Evaluation Essays (Examples)

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Classroom Instructor Observation Protocol

California's urlock Unified School District leverages the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) as the basis of its observation protocol. Specifically, this school system has different SIOP site plan protocols for its K-6 schools, 7-8 middle schools, and 9-12 high schools. Observation protocols mandate an instructional visitation that is comprised of a pair of classroom observations and a debriefing period from an instruction coach trained in SIOP methods. For the K-6 schools, a site administrator will ensure that a minimum of 10 walkthroughs are completed per week. eachers will experience one walkthrough each month in an attempt to identify data trends and their implementation of these data-based practices into their pedagogy.


Florida's Seminole County Public School system does walkthroughs via iObservation, which is an internet-based evaluation program and forms. he goal of the electronic access to this information is to get feedback to teachers more celeritously, and to foster….

Persons in a Military Setting
Today's organizations are increasingly operating in a complex and rapidly changing environment that requires them to retain highly qualified employees as well as promote their well-being. While all organizations require effective human resource management practices, military organizations need these practices more because of their rapidly changing organizational environment. In essence, military organizations or settings are faced with the need to establish effective H practices because retaining and enhancing the well-being of their members is crucial towards success in the rapidly changing environment (Dupre & Day, 2007, p.186). Given this need, military organizations continue to develop and utilize different approaches towards retaining valuable personnel and ensuring their well-being in the highly complex military setting. Even though these strategies have been relatively effective in achieving desired goals, they have been characterized by some shortcomings.

Based on cognitive behavior theory, persons in a military setting can be helped through….

Value of Performance Evaluations
Some people think of the performance evaluation as little more than a waste of time. They believe that given that they are mandatory and generally completed in a relatively short period of time, performance evaluations fail to capture an employee's true performance or give the employee meaningful feedback that would enable him or her to improve performance. As a result, many have suggested that the performance evaluation process be eliminated or significantly changed. These criticisms of the performance evaluation process might lead some to the conclusion that performance evaluations have no use or value. However, there are several reasons that such a conclusion is premature.

Examining this problem is appropriate because employers need to have a way to assess their workforce. It is well-established that employee productivity, job satisfaction, efficiency, and attitude can all have a tremendous impact on an organization's output, and, therefore, on profitability. However,….

Sounds simple, but it can get complex. For example, in any point factor system, knowledge/education is usually a heavily weighted factor. H managers are usually very biased and this may tend to play into those biases and result in an unfair assessment and could eventually harm the organization in the long run. The Point Factor system is too sophisticated and may drain resources within the H department as well.
anking vs. Factor Comparison

The anking method is quite simple and even more simple than Factor Comparison. In this type of evaluation jobs are compared to one another based on the overall value to the organization. This value or worth is based on judgments by the evaluators. This method is too simple and may cause the H manager to overlook key facts when performing this evaluation. It may be more useful for casual or temporary evaluations, but a more sophisticated and detailed….

planning an evaluation, there are several steps an evaluator must take. One of the final steps in the planning process is to present a written proposal. What should the written proposal include, and why is it important to get the details of the evaluation in writing?
The steps that must be taken in the planning process for research or evaluation include the written proposal, which is comprised of specific sections. The first section of the research proposal is the introduction or background, which briefly provides information about the issue to be examined. The next section is titled the 'Research Objectives & Aims' which states the goals of the research that is being proposed. Following the objectives and aims of research is the 'Research Purpose' section, which sets out the reasons that the research is being conducted. The research proposal should contain a section entitled 'Significance of the Study', which relates….

Interface Evaluation

Interface Evaluation: Smart Watches and Smart Phones
Assessment of Samsung Galaxy

Allion Labs Inc. Comparison of Smart Watch Integration

Advances in Smart Watch Technology Integration


The focus of this study is the evaluation of the interface between Smart Watches and Smart Phones. This study will conduct this evaluation through a review of the literature published in this area of inquiry.

Samsung Galaxy Assessment

The Smart Watch is reported in the work of udiu (2013) to be "the next important platform, extending the range of screen sizes to design for down one notch desktop, tablet, phone and now the watch." (p.1) The Samsung Smart Watch is reported to have been released first as a "companion to the Samsung Galaxy Note phablet." (udiu, 2013, p. 1) The phone is reported to be a large phone measuring six inches that is very inconvenient to remove from one's pocket or their purse. The user….

System Test and Evaluation Plan and Procedure: The Department of Defense (DoD)
The objective of this study is to conduct a system test and evaluation plan and procedure for a the Department of Defense (DoD). Toward this end this study will review literature that informs this area of inquiry.

Concepts of Security Assurance and Trusted Systems

A system is "an integrated composite of people, products, and processes that provide a capability to satisfy a stated need or objective." (Defense Acquisition University Press, 2011, p.3) Systems engineering management is accomplished through integration of three primary activities:

(1) Development phasing that controls the design process and provides baselines that coordinate design efforts;

(2) A systems engineering process that provides a structure for solving design problems and tracking requirements flow through the design effort, and (3) Life cycle integration that involves customers in the design process and ensures that the system developed is viable throughout its life. (Defense….

One of the important elements of those recommendations is that care leavers be given open and free access to their own records (Australian Senate, 2004). They also suggest that the government establish counseling for care leavers and their families to deal with the impact of life in care, including specialized education for mental health professionals so that they are in a position for dealing with this problem (Australian Senate, 2004). Furthermore, they emphasize the need for continuing educational opportunities, from literacy to higher education, for these people (Australian Senate, 2004).

It is incredibly difficult to attempt to assess the impact of this report on current policies and practices. At are governmental level, even prior to this report, there had been a number of changes to the foster and institutional care system, aimed at curing some of the institutional-level problems of the system. For example, the practice of routinely removing indigenous….

Chili's an Evaluation

Chili's: An Evaluation
Chili's -- an evaluation

In spite of generally being known as a fast-food type restaurant, Chili's actually makes it possible for customers to feel different from how they are probable to feel in most fast-food places that they are accustomed to. This restaurant is not necessarily about elegance, as it is more about style and about making customers feel that both workers and the management actually care about how their customers feel while eating. This is a place for people who don't have a great deal of money, but want to feel satisfied with both the taste and the quantity of the food they are eating.

While most people expect American-like styles of food when they are eating in a fast-food restaurant, many fast-food places fail to live up to the standards and simply adopt cuisine from particular parts of the world in an attempt to provide visitors with an….

Business Code of Ethics
Evaluation of Business Code Ethics

Over the last several years, the issue of ethics has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because a wide variety of organizations have been facing some kind of high profile scandal involving an ethical dilemma. To address these issues, most firms have implemented a code of ethics for everyone to follow. The problem is that most people are not aware that these codes could exist or the specific ideas inside of them.

A good example of this can be seen by looking no further than observations from Farrell (2012). He found that a number of private corporations and non-profit entities do have a code of ethics in place. However, only a limited numbers of employees know about them. Moreover, there is no attempt inside the majority of firms to enforce them. Once this happens, is when the odds increase that there….

Evaluation a Business Code Ethics the purpose assignment assist refining problem-solving capabilities organizations possesses business ethics applications. This paper a structured, objective format called a system inquiry.

Starbucks code of ethics

Starbucks' mission

The Starbucks Corporation has its origins in a small chain of coffee stores that was designed to replicate the European coffeehouse experience for American consumers. At the time of its birth in Seattle, most Americans' experience of coffee was confined to Folgers or Maxwell House. Starbucks was acquired by current CEO Howard Schultz who believed its "top-quality, fresh-roasted, whole-bean coffee was the company's differentiating feature and a bedrock value" (Thompson & Gamble 1997:1). Under Schultz's control, Starbucks expanded rapidly in both American cities and suburbs. Eventually, the company began to open stores abroad, in East Asia and Europe. Starbucks strove to super-saturate the market, going contrary to conventional business wisdom that it is unwise to let stores compete with one….

Security in Airports

Evaluation of Scanning Equipment

Security situation in airports

The main threat faced by most of the airports is terrorism, which has been traumatizing the airport officials ever since the 20th century. There have been many cases of bombing and hijacking incidents conducted by different militant groups in the entire group. This has lead to the necessity of measures that are aimed at curbing the ever-increasing rates of crime in airports. As the security analyst of Chicago O'Hare Airport, there are exclusive measures that are recommended to ensure insecurity does not affect the airport transactions and its entire surrounding. Already, there are regulations that are to be followed strictly by both passengers and any other visitors in the airport. The arrival time has been increased, so that all the passengers arrive on time. Amount of luggage to be carried has also been reduced to reduce the possibilities of risk, among other….

C. Evaluation question(s) and aims.

The primary question that will be addressed is to identify whether HCBS program is able to provide service to the target population. The evaluation questions will also be directed to the cost effectiveness of the program. The following evaluation questions are identified:

1. Is the program meet the budget requirements of the 1915 (b)?

2. Has the program generates cost saving?

3. Has the program has been able to deliver quality health service as being stipulated by 1915(b) waiver?

4. Has the program been able to meet the needs of the participants?

a. Operational definitions.

The operation definition for the proposal is as follows:

Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the of HCBS program in Alaska.

What are the procedure to evaluate the effective and efficiencies of the HCBS waiver program in Alaska?

Since the proposal will employ both qualitative and quantitative techniques for data collection and analysis, the operational definition for qualitative and quantitative….

Problems That Arise When Groups are Categorized as Individuals The difficulty of determining the extent to which group policy evaluation vs. individual evaluations differ is that context is the deciding factor, and contextual factors are always shifting. Therefore, a case by case analysis is required rather than a one size fits all universal evaluation. As Briggs and Helms (2015) explain, there are actors and roles and the inputs and outputs of each impact one another so that the relationship between parts, between groups and individuals is really a dynamic one.
One of the important points that Reich (2010) makes is that groups are not individuals and should not be counted as such, because it alters the character of the population when they are. He cites the decision in Citizens United vs. the Federal Election Commission, which led to the creation of the super political action committee (PAC). The super PAC now is….

The Purpose of E/M Codes
E/M codes are generic and are intended for use by all medical practitioners including nurse-practitioners, physicians and physician assistants. They can be used in both specialty care and primary care. All E/M codes can be used for reporting services. The decision on which E/M code to use is informed by which code describes most accurately the service the patient is to receive. The flexibility of E/M codes allows for easy and flexible reporting when service provided has more medical content or when more of coordination and counseling of care is given than psychotherapy (Codes and Documentation for Evaluation and Management Services).

The Creator of E/M Codes

E/M codes were created by the E/M Guidelines. The E/M Guidelines documents what is required for all E/M code documentations. The Centre for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) together with the American Medical Association developed the E/M guidelines. So far, two versions….

To evaluate the US healthcare system, there are two areas that have to be considered. One of these is patient care, and the other is finances. A healthcare system can only be effective if patients are getting the care they need, and if they\'re getting it in a timely manner. The system also has to be sustainable, and if it is not possible to afford the system, then changes need to be made to it. These changes should not compromise the care given to patients, though, and it can be difficult to provide proper, quality care at a price that....

We are assuming that your question is how you critically explore how the ideas of leadership and partnership practice would help you to address the challenges in corporate social responsibility.  Many people are uncertain how to write a critical review or critical evaluation, because the approach is somewhat different than what you would find in standard lower-level academic writing.

To write a critique, it is important to understand that the academic definition of critical is not the same as the lay definition of critical.   For the layperson, the word critical tends to be negative. However, from an academic....

Without knowing what two scenarios you selected, we cannot help you specifically evaluate the sample size, evaluate the statements for meaningfulness, critically evaluate the statements for statistical significance, or provide an explanation of the implications for social change.  We can, however, provide information to you about how you can make those evaluations.

Understanding how statistics work, especially in the context of science and social science research, is very important.  That is because you can have studies that seemingly show the same results, but actually contain very different information.  One important component of any type of statistic presented is....

A Health Care Informatics Risk Assessment is one of the tools used in healthcare management.  They examine workflow issues that have the ability of positively or negatively impacting several important factors, such as the quality of care, overhead costs, and overall efficiency.  One of the areas of health care that can benefit from a Health Care Informatics Risk Assessment program is telemedicine.   Another area of health care that could benefit from a Health Care Informatics Risk Assessment program is vaccine administration in large groups.

If the COVID-19 pandemic has any lasting impact on the provision of....

4 Pages


Evaluation Checklist for Teachers

Words: 1298
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Classroom Instructor Observation Protocol http://turlockusd-ca.schoolloop.com/siop California's urlock Unified School District leverages the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) as the basis of its observation protocol. Specifically, this school system has different SIOP…

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7 Pages


Evaluation of Cognitive Behavior Theory

Words: 2016
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Persons in a Military Setting Today's organizations are increasingly operating in a complex and rapidly changing environment that requires them to retain highly qualified employees as well as promote…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Use and Value of Performance Evaluations

Words: 2127
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Value of Performance Evaluations Some people think of the performance evaluation as little more than a waste of time. They believe that given that they are mandatory and generally…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


HR Job Evaluation Job Evaluation

Words: 699
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Sounds simple, but it can get complex. For example, in any point factor system, knowledge/education is usually a heavily weighted factor. H managers are usually very biased and…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Planning an Evaluation There Are Several Steps

Words: 1543
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

planning an evaluation, there are several steps an evaluator must take. One of the final steps in the planning process is to present a written proposal. What should…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Interface Evaluation

Words: 3189
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Interface Evaluation: Smart Watches and Smart Phones Assessment of Samsung Galaxy Allion Labs Inc. Comparison of Smart Watch Integration Advances in Smart Watch Technology Integration INTERFACE EVALUATION: SMART WATCHES AND SMART PHONES The focus…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


System Test and Evaluation Plan and Procedure

Words: 1038
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

System Test and Evaluation Plan and Procedure: The Department of Defense (DoD) The objective of this study is to conduct a system test and evaluation plan and procedure for a…

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6 Pages


Policy Evaluation in Forgotten Australians

Words: 1794
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

One of the important elements of those recommendations is that care leavers be given open and free access to their own records (Australian Senate, 2004). They also suggest…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Chili's an Evaluation

Words: 530
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Chili's: An Evaluation Chili's -- an evaluation In spite of generally being known as a fast-food type restaurant, Chili's actually makes it possible for customers to feel different from how they…

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5 Pages

Health - Nursing

Business Code of Ethics Evaluation of Business

Words: 1626
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Code of Ethics Evaluation of Business Code Ethics Over the last several years, the issue of ethics has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because a wide…

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5 Pages


Starbucks Evaluation a Business Code Ethics the

Words: 1662
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

STABUCKS Evaluation a Business Code Ethics the purpose assignment assist refining problem-solving capabilities organizations possesses business ethics applications. This paper a structured, objective format called a system inquiry. Starbucks code of…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Transportation Security in Airports Evaluation of Scanning

Words: 706
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Transportation Security in Airports Evaluation of Scanning Equipment Security situation in airports The main threat faced by most of the airports is terrorism, which has been traumatizing the airport officials ever since the…

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25 Pages


Program Evaluation Home and Community-Based

Words: 7215
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Essay

C. Evaluation question(s) and aims. The primary question that will be addressed is to identify whether HCBS program is able to provide service to the target population. The evaluation questions…

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3 Pages


The Extent to Which Group Policy Evaluation vs Individual Evaluation Differ

Words: 999
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Problems That Arise When Groups are Categorized as Individuals The difficulty of determining the extent to which group policy evaluation vs. individual evaluations differ is that context is the deciding…

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5 Pages


Evaluation Management Codes

Words: 1777
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The Purpose of E/M Codes E/M codes are generic and are intended for use by all medical practitioners including nurse-practitioners, physicians and physician assistants. They can be used in both…

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