a Congress member from 1916 to 1918 and then from 1922-1930. obert Moses, a Town Planner, worked predominantly for the Metropolitan area of New York. Moses is known to be the Master Planner of the mid-1900s city of New York. He and Fiorello worked autonomously in the city area of New York from the 20s, throughout their careers. While Fiorello was the Mayor, obert was the highly admired planner of New York. Fiorello therefore worked with Moses to develop the infrastructure needs of New York.

In the 30's during the economic recession, there was a New Deal, which led Franklin oosevelt, the President of the U.S. to give 20% of all the urban infrastructure money to Fiorello, to develop the city. Fiorello then worked with obert, with the help of the…...



A Tale of Two Skyscrapers. (2014, February 6). Retrieved from Slate: 

Arbeiter, M. (2016, March 29). 15 Things You Might Not Know About the Empire State Building. Retrieved from Mental Floss: 

Shefter, M. (1992). Political Crisis Fiscal Crisis. Colombia University Press.

Recession the Recent Economic Downturn
Pages: 5 Words: 1538


Each of the four economies studied suffered somewhat from the economic downturn. The differences between the severity and length of recession in each country will inevitably be affected by the structure of that nation's economy and its relationship with the international monetary system. As such, it is important that we analyze the differences between these nations and the ways in which the current economic crisis impacts their economies. e can learn why some countries are comparatively successful at mitigating the impacts of recession, while others suffer more than they probably should given their links to the root of the problem. This insight can help the players in the international monetary system to develop a system in future that is better able to manage the downside impacts of recession.

orks Cited:

Zakaria, F. (2009) the Canadian Solution. Newsweek. Retrieved October 23, 2009 from

Flynn, D. (2008). Greece did too little to avoid recession.…...


Works Cited:

Zakaria, F. (2009) the Canadian Solution. Newsweek. Retrieved October 23, 2009 from

Flynn, D. (2008). Greece did too little to avoid recession. XPat Athens. Retrieved October 23, 2009 from 

Bahree, M. (2009). Mongolia rolls with the recession. Forbes. Retrieved October 23, 2009 from 

No author. (2009). Is India recession proof? Retrieved October 23, 2009 from

Economics of the 2009 Recession
Pages: 1 Words: 419

In order for this to happen there must be a lot of industrial production happening. If you look at the history of industrial production, when ever there has been a drop, consumers have stopped spending and a recession has taken place. During the oil crisis from 1973-1975, the industrial production rate fell to about 74%. In 1983 the industrial production rate fell to 71% sparking the recession of the 1980's. Again in 2001, the industrial production rate fell to 74% after September 11th, causing the recession of the 1990's. Today the industrial production rate has fallen to about 73% leading to the current recession (History of U.S. Economic ecession, n.d.). If history holds true the industrial production rate will go back up and consumers will once again spend money and the recession will fade from our memory until the next one comes along.

History of U.S. Economic ecessions. (n.d.). etrieved…...



History of U.S. Economic Recessions. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2009, from Web site: 

Links to Adverts

Economic Crisis the Origin and
Pages: 5 Words: 1601

As Taibbi shows, it is not easy: "I'm going to say something radical about the Tea Partiers. They're not all crazy. They're not even always wrong. hat they are, and they don't realize it, is an anachronism. They're fighting a 1960s battle in a world run by twenty-first-century crooks" (Griftopia 16-17). Taibbi makes clear that the Tea Party is not even homogenous: it is made up of a broad spectrum of individuals (some of whom do not even want to be called Tea Partiers) who are angry and looking for someway to focus their anger.
In conclusion, recouping the losses is not an easy thing to do. hen a company like Lehman Brothers can be allowed to collapse while their competition (Goldman Sachs) can be bailed out by tax payer dollars, citizens are going to start wondering how their country got to such a point in the first place. Taibbi…...


Works Cited

AP/HuffPost. Charles Ferguson's Oscar Speech Rips Wall Street: 'Inside Job' Director

Levels Criticism During Acceptance. HuffPost Business. Web. 8 Apr 2011.

Campbell, Andrea Louise. "Is the Economic Crisis Driving Wedges Between Young and Old? Rich and Poor?" Generations 33.3, Fall 2009: 47-53. Print.

Espo, David. "Deadline nears: Shutdown looms without agreement." Yahoo! News, 8

Economic and Social Effects of
Pages: 25 Words: 9045

Many businesses could no longer operate in this fashion and likely closed their doors leading to a rise in unemployment. This is an example of the rule that Hitler had on the Pre-World War II German economy. The people of the nation were completely subject to his policies and because the economy was in such a vulnerable position as a result of the First World War, that Hitler's policies were looked upon as providing assistance to the nation. The research indicates that Hitler's rule over Germany managed to counter the rise in unemployment with institution of the German Labor Service and other workforce and labor programs.
Pre-World War II Unemployment in Germany

etween January 1933 and July 1935 the number of employed Germans rose by a half, from 11.7 million to 16.9 million.

. Under the rule of Hitler, more than 5 million new jobs paying living wages were created.

The Great Depression…...



Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. "Expulsion of Germans after World War II." Last

updated in 2010. .

Brezina, Corona. The Treaty of Versailles, 1919: A Primary Source Examination of the Treaty

That Ended World War I. New York: Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2006.

Economic Dependency Neo-Liberal Path to
Pages: 4 Words: 1676

He also said that it was high time that every person in the world stopped being economically defensive and started to become politically courageous. At the same summit, the Minister of Sustainable Development and Planning and Head of the Economic and Social and Ministerial Council of Bolivia said that a responsible community would make up and constitute the very basis of global sustainability and stability, and sustainable development was what had helped Bolivia survive through all the years of economic instability and political unrests that it had been subjected to all the previous years. (esponsibility for each other- as Johannesburg's High-Level Segment Begins)
However, though it is widely accepted that Bolivia is indeed heading in the right direction today, it is still lacking in clear markets, and in a complete access to the various technologies that exist in the world today, and also in a guiding mechanism that would help…...



Background Note: Bolivia. (August, 2004) Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. Retrieved at   Accessed on 22 February, 2005 .

Background Notes, Bolivia. (March 1998) U.S. Department of State. Retrieved at   Accessed on 22 February, 2005 .

Bolivia, Geography. Retrieved at   Accessed on 22 February, 2005 .

Nicholls, Peter. (Autumn, 2003) Bolivia, between a rock and a hard place. Capital and Class. Retrieved at   on 22 February, 2005 

Economics Growth the Retailer Sector Was Lately
Pages: 8 Words: 3394

Growth The retailer sector was lately affected by the back-to-school shopping season, which did not start so well, as midprice department stores, discounters and specialty-apparel retailers announced disappointing sales results during August, which reinforced the already much debated concerns that consumers are not comfortable with the current state of the economy and are reluctant to consume, considering the shaky and uneven economic recovery.

However, luxury department-store chains managed to post significant earnings, as they benefited from the help of an important number of upscale shoppers. Still, the effects of higher gas prices and the rising value of grocery bills, combined with lackluster job growth were severely felt by moderate- and lower-income shoppers.

Michael Niemira, chief economist and director of research at the International Council of Shopping Centers feels that "There's weaker-than-expected performance," due to the fact that "there was a slowdown in spending, but some results are exaggerated by other factors,." Mr.…...



1. Higher energy prices depress overall economy. Charles Stein.

Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. Washington:

Aug 6, 2004. On the Internet at 

2. Retailers' Sales Come In Weaker Than Expected; Soft Results Reinforce Fears About Consumer Confidence; Discounters Saw Biggest Hit. Kortney Stringer.

Recession and African-Americans in the
Pages: 40 Words: 11600

Edgar Hoover, makes public its continuing investigation into the activities of black nationalist organizations, singling out the Black Panther Party in particular, Hoover viewing the group as a national security threat.
January 05, 1970

Blacks Move Out of Inner Cities: The Bureau of Census statistics show as the quality of life in poverty-stricken urban communities worsens, a continuous stream of middle-class blacks escape to higher-income neighborhoods and suburbs.

February 13, 1970

First Black Member of the New York Stock Exchange: Joseph L. Searles III becomes the first African-American to become a member of the New York Stock Exchange, starting his training as a floor partner with the firm of Newberger, Leob & Company.

June 16, 1970

Gibson Elected Mayor of Newark, New Jersey: Kenneth A. Gibson was elected mayor of Newark, New Jersey on this date. He also became the first Black president of the Conference of U.S. Mayors during his career.

January 25, 1980

BET Launched:…...



African-American male unemployment: Robert Carmona. (2007). Congressional Testimony.

Retrieved May 12, 2009 from HighBeam Research: 

Algernon Austin. (2008, January 18). What a recession means for black America. EPI Issue Brief

#241. Retrieved May 13, 2009 from

Could you support me in crafting a thesis about the 1993 canadian election about emergence?
Words: 509

Title: The Rise of Political Discontent and Economic Transformation: Analyzing the Emergence of New Dynamics in the 1993 Canadian Federal Election

The 1993 Canadian federal election marked a pivotal moment in Canadian political history, characterized by a significant shift in the political landscape and the emergence of new electoral dynamics. This thesis aims to explore the emergence of these dynamics, focusing on the interplay between political discontent, economic transformation, and the rise of new political parties. It will investigate how these factors contributed to the electoral outcomes and reshaped the Canadian political landscape.

1. The Rise of Political Discontent:
a) Decline of Traditional....

How did the 2008 financial crisis impact global economies and banking systems?
Words: 466

The 2008 financial crisis had a significant and widespread impact on global economies and banking systems. Some of the key impacts include:

1. Economic recession: The crisis led to a global economic recession as financial markets collapsed and lending froze, leading to a sharp decline in GDP growth and widespread job losses.

2. Banking system failures: Many banks around the world collapsed or required government bailouts to survive, leading to a crisis of confidence in the banking sector. This also led to increased government regulation of the banking sector to prevent future crises.

3. Stock market crash: The crisis caused stock markets to....

How did the 2008 financial crisis impact global economies and banking systems?
Words: 618

The Profound Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis on Global Economies and Banking Systems

The 2008 financial crisis, widely acknowledged as the most severe financial upheaval since the Great Depression, left an indelible mark on global economies and banking systems. The crisis's origins can be traced to various factors, including the subprime mortgage debacle, excessive risk-taking by financial institutions, and inadequate regulatory oversight. Its effects, however, reverberated far beyond the financial sector, affecting businesses, households, and governments worldwide.

Impact on Global Economies

The crisis triggered a deep and prolonged recession across the globe. Economic growth plummeted, unemployment soared to alarming levels, and international....

Is there anything in the news related to local government financial management that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 522

Local Government Fiscal Management in the News: Essay Subject Ideas

1. The Impact of Economic Downturns on Local Government Revenues

Amidst the recent economic recession, many local governments have faced unprecedented revenue shortfalls. Explore the specific challenges and consequences they have encountered, analyzing the impact on essential services and long-term financial sustainability.

2. Balancing Citizen Demands with Limited Resources

Local governments must navigate the delicate task of meeting citizen needs while operating within constrained budgets. Examine the trade-offs involved in allocating funds to different priorities, such as infrastructure maintenance, public safety, and education. Discuss the complexities of balancing taxpayer expectations with fiscal responsibility.

3. Innovative....

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