Endangered Species Essays (Examples)

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Endangered Species Act

Endangered Species Act
Most people are familiar with the Endangered Species List which is a document that shows various fish, birds, mammals, and other creatures that are in danger of extermination from the face of the Earth. The lists served the purpose of ensuring that the government would do whatever was necessary to stop this from happening. When the Endangered Species Act was first envisioned, the idea was that creating a piece of federal legislation to prevent the killing of animals that had a severely decreased population would help to revitalize that species and prevent the animal's extinction. What started out as a grassroots campaign from concerned environmentalists and nature conservationists became a subject for political discourse and debate. In the Act of 1973, the policy outlined was that provisions would be made for listing species, as well as for recovery plans and designation of critical habitats would be founded for….

S. Fish and Wildlife, 2004). Since the Shortnose Sturgeon is protected on Federal property, this agreement does not pertain. There is no Candidate Conservation Agreement for the Shortnose Sturgeon because there is no development of proposed listing regulation precluded by other higher priority listing activities, which is a mandatory element of its initiation.
Economically, the Shortnose Sturgeon is a very marketable and saleable food product. The fish is very popular and its demand is very high. The fish is regarded as a high economic producer and its decline in population and rise in protective regulations have affected the fishing industries within and around its habitat. In terms of economic cost, the preservation, protection and procurement of habitat has been estimated to have cost well into the millions of dollars. Controversy has arisen regarding the Shortnose Sturgeon as arguments have been made that it is not in complete danger of extinction -….

Sea grass is a type of vegetation that grows on the sea floor and is only consumed by sea turtles (Green Turtles especially) and manatees. It must permanently be "cut" short in order to remain healthy, and beds of sea grass are vital breeding and development stretches for numerous species of fish and other marine life. If Green Sea Turtles grow extinct, it is only easy to understand that these creatures, who are hopelessly dependant on the sea grass beds, will also face extinction. Over the past decades, there has been a decline in the number of sea grass beds, and this is thought to be closely linked to the decline in Green Sea Turtles' population.
Another ecosystem that is and will be seriously affected by Green Sea Turtles is portrayed by dune systems and beaches. Very little vegetation can be found in these areas, and that is because sand….

The polar bears' most frequent spot is the area where ice meets the water as it makes it easier for them to hunt seals from the water in Arctic ice. Hence, Polar bears are particularly specialized for the life at the Arctic and he spends most of his time on ice till he dies.
The ice sheets at Arctic contain certain areas of water that disappear when the weather changes and summers arrive. Due to these changes, seals migrate to the different areas so polar bears have to follow them in order to survive. In many areas, ice melts completely in summers hence forcing polar bears to move to the land and wait for the summers to end until the next freeze-up occurs. The Arctic ice-recession is harmful to the polar bears as the life of polar bears depends on the sea ice. Due to the global warming, ice has….

It highlights administrative roadblocks to program effectiveness. This research is an unbiased report made to the House of Representatives. It clearly demonstrates that much work in needed to from a policy and funding perspective to make the program better in line with its intended purpose.
Neil, M. (2008). New Regulations Threaten Parts of ndangered Species Act. ABA Journal. 12 August 2008. Retrieved 6 December 2008 at http://abajournal.com/news/new_regulations_threaten_parts_of_endangered_species_act/

This article highlights a new plan that many limit independent scientific review by the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service when a listed plant or animal species is threatened by a proposed project. This new proposal is drawing criticism, as it is feared that opinions will not be objective. It is feared that decisions regarding potential violations will be addressed by personnel that are not knowledgeable enough to make correct decisions. This article informs the reader about these new proposals….

endangered species' means any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range other than a species of the Class Insect a determined by the Secretary to constitute a pest whose protection under the provisions of this Act would present an overwhelming and overriding risk to man." A threatened species "means any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range." (The Endangered Species Act of 1973)
People can go into the moral and ethical concerns about ending any evolutionary line that goes back 3.5 billion years (as does our own), some confuse the endangered species with the operative phrase 'no practical use to humans.' hat it really means is something more like 'no known practical use given our current state of knowledge.' (Lovejoy)

The Pacific Yew is an example of….

This has led to the early successes of the ESA related to control of DDT and other harmful chemicals, which directly contributed to endangering wildlife (obbins, 2010).
Additional steps that are needed include reporting the results of recovery efforts on a public website that shows the contributions or roadblocks individual politicians and political organizations are making. This will force much greater accountability and transparency around the goals of the ESA. Second, there needs to be a more effective strategy for coordinating recovery efforts across all government agencies so that ongoing strategies by species are put into place. This will save the chaotic nature of recovery efforts using a more consistent framework. Third, there needs to be much greater focus on fines and prosecution if necessary when companies willingly dump toxic materials into the environment, knowing it will affect an endangered species. These fines need to go for advanced monitoring and….

When it seems absolutely impossible to avoid harming a being because the activity one has to perform is done with the purpose of saving a human life, it only seems natural for most people to perform that specific act. ven those who are indifferent to whether or not animals die need to think about the bigger picture and try to preserve biodiversity in general in order to prevent the contemporary ecosystem from being seriously affected.
According to the evolutionary theory, one can come to the conclusion that animals too are capable of moral thinking, even if it is done at a less advanced level in comparison to how humans do it. When considering elephants, it is particularly difficult for a normal human being to determine if they are moral agents or not, given that most people tend to judge matters from a biased perspective -- one that associates virtually everything….

Management Plan a Threatened Endangered Species. (My topic ocky Mountain Wolf) You demonstrate a knowledge species question, habitat requirements, natural history, . Then learned, develop a management plan bring population species choice back brink "threatened" "endangered" status.
Management plan for the ocky Mountain Wolf

Setting the context

The threat of environmental instability is becoming clearer. If until 2011, skeptics could have argued that global warming is a make belief phenomenon, recent studies have attested that 2010 was the warmest year in history, validating as such the theory of global warming (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2011). In this context, the animal species become more prone to disappearance and the label of endangered species becomes more severe.

One such species is represented by the ocky Mountain Wolf, which faces risks of extinction. The scope of this current endeavor is that of creating a management plan by which the ocky Mountain Wolf population would no….

Acipenser naccarii (Adriatic Sturgeon) The Adriatic sturgeon is on the “critically endangered” list, and is indicated as being “possibly extinct,” as of a 2009 assessment (IUCN, 2017a). This is a species of sturgeon found exclusively in the Adriatic, both in fresh and sea waters. At its most robust, the species once had a range that extended as far south as Corfu, and as far inland along the Po River at its delta. It may even have been found in Spain, although evidence for this is inconclusive. The species was also located seasonally in the Venetian lagoon. There have been attempts to reintroduce the species to some areas, like Greece and also along the Po and other Italian rivers, but those efforts at population restoration have been unsuccessful. Since 1988, fish farming have successfully enabled the Adriatic sturgeon to spawn, but there is no evidence of wild spawning. The Adriatic sturgeon should be….

The environment is precious and needs protection. God created earth for people to live in and enjoy. However, there must be laws implemented to preserve and conserve the environment. Businesses and citizens often pollute the environment and waste its precious resources. The S. 826: WILD Act- is a bill that aims to reauthorize the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and certain wildlife conservation funds (Congress, 2017). These funds can help protect endangered species and control invasive species that can have a detrimental effect on the environment. The bill has a 41% prognosis or chance of being passed. May: Biblical guidelines and principles
The two main principles to discuss here are inalienable rights and natural law. Government interventions like the bill proposed are meant to protect what is God’s creation. Natural law means God’s law and part of what God wants from humanity is to protect and use wisely, the environment (Monsma,….

Aguirre, Alonso et al. “Infectious Disease Monitoring of the Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal.” Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 40.2 (2007): 229-241. This article seeks to monitor infectious diseases afflicting endangered Hawaiian monk seals. It should be noted that a study of this nature is not only relevant from a conservation point of view, but also a valid tool for assessing some of the prominent threats to the long-term survival of endangered Hawaiian monk seals. Two of the most prominent causes of mortality in this case have been identified as mitotoxin and ciguatoxin. The authors are of the opinion that the relevance of continued surveillance cannot be overstated as an approach to the early detection of various infectious diseases. Coupled with other conservation strategies, this is an approach that could immensely help in future conservation efforts. The fact that the authors in this case make use of an appropriate sample size further enhances….

Gould's and Mayr's biological species concept, as presented by Stamos (2008). According to these scientists and to this species concept, two populations are termed as belonging to the same species if they are capable of interbreeding.
So, as Stamos further exemplifies, the chimpanzees form a single species, because they are capable of interbreeding, they are producing offspring. Human beings and chimpanzees are not capable of producing offspring together, so they belong to two different species. Furthermore, two races of dogs belong to the same species: they are capable of interbreeding and the resulting dog is also fertile. However, a horse and a donkey belong to different species: while they are able to interbreed, their resulting offspring is not itself fertile.

To sum up, my understand is that humans belong to the same species because of reproductive compatibility. At the same time, the human species is formed of different races, whereby the….

Some biologists suggest the decline may be due to a "decreasing availability of suitable carrion and increasing competition for carcasses by other species (Prospero)." In order for the beetle to reproduce, it must have the carcass of a vertebrate animal approximately the size of a dove.

Recovery Efforts

There have been a number of proposed plans for recovery management of the beetle, as well as implementations. In 2001, there was a largest "American burying beetle reintroduction effort in the 12-year history of the species' recovery program on Nantucket Island off the Massachusetts (Clough)." Over 300 beetles were raised for this release in Providence, Rhode Island at the Roger illiams Park Zoo. In June 2001, "320 American burying beetles (160 pairs) were given dead quail for food and released at the Massachusetts Audubon Society's Sesachacha ildlife Sanctuary. ith each pair of beetles capable of raising 10-20 larvae, there is hope the release will….

Environmental Effects on Species Habitats in the Southern California Mountains
Southern California is not for everybody. "Some people view the climate and laid-back lifestyle with longing. Others perceive the area, and its inhabitants, as a little too far over the edge" (Hutchings 2001:4D-Z). hile the region may not appeal to all types of humans, it does attract a wide range of species who make their home in the mountainous areas of Southern California. In fact, Southern California is dotted with several mountain ranges, including the San Gabriel, San Bernardino, San Jacinto, San Bruno, Santa Rosa, Cuyamaca, the Palomar Mountains and even the Chocolate Mountains (Havert, Gray, Adams & Gray 1996). One of the most biodiverse and well-studied of these ranges is San Gabriel (ake 1996). This paper will provide an overview of the ecosystems in these mountain ranges in general with an emphasis on the San Gabriel mountain range in….

The type of soil is very important, along with the vegetation (abundance and type) growing there. How much rain that region gets is less important than its elevation, as runoff from many miles away – where more rain may fall – can contribute to useable aquifers even in what appears to be a desert area. How large the aquifers may be and how deep one may have to go to properly access them also matter, as these issues are related to the time and cost (i.e. the value) of the aquifer. Areas that are densely populated should be avoided, as....

An endangered species is a species that is on the brink of extinction.  Species can be endangered in two ways.  First, its habitat could be threatened in a way that makes extinction likely if no change is taken.  Second, the species could have experienced a significant decline in population that is likely to lead to extinction. In the United States, determination of whether a species is endangered is made by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service, but designations vary from country-to-country.  Internationally, the International Union for Conservation of Nature makes....

1. The ethical implications of keeping birds in cages
2. The psychological effects of caging birds on their well-being
3. The role of caged birds in human culture and history
4. The impact of bird trafficking and illegal bird trade on caged bird populations
5. The importance of bird conservation and protection of endangered species in captivity
6. The relationship between pet birds and their owners in captivity
7. The challenges and benefits of bird rehabilitation and re-introduction programs
8. The symbolism of caged birds in literature and art
9. The rights of caged birds and the debate surrounding animal rights
10. The potential alternatives to caging birds for....

1. The impact of deforestation in California on indigenous communities and their cultural traditions
2. The role of corporate interests in driving deforestation in California
3. The connection between deforestation in California and climate change mitigation efforts
4. The ethical considerations of deforestation in California for economic development
5. The potential solutions to combat deforestation in California and restore forest ecosystems
6. The intersectionality of deforestation in California with social justice issues, such as environmental racism
7. The long-term consequences of deforestation in California on biodiversity and ecosystem services
8. The challenges of enforcing deforestation regulations and protecting California's forests
9. The role of urbanization and agriculture in....

11 Pages
Research Paper


Endangered Species Act

Words: 3199
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Endangered Species Act Most people are familiar with the Endangered Species List which is a document that shows various fish, birds, mammals, and other creatures that are in danger of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Endangered Species & Habitat Conservation

Words: 1019
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. Fish and Wildlife, 2004). Since the Shortnose Sturgeon is protected on Federal property, this agreement does not pertain. There is no Candidate Conservation Agreement for the Shortnose Sturgeon…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Endangered Species Green Sea Turtles

Words: 2208
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sea grass is a type of vegetation that grows on the sea floor and is only consumed by sea turtles (Green Turtles especially) and manatees. It must permanently…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Endangered Species Biodiversity Case Study

Words: 2596
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The polar bears' most frequent spot is the area where ice meets the water as it makes it easier for them to hunt seals from the water in…

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12 Pages
Research Proposal


Endangered Species Act US Endangered

Words: 3752
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

It highlights administrative roadblocks to program effectiveness. This research is an unbiased report made to the House of Representatives. It clearly demonstrates that much work in needed to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Endangered Species' Means Any Species Which Is

Words: 2529
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

endangered species' means any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range other than a species of the Class Insect…

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2 Pages


Improving the Endangered Species Act

Words: 647
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This has led to the early successes of the ESA related to control of DDT and other harmful chemicals, which directly contributed to endangering wildlife (obbins, 2010). Additional steps…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Elephants Endangered Species as Morally

Words: 607
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

When it seems absolutely impossible to avoid harming a being because the activity one has to perform is done with the purpose of saving a human life, it…

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5 Pages


Management Plan a Threatened Endangered Species My

Words: 1537
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Management Plan a Threatened Endangered Species. (My topic ocky Mountain Wolf) You demonstrate a knowledge species question, habitat requirements, natural history, . Then learned, develop a management plan…

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2 Pages

Animals / Animal Rights

Critically Endangered Species

Words: 674
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Acipenser naccarii (Adriatic Sturgeon) The Adriatic sturgeon is on the “critically endangered” list, and is indicated as being “possibly extinct,” as of a 2009 assessment (IUCN, 2017a). This is a species…

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2 Pages

Environmental Science

Environmental Policy in America

Words: 700
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The environment is precious and needs protection. God created earth for people to live in and enjoy. However, there must be laws implemented to preserve and conserve the environment.…

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3 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals

Words: 757
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Aguirre, Alonso et al. “Infectious Disease Monitoring of the Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal.” Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 40.2 (2007): 229-241. This article seeks to monitor infectious diseases afflicting endangered Hawaiian…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Gould's and Mayr's Biological Species Concept as

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Gould's and Mayr's biological species concept, as presented by Stamos (2008). According to these scientists and to this species concept, two populations are termed as belonging to the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Biology Endangered American Burying Beetle

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Some biologists suggest the decline may be due to a "decreasing availability of suitable carrion and increasing competition for carcasses by other species (Prospero)." In order for the beetle…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Environmental Effects on Species Habitat in Southern California Mountains

Words: 3519
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Environmental Effects on Species Habitats in the Southern California Mountains Southern California is not for everybody. "Some people view the climate and laid-back lifestyle with longing. Others perceive the…

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