Epistemological Essays (Examples)

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Epistemological Beliefs and Organizational Leadership Epistemological Philosophies
Pages: 5 Words: 1746

Epistemological Beliefs and Organizational Leadership
Epistemological Philosophies: Comparing Plato and Protagoras

To understand our quest for knowledge, we often have to go back to some of the classical theories in order to get a full view of how modern theories have developed. Understanding classical philosophy is not blindly reading one philosopher and then assuming you have the knowledge of thousands of years of Greco-oman thought. There were major differences within the philosophers of that time, and these differences have remained to influence more modern philosophical thought. Understanding the similarities and differences of two very different minds like Plato and Protagoras can help clarify the differences in epistemological theories and how they relate to organizational leadership today.

Plato was a classical Greek philosopher whose work has continued to influence the field of philosophy and the study of epistemology even into the present day. Plato's works are often disguised within a relatively informal seeming dialogue…...



Cooper, David E. (1999). Epistemology: The Classic Readings. Wiley Press.

Feldman, Richard. (2003). Epistemology. Prentice Hall.

Moser, Paul K, & vander Nat, Arnold. (2003). Human Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary Approaches. Oxford University Press.

Russell, B. (2004). History of Western Philosophy. Psychology Press.

Epistemological Analysis of a Personal Experience in
Pages: 6 Words: 1622

Epistemological Analysis of a Personal Experience
In people's most ordinary encounters with new information, and in their most refined knowledge pursuits, as human beings our beliefs regarding knowing and knowledge affect us. Human beings personal epistemologies, epistemic cognition, mean of knowing or epistemological theories get activated during the process of knowing and learning. For instance, when we read newspapers, we usually make judgment concerning the trustworthiness made in the newspapers. Similarly, in people professional and personal lives, they face up to the learning of new ideas and skills besides making determinations as regards their worth and value. Notably, in classrooms, students habitually encounter new information and perhaps view the learning procedure in different ways, and depending on whether they view knowledge as integrated constructs set or accumulated facts. In this regard, learners can view themselves as active knowledge constructors or passive receptors. I view myself as a knowledge constructor given that…...



Cooper, D.E. (1999). Epistemology, the classic readings. Michigan: Blackwell Publishers.

Dagbovie, P.G. (2010). African-American history reconsidered. Illinois: University of Illinois Press.

Feldman, R. (2003). Epistemology. New York: Prentice Hall

Moser, PK. & Nat, A.V. (2003). Human knowledge: classical and contemporary approaches 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

Epistemological Assumptions Reconciling Safety and Succession Planning
Pages: 2 Words: 778

Epistemological Assumptions
econciling Safety and Succession Planning

Focus Organization

This paper discusses the philosophical assumptions and epistemological stances of Belfast Petroleum, Inc. As they relate to issues of on-boarding, transitioning, and promoting new engineers to greater levels of responsibility. Belfast Petroleum is based in Calgary, Canada, and was acquired by Merit Energy, Ltd. On July 14, 1999. The core competencies of the Belfast Petroleum are services related to oil and gas exploration, development, and production.

Experts and Decision Makers

I will draws on the field-based paradigm of the petroleum engineering experts and the corporate-responsibility paradigm of decision makers on the Board to characterize and describe the lenses through which they see the world. A major aim of this paper will be to reveal the extent of alignment between the world views of these two groups.

Experts in the field of oil and gas services are petroleum engineers, presumably many of whom have substantial years in the…...



Barrel of Oil Equivalent (BOE). Investopedia. Retrieved  http://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/ barrelofoilequivalent.asp#ixzz1UlxCgNhr

Belfast Petroleum, Inc., BloomsbergBusinessWeek. Retrieved   / research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=3221826http://investing.businessweek.com 

Delanty, G. And Strydom, P. (2003). Philosophies of social science: The classic and contemporary readings. New York, NY: Open University Press.

Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed. [trans. Myra Bergman Ramos]. New York, NY: Continuum International Sales Group. Retrieved http://www.pedagogyoftheoppressed.com/

Epistemological Belief in the External World Can
Pages: 8 Words: 2511

Epistemological Belief in the External World
Can We Know the External World Through Our Limited Sensory Perceptions?

(1) Our senses are limited.

(2) We can only perceive the world through our senses.

(3) Therefore, our understanding of the external world is limited and not sufficiently justified in assuming that it is absolute in its existence.

"What will then be true? Perhaps just the single fact that nothing is certain," so were the words of one of the most infamous Western philosophers, ene Descartes (Descartes, 1998, p 63). Descartes is infamous for the proposition that we cannot believe much of what we previously had, based on the concept that all can be doubted with its connection to our sensory perceptions. Essentially, we only have a limited knowledge of the external world based on our own limited perceptions; yet this limited knowledge is in no way sufficiently justifiable to say that we can truly understand the existence…...



BonJour, Laurence. (2002). Epistemology: Classic Problems and Contemporary Responses. Rowman & Littlefield.

Daniel, Stephen. (2012). Descartes methodic doubt. Texas A&M University. Web.  http://philosophy.tamu.edu/~sdaniel/Notes/descar1.html 

Descartes, Rene. (1998). Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy. Hackett Publishing.

Epistemological Perspective Text Sources Coincides View
Pages: 2 Words: 705

epistemological perspective text ( sources) coincides view truth human mind grasps reality. Explain find
There are several different perspectives of epistemology, which is the justification for or the source of belief upon which all knowledge is based. One of the most compelling viewpoints that serve to explain how humans can actually perceive truth is empiricism. Essentially, empiricism is the notion that the truth can be ascertained via sensory information from the five traditional sources (hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, and smelling). There are a couple of central tenets to this epistemological approach, one of the most salient of which is the fact that whatever cannot be validated from the five senses cannot be accepted as truth by those adhering to the empirical perspective of epistemology. Still, the rationale behind this point-of-view is extremely logical, represents some of the earliest thought on this subject, and can be readily employed to validate any…...



Klein, Peter. (2011). "Skepticism." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from  http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2011/entries/skepticism/

Woman An Epistemological Programme of Mastery the
Pages: 4 Words: 1647

oman: An Epistemological Programme of Mastery
The philosophical discussion of the nature of the female mind and specifically the epistemology of women has been universally debated for as long as there has been recorded words. hat is the nature of God? And then: hat is the nature of Man? followed shortly there after by: hat is the nature of oman?

It is not a secret that most of the first recorded philosophers were men, in fact this is even true today. To many this qualifies as the reason for the inherent misogyny associated with epistemology and its relationship to women.

ithout the insight of women, which was voiced by many but was not always well-known, the internal workings of the mind of a woman is simply a mystery associated with the proprietary circumstances of her allowable voice. It is within the context of the late 18th century that we begin to see…...


Works Cited

Woolstonecraft M, Vindication of the Rights of Women

De Beauvouir, S. The Second Sex.

Saul, J. Feminism: Issues and Arguments.

Hornsby, J. & M. Fricker, Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy.

Epistemology the Epistemological Gap Is
Pages: 2 Words: 668

We are, in essence, simply made up of a lot of different people through time and history. The people today are an evolved version of everyone that came before and this pattern will continue. This has to do with Spirit. He says, "Spirit is indeed never at rest but always engaged in moving forward" (p 5). On that same note, in Peirce's "Fixation of Beliefs," he talks about the struggle between beliefs and doubts (inquiry) and how the purpose is to know if one is dealing with a doubt or a belief. This can be likened to Hegel's theories in that inquiry is all about evolving. One cannot evolve -- society cannot evolve -- if there is not this struggle to find the truth or beliefs.
Where Peirce strays from Hegelian thought and thus widens the epistemological gap is that he says that there are

Real things, whose characters are entirely…...

Enlightenment Epistemological Privilege the Enlightment
Pages: 4 Words: 1386

The Marxist view views the postmodern as the culture of late Capitalism (Jameson), which in turn is not "epochal" or unique but is essentially an outgrowth of Capitalistic politics and economics.
This is in contrast to the more positive appraisals of postmodernism by other theorists like Hebdige; who envisages a reduction of class consciousness and other positive outcomes of the postmodern mode of thought.

Baudrillard's view is also considered, which tends to see postmodernism in terms of a "new" or epochal change in various aspects of human culture. Despite his pessimism and rejection of postmodern culture, he provides insight into the nature of postmodern culture. He stresses, for example, the way that postmodern culture is focused on images, similitude or representations of reality and whether it is no longer possible to separate reality from fiction.

Baudrillard's view is also important it that it highlights two central aspects of postmodernism and its influence;…...

Quality Health Care Delivery
Pages: 3 Words: 637

Health Care Quality Concerns 1. For the most part, the relationship between clinical quality and patient experience of care is direct. Therefore, if clinical quality is ensured, patients will typically experience quality care. Similarly, if the clinical quality of the administration of care is poor, patients will experience lower quality levels of care. The crux of this relationship is the fact that clinical quality is a causative agent in the patient care experience. It is necessary to have high levels of clinical quality in order for patients to experience quality care. The former directly impacts the latter. In several instances, notably positive patient care experiences are the outcome of commendable clinical quality.
2. Accountability plays a considerable role in the consistent delivery of the quality of care administered in healthcare settings. It is one of the means of ensuring that there is such consistency in the care delivered, because it requires healthcare…...



Capuano, A.W., Dawson, J.D., Ramirez, M.R., Wilson, R.W., Barnes, L.L., Field, R.W. (2016). Modeling Likert scale outcomes with trend proportional odds with and without cluster data. Methodology. 12(2), 33-43.

Joshi, M. S., Ransom, E. R., Nash, D. B., & Ransom, S. B. (2014). The Healthcare Quality Book. Chicago: Health Administration Press.


Qualitative Phenomenon
Pages: 2 Words: 465

Epistemological assumptions
The epistemological assumption of the research is that social media fundamentally changes the way that people relate to one another, specifically how they relate to marketing and brands. It also changes the way that marketers try to reach customers.

Marketers currently face a quandary about the degree to which they must balance the use of social media with more traditional forms of media. While the overall direction of current research suggests that social media will be used more and more as a form of customer engagement, companies often feel it is still important to use other ways to connect with customers because not all consumers are 'online' (this is heavily dependent upon the type of demographic targeted by the industry) and not all customers respond to online messages the same degree they respond to other, more traditional channels. Businesses can also be change-resistant about the idea of incorporating social…...

Watson the Philosophy of Watson
Pages: 4 Words: 1180

This is only using the mind as a metaphor for intelligence, however, which would again be a problem for James and would also be a problem from an ontological perspective. In order to consider whether or not Watson has a mind, and indeed whether or not any computer could ever have a mind, a consideration of Gilbert Ryle's thoughts concerning the nature of the mind is very much needed. Ryle asserts that the misunderstanding of the split between the mind and the body that has been a philosophical problem since at least the time of Rene Descartes arises because people misunderstand the nature of the mind by equating it with the body. Though the body is part of what Ryle calls the "deterministic system" of the world and though people have tried to explain the mind using the same deterministic system, what is meant by "mind" in this sense…...

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1
Pages: 5 Words: 2206

Management and Theory
Leadership and coaching go hand in many ways because to coach is to lead, and to lead is to coach others. Indeed, leaders and coaches, whatever the title is really theoretical mentoring within the context of a particular organization or activity. For centuries, scholars and philosophers alike have been trying to find a specific and complete definition for coaching and leadership, but have not had much success. True, leadership is, in part, decision making at the nth level; while coaching takes that decision making and often compartmentalizes it into split-second action. In the era of gloablization, theoretical decision making this has become even more critical now that there are so many divergent cultural opportunities that require new skills, approaches, and even that allow coaching to occur not just in the physical environment, but in the virtual as well, with no regard for geographic or political boundaries (Drucker, P.F.,…...



Alvesson, M., & Karreman, D. (2007). Constructing mystery: Empirical matters in theory development. Academy of Management Review, 32(4): 1265-1281.

Cortes, J. (2012). How Many Coaching Models Can You Find?, Retrieved from:


Drucker, P.F., et al. (2001), Harvard Business Review on Decision Making, Boston, MA:

Clinical Implications of Levinson's Stage
Pages: 8 Words: 2168

Mammals will evolve (to choose an analogy) but they do not revert to being reptiles. If the subjects of this research had simply disagreed about the exact biographical dates of the model this would not have been problematic. If research subjects, for example, had argued to extend the period of middle adulthood to fifty rather than forty-five, for example, as people work until they are older than had been the case when Levinson was working, this would have in general supported his findings.
The validity of his model is not dependent on being absolutely precise in his age-related break-points and while Levinson himself might not have acknowledged this, it makes sense that details of the different stages should have to be shifted to meet changes in society. Such an acknowledgement is in fact missing from Levinson's model (as well as from the models of Erikson and Piaget) and must be…...

Levinson Part Two Examination of
Pages: 3 Words: 866

Tenet of the theory

2. Another tenet of this theory (and one that is connected to certain clinical practices such as those of Rogerian therapy) is that humans are generally inclined to try to achieve greater levels of self-fulfillment, which in turn is linked to greater levels of insight and self-awareness.

Methodological assumptions of this model

. This question is a little more difficult to answer since a model or epistemological framework since the methodological connections to a theoretical framework are strong but not absolute. Any methodological approach to test the validity of Levinson's developmental framework would have to be qualitative since the model reflects complex, subjective states that are not discernible through statistical analyses.

Some of the most interesting potential research topics that could be devised around Levinson's model would be how subjects interpret their own status in terms of where a researcher assesses them to be. Levinson's model is based on his…...


3. The theory is based on the tenet that individuals, when given an overview of the model, will be able to determine for themselves with accuracy (that is, they would be in agreement with an external observer) where they are positioned in terms of their development.

One study that examines Levinson's model is Dannefer (1984, Feb.) "Adult Development and Social Theory: A Paradigmatic Reappraisal" (American Sociological Review 49(1): 100-116). Dannefer's work, which reflects on theoretical and clinical work produced in a range of fields, argues that Levinson's model is deeply flawed because it ignores the primacy of social relationships as primary influences on an individual's development.

A second very different study (Rush, J.C., Peacock, a.C. & Milkovich, G.T. (1980). Career stages: A partial test of Levinson's model of life/career stages. Journal of Vocational Behavior 16(3): 347-359) examines the relationship between Levinson's model and career development, surveying people as to whether they saw a connection between Levinson's model and their self-assessment of their position in their career path. The subjects were 759 managerial, professional, and technical employees randomly selected from levels and departments of a major public sector employer in the midwest United States. These employees did not connect their own life experiences with Levinson's stages: "Only moderate support for the theory was found with little or no evidence to support the age-linked notion of these stages."

Knowledge and Management
Pages: 2 Words: 576

At first glance, the idea that an epistemological stance, a notion that is more associated with philosophy than with managerial pragmatism, can influence a management research problem seems out of the question. However, this is not the case: the researchers own views on knowledge and on approaches towards knowledge can obviously play a significant role in the way the research is conducted.

Gray (2009) is one of the theoreticians that goes into great detail to describe ways in which the choice of an epistemological perspective or stance influence the formulation of a management research problem. According to Gray, the relationship between the management research problem and the epistemological perspective is given by the research methodology, which, in turn, is affected by the "theoretical perspectives adopted by the researchers" (Gray, 2009).

In other words, Gray identifies a direct connection that starts with the epistemological perspective, leads to theory and theoretical perspectives, which affect…...



1. Johnson, Phil, Duberley, Joanne, (2000). Understanding Management Research. SAGE Publications Ltd.; 1 edition

2. Gray, David, (2009). Doing Research in the Real World. SAGE Publications Ltd.; Second Edition

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Thomas Aquinas?
Words: 599

1. Analyze Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways to prove the existence of God and evaluate their effectiveness in addressing modern scientific and philosophical challenges.
2. Compare and contrast Thomas Aquinas' views on natural law and ethics with those of other prominent philosophers, such as Aristotle or Immanuel Kant.
3. Investigate how Thomas Aquinas' theology influenced the development of Western Christian thought and the relationship between faith and reason in his writings.
4. Examine Thomas Aquinas' concept of the soul and its relationship to the body, and explore how it differs from other philosophical and theological perspectives on the nature of the human person.
5. Discuss....

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining Debate between Oralism vs. Manualism?
Words: 160

Title I: The Dichotomy of Communication: Oralism versus Manualism in Deaf Education

Title II: The Historical Battleground of Deafness: The Clash between Oralism and Manualism

Title III: The Sonic and the Tactile: Unveiling the Epistemological Divide between Oralism and Manualism

Title IV: Communication at the Crossroads: Oralism, Manualism, and the Deaf Community

Title V: The Language of Exclusion: Exploring the Societal Implications of Oralism and Manualism

Title VI: The Legacy of Deaf Education: A Comparative Analysis of Oralism and Manualism

Title VII: Deaf Identity and Communication: The Symbiotic Relationship between Manualism and Deaf Culture

Title VIII: The Pedagogy of Language Acquisition: Oralism versus Manualism and the Impact....

Need guidance for a thesis statement on the Science over time topic?
Words: 631

Thesis Statement:

The Evolution of Scientific Inquiry: A Historical Perspective on the Transformation of Epistemological Paradigms and Methodological Approaches


Science, an ever-evolving pursuit of knowledge, has witnessed a remarkable transformation over time. From its rudimentary beginnings to its current sophistication, the scientific method has undergone profound shifts in its epistemological foundations and methodological approaches. This thesis explores the historical trajectory of science, examining how its paradigms and practices have evolved to shape our understanding of the natural world.

Part 1: The Roots of Modern Science: The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

During the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, a pivotal shift occurred....

How do critical theory and positivism shape the understanding of health and social care issues in research?
Words: 574

Critical Theory and Positivism in Health and Social Care Research


Critical theory and positivism are two contrasting epistemological approaches that significantly shape how health and social care issues are understood and researched. Each approach has its distinct assumptions, methods, and implications for knowledge production in this field.

Critical Theory:

Reality is socially constructed and not objectively observable.
Power relations and societal structures influence knowledge production and social outcomes.
Research should aim to expose systemic inequalities and challenge dominant ideologies.

Qualitative methods, such as ethnography, discourse analysis, and grounded theory.
Participatory approaches that involve marginalized populations in the research process.

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