Environmental Health Essays (Examples)

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Environmental Health
Pages: 2 Words: 910

Environmental Health Website eview
Environmental Health

In today's technologically complex society we are all exposed to potentially harmful agents at work, home, school, and in the great outdoors. Tracking the levels of exposure in the United States is the responsibility of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but other non-governmental organizations have been formed in response to this concern and are providing complementary information to the public. This essay examines the online information that is available concerning environmental agents that pose a risk to human health.

Federal Agencies

The CDC has been tracking the levels of 219 known or suspected toxic chemicals, or their metabolites, in the blood and urine of a cohort of American citizens, for the purpose of determining toxicity levels and potential associations with negative health outcomes (2011, National report on human exposure). The information thus gathered will be used to alter official…...



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. ATSDR.cdc.gov. Retrieved 11 Dec. 2011 from www.atsdr.cdc.gov

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). National report on human exposure to environmental chemicals. CDC.gov. Retrieved 11 Dec. 2011 from  http://www.cdc.gov/exposurereport/ 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Workplace safety & health topics: Indoor environmental quality. CDC.gov. Retrieved 11 Dec. 2011 from  http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/indoorenv/ 

Center for School Mold Help. (2007). The Center for School Mold Help: Comprehensive school mold prevention, education, & solutions. SchoolMoldHelp.org. Retrieved 11 Dec. 2011 from  http://www.schoolmoldhelp.org/

Environmental Health Case Study or Lawsuit
Pages: 4 Words: 1487

Environmental Science
In the late 1970s and early 1980s after her son, James Anderson, was diagnosed with leukemia, Anne Anderson discovered that a number of other children in her neighborhood also had the disease. Concerned about what seemed like an unusually high number of leukemia cases, Anderson and other oburn, Massachusetts families set out to find a possible source of their children's illness. In 1986, personal injury lawyer Jan Schlichtmann and his two partners filed a civil lawsuit of wrongful death and conscious suffering on behalf of Anderson and the other families against three companies with plants operating in the area. The lawsuit alleged that the companies illegally dumped waste containing the known carcinogens Trichloroethylene (TCE) and Perchloroethylene (PCE) and contaminating two of the wells that provided the city's water supplies. Bolstered by a Harvard School of Public Health study that found a link between the contaminated wells and increased instances…...


Works Cited

Anne Anderson et al. Plaintiffs v. W.R. Grace Co. et al. Defendants. No. 82-1672-S. United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. 405-416

Gawande, A. (1999, February 8). The cancer-cluster myth. The New Yorker.

Hall, T., Minklei, N, and Sween, K. (2010). Examination of Contamination. The Woburn Case. Retrieved April 29, 2011 from  http://woburntrial.voices.wooster.edu/ 

Koscielski, G. (2010, March 31). Environmental law. case no. 1: Anderson et al. v. W.R. Grace et al. Unpublished manuscript.

Principles of Environmental Health Administration
Pages: 3 Words: 704

Environmental Health Administration
The objective of this study is to examine methods of controlling agents that cause disease, communicable disease control, wastewater treatment, swimming pool guidelines, solid waste management insect and rodent control, radiation control and environmental management.

Environmental health is described as "the art and science of protecting against environmental factors that may adversely impact human health or the ecological balances essential to long-term human health and environment quality." (Gordon, nd, p.1) These factors are inclusive of yet not limited to "air, food, water contaminants, radiation, toxic chemicals, wastes, disease vectors, safety hazards, and habitat alterations." (Gordon, nd, p.1) It is reported that the terminology 'environmental health" is also inclusive of environmental protection. (Gordon, nd, paraphrased) Environmental health is described as "one of two basic components of the field of public health, the other being personal public health." (Gordon, nd, p.2) Environmental health services are reported as "…essential components of…...



Gordon, Larry J. (nd) Environmental Health Administration. Retrieved from:  http://sanitarians.org/Gordon/Handbook_for_EH.pdf 

Gordon, Larry J. (nd) Principles of Environmental Health Administration Revised. Retrieved from:  http://sanitarians.org/Gordon/Morgan_Revision.pdf 

Environmental Health Risk Assessment Guidelines for assessing human health risks from environmental hazards (2011) Key Principles in Environmental Health Risk Characterization. Australian Government. Retrieved from:  http://www.health.gov.au/internet/publications/publishing.nsf/Content/ohp-ehra-2004.htm~ohp-ehra-2004-risk-char.htm~ohp-ehra-2004-risk-char-2.htm

Asbestos Framework Environmental Health and
Pages: 3 Words: 1035

$145 Billion proposed for a federal trust fund, 600,000 lawsuits filed, 10 to 20 million people exposed in industrial settings, 30,000 to 50,000 new lawsuits filed a year and scores of bankruptcies. A single case may have thousands of plaintiffs and hundreds of defendants with a settlement value of $600,000,000.00" (Model asbestos case management order, 2005, ABA, p. 15).
Potential strengths and weaknesses, what could the group contribute or withhold: These businesses seem unsympathetic to the public, who are alarmed by the dangerous uses of asbestos in everyday life situations and are angry at companies for ignoring the risk. Industries may try to promote new safety measures to forestall likelihood of further lawsuits. These industries have tried (and failed) on numerous occasions to lobby Congress to pass laws to limit damages awarded to plaintiffs in asbestos-related suits in exchange for 'trust funds' that would give smaller compensations to victims and…...


Works Cited

Asbestos ban and phase out asbestos ban. (2009). EPA. Retrieved May 12, 2009


Asbestos exposure and cancer risk. (2009). The National Cancer Institute. Retrieved May 12,

2009 at  http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/asbestos

Nursing Environmental Health Environmental Hazard
Pages: 5 Words: 1633

There is a link to order a test kit if someone were in need of one. There is also information for those who have already tested and need help in interpreting their results. There is also link to check the county where one lives to see what the radon levels are.
The next section has to do with radon test kits. This area explains what the test kits consist of and how to use them. There is a section for the typical home owner and then a section for professional testers and health departments. These are very helpful links for anyone who is looking for basic information.

The last major section of the website contains links to EPA publications about radon and links to radon training programs across the country. There is also an area that provides other links in regards to radon for professional people, students and those who are…...



A Citizen's Guide to Radon. (2010). Retreived from  http://www.epa.gov/radon/pubs/citguide.html 

Consumer's Guide to Radon Reduction. (2011). Retrieved from  http://www.epa.gov/radon/pubs/consguid.html#reductiontech 

EPA Map of Radon Zones. (2011). Retreived from  http://www.epa.gov/radon/zonemap.html 

Health Risks. (2011). Retrieved from  http://www.epa.gov/radon/healthrisks.html

Donatelle Presentation on Chapter 15 Environmental Health
Pages: 4 Words: 1082

Presentation on Chapter 15: Environmental Health

Finding the Right Balance

In chapter 15 of her text, Health: The Basics, Donatelle offers a discussion on the implications of the natural environment to our health as individuals and as a species. The evaluation by Donatelle reveals that we share a directly reciprocal relationship with our environment and that the balance we strike in treating it with respect will have a direct consequence to our own longevity. As the reader, we are asked to examine the aspects of our lives which contribute positively to the environment and those which can negatively impact it. Consequently, we can make changes in our lifestyle choices to improve the tilt of this balance toward those activities which are environmentally neutral or beneficial. For instance, we may be inclined to conduct a cost benefit analysis of shopping for certain vegetables vs. maintaining a personal vegetable garden. hile it may not…...


Works Cited:

Donatelle, R.J. (2011). Health: The Basics, Green Edition. Pearson Education.

Importance of Environmental Health Studies
Pages: 3 Words: 872

Patient Exposure to Multiple Diagnostic Treatment Procedures
The objective of this study is to examine patient exposures to multiple diagnostic and/or treatment procedures.

Environmental health research is reported as the "study of the effects of the environment -- both natural and built -- on our health." (Environmental Health for Nations and Intuit, 2012, p.1) It is reported by the EU that links existing between "environmental factors and disease trends are now being discovered through numerous scientific project" and that those include the following links: (1) rates of cancer and specifically cancer in children is on the increase approximately 1% each year and linked to environmental pollutants; (2) decline in fertility rates; (3) neurodevelopment disorders increasing in children including autism and environmental exposures are believed to play a role; (4) allergies and asthma increasing by 5% a year across the continent and air pollutants are believed to be the reason for the increase;…...



A Physicians Guide to Imaging Radiation Exposure (2012) Care Process Model. June 2012. Retrieved from:  https://intermountainhealthcare.org/ext/Dcmnt?ncid=521190311 

Patient Care: What is Nuclear Medicine (2012) Stanford School of Medicine. Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. Retrieved from:  http://nuclearmedicine.stanford.edu/patient_care/ 

Kleinerman, RA (2006) Cancer Risks Following Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiation Exposure in Children. Pediatr Radiol. 2006 Sept, 36(Suppl 2):121-125. Retrieved from:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2663653/

Environmental Health Article Summary Table
Pages: 4 Words: 1226

ARTICLE SUMMARY TABLECitation (APA formatting)1. Hill, T. D., Jorgenson, A. K., Ore, P., Balistreri, K. S., Clark, B. (2019). Air Quality and Life Expectancy in the United States: An Analysis of the Moderating Effect of Income Inequality. SSM Popul Health, 7, 100346.2. Bennet, J. E., Tamura-Wicks, H., Parks, R. M., Burnett, R. T., Pope III, C. A., Bechle, M. J., Marshall, J. D., Danaei, G. & Ezzati, M. (2019). Particulate matter air pollution and national and county life expectancy loss in the USA: A spatiotemporal analysis. PLoS Medicine, 17(7).Aim or Scope (problem being addressed)To investigate whether air pollution causes harmful health effects on populations with inequitable income distribution in US.To estimate the impacts of particulate matter air pollution on longevity and health.Participants,when and whereTwo datasets observationsFirst dataset conducted from 2000-2010.Second dataset included three yearly observations; 2000, 2005, and 2010.Study conducted in 49 states of District of Columbia and US.Entire population…...

Effects of Regulation on Environmental Health
Pages: 2 Words: 642

start of the contemporary environmentalist movement has often been posited with the publication of achel Carson's book Silent Spring in 1962. Carson's book was about the environmental effects from pollution due to the agricultural pesticide DDT (and several related chemicals). It was discovered that DDT stayed in the freshwater system for a long time and ultimately had a rather severe effect on wildlife: when consumed by birds, it made the shells of their eggs too fragile to be viable and ultimately decimated avian populations. Carson's title, Silent Spring, refers to the drastic decline in songbird populations as a result of DDT pollution -- the "sudden silencing of the song of birds" as she phrases it in the book (Carson 1962, 103). As a result of Carson's work, the federal government was forced to look at the issue of pollution. Previous regulation of pesticides had been focused solely on making…...



Carson, R. 1962. Silent spring. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

Jacobson, M.S. 2012. Air pollution and global warming: History, science, and solutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Low Income Families People Environmental Health
Pages: 10 Words: 3082

ENVIONMENTAL HEALTH: LOW INCOME FAMILIES/PEOPLEEnvironmental Health: Low Income Families/PeopleMy health promotion program involved environmental health among low income families. Environmental health happens to be a critical issue among low income families owing to poor conditions the said population live in. For instance, low-income families tend to be more susceptible to environmental conditions owing to poor housing conditions. According to Kriegler and Higgins (2002), housing happens to be a major predictor of health. Some of the health conditions that low-income families face are inclusive of, but they are not limited to; mental health, injuries, stress pollution, lead poisoning, respiratory risks, and asthma (Kriegler and Higgins, 2002). The said risks are as a result of various hazards and exposures from the environment. In addition, low-income families are exposed to use of pesticides, pest allergens, second hand smoke, and other byproducts of combustion (Adamkiewicz et al, 2014). Various studies have in the past…...


ReferencesAdamkiewicz, G., Spengler, J. D., Harley, A. E., Stoddard, A., Yang, M., Alvarez-Reeves, M. & Sorensen, G (2014). Environmental Conditions in Low-Income Urban Housing: Clustering and Associations with Self-Reported Health. Am J Public Health, 104(9), 1650-1656. Bandura, A. (1998). Health promotion from the perspective of social cognitive theory. Psychology and Health, 13, 623-649.Carlson, C. & Saadati, N. (n. d). Generalized Model for Program Planning. for Disease Control and Prevention (n. d). Program Performance and Evaluation Office (PPEO).  https://www.cdc.gov/eval/guide/introduction/index.htm Krieger, J. & Higgins, D. L. (2002). Housing and Health: Time Again for Public Health Action. Am J Public Health, 92(5), 758 - 768.Martin, A. B. (2015). Plan for Program Evaluation from the Start.  https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/plan-program-evaluation-start#citation--0 Performance, Risk and Social Science Office (2017). Types of Program Evaluations.  https://www.performance.noaa.gov/program_evaluation_guide_types/https://studylib.net/doc/5477424/generalized-model-for-program-planningCenters

How to Achieve Environmental Health
Pages: 8 Words: 2544

Surveillance System for an Environmental Health Concern Introduction
Environmental health is an important concern for health care providers because it comprises the areas of human health that are impacted by external factors, such as chemical agents, biological agents, physical environment and so on. Issues that fall under environmental health are air pollution, water pollution, pesticides, chemical spills, and other areas (Laroque, 2009). Because of the risk of these areas negatively impacting human health, there is a need to monitor environmental health areas. One major area of environmental health that desperately needs surveillance is the quality of the air in urban areas near major airports. As Schlenker and Walker (2015) point out, airports are responsible for some of the highest concentrations of air pollution in the nation. An as West et al. (2016) show, air pollution is the cause of millions of premature deaths all over the earth. Thus, there is tremendous reason…...

Health Disparities the Growing Inequalities
Pages: 2 Words: 775

This is important, because utilizing technology to deliver various health care solutions will: increase collaboration, improve the underlying amounts of care and it can help to reduce costs. Once this takes place, it means that implementing various changes can be easier.
When a health care professional encounters an Asian patient in their practice, what are at least three characteristics he/she should consider in order to improve communication and cultural competence in delivering services to this patient and tell why those characteristics are important to consider.

Three characteristics that should be considered would include: family, communication and the concept of time. Family matters to Asian patients, as this is their foundation for strength and support. Communication is important, with these patients more focused on body languages and pauses (to signify substance vs. The actual words). Time will be different between the two cultures, as Asian patients will place less of an emphasis…...



Cultural Values of Asian Patients. (2009). Dimensions of Culture. Retrieved from: http://www.dimensionsofculture.com/home/cultural_values_of_asian_patients_families

Define Culture. (2010). Roshan Institute. Retrieved from:  http://www.roshan-institute.org/templates/System/details.asp?id=39783&PID=474552 

Values. (2010). Business Dictionary. Retrieved from:  http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/values.html

Health & Safety Plan for
Pages: 6 Words: 1989

Such equipment should be adequate to ensure personnel are protected from chemical exposure to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. PPE may be upgraded or downgraded by the site industrial hygienist, HSM, or qualified Site Safety Officer based upon site conditions and air monitoring results (Levin, et al., 2002)
Work practice and administrative controls

Administrative controls or work practice controls are changes in work procedures such as written safety policies, rules, supervision, schedules, and training with the aim of reducing the interval, frequency, and sternness of exposure to hazardous chemicals or situations. Workers who handle hazardous chemicals in the workplace should be familiar with the administrative controls required fewer than 29 CF 1910.1200, and the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. This controls are perhaps most important, because they impact your people directly. On the one hand, they are the simplest, since all it takes is education. On the other hand, education about…...



Annual report on 9/11 health (September, 2009). Retrieved on March 20, 2010 from  http://www.nyc.gov/html/fdny/pdf/2009_wtc_medical_working_group_annual_report.pdf 

Burright, D. et al., (1999). Evaluation guidelines for air sampling methods utilizing chromatographic analysis. OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center, U.S. Department of Labor: Salt Lake City, UT.

Harris, J.S., (ed.) (1997). Occupational medicine practice guidelines: Evaluation and management of common health problems and functional recovery in workers. The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Beverly, Mass.: OEM Press.

Levin, S. et al.,. (2002). Health effects of World Trade Center site workers. America Journal of Industrial Medicine 42:545 -- 547.

Health Seeking Behaviors of Appalachian
Pages: 5 Words: 2162

Furthermore, and despite its popularity as a tourist destination because of its natural beauty, the Appalachians are not a sterile environment by any means and the people who live there have higher risks for certain types of conditions than their counterparts elsewhere. According to Bauer and Growick (2003), "Americans who live in Appalachia experience unique and different ways of life than most Americans. Appalachian culture runs from the bottom half of the State of New York through the mountains of West Virginia and Southeast Ohio to the flatlands of Alabama. This area of the country offers different perspectives and challenges to life. Because of the geographical vastness and uniqueness of the Appalachian culture, many people with disabilities who live in Appalachia are unable to access rehabilitative services and agencies" (emphasis added) (p. 18).

Likewise, many rural residents throughout Appalachia may have septic tanks and will lack access to other city-provided…...



Anguiano, R.P., & Harrison, S.M. (2002). Teaching cultural diversity to college students majoring in helping professions: The use of an eco-strengths perspective. College Student Journal, 36(1), 152.

Barrett, E., Hackler, R., Highfill, K.A., Huang, P., Jiang, X., Monti, M.M., & Peipins, Lucy. (2002). A Norwalk-like virus outbreak on the Appalachian Trail. Journal of Environmental Health, 64(9), 18.

Bauer, W., & Growick, B.M. (2003). Rehabilitation counseling in Appalachian America. The Journal of Rehabilitation, 69(3), 18.

Brown, J.W., & May, B.A. (2005, April). Rural Appalachian women's formal patterns of care. Southern Online Journal of Nursing Research, (2)6, 1-21.

Healthcare Reform Models Health Care Reform Models
Pages: 2 Words: 693

Healthcare Reform Models
Health Care Reform Models

Preventive Psychiatry

Shim and colleagues (2012) argue for taking advantage of provisions within the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 that emphasizes preventive and integrated care. They propose that the primary care setting is ideal for screening patients for signs of mental illness and associated risk factors. A mental health wellness program could also include coaches and other experts that interface with patients on an individual basis, including at the patient's home.

Long-Term Behavioral Health Care

Bao and colleagues (2012) examined four patient populations defined by disease severity and ability to pay, and then assessed how these four groups will fare under the behavioral health provisions in the ACA. Patients with private insurance and suffering from mild to moderate mental illness will probably receive the best care at a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH). The authors suggest that the presence of comorbid conditions of sufficient severity…...

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Public Health?
Words: 210

1. The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Health: Lessons Learned and Future Preparedness
2. The Role of Vaccination in Preventing Disease Outbreaks
3. The Importance of Mental Health in Overall Public Health
4. Addressing Health Disparities in Underserved Communities
5. The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Public Health
6. The Opioid Epidemic and its Effects on Public Health
7. Strategies for Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles
8. The Use of Technology in Improving Public Health Outcomes
9. The Rise of Antibiotic Resistance and its Implications for Public Health
10. The Impact of Climate Change on Public Health.
11. The Role of Public Health Policies in Preventing the Spread of....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on codiaeum variegatum?
Words: 337

1. The Evolutionary Significance of Variegation in Codiaeum Variegatum
2. Exploring the Cultural and Historical Significance of Codiaeum Variegatum in Different Societies
3. The Ecological Role of Codiaeum Variegatum in its Natural Habitat
4. The Genetic Basis of Variegation in Codiaeum Variegatum and its Implications for Plant Breeding
5. Codiaeum Variegatum as a Model Organism for Studying Plant Pigment Biosynthesis
6. The Effects of Climate Change on Codiaeum Variegatum Populations and Potential Conservation Strategies
7. The Cultural and Economic Importance of Codiaeum Variegatum in the Horticulture Industry
8. An Examination of the Various Cultivars and Hybrids of Codiaeum Variegatum and their Unique Characteristics
9. The Role of Codiaeum....

How can we prioritize the well-being of animals while still advancing scientific research through testing?
Words: 581

Balancing Animal Welfare and Scientific Advancement in Animal Testing

Animal testing plays a crucial role in scientific research, particularly in biomedical, toxicological, and pharmaceutical fields. However, concerns about animal welfare have raised ethical questions about the use of animals for testing purposes. Striking a balance between scientific progress and animal well-being is essential to ensure both animal protection and the advancement of medical knowledge.

Prioritizing Animal Welfare:

1. Ethical Considerations:
Animal testing should be ethically justified with clear scientific objectives and a rigorous assessment of potential risks and benefits. Animals should be treated with respect and empathy, recognizing their innate value and capacity for....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to codiaeum variegatum?
Words: 301

1. The Evolution and Adaptation of Codiaeum Variegatum: A Study of its Unique Leaf Variegation
2. The Cultural and Symbolic Significance of Codiaeum Variegatum in Different Regions
3. Codiaeum Variegatum as a Therapeutic Plant: Exploring its Medicinal Properties
4. The Role of Codiaeum Variegatum in Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration
5. Codiaeum Variegatum in Art and Design: Aesthetic Beauty and Inspiration
6. Codiaeum Variegatum as a Houseplant: Care Tips and Benefits of Indoor Gardening
7. The Intriguing Genetics of Codiaeum Variegatum's Variegated Leaves
8. Codiaeum Variegatum in Traditional Medicine: Historical Uses and Modern Applications
9. The Impact of Climate Change on Codiaeum Variegatum Populations Worldwide
10. Codiaeum Variegatum in....

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