Economic Stimulus Act Essays (Examples)

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Fiscal policy is defined as a government spending policy that influences macroeconomic conditions (Investopedia, 2009). The business side of the Stimulus Act is essentially a tax policy in disguise, because the net effect of the stimulus is a reduction in taxes paid. However, the tax rate is not specifically addressed.
On the individual side, the stimulus is strictly microeconomic in nature and is not policy related. It is essentially a cash handout. Thus, on the whole the bill cannot genuinely be considered a component of fiscal policy. Rather, it is a one-time cash giveaway.

There is a potential multiplier effect of this legislation, but that effect is likely overestimated by the government. In principle, this influx of cash into the economy will lead to increased consumer demand and increased corporate spending. However, declining consumer confidence means that much of the stimulus money went into savings.

Likewise, businesses were not enticed by the….

The theory was that by giving consumers tax rebates, aggregate demand could be increased. This in turn would, along with the corporate tax cuts, give firms more confidence to increase their own spending. hen the bill was being drafted, the economy was not yet in a state of total devastation, but there were signs of a pending recession. By drafting a bill that would increase aggregate demand, it was hoped by that business cycle could be forestalled or reversed. The government did not view recession as inevitable at the time. Rather, they felt that with sufficient increase in aggregate demand, the recession could be averted. As we have seen, the recessionary conditions at the outset of 2008 were merely the tip of the iceberg and the stimulus package was therefore woefully inadequate.
The hope, though, was that the multiplier effect would take hold. If consumers spent more, companies would be….

The intention of the Act was to stimulate consumer spending. It focused on lower and middle income Americans, who might be more apt to spend rather than invest or save their tax refund. In other words, a wealthier individual might not hesitate to make a large purchase at any time, regardless of tax policy. But a lower or middle class individual who had been putting off necessary repairs, payments, or other large purchases could not do so, because of a lack of funds. Having received the rebate, the recipient could now spend it on a vital purchase. Some individuals would even receive rebates who had never filed taxes before because their income was so low.

hen individuals make purchases, particularly large purchases, cash is infused into the economy. Inventories that have been piling up because of consumer fears of a likelihood of a recession go down. Businesses hire new workers, stimulating….

They may feel and actually be 'out of the loop' of office politics because they lack a physical presence in front of their colleagues and superiors. As Woody Allen once observed, sometimes the most important thing in life is just showing up.
Additionally, not all telecommuting workers are conscientious about doing their work. Without the supervision of a living, breathing manager they may use the extra freedom to slack in their duties, and unless an effective monitoring program is in place, workers at home may cost the company money. They may even be less productive, relatively speaking, than they would be in the office because of the lack of a motivational presence of colleagues, whose input and socially facilitating team spirit can encourage productivity.

Call centers are another way in which companies have used technology to reduce labor costs. In this case, the company usually employs workers in countries with less….

Stimulus Bill Political Communication
Political Communication during the Stimulus Bill Debate

In times of economic uncertainty and national emergency, the government has the capacity to make decisions that it believes will aid the country in its time of need. Such a time of need occurred in 2009 when the country continued to face an existence of dire economic circumstances involving national cash-flow and jobs. In order to set economic recovery into motion, President Obama called for the passing of the American ecovery and einvestment Act of 2009 (AA), otherwise regarded as the stimulus bill. While such a bill was considered pivotal by many government officials in order to get the country back on its feet, crucial differences in policy and bill structure could be viewed in assessing the opinions Democrats and epublicans brought to the floor in terms of the bill's passing. In understanding the basis of the bill itself, along with….

Economics in Ancient Civilization
It is said that "Rome was not built in a day." Indeed, the Roman Empire was the last of a series of civilizations to emerge in the Mediterranean by the First Millennium, B.C. Precursors to the culture most identified as the seat of estern political economy, the Ancient Egyptians, Etruscans, Greeks, Syrians, Carthaginians and Phoenicians all had contact with the Romans, and eventually were incorporated through territorial expansion of the Empire in Asia Minor, Cyrenaica, Europe, and North Africa. Prior to the Roman period, Europe was primarily occupied by Barbarian tribes; societies where no written language, legal system or alternative mechanism of governance was in place. hen we discuss the advancement of Ancient civilizations, then, it is through the transmission of law, literacy and polity that we find source to retrospect on early economic forms. In Feinman and Nicholas (2004), Perspectives on Political Economies, the difficulties of….

Economic Crisis Policies
US current economic crisis is considered to be started from real estate sector. The real sector started to decline in 2006 and it accelerated in 2007 and 2008. Housing prices have fallen from the peak from about 25% so far. The decline in prices left homeowners with no option and they were unable to refinance their mortgages and causes default of mortgages. This default of mortgages and loans swallowed the banks and financial markets such as falling of Lehman's brothers and other anks and blow to rest of economy happened as the whole economy was relying on banks and ultimately it slows down investment in the country and capital flows to other parts of the world like China and India. ank losses cause reduction of bank capital which in turn requires capital reduction thus saving bank from lending. It is estimated that every $100 loss and reduction of….

Discuss the long-range effects of a stimulus plan as it affects the banking sector, on the one hand, and increases aggregate demand, on the other hand.

A stimulus plan by the federal government is designed to increase aggregate demand and boost economic production, lifting the nation out of a recession. By infusing money into the economy through public works projects and other government investments, newly hired workers have more income, and can thus contribute to the expansion of the economy as a whole through their spending. However, a long-range stimulus plan can occasionally make the banking sector nervous, because of fears of rising inflation. Inflation is feared by the banking sector because this reduces the value of their current holdings, and also means that current loans will yield a less profitable dividend, as prices increase and the purchasing power of the dollar goes down. Additionally, most stimulus plans couple fiscal spending….

UK Economy

An analysis of the latest figures for key economic indicators and the factors which have affected these indicators. This should include the figures for unemployment, inflation and economic growth.


The unemployment rate is a very important indicator of the overall health of the economy. Currently the unemployment rate is at 7.8% (Office for National Statistics, 2012). However, this figure does not affect the population equally. Different segments of the population have different employment rates. Furthermore, the unemployment rate does not include people that are not actively seeking employment. In the chart these people are considered to be "inactive." Another interesting item listed in the report is that the unemployment rate for the youth demographic was falling due to a record number of 16 to 24-year-olds being enrolled in some type of educational program.

Employment in the UK has suffered from recession. In 2008 there was a global recession in the United….

American Investment ecovery Act
Throughout American history there has been an emphasis on maintaining a balance of power between different branches of government. This is from the belief that concentrating too much authority in one area will lead to inevitable abuses in others. To prevent this, the federal government and states have always practiced these basic principles. As a result, there are varying interpretations as to the overall scope of power given to particular branch. (McNeese, 2001)

In 2009, these issues were continually being brought to forefront with the American ecovery Act and einvestment Act of 2009. This law was designed to provide the economy with additional amounts of stimulus to address the lingering challenges from the financial crisis. However, the process of enacting this legislation, there were increased amounts of controversy surrounding the balance of power between the President and Congress. This is because the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in….

As banks faltered and default rates rose, rates of consumption and demand plummeted. Unemployment began to increase, and in a predictable Keynesian fashion, as individuals grew more insecure about their job prospects they began to spend less money. The United States has a particularly consumer-driven economy -- Americans are known for having historically low rates of savings and to engage in high rates of spending -- so this was particularly disruptive to the usual rhythms of the economy.
Young people graduating from college suffered some of the worst effects of the recession. "Unemployment rates for individuals younger than 25 are currently 21% in the euro area and 19% in the U.S." (Branchflower 2010). They were competing with older, more experienced workers who had recently lost their jobs. The fear is that today's low starting salaries create a class of permanently low-earning graduates, many of whom have high levels of college….

The article concedes, however, that declining business confidence is an absolute danger that must be dealt with and the government not being an active partner with businesses and in favor of the recovery will just make things worse (Pollin, 2010).
A similar point is made in a different article that states that the role of fiscal policy in pushing an economy towards recovery cannot be over-estimated or over-analyzed because of the vital role fiscal policy plays in said recovery. The article notes that the impact (or lack thereof) of programs like Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Medicare, tax credits, Social Security, direct subsidies, unemployment insurance and such are often included in any analysis of fiscal policy but it also noted that many parties that look at this topic glaringly omit are transfer payments and other assistance paid directly to financial institutions (Tcherneva, 2012).

This perhaps became a much less hidden….

History tells us, evidently, that the worse a slump, the quicker the recovery because there's nowhere else to go but up. The rebounds from a bad economy were very strong. Now there's something to look forward to for those millions of Americans who can't put bread on the table for their kids.
ut, why is the stimulus not working all that well. In actuality, the government threw in around $800 billion for President Obama's Recover and Reinvestment Act of 2009. How could it not work? ecause it spent money on the wrong things. Remember when we were told all the wonderful new green investments it would allow to create thousands of jobs. And, do you recall how it would bring the U.S. transportation system up-to-date with highway and bridge repairs?

Pork. That's what happened, plus huge support for existing social programs which brought zero new jobs. The Wall Street Journal calls….

The more jobs that can be created with this money, the more people that can get back to work and the money people that can get on with their lives. And that is exactly what the people of New York City want to do.
orks Cited

Hill, Jeffery. "hat the Stimulus Bill Really Means for Cities." 2009. Next American City. 7

June 2009

"House Passes Stimulus Package; Rep. Michael E. McMahon Secures Tax Cuts and Funding for Critical Investments in Staten Island and Brooklyn." 2009. Congressman Michael E.

McMahon, 7 June 2009 <>

Light, Larry. "Stimulus Package Offers a Break for Mass-Transit Commuters." 2009. The all

Street Journal, 7 June 2009,

Mason, J.. "Federal Stimulus and Medicaid: How Big a Savings for the City?" 2009. IBO

eblog, 7 June 2009,

Meckler, Laura. "Obama Signs Stimulus Into Law." 2009. The all Street Journal, 7 June 2009,


Silberner, Joanne. "Stimulus Bill Calls For Computerizing Health Care." 2009.….

The local and regional councils that administer the Porirua City metropolitan area have different, but interrelated responsibilities that must be taken into account in formulating effective economic developmental initiatives as described in Table 1 below.
Table 1

espective esponsibilities and Areas of Interest for egional and Local Councils in New Zealand

Council Type

Description of esponsibilities and Areas of Interest

egional Councils

esponsible for the integrated management of natural and physical resources, management of natural resources such as water and soil.

Local Councils

esponsible for carrying out multiple functions that enable them, among other things, to promote development projects with the private sector; also responsible for land-use planning, subdivision, service delivery, etc.; however, local councils are not involved in educational, health and welfare matters and these remain in the domain of national government.

Source: Gouldson & oberts, p. 54

Therefore, local councils would be best suited for establishing priorities for local economic development incentives and coordinating their implementation, but….

2 Pages


Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Words: 620
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Fiscal policy is defined as a government spending policy that influences macroeconomic conditions (Investopedia, 2009). The business side of the Stimulus Act is essentially a tax policy in…

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2 Pages


Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Words: 666
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The theory was that by giving consumers tax rebates, aggregate demand could be increased. This in turn would, along with the corporate tax cuts, give firms more confidence…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Words: 628
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The intention of the Act was to stimulate consumer spending. It focused on lower and middle income Americans, who might be more apt to spend rather than invest or…

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3 Pages


Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Words: 1012
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

They may feel and actually be 'out of the loop' of office politics because they lack a physical presence in front of their colleagues and superiors. As Woody…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Stimulus Bill Political Communication Political Communication During

Words: 2756
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Stimulus Bill Political Communication Political Communication during the Stimulus Bill Debate In times of economic uncertainty and national emergency, the government has the capacity to make decisions that it believes will…

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16 Pages
Literature Review

Drama - World

History of Economic of the 4 Periods in Ancient Civilization

Words: 5166
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Economics in Ancient Civilization It is said that "Rome was not built in a day." Indeed, the Roman Empire was the last of a series of civilizations to emerge in…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Economic Crisis Policies US Current Economic Crisis

Words: 2366
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Economic Crisis Policies US current economic crisis is considered to be started from real estate sector. The real sector started to decline in 2006 and it accelerated in 2007 and…

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2 Pages


Stimulus Discuss the Long-Range Effects of a

Words: 554
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Stimulus Discuss the long-range effects of a stimulus plan as it affects the banking sector, on the one hand, and increases aggregate demand, on the other hand. A stimulus plan by…

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4 Pages


Economics UK Economy an Analysis of the

Words: 1009
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Economics UK Economy An analysis of the latest figures for key economic indicators and the factors which have affected these indicators. This should include the figures for unemployment, inflation and economic…

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8 Pages


American Investment Recovery Act Throughout American History

Words: 2438
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

American Investment ecovery Act Throughout American history there has been an emphasis on maintaining a balance of power between different branches of government. This is from the belief that concentrating…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Irrational Exuberance The Economic Crisis

Words: 2418
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As banks faltered and default rates rose, rates of consumption and demand plummeted. Unemployment began to increase, and in a predictable Keynesian fashion, as individuals grew more insecure…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Slow USA Econ Recovery Chapter

Words: 5194
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The article concedes, however, that declining business confidence is an absolute danger that must be dealt with and the government not being an active partner with businesses and…

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6 Pages


Decision Making 2009 Stimulus Package

Words: 2190
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

History tells us, evidently, that the worse a slump, the quicker the recovery because there's nowhere else to go but up. The rebounds from a bad economy were…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Urban Studies Stimulus Bill the

Words: 1709
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The more jobs that can be created with this money, the more people that can get back to work and the money people that can get on with…

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9 Pages


Local Economic Development in Porirua

Words: 3414
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

The local and regional councils that administer the Porirua City metropolitan area have different, but interrelated responsibilities that must be taken into account in formulating effective economic developmental…

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