Elective Essays (Examples)

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Elective Cesarean Section There Are Many Paths
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

Elective Cesarean Section
There are many paths to consider when a person becomes pregnant. The parents must decide whether to keep the child or not, then what type of care they will have while pregnant, and finally how they will bring the child into the world. There is the traditional method of birth where the infant is pushed through the vagina and there is Cesarean Section, or C-Section, wherein the baby is removed from the mother's womb surgically. The latter method is most often utilized when there is a potential health risk in a traditional birth. However, in recent years, it is becoming more and more common for women to choose C-Sections for reasons such as being able to schedule when the child will be born, less recovery time, and assorted other benefits. In the 1960s, birth by C-Section accounted for approximately 3% of the population. At present C-Sections make up…...


Works Cited:

Bager, P. (2008). "Caesarian Delivery and Risk of Atopy and Allergic Disease: Meta-Analysis."

Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 38. 634-42.

Gagnon, Anita (2007). "Continuity of Nursing Care and Its Link to Cesarean Birth Rate." Birth.

34: 1. 36-31.

Elective or Emergency Childbirth a Choice Between
Pages: 40 Words: 14295

elective or emergency childbirth, a choice between general and local anesthesia is often called for. Cognizing the surroundings helps the birthing process. Therefore, a local anesthetic administered via an intrathecal spinal injection or through a catheter in the epidural space will prove an advantage. Ratcliffe and Evans at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, England attempted tested this advantage on more than 90 elective Cesarean parturients. (Ratcliffe & Evans, 1993) The epidural anesthetic group enjoyed the most advantages. The determinants to support these findings were fetal and maternal health. These were judged by Apgar scores and also the pH values of the umbilical blood. The greatest acidities (pH less than 7.2) were observed in neonates in the spinal anesthesia groups. In terms of general fetal health, 70% of neonates from the general anesthesia group did not meet an Apgar score of greater than seven in the first minute after birth.



Adsumelli, R.S., Steinberg, E.S., Schabel, J.E., Saunders, T.A., & Poppers, P.J. (2003). Sequential compression device with thigh-high sleeves supports mean arterial pressure during Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia. Br J. Anaesth, 91(5), 695-698.

Atkins, A.J., Watt, J.M., Milan, P., Davies, P., & Crawford, J.S. (1981). The influence of posture upon cardiovascular dynamics throughout pregnancy. Eur J. Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 12(6), 357-372.

Ayorinde, B.T., Buczkowski, P., Brown, J., Shah, J., & Buggy, D.J. (2001). Evaluation of pre-emptive intramuscular phenylephrine and ephedrine for reduction of spinal anaesthesia-induced hypotension during Caesarean section. Br J. Anaesth, 86(3), 372-376.

Beilin, Y., Abramovitz, S.E., Zahn, J., Enis, S., & Hossain, S. (2000). Improved epidural analgesia in the parturient in the 30 degree tilt position. Can J. Anaesth, 47(12), 1176-1181.

Social Acceptance of Elective Cosmetic Surgery A
Pages: 5 Words: 1803

Social Acceptance of Elective Cosmetic Surgery:
A dangerous addiction to perfection

Reconstructive surgery has its uses, such as restoring the face or body of someone disfigured in a car crash or other accident, or helping someone with genuine physical limitations (such as a harelip) which can have major negative medical and social consequences. However, the majority of reconstructive or plastic surgery is performed for purely cosmetic purposes in the United States. At best, its availability and acceptability puts people at needless physical risk; at worst, it subjects patients to needless dangers and even disfigures them. The pursuit of perfection has dangerous medical, economic, and social consequences.

There is no question that the use of cosmetic surgical procedures (and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures such as Botox) is increasing. According to Haas (et al. 2007), "approximately 11.7 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed and Americans spent $13.2 billion on these procedures, an astounding…...


Works Cited

Blum, Virginia. "Becoming the Other Woman: The Psychic Drama of Cosmetic Surgery."

Frontiers 26.2 (2005): 104,131,237. GenderWatch. Web. 6 Dec. 2012.

Duerson, Meena Hart. "Anderson Cooper kicks 'Human Barbie' off show." The New York Daily

News [NEWSPAPER] 23 May 2012. [6 Dec 2012]

Nursing Elective Abortion and Nursing
Pages: 4 Words: 1183

Section 79-i of the New York State Civil Rights Law, passed in 1971, allows health care workers to "refuse to perform or assist" in abortion procedures "contrary to the conscience or religious beliefs" of the workers (Callahan, 1998). To invoke this protection, a worker must "file a prior written refusal" with the hospital. Violation of the law is a misdemeanor.
This means that nurses have an obligation to provide good care to women who have abortions, respecting their decisions and providing physical and psychological care. The association advises nurses to respect the fact that patients have the right to freedom from imposition of other's beliefs or judgmental attitudes.

However, many nurses have religious or cultural value and ethical beliefs which may stand in their way when it comes to providing care without imposing personal beliefs on patients who choose to abort. The association recognizes that nurses have the right to their…...


Works Cited

American Nurses Association. (2001). "Code for nurses with interpretive statements." Washington, DC.

Callahan, Tom. (January 4, 1998). Backing the Right of Nurses Not to Assist in Abortions. New York Times

Fromer, MJ. (April 30, 1982). Abortion Ethics. Nurs Outlook: 30(4):234-40.

New York State Nurses Association. (2008). Position Statement on Abortion. Retrieved form the Internet at  http://www.nysna.org/practice/positions/position2_04.htm .

Analyzing Early Elective Delivery
Pages: 2 Words: 1096

Elective Delivery
The Publication and the Issue that it Presents

The article entitled Born too early: Improving Maternal and Child Health by educing Early Elective Deliveries was published on NIHCM Foundation, Transforming Health Care Through Evidence and Collaborations. The article discusses the issue of possible negative health consequences that early elective deliveries poses on infants, mothers and on health care system collectively, along with additional costs as an unnecessary burden. Infants might face an increased risk of:

Poorer brain mass.

espiratory Distress Syndrome (DS).

Low birth weight.

Feeding problems.

Longer stay at hospital.

While mothers face an increased risk of:

Cesarean delivery.

Post-delivery depression.

Longer stay at hospital due to complications.

Price to the Health Care System:

Early Elective Deliveries (EED) are linked to an increased risk of cesarean delivery, which costs about 50% more than the costs of vaginal births, on an average. Moreover, premature infants, born before 39 weeks, are susceptible to get admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)…...



Astho. (2014). Issue Brief: Early Elective Delivery. Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. Retrieved from  http://www.astho.org/Maternal-and-Child-Health/Early-Elective-Delivery-Issue-Brief/ 

BCBSSC. (2014). Birth Outcomes Initiatives: Claims Coding. Live Fearless BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina. Retrieved from  http://web.southcarolinablues.com/providers/providernews/2014providernews.aspx?article_id=602 

March of Dimes. (n.d.). SC Hospitals and Medicaid Partner to Reduce Preterm Births. Retrieved from   (1).pdfhttp://www.marchofdimes.org/pdf/southcarolina/Healthy_Babies_Are_Worth_The_Wait 

National Quality Forum. (2014). Playbook for the Successful Elimination of Early Elective Deliveries. NQF Maternity Action Team. Retrieved from  http://www.leapfroggroup.org/sites/default/files/Files/mat_eed-playbook.pdf

Health Care in Marketing
Pages: 2 Words: 631

Healthcare in Marketing (Lasik)
Lasik's Methods in Other Health Care Organizations

Customer profiling is a vastly unexplored marketing method in the health industry. While it has been used to target very specific markets, such as potential consumers of elective surgery, other markets have been largely neglected (arber 2001). The reasons for this are many, but mostly they include difficulties with medical data gathering, and legal issues regarding potential customer profiling.

Despite the above-mentioned difficulties, there are several organizations that can and do benefit from customer profiling. One such entity is the pharmaceutical industry (Winterhalter 2002). Here the customer being profiled is normally the health care professional, rather than the patient. y gathering geo-demographic data as well as customer loyalty information from a group of health professionals, pharmaceutical companies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of their marketing practices. This will further benefit not only the professionals, but also the healthcare consumer, in that pharmaceutical…...



Barber, F.A., R.K. Thomas, M. Huang. "Developing a profile of LASIK surgery customers." Marketing Health Services, Iss. 2, Vol 21. Chicago: Summer 2001.

Business Wire. "New Customer Wins Position Lawson as Dominant Enterprise E-business Solution Provider to Healthcare Industry." New Orleans, 2001.

Winterhalter, K. "Customer profiling in the healthcare industry." Weber Shandwick, 2002.  http://www.browna2.fsnet.co.uk/PMLive/doctor_who_frame.htm

Benson and Newell
Pages: 2 Words: 714

Benson and Newell - Critique
Which of Benson's arguments was most convincing? Why? Benson's 4th argument ("Interdisciplinary courses are shallow") has some merit albeit he cheapens it by dipping too deeply into his love of exaggeration. Probably the 2nd objection Benson presents has the most value because students who would probably receive the most benefits from interdisciplinary studies are those students who are high achievers already. Clearly Benson is on the right track when he asserts that a student needs to have a "firm hold" on one particular discipline before he or she can enjoy and profit from an interdisciplinary course. Much of the potential success for a student taking interdisciplinary classes depends of course on the academic skills and scholarly experience of the student (freshmen are often too green and undisciplined to expect them to excel in a course well outside their chosen major). But on the other hand, Newell…...

United States Operates as an Indirect or
Pages: 6 Words: 1691

United States operates as an indirect or representative democracy meaning that a select group is elected by the whole to serve as representatives while attending to public matters. This is in contrast to a direct democracy which holds that all eligible members of a society can personally direct public affairs. This distinction is often overlooked by most Americans who believe that the term democracy has no qualifications.
In order to fully grasp American government, it is essential to understand the Framers of the Constitution referred to it as republic in form. Their intention was to have representatives direct government operations. In other words, voters select representatives who in turn carry out government business. The reasons for this procedure are manifold. Most notably, the Framers foresaw the electorate making poor decisions based on transitory emotions thereby leading the country in an unwise direction. Given such predispositions, the Framers felt that minority…...



Wilson, James Q. & Dilulio, John J. (1998). American Government. Boston: Houghton Mifflin


Market Model Changes the Medtech or Medical
Pages: 3 Words: 865

Market Model Changes
The medtech, or medical technology, industry is a large and intensely competitive industry that produces highly innovative medical devices for hospitals and other healthcare facilities in the effort to save lives and improve health for patients (Research, 2012). It is spread across different segments including, cardiology, oncology, neuro, orthopedic, and aesthetic devices. It relies largely on aging baby boomers, high unmet medical needs, and increased incidence of lifestyle diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

The industry is being challenged by pricing concerns, hospital admissions and procedural volume, uncertainty concerning healthcare reform, Medicare reimbursement issues as agencies are looking for cost reduction measures, and regulatory overhang. There is a rise in patients deferring treatment in elective procedures. "One factor aligning economic and clinical forces: in the U.S., the number of medical practices owned by hospitals grew from 25% in 2005 to 50% in 2008" (practice, 2011). Where hospitals…...



Blog, I. (2012, Mar 12). MedTech Industry Stock Outlook. Retrieved from Financial Content: http://markets.financialcontent.com/stocks/news/read/20832505/MedTech-Industry-Stock-Outlook

practice, B.G. (2011, Feb 9). Creating a new commercial model for the changing medtech market. Retrieved from Bain & Company:  http://www.bain.com/publicatgions/articles/creating-a-commercial-model-for-changing-medtech-market.aspx 

Research, Z.E. (2012, June 15). MedTech Industry Stock Outlook-June 2012-Zacks Analyst Interviews. Retrieved from Nasdaq:  http://community.nasdaq.com/News/2012-06/medtech-industry-stock-outlook-june-2012-zachs-analysts-interviews.aspx ?

Delayed Speech Late Talkers
Pages: 3 Words: 1213

Delayed Speech: Identification and Treatment
One common question parents ask is if and when they should be concerned when a child manifests delayed speech. For an infant, delayed speech is of concern when the baby "isn't using gestures, such as pointing or waving bye-bye by 12 months; prefers gestures over vocalizations to communicate by 18 months; has trouble imitating sounds by 18 months; [and] has difficulty understanding simple verbal requests" (Delayed speech or language development, 2012, Kid's Health: 1). In an older child, a lack of developmentally-appropriate speech becomes worrisome when the child does not engage in spontaneous speech; repeats words or phrases without apparent understanding; cannot follow simply instructions; and has difficulty being understood by members outside of the family (Delayed speech or language development, 2012, Kid's Health: 1).

Early intervention for children who exhibit language delays has a significantly higher success rate than later interventions. "First, there is evidence that…...



Esch, B.E., Carr, J.E., & Grow, L.L. (2009). Evaluation of an enhanced stimulus-stimulus pairing procedure to increase early vocalizations of children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42(2), 225-41.

Delayed speech or language development. (2012). Kid's Health. Retrieved:


Kelley, M.E., Shillingsburg, M.A., Castro, M.J., Addison, L.R., & LaRue, Robert H., Jr.

Perioperative Nurse's Role in Caring for Pregnant Patients With Aortic Dissections
Pages: 6 Words: 1915

Aortic dissection is a disease of the wall of the aorta in which the aortic blood bursts into the muscular layer of the great artery, thus forming a blood filled channel along the planes of the muscularis layer. This false lumen can re-rupture back into the true lumen, through a second distal intimal tear, creating a biluminal or double barrelled aorta. Due to weakened walls, there is threat of rupture into the surrounding tissue with fatal consequences. (Boon, , Colledge, Walker, & Hunter, 2010)
The pathophysiology behind the condition is often a spontaneous or iatrogenic tear in the intima. However, in about five to ten percent of patients, these tears are absent. An intimal tear can occur anywhere along the aorta, although a vast majority of tears are found within ten centimeters of the aortic valve. The dissection may extend towards the heart, affecting the coronary arteries, or it may rupture…...



Duranki. (n.d.). Type an aortic dissection - the silent killer. Retrieved from   -- You-Wont-See-It-Cominghttp://duranki.hubpages.com/hub/Beware-High-Blood-Pressure-It-will-Kill-You 

Erbel, R., Alfonso, F., Boileau, C., & Dirsch, O. (2001). Diagnosis and management of aortic dissection*.European Heart Journal, 22(18), 1642-1681. Retrieved from  http://www.escardio.org/guidelines-surveys/esc-guidelines/GuidelinesDocuments/guidelines-aortic-dissection-FT.pdf 

Multum, C. (2012, Feburary 12). Morphine injection. Retrieved from  http://www.drugs.com/pro/morphine-injection.html 

Nicholas A. Boon, Nicki R. Colledge, Brian R. Walker, John A.A. Hunter.(2010). Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine . India, Elsevier.

Human Resources Recruitment Strategy and Plan This
Pages: 4 Words: 1173

Human esources
ecruitment strategy and plan

This document is about laying down a strategy of recruiting employees in sincere college. Employees move, quit or transfer thus creating a need to open job application for interested candidates. It helps to determine what the job entails, tasks and skills of the employees. It covers an outline of the recruitment plan, job description, methods of recruitment, interview procedures and hiring. The strategy aims at attracting qualified applicants ready to take the job.

ecruitment plan

ecruitment goal

The goal is to attract higher standard candidate with skills promoting the name of the Sincere College. This can be achieved where the faculty of the Davis School of Business should suggest names of people who "know people" in the field who should be called upon to nominate individuals. The other way is posting advertisement in newspapers, journals read by people in this discipline and posting advertisement in social media.

Development and training…...



Edenborough, R. (2007). Assessment methods in recruitment, selection & performance: A

manager's guide to psychometric testing, interviews and assessment centres. London:


Page Ltd.

Exploring the Self Cultures History or Religion Through Myth
Pages: 4 Words: 1308

Exploring Self, Culture, History, eligion

Exploring the Self, Cultures, History, or eligion through Myth

Mythology (general)

PO Box, 60453,


Dear Lee,

How are you my little friend and how is everyone at your home? I hope all doing good. Pass my greetings to them.

I received your letter and was happy to know that you have been promoted to 4 rth and the final year of your college. Wow! You'll graduate after a year. Lee! You mentioned in your letter that you have chosen Mythology (general) as your elective subject and that you are facing some difficulties in it. I went through the attached course outline; there I found out that you will be exploring self, cultures, history, or religion through myth. Also there was a list of theories that you will be presenting throughout this course.

I have collected some data regarding the first theory "Carl Jung's archetypes and the collective unconscious." This data will…...



Boeree, C.G. (2006). Personality Theories. Retrieved June 15, 2012, from  http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/jung.html .

Carl-jung.net. Concept of Collective Unconscious at Jung. Retrieved June 15, 2012, from  http://www.carl-jung.net/collective_unconscious.html .

Integration Training. Inner Voices: Embracing all the Parts of Our Personality. Retrieved June 15, 2012, from  http://integrationtraining.co.uk/blog/2011/01/inner-voices-embracing-all-parts-of-personality.html .

Jung, C.G. (1970). The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Controlling the Media in Egypt
Pages: 12 Words: 4404

Media Control in Egypt
The media in Egypt is much more controlled than in many other countries, including the United States. That control began with President Gamal Abdel Nasser, moved through Anwar Sadat, and then on to Hosni Mubarak. During that time, the television and newspapers were strictly controlled, and only what the president wanted people to see was placed in them. There is significant evidence that the control of the media in Egypt was done largely to oppress the people, and to make sure they were only hearing and seeing what the government wanted them to hear and see. Social, political, and economic factors are all significant in the control of the Egyptian media, which many believe should be uncontrolled and independent. That would allow it to provide actual, factual information, instead of only what the government agreed that the people were allowed to know.


The Egyptian media is an important…...



Amin, Hussein, and I- Chapter One: General Status. "Report on the State of the Media in Egypt." The Arab Center for the Development of the Rule of Law and Integrity Project Title: Strengthening the Rule of Law and Integrity in the Arab World Report on the State of the Media in Egypt Second Draft Author: Dr. Hussein Amin. Arab Rule of Law. (n.d.). Web.

"Egypt." Freedom House. 2012. Web.

Elmasry, Mohamed Hamas. Journalism with Restraint: A Comparative Content Analysis of Independent, Government, and Opposition Newspapers in Pre-Revolution Egypt. 2012. Web.

El Zahed, Hala. "Egyptian Press and the Transition to Democracy." Egyptian Press and the Transition to Democracy: A Study of the Conditions and Challenges Facing National Print Media Post. 2011. Web.

Transition Form Individual Planning
Pages: 21 Words: 6227

emove or eplace: Header Is Not Doc TitleIndividual Planning and Transition FormFor this assignment, read through the Individual Planning and Postsecondary Transitions assignment instructions in the courseroom, as well as the scoring guide, to ensure you have a good understanding of the requirements. You will use the information gathered from the Blooming Park: Individual Planning and Transition activity (linked in esources) to complete this form.For each of the students introduced in the Blooming Park activity, there are corresponding sections in this form:Part 1: Individual Academic Planning Form.Forms such as this are commonly used in schools to help track the academic status of individual students. Using the information from the Blooming Park activity, complete the fields shaded in blue that are applicable to each student.Part 2 Individual Student Planning, Advocacy, and Promotion of Equity.Use the prompts in this section to help you develop plans for each student.Once you have completed Parts…...


References City University of New York (2024). Freedom dreaming: A call to imagine. City University of New York.   Curry, J., & Milsom, A. (2017). Career and college readiness counseling in P-12 schools (2 nded.). Springer.Paolini, A. C. (2019). School counselors promoting college and career readiness for high schoolsstudents. Journal of School Counseling, 17(2), 1-21.US Department of Education (2023). Department of Education equity action plan. US Department of Education.  https://www.ed.gov/equity  113https://freedomdreaming.commons.gc.cuny.edu/about/ 

I am doing a genetics and heredity essay and I need a catchy title for it?
Words: 174

There are many different subtopics that could be addressed in an essay about genetics and heredity, from evolution to the nature versus nurture debate.  Here are some catchy titles we thought of for some of those essays:

  1. Unlocking Your Genetic Code
  2. Genes to Genomes
  3. Two Sides of the Same Coin: Heredity and Evolution
  4. Genetic Expression: How Heredity Means It Can Be Nature and Nurture
  5. The Role of RNA in Genetic Expression
  6. Recessive Traits: Beyond Mendel’s Pea Experiments
  7. Kissing Cousins: Exploring the Genetic Reasons for Cultural Taboos Against Incest
  8. Humans as Mutants: The Creation of the Homo Sapien
  9. Selective Breeding in Humans: Science Fiction or....

Can you help me with an outline for a speech on anxiety?
Words: 502

Anxiety is a normal feeling that can be present in a variety of people.  However, when a person feels excessive anxiety, which is characterized as anxiety that is either without a cause or is disproportionate to any stimuli, then the anxiety may go beyond a normal reaction and be part of an anxiety disorder.  When you are writing a speech about anxiety, it is important to differentiate between that anxiety that is a normal part of everyday life or even a normal reaction to unusual stressors and anxiety that 

Outline for Speech on Anxiety Example

I. Introduction

Can you assist me in formulating a thesis statement on the cultural distortion, deindividualation, prejudiced steryotypes?
Words: 485

Thesis Statement:

Cultural distortion, deindividuation, and prejudiced stereotypes perpetuate societal division and undermine human understanding.


In contemporary society, the prevalence of distorted cultural narratives, deindividuation, and enduring prejudiced stereotypes poses a significant threat to fostering genuine human connection and understanding. This thesis will explore the complex interplay between these three phenomena and argue that they work in tandem to create and maintain social barriers, hindering our ability to recognize the inherent worth and diversity of all individuals.

Section 1: Cultural Distortion and Identity Construction

Cultural distortion involves the selective presentation of certain cultural characteristics while obscuring others, resulting in an incomplete and often inaccurate....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about What is STEM Strand?
Words: 486

I. Introduction

Thesis Statement: STEM strand offers a comprehensive and specialized curriculum that prepares students for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.
Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic or anecdote that highlights the importance of STEM education.

II. Definition and Scope of STEM Strand

Definition of STEM: Explain the acronym and its components.
Scope of STEM: Outline the various disciplines covered within the strand, including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and mathematics.
Focus on hands-on learning and project-based activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving.

III. Benefits of Choosing the STEM Strand

Career Opportunities: Discuss the high demand for skilled STEM....

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