Event Management Essays (Examples)

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Management, Tour Down Under 2013
Events are the motivator of tourism. Events deliver a special atmosphere of festivity, hospitality and tradition. (Getz. 2008). In the last few years, the event has become an industry in its own right because of its strong growth rates. Its maturity makes governments to develop keen interest in the industry, and governments now promote and support the industry to enhance economy development. However, the event has become a leeway that corporate organizations employ to achieve marketing objectives. (Allen, O'Toole, Harris, & McDonnell, 2011).

Our organization is intending to be a major sponsor for the 2013 Santos Tour Down Under. The Santos Tour Down Under is one the biggest cycling event in the world and organized in Adelaide, Australia, which attracts riders from every corner of the globe. In 2005, the UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) promoted the event and in 2007, the Tour Down Under became the….

Three Case Studies

Event management is a complex, yet very interesting and rewarding profession. According to some, event management involves the organized planning of a particular event, as well as research and successful execution. Such an event may range from a simple social event, such as a birthday or wedding, and can include complex events, such as corporate meetings or product launch parties and concerts.

No matter what the event, however, a good event planner will follow certain steps to ensure that everything in his or her plan will go off without a hitch, so to speak. It is due to this reason that event managers are both highly creative and technical. There are many tips for how to successfully plan an event, such as having a clear marketing strategy, monitoring everything that happens and knowing what is happening at all times before, during and after the event to ensure ultimate….

Strategic rand Management
Event Management Company

uilding a brand is an extensive task that requires multiple important elements to be successful. It does not only involve branding the product/service a company provides, but also focuses on enhancing the image of the brand, developing brand by adding value to it and by improving it according to the dynamics of the markets. rand development has been made crucial for the companies to flourish in the dynamic markets that exist today, considering the effects of globalization on the world market. With continuous advancements in the business industry, companies, in order to survive or thrive have to develop their brands to differentiate their products from others. This vital importance of developing brands gave birth to rand management. rand management is the application of marketing techniques on a product, a range of products or a brand (Shivanand and Hungund 2012). The major purpose of brand management is….

Management Plan for Launching a Toyota Brand
The event is about launching a new Toyota Hybrid Cruiser to be used in the Australian Market. The first point is developing goals and objectives of the event. The event will be guided by the goals and objectives since the management will be struggling to meet them. The hosting ground should be booked after the goals have been set. Ideally, Melbourne's Federation Square is a busy place holding various events and must be booked in advance in order to avoid inconveniences. Thereafter, the next step is to inspect and ensure that everything is in order like ensuring that the Federation Square satisfies all the requirements for the success of the event on the scheduled day.

For the event's success, there should be an organized team, which includes speakers, sponsors, entertainment, volunteers, and the staff to manage the project. Confirmation and attendance of all these….

Sports Marketing and Risks

The Sport Marketing Association (SMA) holds a conference every year in an effort to bring together sports marketing practitioners, scholars, and students throughout the U.S. The conference, a three-day event, is held in November, and is often hosted by the sport marketing or related department of a top university in the country. The event provides an ideal opportunity for sharing knowledge as well as business and social networking. Temple University's School of Sport, Tourism, and Hospitality Management is seeking to host the 2018 conference. This paper provides a plan for preparing for the event. The paper specifically pays attention to the following aspects: hotel identification, income and expense determination, day 2 and day 3 evening reception options, potential risks, planning timeline, and possible schedule changes.

Hotel Selection

Selecting the venue or location to host the event is generally an important aspect of the event planning process. It is important for the….

The two basics to keep in mind is that managerial accounting should be used early and often and not just internal stakeholders should be heeded and listened to (Tutor2U.net, 2013).

In conclusion, Thai Airlines would benefit greatly from an entrenched and well-managed managerial accounting framework. It should supplement and complement both the financial accounting mechanisms of Thai Airlines as well as general process management, general product management, marketing, other accounting matters and general business decision making for Thai Airlines. Part and parcel of all of that is integrating stakeholder's expectations and conversely managing the expectations and perceptions of those same stakeholders is also vital on a number of levels. However, if all of the above is managed and managed well, then the outcomes for firms like Thai Airlines that use managerial accounting effectively will tend to be very good.


Holtzman, M. (2013, May 12). Managerial Accounting for Dummies Cheat Sheet -….

In very day life, it is a common occurrence to attend various special meetings to celebrate a given occasion. These meetings can also be for education purposes, promotions or commemorations. The occurrence of such special meetings constitutes an event. Therefore, to make this event happen, a long process of planning and preparing for the event takes place. Thus, this process of applying the skills and structures of project management to create and develop a festival, celebration, conference or social gathering is what makes event management (eid & Bojanic, 2010). Event management is significantly involving for the people who are organizing the event as they have several factors to ensure are in place for the event. Currently, there are several events; world events all over the world such as the Olympics and the world-cup games, which involve not only a portion of the bodies involved, but also the whole country….

Management in Spite of the

Another 110 individuals would be necessary in administrative positions; 120 people in the cleaning crews and the rest of 150 should occupy diverse positions.
4.2. ecruitment, selection and hiring

Once the event coordinator has identified the staffing need, he moves on to recruiting and selecting the individuals to occupy the available positions. ecruitment and selection is generically "concerned with any means available to meet the needs of the firm for certain skills and behaviors" (Armstrong, 2000, p.201). What these processes generally do it to attract prospective employees and determine which of the candidates are best suited for the available positions. It is imperative that the processes of recruitment and selection be efficient, effective and fair (ACAS). As the best candidates are identified, the human resource manager, after an understanding with the executives, makes an employment offer to the individual. This employment offer will not only include the specification of the salary,….

management, in particular the management of mega events. It also delves deeply into the positives and negatives of the London Olympic Games and the 2006 orld Cup events in Germany. Those who manage mega events have an enormous task and an almost impossible responsibility to the public, to those participating in the events, and to the countries where mega events take place. Those issues and more are covered in this paper.
Theoretically review the key aspects of event management

Form and Function

Theoretically an event is a kind of convergence, according to Professor Donald Getz (School of Tourism, The University of Queensland); it is a blending of forms and functions, and those in turn converge into a worthwhile experience for the tourist / participant. Getz uses two huge events to illustrate how form and function come together to produce a grand experience for the attendee. He points to the 2012 Summer Olympic….

Management Case Study
Scenario- We are an event management company. Our team has been asked to plan an event for 200 people in an outdoor "green" space. The event includes workshops, breakout meetings, breakfast and lunch.

Overall Task- Since the event has been requested in a "green" or outdoor space, the first consideration will be the venue and time of year. If the event is in a reasonable season (Mid-late Spring through Early -- Fall), it is likely we can find a venue that can accomplish this. The major consideration will be weather, specifically wind and rain, and proximity to back-up shelters if the need arises. The venue should include tents to cover areas for eating, and potentially meeting. Open air venues can also be problematical due to temperature fluctuations -- it is either too hot or too cold, and it is sometimes difficult to find a medium ground. In addition,….

Management Case Study; One work colleagues sits close unhappy position vocal office announcing discontent. They consistently draw conversation solicit support position. Some team members office starting perpetuate gossiping.
Event management case study

Within the workplace, a situation occurred in that one of our colleagues was extremely unhappy about their position within the firm. He constantly talked about it and strived to get me in a conversation about his discontent. I usually avoided such conversations, preferring to focus on the professional tasks and responsibilities, but I sensed that he was interested not only in exposing his point-of-view, but also in convincing me to support his opinion.

While I preferred to stay out of the conversations, the colleague approached other members in the office and some of them appeared sympathetic. As a result, the gossip is spreading out and it is both supportive of the colleague's plea, as well as condemning of it. In….

The objective of this work in writing is to conduct a critical assessment of the negative and positive impacts of cultural events or festivals upon the host community and destination. This work will be specific to the United Kingdom.

There is an increase in the growth of popularity of culturally-based events and festivals and because of this, these types of festivals and events are becoming more commonplace. Included in these events are "a diverse range of themes from the specific, food and wine, through to multi-faceted celebrations, such as multicultural festivals. Characteristically, they originate within the community in response to a need or desire to celebrate their unique identity." (Small, Edwards and Sheridan, 2005, p.86) The work of The 2nd DeHaan Tourism Management Conference: Nottingham: December 16th, 2003 entitled "The Impact of Festivals on Cultural Tourism" defines cultural tourism as "Travel directed toward experiencing the arts, heritage, and special character….

The advertising agency has been linked up with past event volunteers who have been approached to provide old video and film clips to be uploaded to Youtube and other video upload sites to aid in a viral video marketing strategy.
e will open ticket sales for the tournament several weeks ahead of the first matches so that spectators can plan for the event. e will highlight donations to charity and potential door prizes for ticket holders to increase interest for the event.

E. Personnel Scheduling.

e will have to line up contractors and necessary organizational employees. In addition, we have to draw up a core of volunteers to help us during the tournament. e will need to set up a seeding committee to assist. e will have to check to see if a racket stringer will is available. If this is not the case, we will have to hire out for this….

The use of managerial accounting to keep profit margins where they need to be and make sure that individual product offerings are not a net drain on the company is not the only thing that Thai Airlines can and must do to keep a competitive edge and to protect themselves from things like corporate malfeasance and terrorists attacks, but it is certainly a major thing that should be take into account and otherwise dealt with in a timely and complete nature. It will not be easy for Thai Airlines to keep their competitive edge largely because other firms will be doing the exact same calculations and measurements. However, not doing so would be ceding progress and adeptness to their competitors. As such, not doing managerial accounting should be a non-starter for Thai Airlines.

AccountingExplained.com. (2013, May 12). Managerial Accounting Introduction | Accounting Explained. Accounting Explained | Financial and Managerial Accounting….

S. DHS "Strategic Plan," 2008, http://www.dhs.gov/xabout/strategicplan/) ealistically acts of terrorism, domestic or foreign are exceedingly rare, though slightly more common than they have been in the past and at least marginally more violent in nature, they occur very, very rarely. (Lewis, 2000, p. 201) Though maintaining serious preparedness the mitigation of natural disasters, most which cannot be avoided is an issue needed to be addressed almost yearly, on both small and large scales, across the nation and is much more likely to directly effect people and resources on an intimate level and should be the Emergency Management system's first and primary concern! Though worst possible case scenarios, regarding the use of WMDs is important it is not where all the resources should go.
(5. In the course, you have been introduced to the various responsibilities of different levels of government in the homeland security effort. What level of government do you….

Key Components of Cloud Computing Infrastructure

1. Servers

Physical or virtual machines that host applications and data.
Different types include:
Bare-metal servers: Dedicated physical machines with direct hardware access.
Virtual machines (VMs): Isolated and virtualized environments that run on shared physical hardware.
Containers: Lightweight, self-contained units that package an application and its dependencies.

2. Storage

Systems for storing and managing data.
Types include:
Block storage: Raw storage volumes that can be attached to compute instances.
Object storage: Flat storage for unstructured data, accessible via REST APIs.
File storage: Network-attached file systems that provide shared access to files.

3. Networking

Infrastructure for connecting cloud....

7 Pages
Research Paper


Event Management of the Tour Down Under 2013

Words: 2267
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Management, Tour Down Under 2013 Events are the motivator of tourism. Events deliver a special atmosphere of festivity, hospitality and tradition. (Getz. 2008). In the last few years, the…

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9 Pages
Case Study


Management Three Case Studies Event Management Is

Words: 2756
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Case Study

Management Three Case Studies Event management is a complex, yet very interesting and rewarding profession. According to some, event management involves the organized planning of a particular event, as well…

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10 Pages

Business - Advertising

Strategic Brand Management Event Management Company Building

Words: 3495
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Strategic rand Management Event Management Company uilding a brand is an extensive task that requires multiple important elements to be successful. It does not only involve branding the product/service a company…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Integrated Event Management Plan

Words: 947
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Management Plan for Launching a Toyota Brand The event is about launching a new Toyota Hybrid Cruiser to be used in the Australian Market. The first point is developing…

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10 Pages
Case Study


Sports Marketing and Risks

Words: 2992
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

Management The Sport Marketing Association (SMA) holds a conference every year in an effort to bring together sports marketing practitioners, scholars, and students throughout the U.S. The conference, a…

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5 Pages

Business - Management

Management Accounting the Purpose of

Words: 1609
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The two basics to keep in mind is that managerial accounting should be used early and often and not just internal stakeholders should be heeded and listened to…

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11 Pages

Business - Management

Management in Very Day Life it Is

Words: 3595
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Management In very day life, it is a common occurrence to attend various special meetings to celebrate a given occasion. These meetings can also be for education purposes, promotions…

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13 Pages

Business - Management

Management in Spite of the

Words: 3753
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Another 110 individuals would be necessary in administrative positions; 120 people in the cleaning crews and the rest of 150 should occupy diverse positions. 4.2. ecruitment, selection and hiring Once…

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11 Pages


Management in Particular the Management of Mega

Words: 3655
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

management, in particular the management of mega events. It also delves deeply into the positives and negatives of the London Olympic Games and the 2006 orld Cup events…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Management Case Study Scenario- We Are an

Words: 897
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Management Case Study Scenario- We are an event management company. Our team has been asked to plan an event for 200 people in an outdoor "green" space. The event…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Management Case Study One Work Colleagues Sits

Words: 633
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Management Case Study; One work colleagues sits close unhappy position vocal office announcing discontent. They consistently draw conversation solicit support position. Some team members office starting perpetuate gossiping. Event…

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7 Pages


Management the Objective of This Work in

Words: 2194
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Management The objective of this work in writing is to conduct a critical assessment of the negative and positive impacts of cultural events or festivals upon the host community…

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9 Pages
Business Proposal


Management the Volvo International Also

Words: 2456
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Business Proposal

The advertising agency has been linked up with past event volunteers who have been approached to provide old video and film clips to be uploaded to Youtube and…

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5 Pages

Business - Management

Management Accounting This Memorandum Serves

Words: 1595
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The use of managerial accounting to keep profit margins where they need to be and make sure that individual product offerings are not a net drain on the…

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5 Pages

Business - Management

Managing Homeland Security You Were

Words: 2062
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

S. DHS "Strategic Plan," 2008, http://www.dhs.gov/xabout/strategicplan/) ealistically acts of terrorism, domestic or foreign are exceedingly rare, though slightly more common than they have been in the past and at…

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