Economic Terms Essays (Examples)

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Such processes are expensive and time consuming. In the case of the temporary staffs, the processes of selection and recruitment are less complex as they would revolve around referrals from current employees, who would recommend a teenage child, a friend or another acquaintance looking for a temporary job. Still, in the case of the third alternative, such problems and complexities would not be raised at all.
d) Employee skills

The general assumption when hiring temporary staffs is that they do not possess the skills and commitment of permanent employees. In such a context then, the company would have to hire permanent employees in order to best capitalize on their skills and knowledge, to invest it in and to ensure employee loyalty and performance. As the complexity of the job increases, the skill requirements also increase, further increasing the need for permanent staffs (Bragg, 2011). In a context in which the third….

lags are when it comes to enacting and applying fiscal policy. The second question asks about the notion of a political business cycle. The third question asks about how the expectations of a near-term policy reversal weakens when tax rates change. Finally, there will be a description of what is called the crowding out effect.
When it comes to "time lags" with fiscal policy, this basically refers to the fact that there is a time lapse between the time that a piece of fiscal legislation is passed and point in which results can be seen or measured. For example, when the fiscal stimulus passed (the AA) in 2009, there was expected to be a gap between the time it was passed and the time it showed any sort of demonstrable effect on the economy (Economics Online, 2015). As for the political business cycle, Auburn University describes that term as meaning….

He would be faced with deciding whether he must spend all his available resources on goods or services, or whether he must save some of his income so that he would be able to finance some of his needs of his future. When he is taken as a labor resource, he must make the decision whether he must use his time in working for his pay, or whether he must spend it on sleeping and other leisure time activities. ("Decision making using marginal analysis," n. d.)
Similarly, when he is a labor resource, he must decide how much of his time he must spend on education, so that he may be able to maximize his life earnings. On the other hand, if he were an entrepreneur, then he must make the decision on how many people he must hire, or how much he must spend on acquiring a new product….

If I was in Congress, I would not vote for such a tax. From an ethical perspective, such a tax is simply punitive. The oil companies are not strictly to blame if the price elasticity of demand for oil is low and they take advantage of that. Consumers have no inherent right to dirt cheap oil. The argument could be made that there are benefits to monopolistic profits such as further exploration, but that argument is actually a bit soft. First, drilling is already included on the income statement -- these are profits above and beyond what the companies need to sustain their business. And that is why they drill -- to sustain their business, so they're going to do it anyway. The reason you don't vote for such a bill has nothing to do with finding ways to make oil companies more profitable or less profitable; it is because….

(Buchanan, 72)
The economic policy tools that were employed just after the war subsequently underwent some changes. From 1947 to 1950 direct controls on wages and distribution were eliminated followed by removal of trade controls in 1958. However, the government continued to maintain its hold over prices and credit distribution which made it different from many of its neighboring states in the postwar period. The French Ministry of Finance exerted greater control over the economy than the Bank of France. This led to a greater predilection to resort to devaluation when external equilibrium resulted due to the state failure to control incomes. In France, the period between 1945 and 1975 was known as the "thirty glorious years" because of the phenomenal economic performance. During this period, the average growth rate of GDP was around 6.8% which was quite remarkable considering that Britain's average GDP growth rate was 2.4% and Germany's….

Technology's Role

Product Differentiation in the Competitive Open Market of Today's Economy

Product differentiation is one of the most difficult things for a firm to achieve in a competitive, open market. In a market with a large number of potential product competitors, it is difficult to convey to the consumer what makes a particular product unique. The problem of product differentiation highlights the fact that it is not simply enough that a consumer wishes to buy more soda, for instance, to increase sales. Rather it is important that the potential consumer wishes to buy a specific company's soda, one's own particular brand of soda, and only that brand of soda. For consumers to demand a particular product, there must be a sense of 'specialness' conveyed to the product produced by one's own firm as opposed to other firms. This sense of specialness can be a uniqueness of cheapness, quality, or simply the….

Economic Concepts
Purchase of any item may be an ordinary activity for most people, but in economic terms, it is probably one of the most significant activities that govern and shape the business cycle and affects the economic conditions of any organization or country. Purchasing is directly connected with the concept of consumption. The more a person purchases, the higher is the rate of consumption and vice versa. But purchasing or consumption, for that matter, doesn't take place in isolation and several different concepts come into operation when a single consumption activity takes place.

Let us illustrate this with the help of an example. Suppose a couple decides to purchase a car. On the surface this might be an ordinary everyday transaction where money goes from one party to another as the result of which ownership changes. The car becomes the property of the consumer while his money becomes addition asset of….

Why Do Consumers Make Irrational, Decisions?

In economics there is usually the underlying assumption that people who make choices will act in a rational manner, weighing up the costs and the benefits and determining a course of action dependent which choice provides them with the greatest benefit. The assumption may appeal to logic, and is seen in rational choice theory, but the reality is many consumers will not act in a rational manner, making choices that result disadvantages or costs rather than benefits. There are a number of influences which may explain how and why consumers do not always make the rational or optimal choices in economic terms.

One of the key aspects of rational choice theory, which dictates individuals will make rational choices are the underlying assumption that individuals making the choices will be in possession of perfect information regarding the choices and the potential outcomes, and that the decision maker….

S. exports, but only reduced them, to increase imports from Mexico, to stimulate the opening of manufacturing plants in Mexico and to lead to the loss of jobs for the American population
Ultimately then, the free market is a beneficial theoretical model, but its practical implementation has only proven profitable for the corporations in the highly developed western economies.

3. Are impediments to economic and financial reconstruction worse in a particular region of the developing world?

The tumultuous world history has impregnated its effects upon all players. And these effects are multiple and depend on various other features. On the other hand, they can be used to explain the contemporaneous stages of economic development presented by each state. While some countries enjoy the benefits of high levels of economic growth and development, others still strive to make do. And the differences are not only obvious among the groups of developed, developing and less….

Firm, Labor Markets, and Imperfect Information

Perfect Competition and Monopolistic Competition

A perfectly competitive market does not have barriers to entry or exit and is characterized by many producers and many consumers, all of whom are price takers -- a term that means the suppliers and the buyers cannot effect the price as they do not have market power ("Competitive Markets," 2014). Monopolistic competitive markets are do have some barriers to entry and exit. Consumers can find substitutes for all of the goods in a competitive market, whereas high product differentiation is seen in a monopolistic competitive market ("Competitive Markets," 2014). Indeed, one of the reasons that a firm can achieve a monopoly for a product is that the business has been successful in its efforts to differentiate a product, as perceived by its customers. The ability of a business to make profits in the long-run is referred to as the….

According to Economic Darwinism principle, people will prefer to replace the alternative with the lowest potential (in terms of return, profit, solvability, etc.) with another random solution, which may it could turn out to be more successful than the initial option. In the project evaluation process, all alternatives receive different points according to the criterions and requirements of the company. Of course, that only the investments with a positive return will remain in the battle for the best alternative. Every such alternative will be further on debated, in order to see which of the project solution best fit the company's development policy.

The principle of Darwin applies both to economic and social aspects of life, as we have seen in this report. The two pillars of the principle are present in the everyday activity of managers, especially in the field of project selection and management.


1) Article on 'Economic Darwinism', elaborated….

Economic Final Report

Economic Systems:
An economic system is basically described as specific set of principles that addresses the production, distribution, and consumption of products and services. The involved parties in the production, distribution, and consumptions processes are usually determined by or dependent on the economic system. Throughout the history of humanity, different types of economic systems have evolved because different societies have placed varying emphasis on distinctive goals and priorities as part of their efforts to obtain answers to certain economic questions. In addition, the difference in economic systems is fueled by the tendency by different societies to develop very broad economic approaches to manage their resources. One of the main reasons for the development of different economic systems is to address the challenge of scarcity. The challenge of scarcity is an essential problem that confronts individuals and nations. hile there are four major types of economic systems recognized by economists, there are….

Economic Final Report

Economic Final Report
Types of economic systems

Economic systems vary from one nation to another. Traditional economic systems refer to an economic system founded by tradition. The services and goods that people provide through the work they do, how people exchange and use the resources are trends that follow permanent patterns. These are not dynamic economic systems because there are minimal changes. In this economic system, people live on static standards. They do not enjoy much occupational mobility and financial mobility (Gregory and Robert 19). However, it is possible to predict economic relationships and behaviors. People are aware of what they are expected to do, why they trade, they know what others should give to them. In traditional economic systems, the interests of the community are of great priority than individual interests. People collaborate at work and labor proceeds are shared equally. However, in some traditional economic systems, individuals respect some personal….

Economics Is the Study of

If there is a risk that one of the family members will lose his or her job, that will add risk to the purchase decision. The riskier the purchase decision, the lower the price will need to be in order to compensate for that. Another factor here is the expected change in housing prices or interest rates. Buyers are inclined to enter the market if they believe that the cost of home ownership will be higher next year, but they may delay purchases if they believe that costs will be lower next year.
ith new home sales last summer, the dip could be in part due to worries about a double-dip recession. The summer was characterized by an inane fight over the debt ceiling, something that shattered confidence of many in the political system, and some of the key actors within that system. A fractured political system is one that….

Unfortunately most growth oriented economic policies such as "supply-side" economic policies tend to exacerbate inequality. A greater role of the government in the economy such as increased taxation on the rich can reduce inequality. Inflation and unemployment are usually inversely proportional in most economies, i.e., increase of money supply through deficit financing reduces unemployment but increases inflation while tight monetary policies reduce inflation but increase unemployment. According to a number of analysts, a major cause of terrorism in the world is an acute sense of deprivation among a large section of the population. Economic measures can, arguably prove more effective in rooting out terrorism than military action.
Part C-Theory

What, How and for Whom to Produce:

In 'free market economies' decentralized decision making by individuals and firms based on consumers' desires (which determine the price of goods) and the profit motive determine what goods are produced and in what quantities. For example,….

8 Pages


Economic Terms a Managerial Decision

Words: 2412
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Such processes are expensive and time consuming. In the case of the temporary staffs, the processes of selection and recruitment are less complex as they would revolve around…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Crowding Effect and Other Economic Terms

Words: 542
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

lags are when it comes to enacting and applying fiscal policy. The second question asks about the notion of a political business cycle. The third question asks about…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Economics Theory Popular Concept That

Words: 2089
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He would be faced with deciding whether he must spend all his available resources on goods or services, or whether he must save some of his income so…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Economics if I Was in Congress I

Words: 920
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economics If I was in Congress, I would not vote for such a tax. From an ethical perspective, such a tax is simply punitive. The oil companies are not strictly…

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8 Pages


Economic and Trade Development the

Words: 2664
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

(Buchanan, 72) The economic policy tools that were employed just after the war subsequently underwent some changes. From 1947 to 1950 direct controls on wages and distribution were eliminated…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Economics Technology's Role Product Differentiation in the

Words: 745
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economics Technology's Role Product Differentiation in the Competitive Open Market of Today's Economy Product differentiation is one of the most difficult things for a firm to achieve in a competitive, open market.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Concepts Purchase of Any Item May

Words: 651
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economic Concepts Purchase of any item may be an ordinary activity for most people, but in economic terms, it is probably one of the most significant activities that govern and…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Economics Why Do Consumers Make Irrational Decisions

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Economics Why Do Consumers Make Irrational, Decisions? In economics there is usually the underlying assumption that people who make choices will act in a rational manner, weighing up the costs and…

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4 Pages


Economics and International Relations in

Words: 1251
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

S. exports, but only reduced them, to increase imports from Mexico, to stimulate the opening of manufacturing plants in Mexico and to lead to the loss of jobs for…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Economic Basics - Terms and Concepts

Words: 1971
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Firm, Labor Markets, and Imperfect Information Economics Perfect Competition and Monopolistic Competition A perfectly competitive market does not have barriers to entry or exit and is characterized by many producers and…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Darwinism Theory Economic Darwinism

Words: 373
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to Economic Darwinism principle, people will prefer to replace the alternative with the lowest potential (in terms of return, profit, solvability, etc.) with another random solution, which…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Final Report

Words: 1491
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economic Systems: An economic system is basically described as specific set of principles that addresses the production, distribution, and consumption of products and services. The involved parties in the production,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Economic Final Report

Words: 1317
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economic Final Report Types of economic systems Economic systems vary from one nation to another. Traditional economic systems refer to an economic system founded by tradition. The services and goods that…

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3 Pages


Economics Is the Study of

Words: 931
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

If there is a risk that one of the family members will lose his or her job, that will add risk to the purchase decision. The riskier the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Economics Part A-Economics and Society

Words: 937
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Unfortunately most growth oriented economic policies such as "supply-side" economic policies tend to exacerbate inequality. A greater role of the government in the economy such as increased taxation…

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