Ethos Essays (Examples)

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Ethos Logos and Pathos Rhetorical
Pages: 4 Words: 1136

The almost un-human personalities of the two men both endear and detach them from the readers, maintaining a certain level of respect and awe while at the same time believing that like the readers, they are just human beings who have their own weaknesses (Dupin his poverty, Holmes his addiction to cocaine).
Apart from ethos, part of Dupin and Holmes' rhetoric in solving their mysteries was a discussion of the theories they formulated and applied in the course of investigating the case. Logos was apparent in the detectives' use of deduction, logical thinking, and the scientific method in looking for clues and solving the mystery presented to them. Their usage of stereotyping and pattern formation as their techniques for clue generation were the closest examples and illustrations of the concepts of deduction, logical thinking, and scientific method in Poe and Doyle's stories.

Dupin's solution to the murders at the Rue Morgue…...



Doyle, S.A.C. (1986). Sherlock Holmes: the complete novels and stories Vol. 1. NY: Bantam Books.

Poe, E.A. (1964). Great tales of horror. NY: Bantam Books.

Ad Ethos Ethos Pathos and Logos in
Pages: 2 Words: 535

Ad Ethos
Ethos, Pathos and Logos in a Terrible Running Shoe Ad

Creating an effective magazine advertisement is not simply about the ability of marketers to inform about the product but also to create the experience of positive association with this product. This association can have a powerful psychological impact for better or for worse. The magazine advertisement featured here and published in a running enthusiast publication is designed to sell Pearl Izumi running sneakers. The ad pairs the tag line "Run Longer" with an image of an athletically fit individual attempting to revive his dead dog. Needless to say, the advertisement was a terrible failure. Though its intended audience of runners will likely have gleaned the message that the sneakers are so excellent that you could run to the point of killing your dog by way of exhaustion, the highly negative (and tasteless) association of this image far overshadows the persuasiveness…...


Works Cited:

Kiefaber, D. (2013). Ad With Dead Dog Just Makes People Really Sad. AdWeek.

Interpretation of Ethos Pathos and Logos
Pages: 4 Words: 1227

encourage an audience that one's thoughts and concepts are effective, or more usable than someone else's. The Greek theorist Aristotle separated the means of influence, petitions, into three categories which are: Ethos, Pathos, Logos. The image interpreted in this essay, a lone figure pursuing a different path from the rest, with the caption: "My way…and no regrets…" is in a way a good representation of rhetorical strategies. One attempts to do things in such a way that enables others to follow suit or in the very least generates satisfaction. This essay is meant to illuminate not only what the three categories of rhetorical strategies are, but also what it means when applied to persuasion through the use of four articles and a brief background and definition of each one.
Ethos (Trustworthiness), or ethical appeal, means persuasion through the character of the writer or person. People believe those they respect or…...



Bar-Tal, D., & Oren, N. (2012). Conflict, Ethos of. The Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology.

Copeland, R. (2014). Pathos and Pastoralism: Aristotle's Rhetoric in Medieval England. Speculum, 89(01), 96 -- 127.

Feinberg, M. (2012). Synthetic Ethos: The Believability of Collections at the Intersection of Classification and Curation. The Information Society, 28(5), 329 -- 339.

Sutherland, T. (2013). Communication, causation, and the logos. Continuum, 27(5), 755 -- 757.

Logos Ethos and Pathos to
Pages: 3 Words: 762

Obese children are often ostracized socially as well (Childhood Obesity ( go to school and they are called names and chosen last for recess and sports games. This treatment by other children can lead to lowered self-esteem, which in turn causes the overweight child to turn to food for comfort. A child who is lonely and has social problems may spend more time in the house because going outside means encountering other children who will tease or bully the overweight child. This staying inside adds to the sedentary lifestyle that is a large contributor of the problem of childhood obesity.

The primary cause of obesity in children according to medical experts is overeating combined with lack of exercise. Another cause can be an eating disorder. esearch concludes children who are obese due to overeating tend to be taller than other children however, their adult height may be shorter than most adults…...

Analysis of Walt Whitman Ethos
Pages: 4 Words: 1247

alt hitman's Ethos America
The poetry and thoughts of alt hitman are compelled by a great need to bring together the conception of a soul that is disembodied with its own veneration for human physicality. hitman considers that an abyss or gap has been formed between these two aspects and is determined to bring them together. In essence, he is of the belief that the metaphysical aspect of humans is completely detached from the physical aspect. It is these convictions, applied to the United States that made him the greatest poet. The thesis of this research paper seeks to elucidate the unity that hitman desires through his different poems.

The notion of an ethereal soul and the presence of a pure, imperceptible spiritual world have triumphed in countless philosophical and religious civilizations during the course of history. In accordance to Plato in the Republic, the soul is distinguished into three specific parts,…...


Works Cited

Plato, G M. A. Grube, and C D. C. Reeve. Republic. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co, 1992. Print.

Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. Ed. Malcolm Crowley. New York: Viking Penguin, Inc., 1986.

Whitman, Walt. "I Hear America Singing,",   Accessed 30 November 2015. ,

Logos Pathos and Ethos in
Pages: 2 Words: 730

Severe (II). He speaks of Mr. Gore's "savage barbarity" (IV). He describes how slaves such as his mother die young, and lives like his own are wrecked by having families torn apart (V). He tells of how Mr. Auld did not want him to learn to read because "If you give a nigger an inch, he will take an ell" (VI). He tells how he wished he were dead, so horrible was the stress of being a slave (VII), and tells of being lined up and valuated like livestock (VIII). In all of these events, Douglass emphasizes the dehumanizing quality of his position and the brutality of his oppressors. This make him a sympathetic character, and leads the reader to reject those would treat such a knowledgeable soul so poorly.
Logos is an appeal to reason to persuade. In the first chapter, Douglass make such an appeal when arguing that…...

Politics Rhetoric and Advertising the Use of Ethos Pathos and Logos
Pages: 4 Words: 1402

Aboard the Trump Train: Latest Ad Shows Trump Supporters Out in Force
Donald Trump's television ad spot employs the three rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos and logos in a way that is framed by Lakoff's theory of narrative: the ad is framed by diverse supporters voicing their support for Trump as POTUS at the beginning of the 30-second spot and by Trump himself announcing his own vision, which is to "make America great again." Thus, the ad is framed by popular support on one hand and benevolent vision on the other. In between these two frames is a kind of steamroller narrative that suggests that the Trump campaign is an unstoppable force of nature -- a nationalistic groundswell that has united people of all ages, races, ethnicities and genders. This paper will discuss Trump's from the perspective ethos, pathos and logos and show how its frames effectively move it in…...


Works Cited

"Donald Trump Ad Suggests He Has a Rainbow Coalition of Support." The New York

Tiimes, 2016. Web. 8 Mar 2016.

Lakoff, George. The Political Mind. NY: Viking, 2008. Print.

Rhetoric Ethos Pathos and Logos Political Writing Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1310

Mitt Romney and John McCain Denounce Donald Trump as a Danger to Democracy" on The New York Times website is framed by two images -- one, an image of the "religious family man" that the Times calls Mitt Romney; the other, an image of the "profane, philandering self-promoter" that it calls Donald Trump (Burns, Barbaro). Thus, while The Times attempts to give a balanced, objective viewpoint on the clash between the former Republican Presidential candidate (as well as the one before him -- John McCain) and the current Republican primary forerunner Donald Trump, it clearly sides with the campaign of Mitt Romney and the Establishment Republicans who resent being challenged by the "outsider" Trump.
The New York Times has paid for this ad, which is essentially endorsed by the Republican elites who seek to wrest control of the Republican primary away from the frontrunner and put it into the hands…...


Works Cited

Burns, Alexander; Barbaro, Michael. "Mitt Romney and John McCain Denounce Donald

Trump as Danger to Democracy." The New York Times, 3 Mar 2016. Web. 5 Mar 2016.

"David Duke Responds to CNN - Speaks to Trump & All Americans." YouTube, 28 Feb

2016. Web. 5 Mar 2016.

The Ethos That Supports My Drive to Succeed
Pages: 4 Words: 1055

Propelling Forward: The Journey to Becoming an Aircraft MechanicIntroductionThe narrative of my life has been significantly shaped by the steadfast work ethic of my father, the gravitational pull of necessity, and a persistent fascination with machines. My chosen career path as an aircraft mechanic, while primarily influenced by practical considerations, is deeply intertwined with my family tradition and an innate love for aviation. This has been a journey of evolution, determination, and tenacity, pushing me to realize my aspirations despite the adversity.Growing UpGrowing up, the picture of my father laboring tirelessly from dawn to dusk to provide for our family was a constant. His commitment, resilience, and determination formed an indelible impression on me, shaping my personal ethos of relentless hard work and unwavering perseverance. The magnitude of this influence cannot be understated. It was this underlying ethos that emboldened me when I found myself at a crossroads, dropping out…...


ReferencesDangut, M. D., Skaf, Z., & Jennions, I. K. (2021). An integrated machine learning model for aircraft components rare failure prognostics with log-based dataset. ISA transactions, 113, 127-139.Liew, G. C., Kuan, G., Chin, N. S., & Hashim, H. A. (2019). Mental toughness in sport. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 49(4), 381-394.

Measure Target Action Maintain Starbucks Ethos it
Pages: 1 Words: 300



Maintain Starbucks "Ethos"

It is difficult to directly measure consumer sentiment. However, dissatisfied customers provided needed feedback as to problems in the overall objective.

Consumers, Vendors

Take drastic action to address consumers' issues in a timely manner. This may include free samples or refunds but should be as comprehensive as possible to address a wide range of complaints

Ethical Treatment of Internal Employees

Starbucks can gauge its treatment of its employees from industry standards and other similar measures.


Starbucks should be one of the best companies to work for in their industry at all times and must make sure there compensation packages meet or exceed employee expectations.

Maintain and promote a high level of corporate social responsibility.

Starbucks must not only source its raw materials (mostly coffee) in a sustainable manner, but it should also be proactive in finding new solutions to responsible coffee development in…...

Adult Couples Could Be True
Pages: 4 Words: 1759

What is interesting to me is that the conservative Christian cry used to be stop watching porn on the internet, or that your kids would be pimped out on the internet by perverts. Now, social media has become the latest "sinful" activity.

Perhaps Rev. Miller should get on the phone to Sarah Palin, and counsel her about her kids' activity on Facebook. Bristol Palin found time from her "Dancing with the stars" practice to get on Facebook with her sister Willow to ride on a friend who had the chutzpah to say "Sarah Palin's Alaska is failing so hard right now." Willow's response was to call the poster a gay slur, and Bristol jumping in the fray to respondL "you're just running your mouth to talk sh•t." I give the Palin girls credit: the apples didn't fall from the tree. They attack just like their mother.

I wonder what the sisters would…...

Media the Content Dominance of Reality TV
Pages: 3 Words: 788

The Content Dominance of Reality TV

Few forces have emerged with greater dominance or less artistic appeal than that of reality television, which has largely defined primetime content for the last decade. hat at one time appeared to be a fad, or a phenomenon at worst, ultimately reached a crescendo as the best path to high ratings, bid advertising dollars and household names. This is the pattern of media content which perhaps best reflects certain cultural qualities distinct to our time and place. Indeed, our collective embrace of this form of television, which allegedly depicts real individuals living real lives or facing real problems in front of national viewing audiences, suggests both a desire to see ourselves on the screen and, simultaneously, a desire to feel better about ourselves by observing the lurid, embarrassing and pathetic moments experienced by the 'stars' of reality television.

Selected Image:

This idea is directly reflected in the…...


Works Cited:

Elite Daily. (2012). The Detrimental Effect Of Reality TV On Our Society.

Fahner, M. (2012). The real effects of reality TV. USA Today College.

Miller, A. (2013). Hook, Line and Sinker: Reality TV and Its Impact In Our Culture. In the Mix.

Consumer Internet Commerce a Rhetorical Approach
Pages: 15 Words: 4073

complexities of doing business in our virtual age, looking in particular at e-commerce but also asking how the presence of e-commerce on the market has affected traditional businesses as well. Once upon a time - that golden age - things were simple. You decided you wanted to grow up to be a bookstore owner. Or a hardware store manager. Or a florist. So you leased a store, bought some books, and lovingly hand-sold them to each customer who flocked to your door and then went home at night to count your money.
Of course, owning a bookstore or a hardware store or a flower shop was actually never that simple. But the picture now is even more complicated as virtual stores have entered the picture. Part of what makes engaging in e-commerce so difficult is that there are no paths that others have trod before one. And the costs of…...



VI.Appendix (ces)(please write around 2-3 pages)

Survey Questionnaire


1.To successful launch an e-commerce Web site, the question is not just about if we build it, will they come?" But also if we build it, will they come to purchase and repeat purchase?" A scenario closer to the truth is that many online companies experience disappointment in converting consumers' clicks into purchases. It means attracting a large number of shoppers to the site is not the only ultimate measure of success. The true measure of success should be included retaining customers and converting them into repeat buyers. Positive shopping experiences on the site can help online buyers make an effective decision. It means positive feeling is the optimal experience that consumers will desire to repeat buying online. Therefore, marketers need to create effective Web sites for winning consumer satisfaction. Since Web sites are often the main contact with consumer in the Internet market, a company's Web site elements may include some persuasive components that has imp!

Advertisement -- Image Analysis the
Pages: 2 Words: 575

It's in Tiger; is it in you?"

This too is another appeal to logos that also incorporates a more explicit version of ethos by the obvious suggestion that there is something intangible that makes a winner. As is the case with celebrity endorsements in general, the strategy is to motivate the consumer to associate the success (or other admirable qualities or attributes) of the individual with the product. By doing so, it is hoped that consumers will want to be as much as possible like the celebrity who they admire, even when the only similarity is their use of the same energy drink product.

That phrase also emphasizes the words it's and it in conjunction with a play on words inherent in the dual interpretation that it invites. The implication is that winners like Tiger Woods have something (i.e. it) that separates winners from losers and that those who are similar to…...

Grown More Mindful of How
Pages: 4 Words: 1310

However, if I was rewriting my letter to Melfi, I would have used more research and included some specific citations, to substantiate my analysis. Drawing upon personal reflection is useful in appealing to the reader's sense of ethos or pathos, but logos is also necessary to be persuasive. I would have used statistics regarding the alcoholism rate amongst young people in the United States, for example, versus other countries. Although I criticized Melfi for not using sufficient logos in her essay, I think this is also true of my response.

Fortunately, I believe I have drastically improved in my ability to find credible and substantive analysis to support my argumentation. In my first draft on drug and alcohol policy at Drexel, I once again relied primarily upon my own personal impressions and gut instincts, rather than drawing upon research on the issue. I believe that I made a good point regarding…...


Works Cited

Drin, Cem. "Campaign." ENG-102. Professor Fristrom. English Department. Drexel University.

February 26, 2013. Print.

Drin, Cem. "Dear Christa Melfi." ENG-102. Professor Fristrom. English Department. Drexel University. January 30, 2013. Print.

Drin, Cem. "Drug and alcohol policy at Drexel." ENG-102. Professor Fristrom. English Department. Drexel University. February 21, 2013. Print.

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about FAT City Workshop?
Words: 301

1. Engineering Innovation at the Core of FAT City Workshop: A Comprehensive Exploration

2. Unlocking the Power of Collaborative Design: A Case Study of FAT City Workshop

3. The Nexus of Craftsmanship, Technology, and Community: Inside FAT City Workshop

4. From Idea to Invention: The Transformative Role of FAT City Workshop in the Maker Movement

5. Cultivating Creativity and Ingenuity: The Impact of FAT City Workshop on Emerging Designers

6. The Art of Sustainable Design: Exploring the Environmental Ethos of FAT City Workshop

7. Beyond the Workshop: FAT City Workshop's Legacy in Shaping the Design Landscape

8. The Alchemy of Innovation: How FAT City Workshop Fosters Creative....

Need essay titles for a rhetorical analysis of Roosevelt\'s “declaration for war” speech?
Words: 321

"Analyzing the Rhetorical Strategies in Roosevelt's 'Declaration for War' Address"
"Persuasion and Power: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Mastery in the 'Declaration for War' Speech"
"A Rhetorical Examination of Roosevelt's Call to Arms: The 'Declaration for War' Speech"
"The Art of Persuasion: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Devices in the 'Declaration for War'"
"Examining Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Roosevelt's 'Declaration for War' Address"
"The Power of Words: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Techniques in the 'Declaration for War'"
"Deconstructing Roosevelt's Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis of the 'Declaration for War'"
"The Language of Leadership: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Strategies in the 'Declaration for War'"
"Rhetorical Flourishes and Strategic Appeals: Analyzing Roosevelt's....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Rhetorical Analysis?
Words: 330

1. Analyze a persuasive speech given by a political leader and evaluate the effectiveness of their rhetoric.
2. Examine an advertisement or commercial and analyze the rhetorical strategies used to sell a product or service.
3. Compare and contrast the rhetorical techniques used in two different speeches on a similar topic.
4. Analyze a controversial public figure's use of rhetoric and how it influences public perception.
5. Investigate how social media influencers use rhetoric to persuade their audience.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of rhetorical techniques used in a famous courtroom speech or closing argument.
7. Analyze the use of rhetorical devices in a piece of literature....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Rhetorical Analysis?
Words: 370

1. Rhetorical Strategies in Political Speeches

Analyze the rhetorical strategies employed by a specific political figure in a major speech, examining how they evoke emotions, build credibility, and persuade the audience.

2. The Power of Symbolism in Advertising

Examine how a particular advertisement uses symbolism to convey its message, analyzing the cultural associations, emotional appeals, and persuasive effects of the chosen symbols.

3. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Literary Texts

Analyze how an author in a literary work uses ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic) to persuade or inform the reader, exploring the effectiveness and interplay of these rhetorical appeals.

4. Rhetorical Analysis of Social....

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